sirjustice375-blog · 4 years
now finished bro
Drink cold black current soda and be partially broad as the front leg shape of a lion to be called lion of Judah as in the link below, makes ya body bones wide 4 those who are skinny dude to gain some respect bro
I wont give ya even a dime, hustle dude, i aint ya prostitute bro, lest we break a fight dude.
Even tea, coffee or cocoa leaves when mixed with kale to make much in the boom process gives out kales which are soft and tender to eat as 1 utility of tea but can be made forever that way, once bought, twice shy proverb saying.
Shivling supermarket got Uganda Royal TV and Dala hera Amtect Tv to make u believe all the links i have displayed in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice50 and so Mr Hindu and white-men stop the shit of wanting to control others cause we have what they got and more than them and even china not left behind bro, to remove the phrase unless i see is when i believe synonymous with bible barthlomeo. S-korea, the chain-store even got LG Tv made in Egypt to provoke ya to open ya own shop outlet to give clients the best quality u make and even with any nation machine, that just a wake up call 4 many nations to address the same and to make ya machine half price of that from distant land since it got no shipping cost
If ya country is twice distance from the USA multiply the above and if half divide then minus from the parent country fixed prize if that good made somewhere-else to get what it ought to cost dude keeping in mind the weight
Steel are made with maize or sima placed in sewer/garbage water b4 maize cobs added in the boom process, can replace rocks when making islands like Manhattan as it rusts not bro.
Try with raw or cooked pumpkin 4 better results even with groundnuts with what it makes, fried and raw garlic as potato as Tv that spoils the eye not are made using cooked pumpkin immersed in yogurt, dough, bubble gum solution in the boom process b4 thinner or pineapple juice is added 4 better results. Try as well with ripe or raw fruits 4 better results, dry or still fresh produce as with fruits or grass.
Grass placed in the above makes even toys and bicycles bro or glass and even motion sensor lights or alarms that can be wireless and placed on grave using the solar generator where it got a key outlet where if the wet cell atrophies u can replace with a new 1 altogether dude.
Ice placed like in rye dough or yogurt makes even bubble gums and ice cream in the boom process as much as cakes. U take a little bit of ice cream type and place in the above, add, pumpkin juice or pineapple and boom ya flavor.
Boiled maize cob, raw 1 and roasted as well gives different results as either original or not all that as far as machines are concerned. Try and let us see bro. Nations which produce not maize but wants to make the same, those who produce the same can import such to them to get the cob as a new hot cake cash crop but shortcoming is can be made much in boom process but we know not the machine it brings as stated above will either be original or not all that, something we are looking into so much as in the link below
Goat bones inserted in the explained above makes even motor bikes of1 kind as of other cattle or wild animals makes others, try to see dude, the solution can be cut flowers as well or sewer water if need not to spend money.
Gas cylinders are made with yayi as eggs placed in the above solution b4 the boom process done.
When all the above well explained yet they fathom not, kinda, u see an approaching blue or black police cab as 2 both doors are opened from either each side to signal defeat and equal development as the other developed spheres which calls 4 the same strict laws which many a hooligans wants not. We got u dude as in the song link below
Like water guard blue bottle when placed in the above solution makes even mini-missiles while the big 20 L cooking oil jerrican when placed in the above solution makes even the big missiles as in the link below, Or insert the high quality photos as in the links below and still makes the same bro, so many ways to kill a rat dude
When u listen to riddim mixes as in the link below, it equips u with no-extra hustling jobs and calls ya attention to be simple, like u can eat small amounts of different many foods mixed together like 10-20 foods in 1 single meal as sima inside there, vegetables, fruits, lentils, chapati, beans or maize, green-grams stew, meat pellets and more to taste sweet as riddim mix songs but many after undertaking such like a friend of mine from HAITI peter stevelon, gets to garbage, take as mixing food needs time and money, so rather gets it from the mentioned above point
No doubt dude, the above equips ya, no debate about it bro
Tangerine and banana ripe even in the boom process makes another type of baby star-soft while mango inner seed makes even big airplanes as Christ was crucified covered with the same inner to help us see as now and come up with the above to settle disputes as distance ourselves from the whites
Juicy cola as well the orange 1 makes even sugar in the boom process but not sweet 1 as the Tangerine 1 synonymous with imported Brazilian sugar.
When u take beans stew or Githeri mix with much water and hurl into all the processes as boom as below makes even buses as u can add few KG into the solution like with Kiira city ride bus where cut used tire rubber parts or charcoal is placed in sewer water, hay, chaff or fruits as well as laugh and boom ya bus in the boom process.
Coconut, paw paw makes big airplanes, military vehicle when placed in the above solutions, with Charcoal as 7 makes Lorris, 27 makes big planes as well as 57, oranges can replace the same and even bullet trains. Pineapple pieces placed in the above makes even jets in the boom process when thinner, Githeri, mango pieces are added. Mango inner seed makes even saucer jets in the boom process as well as computers and fridges when placed 2 standing as in a dough sandwich bro. Lemons placed in dough makes even lories bro. Apples buses or spare part in apple solution makes the same. Onions in dough makes cars and tuk tuk, avocado inner seed makes speed boats, mini-electrical appliances like computers, tablets or laptops when inserted in cut flower solution, buses, trelars while melons makes trucks and trelas and even heavy commercial vehicles bro.
Ground nuts inserted in the same and even garlic in 20% weight of the machine weight like smartphones, tablets, stereos or TV makes the same in the boom process bro
Coconut inner juice and crush white part even makes soap and detergents in the boom process while the outer brown part makes even shoes and can be a solution 4 to replace like the dough or chaff when much water is added in the boom process. Makes even brownish leather velvet, shoes and electronic equipment as well as wood pulp and card-boards.
SA plane crush victim an eye opener 4 innovators as they can kill u that way in the link below, place wireless sensor motion light and alarms inserted ya plane engine to notify ya of the transfiguring intruder is below or place the e-cargo drone technology as mentioned below
Barclays Bank world bank colleges worldwide and the sports they sponsor as EPL people now killing even people via plots as they sponsor violence and hooliganism by contributing huge cash they are payed like footballers to do the same bro. Accept defeat Britain poorer when liquid money eradicated cause they same way u prints it in tenders the same way u do when all alone to get back into those economies u have been given tender. Reasons why many claim they are u cause also affected same way as u as they have known the above money printing technologies which when eradicated those claimed ties dies.
With the modern supersonic airplane wings having the high chance to break off as of friction with air out of the above speed, the same can be combated, where thick metallic lining running across the entire airplane is mounted 2 or 1. Kinda, it cuts across the middle of where the plane window are situated just below the window running al through the entire plane even from below and above to find where we can tie our cargo drones to avoid plane cracking as collapsing as in the link above
U can add mango solution or maize cob to all the solutions of the boom process 4 better results, raw mango solution, or hurled the same mixed with cold water as much with Githeri with much soup in the boom process to get buses and plastic/container houses and toilets and even like alternator generators etc. With yacht u used ripe mango instead to get the best results bro. As well u can cut the clear photos of those machines u want to make diagonally as u place them in the above solutions.
Now inventor like Guantai, has been elevated, need not to sit with people just bickering but employ them, work dude and can have a house compound same as a school compound to have his tent synonymous with the DSTv/Go-Tv they use 1 when marketing their gadgets in open air, cause when ya mind has superseded ordinary man mind, u like not to share things or sitting idling in the house story telling cause now u got people to see, talk to or clients to answer their queries so in a holiday or week-days u find ya self in such as he told me, us being close engineering friends we share thoughts. Delano is Kebi Humphrey or Guantai or not, take his photo using his phone or yours then on Facebook tell Melani, is this Kebi or Humphrey they she will give u the answer not saying blindly like u have done with K-jones. Stop dude, as in the link below
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