I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.
Sirius Black (via incorrectmarauderquotes)
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“Too late.” He smirked jealous, Black?“
“I pity my cousin for marrying such a sad excuse of human being. The oxygen wasted on you could be used wiser.” Sirius spat as he stepped closer to Rabastan, eyes narrowed. 
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Lucius couldn’t say he knew whom he was, but he was in no way disappointed with his costume. The suit was pretty snazzy and he really enjoyed the fedora. This would would up being good for him tonight, hopefully. He couldn’t be a bad person, right? Lucius looked too sexy for this. As someone walked up to him, he tipped his hat and put on an accent that he wasn’t even sure was associated with the character. “How you doin’?”
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“I’ll just...let it be” Sirius said dramatically as he put a hand over his chest before he finally got a good look of the other. He snorted loudly, nodding at the fedora Lucius was wearing. “You look like a pimp. Is that’s it? You’re a pimp? Damn, something must’ve gone wrong then...I swear we checked the spell several times.” The last part was mumbled to himself as he glanced at the entrance again.
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As Edgar entered the Great Hall, his clothes slowly transformed. He was suddenly wearing all green–dark green tights and belt included. A hat transformed on his head, a bright red feather soon accompanying it. He had no idea what he was but it wasn’t the most embarrassing thing he’d worn in his life.  Edgar continued to examine his costume before glancing up at the person who had just walked up beside him. “I hope I don’t look as strange as I feel.”
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Almost spewing his drink all over the place, Sirius glanced up and down Edgar as the others clothes transformed into what could only be...well, he didn’t really know either but found it absolutely hilarious. “You’re wearing green tights. I think you can feel even worse than right now.”
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Alastor was way too confused about who he could be. He looked like nothing he knew, so he just supposed he must be some muggle thing. But why they picked muggle characters for a party in the wizarding world was too much of a mystery for him. “SO does anyone have an idea who I am so I ca take this costume off?”
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“You’re a homeless man that has no wife but ten cats only. Congrats, you’re Gonagall’s partner.” Sirius said jokingly, a drink in his hand as he sneaked up on the other. “You got so lucky with your costume. I mean look at some of these people here. Whoever came up with this was truly a genius.”
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“Thank you, Sirius..” She spoke softly, pausing before nodding slightly to herself. Sirius would probably tease her endlessly, but she knew he could - very rarely - be serious (no pun intended). “It almost being the weekend doesn’t change the fact I’ve been having nightmares. I actually feel they’re more like visions, but I can’t really remember the one time I had a vision so I’m just frustrated, and confused, and tired.”
“Well, do you remember what it was about?” Sirius asked smiling, almost immediately more calm than before. He knew what it was like to suffer from nightmares, those things were no joke. Talking about these with James had helped him a lot, back when they were worse than now.
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Finn raised a finger to his lips, a gesture to be quiet. He had to squint to see the creatures but his heartbeat in excitement nonetheless. “I’ve been waitin’ all day for this,” he whispered. 
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“For what? Finn, honestly, what the fuck?” Sirius looked around in confusion, still not fully grasping the whole situation and therefor not being quiet.
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“Permission to court Andromeda.” He smirked, wanting to see the reaction of the filthy blood traitor.
Sirius stopped, tilting his head aside as he kept repeating what Rabastan had just said. “Permission to court Andromeda? Not in a billion years would you deserve to court my cousin. Hands. Off.”
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“Hm?” Sybill turned slightly, being brought out of her musings by the older boy. “Oh, hello Sirius. Or I suppose I should talk to you instead.” She attempted a smile, but was still distracted by her previous thoughts.
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“Why do you look like someone just died? It’s almost weekend, cheer up.” Lightly bumping into the others shoulder, he buried his hands in the pockets of his pants as he matched her pace. “You can always talk to me — gossip, rants, compliments, I’m open for everything.”
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“Na, but I wish I were, mate.”
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“So...what were you talking about then?”
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Having a free period, Sybill took the time to wander the castle, eventually sitting on a wide window ledge and trying to distract herself from the vision-like dreams that were gradually getting worse. Without realising, she started muttering her thoughts aloud, not paying attention to any students around her. “It’s not like anything’s definite, I never see any faces so they’re not real visions. Maybe I should write home..”
“And maybe, lovely Sybill, you should stop talking to yourself. “ Sirius had caught up to her, leaning over her shoulder to surprise her. She was often caught doing that, not by him though. He just took his chance. 
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“It’s the girls lavatory, what do you think I was doing in there? Not that it’s any concern of yours. I, unlike others, don’t mind the company of Myrtle- Why are you so damn nosy?”
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“I love Myrtle, she is a really good friend of mine you must know. She will tell me if you did anything funky in here.”
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“Yer scarin’ the thestrals. Lower ya voice, yeh?”
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“Are you high?”
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Rabastan held the letter in his robe pocket, hand clenched tight around it. The letter that gave him permission to court her. Andromeda. The unattainable. He was so excited, he knocked into someone, he smirked, “Falling for me?”
“Don’t flatter yourself you -” Sirius eyes fell on the envelope in Rabastans hand, a brow cocked as it was held so tightly by the Slytherin. “What’s that?”
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“I know I’m out past curfew.  No, I don’t really care.  And yes, you’re more than welcome to come and join me.”
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“SLightly offended you needed to ask me, but it’s dim and you’re not an owl after all.” Sirius grinned at Peter as he sat down next to him, yawning loudly. “I feel victimized by my body seeking sleep.”
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Sirius’ laughter only made Marlene’s smile crack into loud laughter too.  The first year looked back at them and she tried to look away so that it didn’t seem like the two were laughing at him.  With her hands over her mouth she calmed down long enough to shrug.  “Of course I’m into chicks, I haven’t made it that much of secret have I?” she joked, exhaling softly.  “Thank you Sirius, I needed those words of encouragement.”
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The first year struggling to do a simple charm such as levitation had been long forgotten by Sirius. Not that he cared much in the first place. “It’s okay, we all need to experiment and stuff before we can decide. And Sybill is not bad, you could do worse.” He continued what she had started, giving her a strong pat on the shoulder. “Invite me to your wedding, but only if there’s free food.”
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Marlene jumped slightly at Sirius’ hand touching her face.  It only made he face warmer and while at first she did nothing to stop him, she soon felt her defense mechanism kicking in.  Lightly swatting at his hands, she rolled her eyes as he triumphantly called her blush.  Averting her eyes a moment, she tried to come up with something more substantial.  She crossed her arms over her chest.  Raising her eyebrows, she tilted her head a bit, “Do you want me to say that I’m helplessly in love with Sybill?”
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Rolling his head back with a roaring laughter, Sirius leaned back against the wall once more. Well, he certainly hadn’t expected her to say that.  Which made everything a lot more amusing. “Goddamn it, Marlene. I knew you were into chicks. That’s what your cat whispered in the hallways at least. But it’s okay, appreciating the same gender is nothing to be ashamed of. “
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