skinnyvogues · 4 years
anti-binge guide
when you feel a craving coming on:
drink a glass or two of water, slowly
have a piece of fruit, like an apple
make some warm herbal tea with natural sweetener
go for a long walk or hike, put your earphones in and clear your head - walk with a friend if you’d prefer
if you’re still craving the food, have the tiniest bit of it, no more than a bite, and have another glass of water
watch a long movie or start a new show
study! complete homework or begin revising for exams
write down your own thinspo imagines
do some online window shopping and look at all the outfits you want to wear at a smaller size
make your own thinspo playlist
do some yoga or meditation
things to keep in mind:
you already know what your favourite foods taste like - you don’t need to eat them again in bulk
imagine the amount of progress you’ll make tomorrow if you exercise self control right now
the shame and guilt that follows a binge is not worth it
the physical pain and exhaustion is not worth it
you’re not just affecting your weight, you’re affecting your overall health, your mental well-being, your skin
binging means you’re wasting your time when you could be doing something much more productive
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
99 Distractions for when you need them
Drink a cup of hot tea
Wear soft, comfortable clothes
Take a bubble bath
Take a long shower
Get a massage
Get a manicure
Read a magazine
Wash your hair
Wrap up in a blanket
Give yourself a facial
Colour a colouring book
Play with Lego
Blow bubbles
Light candles
Read your favourite children’s book
Make a snack
Have a nap
Watch a funny video
Watch a good movie
Read a joke book
Watch the clouds go by
Play with a pet
Drive with the windows down
Braid your hair
Do a crossword puzzle
Research a topic
Complete a maze
Play a word game
Organise something
Listen to a podcast
Visit your local library
Plan something
Write in a journal
Talk a walk
Wash the dishes
Dance around your room
Iron your clothes
Water your plants
Go to the park
Cook a nice meal
Hoover the house
Drive to a new part of town
Hula hoop
Practise your yoga
Play tennis
Rearrange your bedroom
Go for a swim
Run through the sprinkler
Wash your sheets
Ride a bike
Go bowling
Weed the garden
Call a friend
Make a gift for someone
Write a thank you note
Write a letter
Meet up with a friend
Visit a nursing home
Message someone you love
Invite someone to go shopping
Bake bread
Send an uplifting, kind anonymous message
Invent something
Play an instrument
Make an instrument
Create a video
Draw yourself as a cartoon
Visit an art museum
Watch the buskers in town
Do a craft project
Try out a new recipe
Plan a new outfit
Decorate your room
Listen to guided meditation
Download a new game
Level up in an old game
Take photographs
Compliment someone
Call your parents
Play with your siblings
Find new blogs to follow
Give yourself a pep talk
Tidy your room
Update your blog theme
Make a smoothie
Design your dream house
Paint your toenails
Clean your makeup brushes
Write a story
Clean the fridge
Organise your wardrobe
Watch a full season of a new show
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
Reblog to have the best restrictive week of your life- ignore and your worst binge week starts now. 🎉
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
Safe Foods Masterpost
Almost everything, really… (But I’m listing my favourites ayy)
Napa cabbage: 12 calories/100 g
Lettuce: 15 calories/100 g
Celery: 16 calories/100 g
Cucumber: 16 calories/100 g
Zucchini: 17 calories/ 100 g
Tomato: 18 calories/100 g
Bell pepper: 20 calories/100 g
Spinach: 23 calories/100 g
Cabbage: 25 calories/100 g
Eggplant: 25 calories/100 g
Pumpkin: 26 calories/100 g
Green beans: 31 calories/100 g
Broccoli: 34 calories/100 g
Mushrooms: 38 calories/100 g
Onion: 40 calories/100 g
Carrots: 41 calories/100 g
Questionable -
Potato: 77 calories/100 g
Peas: 81 calories/100 g
Sweet potato: 86 calories/100 g
Watermelon: 30 calories/100 g
Strawberries: 33 calories/100 g
Cantaloupe: 34 calories/100 g
Honeydew: 36 calories/100 g
Peach: 39 calories/100 g
Grapefruit: 42 calories/100 g
Blackberries: 43 calories/100 g
Orange: 47 calories/100 g
Cherry: 50 calories/100 g
Pineapple: 50 calories/100 g
Apple: 52 calories/100 g
Raspberries: 53 calories/100 g
Tangerine: 53 calories/100 g
Questionable -
Mango: 60 calories/100 g
Kiwi: 61 calories/100 g
Grapes: 67 calories/100 g
Fish and meat alternatives:
(I’m pescetarian :P)
Also, everything here is Questionable™ (except egg whites since they’re awesome) because stuff with protein is usually packed with calories
Egg whites: 52 calories/100 g
Tofu: 76 calories/100 g
Fish balls: 77 calories/100 g
Cod: 82 calories/100 g
Haddock: 90 calories/100 g
Imitation crab: 95 calories/100 g
Shrimp: 99 calories/100 g
Lentils: 116 calories/100 g
Quinoa: 120 calories/100 g
Carp: 127 calories/100 g
Tilapia: 129 calories/100 g
Salmon: 142 calories/100 g
Eggs: 155 calories/100 g
Dairy products and alternatives:
(Drinks in separate category)
0% plain yogurt: 56 calories/100 g
0% plain Greek yogurt: 59 calories/100 g
Questionable -
Fat free cottage cheese: 123 calories/cup
(Snacks not included)
Shirataki noodles: 5 calories/cup
Rice cakes: 35 calories/cake (9 g)
Questionable -
Oatmeal: 68 calories/100 g
Whole wheat bread: 69 calories/slice (28 g)
Whole wheat pita: 75 calories/1 small (28 g)
Cheerios: 100 calories/cup
Corn Flakes: 100 calories/cup
Water: 0 calories
Coffee: 2 calories/cup
Green tea: 2 calories/cup
Peppermint tea: 2 calories/cup
Unsweetened cashew milk: 25 calories/cup
Unsweetened almond milk: 30 calories/cup
Questionable -
Unsweetened soy milk: 80 calories/cup
(Mostly snacks included here)
Pickles: 4 calories/1 small (37 g)
Rice thins: 7 calories/piece
Vegetable thins: 7 calories/piece
Multigrain wheat thins: 9 calories/piece
Vegetable broth: 12 calories/cup
Saltine crackers: 13 calories/cracker
Knorr’s vegetable bouillon cube: 15 calories/0.5 cube
Plain air popped popcorn: 31 calories/cup
Unsweetened applesauce: 42 calories/100 g
Questionable -
Dried cranberries: 123 calories/serving (40 g)
Quaker Chewy chocolate chip granola bar: 110/bar
Raisins: 129 calories/small box (43 g)
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
Random ED things nobody really talks about
Being jealous of friends or people who have been severely underweight/ hospitalized
Hundreds of awkward angle body checking photos
Looking at the size of your legs/body in every mirror, reflection, shop window
Being disgusted at watching people eat
Comparing people’s body size and weight to yours before noticing anything else about them
Being obsessed with cooking/dieting/food programmes
The pain of hitting your hip bone on a table
Hating yourself for judging anyone who is healthy or overweight
Being proud of your lowest weight once recovered/weight restored
Eye rolls when anyone without an ED discusses their new diet/weight loss
Eating every tiny bit of a specific calorie portioned food because damn if you’ve counted those calories you are gonna enjoy them
Feeling embarrassed for eating ‘unhealthy’ foods because people assume you eat nothing/survive on lettuce
'Wow you’re actually eating’ kill me
Not enjoying excercise or wanting to work out
Alternating between being scared of all food and wanting to consume everything in sight
Really horrific awful bad breath (like seriously bad)
One day you’re too scared to eat a tomato the next you eat chocolate without worrying about it
Looking in the mirror after eating and feeling like you gained 20lbs
The anxiety and embarrassment of buying laxatives/diet pills
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
*Hears footsteps towards my room* Please dont
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
Me at school: I love to starve I want to be hungry forever
Me at home: let’s play a game called how much food can I eat in four minutes
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
Hunger is the first element of self discipline. If you can control what you eat and drink, you can control everything.
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
By all means, talk and raise awareness about depression. But please mention:
•Not showering or brushing your teeth for two weeks •Getting sick from a vitamin D deficiency because you haven’t been outside in a solid month •Getting lightheaded when you stand up from bed because you’ve been laying down for days •The body pains •Shampoo not bubbling because this is the first time you washed your hair in three weeks •Over stimulation •Pity from a distance •'Get over yourself, there’s people *in Africa starving, with cancer, homeless, living in poverty, dying, ect.’ •Massive weight gain •Massive weight loss •Both •Your body literally changing how it looks and deposits fat based on frequent weight gain and loss •Hair loss •Zero self esteem •Breaking out in acne so bad you can’t put your head on a pillow from pain •Being too depressed to commit suicide •Self imposed isolation •Stomach cramps •Nausea •Vomiting •'You’re so dramatic, it can’t be that bad’
If you don’t, I’m not saying you’re not raising awareness, but you definitely need to reevaluate your platform
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skinnyvogues · 4 years
Just remember, in 20 seconds, the food will be gone, the taste will be over, just like that. And all that will be left is regret. Are you sure you want it?
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skinnyvogues · 5 years
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skinnyvogues · 5 years
🐍🌙Neon Orchid
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skinnyvogues · 5 years
My feed is so dead
pls if you
• post thinspo
• are 16+
• are SUPER active
• post sweet/meanspo
• starting weight is 130+
reblog so i can follow you!! thank you!!!
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skinnyvogues · 5 years
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skinnyvogues · 5 years
This weeks diet.
Sunday: FAST.
Monday: 500 cal.
Tuesday: FAST.
Wednesday: 350 cal.
Thursday: FAST.
Friday: 600 cal.
Saturday: FAST.
Sunday: 200 cal.
Lose around 5kg (10ibs) or more.
I do not recommend doing this more then 8 days once a month or you could get serious health issues. Be careful!
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skinnyvogues · 5 years
Okay bitch I’m desperate
So I made a new, super unhealthy diet so I can get Skinni™️ by 2020. I didn’t count for the two holidays (thanksgiving + Christmas) that my family celebrates but I’ll let myself have 2000 on those days and then fast the day after. I’ll post daily food logs w how much weight I lose and how I feel after if you want to follow. Yeehaw lets get tiny. (The photo I used is (sadly) not me)
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