(I’m so, so sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a bit there. Work picked up suddenly and my personal life got a bit hectic, but I’M BACK. Just send me a message if you’d like to RP with me!)
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The feeling of the kitten’s paw on his hand was strange. He had never felt fur before and having the hair wet against his hand was odd. Feeling the creature rub it’s head against his hand and meow made a thought cross his mind. Cats needed food. Was this one hungry? He had been discouraged from hunting his tank mates but..he supposed it could be overlooked if he were sharing, right? He offered a soft dolphin click and gave the human gesture for ‘one moment’ before disappearing back into the tank.
He was sure the kitten watched as he chased down a decent sized fish, bringing it to the top and presenting it as an offering. The humans wouldn’t notice one fish missing from his tank. Besides they claimed to know the habits of the specues he resembled, they should have known this would happen.
The sounds the not-fish made were strange, but Sissel understood 'one moment'. Trotting to and fro on the edge of the basin, Sissel waited impatiently as one of the fish got hunted down.
When it was laid in front of him, the kitten wasted no time in pouncing on it, greedily tearing bits of fish off it and chowing down happily, purring up a storm. Once he had its fill, the kitten leaned forward and rubbed his head along the merman's hand again, in gratitude this time.
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Whoa! The kitten leapt back, startled, when the definitely-not-a-fish surfaced, but after a moment, curiosity won it over again, and Sissel re-settled at the edge of the aquarium.
The thing in the aquarium looked mostly human, from what Sissel could see, but the lower half was decidedly fish-shaped. How strange. He hadn’t thought it to be possible – though admittedly, he wasn’t exactly a world-wise kitten, just one that happened to sneak into the aquarium one day and managed to steal fish on a semi-regular basis.
Slowly, the kitten reached out a paw to the not-fish, attempting to tap at him to gauge the response to that. The fish in the other tanks tended to try and escape when he did that, but this one seemed different.
He tilted his head at the outsretched paw, moving a bit closer and lifting a hand from the water to inspect it. Would this black thing…? It looked like a picture he’d seen in puzzles before. It was…a cat! He wondered why it was here though.
He fixed the kitten with a questioning look and waited.
Tilting his head slightly, Sissel reached out to the not-fish's hand, tapping it gently. No swimming away yet, apparently.
It felt like a normal human hand, though wet from the water. Why would the humans leave this one in a tank, though? It didn't really add up.
Well, humans typically had food or something, right? And this one seemed to like him, or so he hoped, because it had been way too long since he'd managed to nab some fish. Leaning forward, teetering precariously on the edge of the tank, Sissel rubbed his head along the outstretched hand, ignoring the discomforting wetness on his fur, giving a carefully-cute, "Mrow?"
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Whoa! The kitten leapt back, startled, when the definitely-not-a-fish surfaced, but after a moment, curiosity won it over again, and Sissel re-settled at the edge of the aquarium.
The thing in the aquarium looked mostly human, from what Sissel could see, but the lower half was decidedly fish-shaped. How strange. He hadn’t thought it to be possible -- though admittedly, he wasn’t exactly a world-wise kitten, just one that happened to sneak into the aquarium one day and managed to steal fish on a semi-regular basis.
Slowly, the kitten reached out a paw to the not-fish, attempting to tap at him to gauge the response to that. The fish in the other tanks tended to try and escape when he did that, but this one seemed different.
🐬 Now THAT was a weird fish -- assuming it was one, anyway. Sissel didn't THINK he could eat it, but it was interesting nonetheless. Tiptoeing near the edge of the aquarium, he sniffed at the water curiously, peering at the possibly-not-a-fish inside.
Yomiel had caught sight of a small black….thing wandering near his tank. It seemed to be eyeing him from it’s perch. What did it want? Could it talk? Could it swim?
After a moment, he had decided that was enough wondering and waiting. He swam cautiously up to the funny little black thing and watched it right back. He was far enough that the black thing could not reach him, he hoped, but if he wished to initiate contact he could.
This probably-not-a-fish was rather good at human logic puzzles and this suprised the humans who often thought themselves the only ones capable of higher cognitive functions.That was what made him interesting to them, his ability to complete these puzzles and continue to do so for the amusement of humans. Unless they were easy or he’d completed them before. Then he would refuse. Gods help them if they ever ran out of puzzles. This was no dolphin they could force to do tricks for a reward of measly fish.He was smarter and more stubborn too.
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favorite game 7: ghost trick: phantom detective
there are very few games that i can refer to as perfect. this is one of them.
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Can you reblog this if the mun is 18+
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The day had been rather quiet so far, with Kamila busy with schoolwork. So after waking up from a long nap, Sissel had gone for a walk around the city. It ended up taking longer than expected when the surroundings seemed familiar, so on a whim, he ended up taking a detour.
Sure enough, there was the blue-clad boy he’d been looking for. Walking up with a spring in his step, Sissel gave a friendly head-bump when he got within reach.
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“Hello, Luke. Nice to see you, too. I hope you’ve been well?”
@sisselthekittycat has found the unwound ghost! x
                                        {  ✐  ?  ✎  ?  ✐ }
Claire almost wanted to be relieved when the little black kitten approached her. Finally, a creature she wouldn’t have to pretend around! But no–Luke could talk to animals. And since she was trapped in Luke’s body, that power transferred to her for the time being.
She had to admit, though: she was curious about how it would work.
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Claire smiled softly after fishing the cat’s name from Luke’s memory. “Hullo there, Sissel. It’s good to see you out again.”
                                         {  ❢  ✓  ❢  ✓  ❢  }
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// Just a test! Reblog it if my muse can jump in your askbox without annoying the mun!
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Reblog this is your muse has straight up actually died
Optional: they’ve returned from the dead
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Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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also if you’re cool with pre-established relationships/dynamics where we skip all the awkwardness of starting to roleplay with someone new and jump straight to plotting a little and tagging each other in stuff hmu
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I love him
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Also because I assume everyone is like 16 reblog with your age in the tags?
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Reblog this if I have permission to come into your askbox IC at any point if my muse has a question for yours.
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I finished ghost trick recently, what a great game 
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me: *wants to rp with more people*
me: *is incredibly easy to distract*
me: *has a pile of drafts to tend*
me: *gets picky over minor things*
me: procrastinator extraordinaire™
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