skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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gay Peter Pevensie
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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Well now I DEFINITELY need to learn Icelandic.
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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Gavin & Nines | Detroit Evolution
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
Connoe: So here’s the tea.
Amanda: For the last time it’s called a mission report.
Connor: Do you want the tea or not?
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
can’t believe we now have fanfics based on a movie based on fanfics based on a video game
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
odin is like “when thor was born the sun shone bright upon his beautiful face. i found loki on the sidewalk outside a taco bell”
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skidaddleskadoodle · 4 years
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skidaddleskadoodle · 5 years
the stranded on netflix has actually made me cry with the jack and krit story
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skidaddleskadoodle · 5 years
Rambling about The Stranded
Alright, after sleeping in way too long and getting myself a cup of coffee, maybe I’ll finally manage to wirte something coherent about The Stranded?
Spoilers for the whole series below, of course.
-I liked it? Probably wouldn’t have watched it in one sitting if I didn’t, but still. It was good.
-So I heavily recommend it. Although if you’re reading this you probably have watched it already so who am I even talking to lmao.
-Kinda hoped it would have been scarier though. There were some creepy moments but none that were truly scary. Which was a slight disappointment, but they probably weren’t even going for straight up horror.
-That said though, I got a slight feeling that the series tried to do way too many things at once and lost it’s focus at times. They kinda kept switching the tone.
-Wich offered nice diversity and kept things fresh, BUT
-It kinda made the different aspects of the show feel a bit separate from each other. There was the horror-y stuff with supernatural aspects, then the relationship dramas, and then there was also the whole thing of the kids building a mini society on the island (or maybe more like how they kinda failed at that and everything just crumbled down).
-and also resulted in weird continuity issues like everyone just forgetting Arisa in the jungle for TWO WEEKS. I mean most of them probably didn’t care, but what about Ying? To be fair, Arisa did kinda ditch her, but still. She seemed to just forget she even existed and wow.
-They all got over Joey’s death a bit too quickly too, imo. Even though you’d think it’s a big shock for all of them. I mean sure, they just survived a tsunami and don’t even know if their FAMILIES are alive, but Joey was still the first one among them to die, so it would have been nice if it had a bit more impact.
-Some of the more lighthearted aspects also felt out of place at times. Didn’t bother me too much, but it’ll probably be jarring to some people.
-Also it was slightly amusing how even in the desperate situation they were in, ppl still had time for relationship drama. But they are teenagers and all the stress is probably messing up their hormones real bad, so I guess it’s kinda understandable.
-Anyway, my main concern would be that they they don’t manage to tie together these different sides of the shows in a meaningful way in the upcoming season(s).
-When Arisa first appeared on screen, like 2 minutes into the show, my first thought was literally; wow, I bet she likes girls? AND I MEAN-
-Speaking of which, the whole Arisa/Ying thing got me so confused. It was clear as day Arisa was attracted to her, but then she got all like ‘lol nope’. To be fair, it was most likely just the case of her not being ready to admit her feelings. But still, it frustrated me.
-ALSO then there was Arisa having a few moments with Nat towards the end of the series and Ying being patching things up with Ice.
-This is probably just me being way too into my ‘Arisa must be a lesbian’ -headcanon, but I have a mini theory that she was actually in love with Mint.
-Istg if Arisa and Ying DON’T get together in the hypothetical s2, I’m gonna be upset.
-Moving on from that, I also accidentally predicted May getting pregnant lmao.
-Can’t really remember it clearly, but there was some scene scene in ep1 when I thought ‘hm, is she pregnant?’ (I think they focused the camera on her stomach or something). Sure she wasn’t at the moment, but still. Lol.
-I also kept wondering in any of them even used condoms. Did the island even have condoms? I mean probably yes, but I’d be surprised if Ice and Ying hadn’t already used them all.
-I guess it really was just a matter of time before someone got pregnant.
-My favorite characters ended up being Arisa, Ying and Nahm. Especially loved Arisa, which is absolutely no surprise at all.
-ALSO, I just have to say this, Ying is really beautiful?? I’d be crushing on her too.
-Really hated Anan, but he was such an interesting character! Really complex, and I want to know more about him (and why he hates Kraam so much).
-Anan losing his shit over May cheating on him cracked me up bc I associate March too heavily with Phu and if you’ve watched Hormones, YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID. You reap what you sow, honey.
-I have surprisingly little to say about Krit and Jack, even though I liked them?
-They mainly just shattered my heart. Like I legit wanted to cry when Jack died, how’s that even prossible? We didn’t even know him for THAT long.
-Also, I probably shouldn’t have watched LBC so close to this. At first I just kept seeing Perth and Mark as Ae and Kengkla and LET ME TELL YOU, it kinda cracked me up even among all the angst. It did go away pretty soon tho.
-I know I’ve wished a slow, painful death for Kengkla (no offense at all, i’m just… NOT fond of the character), BUT THIS IS UNRELATED. Jack did nothing wrong.
-Both Perth and Mark did such a great job and I’M PROUD OF THEM.
-Btw, the casting for Jack and Jan was perfect. The girl who played Jan really resembled Mark. They aren’t actually related, are they?
-Btw, wouldn’t it have been better to amputate Jack’s leg to stop the infection from spreading? Sure that would have had it’s own risks, but since his situation was already pretty desperate, they should have just taken the chance.
-In the same vein, couldn’t they have used the generator to power up their phones? Kraam could have listened to the voice message his dad left, and WE WOULD HAVE ANSWERS.
-Okay, most likely not their top priority, but still.
-Gun confessing his love to sleeping Nat was so soft and I loved it.
-They most likely won’t end up together, but I want it so bad.
-I’m still not sure what to think about ‘’the teacher’’, or whoever she ends up being. Is she evil or not? Getting mixed signals here. Or maybe she’s more like a neutral being, not truly evil or good.
-Nahm said she’s not and she seems to be the most trustworthy of them all, but then again she DID have that weird dream. Is she under her influence?
-Took me a while to realize, but almost all of the people they showed at the end of the last episode, also acted in Hormones? No wonder they looked familiar.
-I kinda predicted we wouldn’t get any real answers in this season, but I’m still a bit frustrated. I WANNA KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON.
I most likely forgot to include something, and my ramblings most likely make 0 sense, but if I want to add something I’ll just make a follow-up post.
I really hope the series does well enough for us to get a second season, because this series definitely NEEDS ONE.
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skidaddleskadoodle · 5 years
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“So.. If the man has to leave the woman at the end of the play.. What would he say?” “Let’s come up with it together.” “She would say.. ‘I love you so much. If you’re gone, how would I live?’” “And then he would say…”
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skidaddleskadoodle · 5 years
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skidaddleskadoodle · 5 years
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skidaddleskadoodle · 5 years
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