sirjustice323-blog · 4 years
Utility of break fluid
Break fluid treats tetanus when diluted and injected another utility as used to make tetanus tablets in the boom process where sweet potato cut is placed inside or dough where u spit saliva unto the solution and ya drugs formed.
When E-machines as car or motor bike, launched in evey nation to replace the gasoline powered 1 or gas powered as in the links below then as petroleum lacks use the same way those eating with break fluid as making artificial 1 in the boom process pride ends, as if u get to the repair tells ya bike or car knocks in that u clean it less frequently using the same to encourage mass use of the same. Now they are plunged into an abyss of bitter words with folks and such answering u in the reverse gear manner like with the kisii where their skyline falls out of the same and SA Durban city as well built using the same boom chemicals as spirits and the fluid above.
Compressed air in a cylinder to rotate the explained below technology now made as explained in the tumblr a/c below which aint yours while the technology below u claim to be yours that u ate corpse to come up with the same yet u know not who posted the same on the pintrest a/c b4 1 placed it on the FB which u force that is some1 u know to get 1st privilege or be 1st dude. How dude!! As in the below link
The bar kalare water truth, Dalachi rather Malachi 4, forever dude as in the link below where u take that water mix with much cold water and place Sodom apple leaves inside or cut yellow sweet potato and do the above boom process and ya make insane water formed never to buy from the supplier again as well as scoop the soil and make much same way above b4 u soak water unto it to make it much again forever and forever again amen bro. Sower parable to infiltrate the truth in our hearts and mind, thought u will make money out of it forever reason why they got out of Babylon to temperate land if we did not know dude
Doing things so not to change our mind but get into our mind, that that character of yours bring such as u purported that somehow entertain our kids to get by as we have learnt as well as other adults, dude, do it on social media as we will not tolerate u in our new world. Give us Tasmania people not of kamba blood, kikuyu, trukana and more as we have known how to mark them, move to Australia dude, many race we cant do here, want do u want Mr white-man even if situation now good still wants their tradition as we like not groups and knowing many people that’s why we want school omitted 4 such knowing to happen not so we live a solitary lives, with u, your lands are 100% 1 race with 1 dialect dude.
Airplane made in Barbados Images in the link below, inside the water that u knead the dough, u place grinned raw mango solution, add to the above water and boom ya plane, when u opt 4 cut the photo diagonally many b4 placing in porridge like rye or wheat solution about to be hurled by brake fluid in syringes or cut sweet potato as well as seldom apple seed grinned solution, yellow 1 and boom ya plane.
Ripe sour mango juice as well makes soaps as in the procedure described in the wordings below, guava, mfenesi or pineapple as well as options dude.
in the final analysis to bar kamba blooded from migration which got the Saudi blood, they love town much more than countryside while stile some might love country side yet kamba but got Trukana blood that changes the puzzle dude and immigration officers should find such in people not to infuse the race much further as we see lazy people even grown ups now wanting even kids food hoping they are born again kids, wanting to die not. Trukana people love peoples things, they are tried with good shelter if they will not relocate to their house and wants to control people and love women not as they got meru blood of such. Get to know that dude.
Ondukoga moling, as women were found saying, the beauty with kebi. Women look 4 men who love sex so they can sleep with ya as in Dutchland as u got such groups where u Marshall up the cash and put in something huge now that we got the e-gearboxes from china which even makes u buy a body of a bus at $ 20,000 and live ya life not wanting direct from 1 then plotting attacks against him, look at how Victor ampez is smiling, kinda, like a falling skyscraper but not yet fallen dude
Even the Bar kalare water is not bought much as in like 10,000 litres container but just like in a household super-drum and made much in the boom process b4 sold to other nations to be used in jails, so think twice if u think u will sell in magnitude to be rich and made those USA cities as it was the boom thing dude and using the dredger described in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice300, from below the earth safe, will not be realized to affect the flow of the spring cause even dripping amounts like in a syringe size hole the whole days amount can be made in boom process to make the amount above b4 the amount above tripled or made 10x the way u want, again and again, in an ad-inifitum way. So they twice if u got excuses or wanted to build ya cities like Kansas city knowing in mind the boom method where if they buy much cant buy again dude as in the song link below
Since people re-package, like household consumable or chemicals as medicine which they have made artificially in already used bottles, we encourage every chain-store or shop to have the machine in the link below as with casket, to make such so they can not be used again that way making others well on-top of others is unfair way or Govt bring the vending machine option 4 folks to buy from them to eliminate the above as well as much as well with Liquor store having the same or breakable seal on those containers so u cant re-use the bottle again.
As in the link above, let the Chinese or any nation that has their own writings not as English written give their Machines names we cant read as in the stamper above to remove some spirit and imbue us with new confidence in such electronic or machine.
Yes, u still ask me if i want to get out, now that Mr Hindu, is out, yep, i wanna get out and we wanna see what u r up to dude and am shaking up my head like a little 1, i want to get to a nation where things are planed as with nursing homes and shelter and grants 4 school where people wants from u not and are of reality dude not ya still saying Kenya is rich yet not
They want them not to have social media SM, smile with many people as can be used as a marketing frontier as Uganda is launching theirs, the kikuyu or luo blood can have 4 their own as people will not trust them as they screw peoples dreams as can erase all ya a/c contents if not pro them, as well as with Hindu, china or state like Kansas 1 and thats what they are eyeing dude, so be understanding and serve justice, so people might trust ya social media to keep their data as with Tumblr a/c, and those who keeps ya data safe to help u, u wanna visit them and that’s tourism dude. Or u thought u will never come up with like airplane, pay-tv or internet but now everything is handy as reality.
Simeon in the bible are Siberian who still got that blood though the original tribe moved to another planet, they were bad never wanting others to control them, watching things from above and Barbados men got that blood, almost people leave them alone cause they love food much, they were foodious as masai also got that blood but were not glutton so were tamed like lions with heavy not kevy food, foods like Africa foods to stop that habit, where with like snacks they could eat all day and in the USA u r wanted not if u did not know out of the above solid reason as they think u r a threat in times futurity.
If 1 is with u from ya back as wanting to get a glimpse of what u buy in shops, makes u dull and grow sharp kisogo and be small in height as making u not to be satisfied as angry to go and eat again as put u in food which they know and what b4 giving u names. While open shopping and carrying food on ya hands in seen bags makes u grow tall as 1 sends me the same via my tumblr a/c connected with my twitter to let u know, maybe can be of help to many or u to stop or embrace the same, whichever dude.
Artificial rye makes building stones which puffs water more easily not long lasting as grown 1 and that’s it dude as the shortcoming though many can be happy with the former message dude
Buy many watt inverter then use solar charger controller mounted on a piaggio motor bike starter has it produces much current when like a Walkman motor mounted on a magnet on the rotating head, where u smear super glue to hold the magnet and u can use solar lamp as in the links below to rotate the motor
When the Naivasha-ksm rail is completed then many will opt using rail than roads same as with Tanzania-Rwanda railway cutting jobs 4 truck drivers and killing many restaurants and hotels by the roadside.
The Diaspora remittance 40% gets into Nairobi county to build it out of research, when many deported will affect the growth of the county a billion times, think on that b4 u say u r rich dude yet u siphon money from outside as in the link below as many agencies take people to such nation remitting the same using the online money payment method as PayPal where it is calculated from though many send money on courier not well counted 4 if so could be more than the 1 shown in the link below
With electric tricycle and motor bikes which are cheap, kills the gasoline powered 1 to effect the economies of OPEC as in the link below
Horticulture earnings will drop significantly when, usage of flowers are well known as making of soaps in the boom process where in the cut flower solution u insert ripe banana or cassava and boom ya soap and more,it was high down in the link like cause many did not know it usage as many thought it was 4 picnics, valentines and burials but later it was alas!
The live trees which forms the bulk of export are made in boom process but where not known to the importing nations which now they know as well as with insecticides like pyrethrum which can be made in boom process known to the importers like Uganda which now opt using the Tanzania-Rwanda transit and see 4 ya self how Kenya is poor out of big population base. Vegetable, tobacco, fruits and ores now once ya export as well can be made in boom process with importers saving that money 4 something else.
Kamba now living got the bad Arabic saudi character of being mean and wanting from ya by force while the Canadian or Gabon people are kamba blooded of no such character they are trying to evade as it was that kamba gene without being interfered with the Saudi Arabian blood and that’s the difference dude.
School teachers are paid by the government and to maintain school we can ask how many workers are employed with their salaries and now they know how to make laboratory chemicals and tools in the boom process they save that cash which have been allotted and even if they did not know how to make such, still we can take inventory and sea how much is spent in a year plus with the above wages and minus from the total the kids pay, which is to-much not well accounted 4 and question is where it goes to, dude, politician gimmicks, it builds cities within the nation like Big towns if u did not know 4 ya information and that’s why school fee and even 4 colleges should be reduced and online classes encouraged to avert the same where lectures are placed online even 4 primary and secondary schools where u simply pay 4 the exam fee and that’s it dude. When the above done Nairobi or Mombasa, Kampala collapses a big time, exploiting parents to build cities that as much as built out of huge population slums aint eradicated dude, tantamount to zero-work. Reasons 4 too much fee hike and forced marriages 4 the same if u don’t know.
Now everything has shifted to Tz,now don’t force am with u that am from tz as u claim, leave me all alone the luo blooded, i can live even in the most poor nation not as u locating good things dude.
From Argentina/Chile side u can place detonators like electric poles then detonate at once placing forth ice breakers where water will pour out to the outer crust to reduce the land under water and increase the coastline to create much land to build our cities as increase coastal situated city lands as i read it dude.
Click the links below to see made in Botswana, Philippine airplane
Kenya can buy e-train that has the battery inside like the E-car not necessarily running on e-wires as in the link below to replace the head side of the current they have to compete Uganda, as UG 1 will be cheap and most opted 4 as well as 1st, electric train without electric traction power
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