sky-of-flame · 5 hours
Tommy Begins
When Tommy and Buck's plane is shot down, what was supposed to be a romantic weekend away turns into a fight for survival. You would think being stuck on a mountain with radios down, harsh weather conditions, and severe injuries would be the worst of their problems. But, sometimes memories from your past are what hurt you the most.
Chapter 1: Pain
Pain. That's the first thing he felt. A sharp pain in his shoulder that radiated down his back. He tried to move but his head hurt too; and what was that damp feeling at the back of his neck? His throat was dry. It was kind of hard to breathe.
And it was dark. Why was it dark? He doesn't remember it being nighttime. Did he fall asleep in the bathtub? Did he fall into the bathtub?
“E- Evan,” A voice called out. It was shaky and gravelly. “Evan.”
Who was that? Why were they calling him-
It was Tommy.
But why did he sound like that? Like he was scared.
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sky-of-flame · 6 hours
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have some lou on this fine day
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sky-of-flame · 1 day
I hope everyone—cast, crew, support people, every last individual involved with the making of this season—is proud of the work they did on this episode, and on the season itself. You created something thrilling, funny, devastating, empowering, heartbreaking and hopeful under enormous time constraints and pressure.
Angela Bassett and Ryan Guzman owned every scene they appeared in last night. Thank you especially to both of them for their incredible performances. I hope Ryan never doubts again what a great actor he is. His grief at the end of the episode was palpable.
Gratitude also to Oliver Stark and Lou Ferrigno Jr, who delivered one of the few (much needed) light moments in an otherwise emotionally harrowing episode. Watching Buck bloom with joy has been one of the high points of this season. Tommy has been a fun and funny addition to the cast, and I hope we see more of them both next season.
May everyone have a restful hiatus. You all deserve it!
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Submit Your 7x10 Gratitudes
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sky-of-flame · 1 day
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sky-of-flame · 1 day
tommy is very quiet. he's a quiet guy. i don't get the impression he talks a lot or likes to talk so that just means that he spends a lot of time listening to his boyfriend speak. the first couple weeks/months, it makes buck so deeply self-conscious because he feels like he's just speaking for hours uninterrupted. sure, every time he looks at tommy, tommy always nods at him to continue, but it still feels bad. still feels wrong and selfish. so buck stops talking. he'll answer questions and talk about his day but he won't chat, he won't ramble like he used to. he's being respectful and considerate. anyway, a couple days into his new plan, tommy touches his wrist while they're on the sofa.
"hey, are you okay?"
buck frowns. he pauses the movie. "uh y-yeah. why do you ask?"
tommy hits him with a Look—one of his many buck looks. "we're halfway into batman begins and you haven't said a word."
tommy shakes his head, his thumb smoothing over the jut of his wrist. "it's not just that. it's — you've been quiet lately. i just wanted to make sure you were alright."
he shrugs but buck only stares.
"i didn't think you noticed."
tommy hits him with another look—this one says, be serious evan. buck turns on the sofa so he can face him. "i feel like i'm - like i'm talking too much. it makes me feel... rude."
"rude." tommy snorts. "okay. well. first of all, i notice everything about you, so let's start there." he says it so casually, like he's not breaking buck's brain. "second of all, i don't know if you've met me, but no one ever said i was a saint. you can be a little rude. it's good for you."
he winks. buck huffs a laugh and nods. "okay. noted."
"third of all."
buck nods at him to continue.
"third of all, don't think you have to stop talking on my account." his eyes grow distant, lost in memory. "my house was... quiet, growing up. i was quiet. didn't know what to say, didn't know what i was allowed to say that wouldn't piss my dad off so i just didn't say anything. i still don't say anything." he pauses to make sure buck is listening. "i don't like quiet. i do love hearing what you have to say. so keep doing that, please." he turns back to the movie, like he hasn't just made buck start to fall in love with him, and nods to the tv. "press play?"
buck presses play.
and when he starts talking hesitantly about nolan's film style, tommy nods to show that he's listening. buck spreads out on his lap and keeps talking, making note of little details and trivia here and there, relaxing more and more with every word, and tommy takes his hand and presses a kiss to his fingertips so buck can feel the curve of his smile. 😌
oh my god jack 😭😭😭
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sky-of-flame · 2 days
Tim Minear really squeezed Lou Ferrigno Jr into the finale so we could spend the summer knowing that when Buck and Tommy make love, Buck calls Tommy daddy.
I just...
Come over here, SIR, so I can place a medal of honor around your neck.
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sky-of-flame · 2 days
one consistency in 911 is that every so often they need to give us a scene that reminds us that buck is a little freak and I respect them for that
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sky-of-flame · 2 days
↪ 911 on ABC, 7.10 “All Fall Down”
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sky-of-flame · 2 days
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bucktommy daddy kink confirmed
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
oh, how i LOVE that tim decided to include tommy in the last two episodes, even though they are not really buck-focused. if this doesn't prove to you how serious he actually is about tommy being a long-term LI for buck, i don't know what will.
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
tommy surprised buck with their 1st kiss. buck surprised tommy with their 2nd kiss. for their 3rd kiss i'd love to see it be a mutual thing where they both know it's going to happen; there's just something about that moment of knowing before lips meet - the anticipation - and i want so badly to see that on both their faces.
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
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I feel so high school eveytime I look at you, but look at you! Or whatever that blonde lady said
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
Putting on my clown makeup to ✨️manifest✨️ a "Tommy in Bobby's room with Buck" scene in the finale 🙏
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
Amateur 911 Tiktok commentators: blocked
Twitter feed: perfectly curated
Tumblr dash: filled with bucktommy
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
And when Tommy comforts Buck about Bobby’s condition and Buck remembers what his last conversation with Bobby was and hugs Tommy tighter for it???
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
going into the season 7 finale and trying to find any happiness like
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sky-of-flame · 3 days
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something ‘bout a boat by afterafternoons / swiftietartt
explicit • 9.8k • completed • bucktommy
Tommy introduces Evan to his friends.
Read on Ao3
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