sizingherorule · 5 years
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she’s quite funky and fun isn’t she
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sizingherorule · 5 years
platonic soulmates are underrated yet so incredibly important
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sizingherorule · 5 years
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Fanart Showcase! 2019: Fantasy!BnHA – Alchemist!Yui Kodai (@sizingherorule​)
Literally have been on and off with this one just because I couldn’t pick a style I was perfectly satisfied with. All things said and done, this is probably the closest I’ll get to how I imagined her with: lots of pouches for some alchemy on the fly, a spell book, and a Newt Scamander-inspired suitcase that acts as both her research lab and a sanctuary for endangered mythical creatures.
As for her outfit…..I just took the Biochemist job class from RO for reference. ¯\_(ᐛ )_/¯
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sizingherorule · 5 years
"This color suits you."
[King of Fools by Amanda Foody Starter List: ]
Kodai found herself blinking a few times before looking down at her latest project. It was a pretty, soft-cream sun dress, its flowy fabric starting just under her chest. A plain design, all things considered, except apparently it seemed to complement her eyes. The real attention-grabber, though, was Monoma complimenting her out of the blue like this here in the lounge. After all, she was only asking the other girls on their opinion.Maybe Monoma was good in fashion, too?
“..Mm.” Of course, and as usual, Kodai did nothing but make a solemn nod in response before turning her attention back to the other girls. She listened in on their exchange in opinions, suggestions, so on and so forth... Although at some point, she did turn back towards Monoma when they were all busy talking among each other. 
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“Does it.. really suit me?”
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sizingherorule · 5 years
// Strangest, most random headcanon about Yui that nobody asked for: Yui owns an Apprehension Engine and also knows how to use it.
// Literally nobody knows how or why she possesses this supposed 'instrument' and learned how to play it; I bet not even her parents make the exception, they probably just accepted this as reality. Nobody knows when she ever got it. It's just there. This is just a thing she has and apparently knows how to play it.
// And somehow, to this day, no one can still even get the answers out of her.
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sizingherorule · 5 years
King of Fools by Amanda Foody Starter List:
"A friend of mine suggested I pay you a visit."
"I'm recruiting."
"The shiner doesn't look that bad."
"It's no fun hurting you if you're already hurt."
"I'm successful, not responsible."
"You're better looking in your wanted poster."
"You know, I only told you because I thought you of all people wouldn't worry about me."
"Of course I'll worry about you, muckhead."
"No wonder you collect all those knives - how else would you convince people to fear you."
"You have a reputation now."
"So are you trying to be a saint, or are just taking advantage of the situation?"
"Just because I've forgiven you doesn't mean I won't warn you."
"I left it with urgency. I've no intention of dying before I get what I want."
"Remember - don't do anything sinful here. This is a holy place after all."
"Until you've killed a worthier opponent, you've proven nothing."
"Do you know what people are saying about you?"
"We could set up a lemonade stand on the beach."
"I'm not interested in lace and cream puffs."
"I want to learn something interesting. Teach me how to curtsy."
"I could teach you all the ways to kill a man."
"You're five feet tall and look like you're thirteen years old."
"You're not exactly going to instill fear in the hearts of many."
"You always look like you're about to cry."
"This color suits you."
"You're not focused on the target."
"Listen, I didn't bring you along with me to threaten you."
"I never thought criminals could be so self-reflective."
"Don't stop your games on my account."
"Do you have a death wise?"
"You can't just risk yourselves like that."
"You told me not to worry about your plan."
"No wonder you kiss me all the time. That must shut me up, right?"
"I can't always be as dashing as the stories."
"It's not a favor if you pay me."
"Unless there's an emergency, please don't disturb us."
"Did you come here just to insult me?"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drag you into this."
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
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sizingherorule · 5 years
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// Ayeee, Embi back at it again with tryna promote her plethora of muses again (👉⌐■‿■)👉 This time, it’s Yui Kodai! 
// If you’re interested in interacting with Class 1-B’s favorite silent hero gal, then feel free to reblog and spread the love or even just throw interactions her way! Just can’t guarantee she’ll visibly express anything in return... (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
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sizingherorule · 5 years
He feels his face certainly heating up. 
This girl just had to be a robot. There was hardly any reaction! Could he even do it? They were just millimeters apart from one another. 
Shit, was she really wanting him to do it? Or perhaps she was in it to win for bragging rights? Yui didn’t seem like that kind of girl… He feels his face get a bit warm. 
Before he knew it, he lets their lips brush before he bites off the piece of pocky and pulls away. Nope, he couldn’t kiss her. Or did he? They touched but it wasn’t a legitimate kiss. Oh boy. 
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“…Ah… cool. I was surprised you could be so… zen about it.”
“...!” Kaibara might’ve pulled away when the two of them ended up having their lips touch by just a bit, but Kodai, on the other hand, ended up freezing up still where she was. She’d gone completely silent, head turned away at just a slight angle without any signs of her responding back...
“..Nn...” ..But turns out, Kodai had just gone surprisingly.. shy. She was averting her gaze, looking anywhere except Kaibara’s general direction. Did he.. actually go that far? She was honestly expecting for him to chicken out, didn’t think he’d end up letting it happen, but.. but he did. He did, and she knows, and she knows that he knows that he did.
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..Would that.. be considered her first kiss then...?
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sizingherorule · 5 years
@instantcopycat started following you
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Kodai just looks at Monoma before waving a hello then turning back to her sewing.
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sizingherorule · 5 years
@nitrosweet replied to your post “Getting to know Yui Kodai! Name? “..Kodai Yui.” Are you single?...”
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// tiny animals in tiny outfits are probably her weakness. juuuuust saying...~
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sizingherorule · 5 years
Getting to know Yui Kodai!
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Name? “..Kodai Yui.”
Are you single? “..Yes.”
Are you happy? “..Sure.”
Are you angry? “..No.”
Are your parents still married? “..Yes.”
Birth Place? “Shimane Prefecture.”
Hair Color? “Black.”
Eye Color? “Cerulean.”
Birthday? “December 19th.”
Mood? “..Mn.”
Gender? “Female.”
Summer or winter? “..Eh.”
Morning or afternoon? “..Morning.”
Are you in love? “... No.”
Do you believe in love at first sight? “..No.”
Who ended your last relationship? “Never had one.”
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? “..No.” (Even though she’s completely oblivious of the fanclub a group of boys made for her back in middle school.)
Are you afraid of commitments? “..N..o...”
Have you hugged someone within the last week? “..Setsuna hugged me the other day.” (@createinfinity​​)
Have you ever had a secret admirer? “..No clue.”
Have you ever broken your own heart? “No.”
Love or lust? “.. Love, I guess.”
Lemonade or iced tea? “Iced tea.”
Cats or Dogs? "..Cats...” (She likes making little outfits for cats.)
A few best friends or many regular friends? “A few best friends.”
A wild night out or romantic night in? “..Not sure.”
Day or night? “..Night. More time for myself.”
Been caught sneaking out? “No.”
Fallen down/up the stairs? “Neither.”
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? “...”
Wanted to disappear? “..No.”
Smile or eyes? “Smile...”
Shorter or Taller? “Shorter means less fabric or material used.”
Intelligence or Attraction? “Intelligence, I guess...”
Hook-up or Relationship? “... R..elation..ship...”
Do you and your family get along? "Yes.”
Would you say you have a “messed up life”? “Not at all.”
Have you ever ran away from home? "No.”
Have you ever gotten kicked out? "Never.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends? ".....No.”
Do you consider all of your friends to be good friends? “Yes.”
Who is your best friend? "..Setsuna...” (@createinfinity) (Part of her really wants to befriend Yaoyorozu.)
Who knows everything about you? “My parents, I think.”
tagged by: --- tagging: up for grabs!
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sizingherorule · 5 years
Muse Maker
Tagged By: — Tagging: up for grabs!
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sizingherorule · 5 years
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Favorite Fall/Winter looks 🍁❄️
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sizingherorule · 5 years
@shrrktoothed started following you
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Huh, it’s the 1-A’s Tetsutetsu. Don’t worry, she remembers Kirishima’s name. If she had to be honest, Kodai sort of found herself preferring Kirishima over Tetsutetsu, mainly just because his personality is much easier to swallow than the latter. Of course, nothing could ever replace 1-B’s Tetsutetsu, though. His character was one of the few that really stood out in their class, after all. Monoma would certainly agree, right?
..Still, when it came to choosing which of the remaining class 1-A students to pick for this joint study hall session, Kodai decided to go with Kirishima. She bowed, then sat next to him and his desk.
“...” “.....” “.....Let’s do our best.”
That’s it. That’s all she says before going straight to studying for math.
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sizingherorule · 5 years
If he didn’t know any better, he might be dealing with a robot here. Regardless, he takes a small bite closer to her face. Eyes drift all around, occasionally glancing towards the girl. 
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He wonders if she’s even affected like this.
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If Kodai was being affected by this in any way at all, then she must be really good at not showing it. Nothing about her expression has changed one bit. If anything, she was gazing even deeper into Kaibara’s eyes whenever their gazes would meet. The very tip of their noses are just about ready to touch any moment now.
But she kept on staring. Just........ s t a r i n g.
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sizingherorule · 5 years
@galactiicsouls’s Kaibara answered your ask
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Kodai simply takes to her end of the stick with a slow, drawled out nibble. Her eyes are dead set on Kaibara. An unwavering, piercing stare into his eyes. It doesn’t even look like she’s blinked yet.
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sizingherorule · 5 years
"Yui! Yui! Yui!!" Setsuna is floating outside Yui's window with a messily wrapped box of dinosaur shaped chocolate, grinning broadly. "Let me in! My hands are full and I want to give you a hug." (I didn't get to send anything for Valentine's Day so have this nonsense.)
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Yui quickly lifted up her head to the sound of an all too familiar voice outside the veranda. Yep, it was Setsuna alright. What did she end up bringing her this time? There’s a silent sigh, and soon enough, she went to open her sliding door, allowing the classmate to float on in with her present in tow.
“Is.. this for me?”Yui was quick to jump straight to the point, eyes focused on that messily-wrapped box all while letting Setsuna give her that hug (to which, of course, she returned as well). When the chocolates were officially presented, she couldn’t help but flutter her eyes a little more open at the surprise. 
Chocolates... For her?... But Valentine’s Day was a month ago. Must be a belated obligatory friendship chocolate gift. At least she didn’t mind that. The gesture was more than enough for her to appreciate.
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“..Thank you, Setsuna...” Her expression softened dearly for Setsuna as she stared at the chocolates for just a little longer. Even if she scarcely expressed herself on a regular basis...
“.. Really, I mean it.” At the very least, she hoped words could still do her justice.
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