sirjustice1244 · 3 years
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Kenyan made decoder tv in the links below
Dstv must trim down dude and with any other such pay TV to reduce their subscription to match competition but happy is them they have managed to make locally what they imported previously to save their Forex and that's it dude. Police gay dude, if they meet ya at night, kinda, wants to grab ya manhood, locating people with cash and liaising with crooks to ambush ya and Tv decoder can be improved to radio station when like the box with WiFi is placed within each stereo but not payable, so such station takes heed of the same opportunity as in the link below
Rwanda made decoder Tv in the links below bro
Internet Tv in the links below from new Zealand once u got WIFI u connect your phone to ya TV Big screen and enjoy dude not must have decoder Tv and Namibia NBC decoder
If u want to make such landscape suitable 4 making those buses made in Egypt and most military weapons and including space-shuttle, u can locate a flat land with bare rocks and placed red soil and with bars demarcate as in the link below and when dry makes such machines, some places risen and some going down in dry spell or slight rainfall not to destroy the pattern or rhythm dude
Kiwinjo Tiap tiap, u just buy the pussy if u got cash no hardworking in seducing rude but lazy women of big mouth attributes who knows shit dude.
U claim as u tell folks i have hurt ya long time dream of wanting to surpass NY but i told u how to make shoes and with that u could have brought me close, give me a house and i tell u all alone as i have told every tom, hurry and dick nation in the following tumblrs of this a/c. Dude u insane, if u quit dude then good chance, good luck and if time permit if i have money i can buy a motel there after long dude, long after all ya wounds heal bro, carry ya own burden dude as a results of mentioned all blockages to ya dirty business deals with hyper-loop on continents edges and supersonic cargo drones and jet
Got me off Campus after my struggle and with ya promising communications to lure me to be there and as i reported not knowing the reason why am out was rounds of arrests and i say sawa sawa, i cant go back home immediately as i will be a laughing stock, nothing to tell the people to direct them or encourage them and i had spent much cash but it was green card, i said as above though hidden it they will give me after some months which they did but when i started working sending money to my pals got jealous and indicted me with crime and ever claim am sick after testing me and be in hospital and got to my old habits at home in Africa annoying me much liaising with my enemies who could not help me and getting even to women whom i pursued that i migrate on women and monitoring me i want to be their president which i said i don't want to annoy them as their was gold in my yard i told them how artificially such is made my home boyz made such buying big SUV 4 Taxi and even the 1 i hurled they got and sold dude. They say they wants negros not, but when i ran away from them, they tried to connect me with the same and my refusal made me come home. What i hate u come with lazy men around me saying i can have many kids they monitor me and i talk of gps bracelet and Dna to even annoy them most and any tribe aint important, if i wanna sleep with that women and the above placed u cant say as in social medi Kebi with Minaj as we got like escort agency kind of business with cab. Am left puzzled each day, streaming or stretching my face muscle to cool me and i hope u Know that and when i do the same i see Arabs tied and i wanted to untie the same by telling UAE the same as i told Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon and more how to make gadgets to set me free but not yet, instead wanted all to kill me but the beauty i have told every nation in many ways the same to flatten the trail dude. I was sick with leech i knew not, got to hospital, they brought white women around me to monitor my steps where am coming from instead of treating me of the same dude and if they want me not dwell in big house i can understand and 1 helps me to secure mini house in the rural maybe with E bikes and bicycles to settle the dispute or they give me the same to pay on credit which they want not, not they behave like they want but not, meaning they wanna force their silly and stupid shit on ya that Kikuyu good people yet bad and its final u should marry such. Go to hell dude, you motherfuckers, imbecile and cutthroat dogs. Wanting free as from the invoice which if i tell many u change name, waiting to make much many have made as above to be on-top dude, u got it off base and to scratch out from the net writings and books to make yours after along time fight, that also off base i have stopped dude as much as exhuming caskets as in the link below and confirm, factory made and cheap not crafted others buys the same from their via a drone back to USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NIGERIA, EU and many nations back selling to their lands as from abroad like 3x the price to alter that altogether dude at night as they organize dude, saying now Wichita caskets are cheap to be two fold the above and to alter such individual pursuits as above to make huge profits to fall the local industry as i told the Arab that part alone as each sphere i was giving 1 with a promise if they send me money in the USA to buy a house i will tell them more and sure i meant it as water falls down the slop. Done via fissures underneath the 16 KM EARTH HOLE which should be blocked as i said earlier with boom made concrete to bar such practices as advanced nations get below and identify such. With a wire rope hag like grass and hay heap on gunia or polythene bags, then on ya drones from below step on paw paw peel on hole made on bulb onion on metallic plate b4 chopping hay and banana on wood soaked in pineapple juice, hot water or mud cotton soil water as Russia has the contours of land mass to the empty fall along Kendu bay homa bay road to drill the same from below and place WiFi bombs using the heat generator and cold as above and block the below of the hole so not identified dude and at Asembo bay as well, when u think u can fight and rude blow it up and the water on ya upto ukambani and Kilifi as well dude. Ya food, medical and power supply disrupted to make you go without food and die lest u locate help which u need from people whom have done the same they want u dead dude, istead again to support the above, in my kitchen at the university residence, kinda, they push their manhood part close to me to be bent and even at their office, meaning lazy but gays dude. Fuck u, u motherfuckers, thought will be on-top always, bravo again, no it will be war on ya dude lest u relent or quit, think am playing then u got it off base or twisted. I can see ya beauty/booty on a big screen as lectures can be recorded as in the song link below to cut on workforce they fear and reduce university fee so every 1 can attend or opt from home study pay exam fee only dude as campus are point of blocking people in future as u have seen with me, moreover i told ya how to make radar controlled missile to make u gain advantage over Russian hurled from the plane 1 to make many Africans still claim they r u yet have shifted stand with China
U can connect both hot touch or cold touch heat panel thermostats in a parallel connection 4 each to supersede one in cold and hot days dude b4 channeling to step up or an inverter dude, now kinda, respect u and signal u of what u know not that Negros pride themselves so their genes should be mutilated and they got my Instagram password and email to check how much i have sent the same to such people. What u want dude, live ya life bro and ya longtime dream destroyed by me even if u abuse me and u will never see it even if i die get it dude, who is the boss or great, 1 who abuses ya and no harm but wants ya food or 1 who destroy ya longtime dream 4 good. Stop playing bubu dude, answer me you silly bastard. No in my condition i can help ya, rather give me money and i tell u 2 or 3 inventions, wants to use me as a ladder to ya destiny, no no no find another or the explained above with me and if u wanna or like ambush me with snakes or machete now u got my keys, stolen them Mr police.
Excuse of NEGROS coming here, is they fear Chinese men, so wants them in the USA to learn how to make original products b4 i show other nations as above to make the same. Staying somewhere makes u not make original a thing many Kenyan tribes and of many nations i have told the same think b4 i settle the puzzle dude. Fuck u Mr Chinese b4 u resort to organizing hooliganism, go ya way, u silly animals of lies and cheats support Mr white-man lies on Kikuyu. Good how, their women pussy sweet or their teethes different with others, answer me dude, don't play dummy or fool. U sick sin eater. NENE NGANI
Talking maps the step on can be on holes on the floor to step on with curved upwards or downwards floor and on the heap on water pool method make sure the heap not on water maybe using ropes dude 4 better results bro
As a man with heart if i see as in the link below 1 too grown and suffered, i kinda, wants to shade tears but something cross my mind to drift me back, maybe they were rude when young but when a nation gets better give them juices and food to make them fat bro
The rich-man even made tomb as the talking 1 with recorded Eulogy yet was alive in another far nation dude and his soul was wanted when the time 4 his actual death reached as many even in heaven and judgement rooms heard of the above he died but not yet as in the link below and the casket dronecade casket was above the drone from below like in a bier while others casket held from bellow, yet the corpse of his brother was exhumed and made much in the boom process and another 1 taken back and even after exhumation is was crystal clear he is not his brother as the 2 were in their graves as they did not know of the boom process and lies as explained above. Now with me but in no time starting saying these inventions theirs bro
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