sinumaki · 11 months
such a quick question why is toge written as to/ge in tags on occasion i have been losing my shit trying to figure this out
back when i first started posting inumaki fanfics “toge” was blocked from the tags for some reason so ud have to / it
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sinumaki · 2 years
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- i w a i z u m i   b e c o m i n g   a   d a d -
iwaizumi x femreader
WARNINGS: pregnancy,, morning sickness – masterlist
a/n: i love iwa so much. genuinely think he’s my muse because all my inspiration for writing comes from him.
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the day you told iwa you were pregnant was genuinely one of the happiest days of his life. he was in tears over it and kept touching your lower stomach thinking how his little bean was growing inside of it. it doesn’t matter if the child was planned or not, he is ecstatic over it.
he leaves the decision of keeping the baby totally up to you because he know that you’re the one that’s going to go through the most pain and sacrifice the most. but a part of him really hopes and prays that you’ll keep it.
when you finally decide and tell him you’ve decided to go ahead with the pregnancy he vows there an then he’d do anything to protect you and your unborn baby.
best partner ever for morning sickness. he’d wake up with you and be there the whole time patting and rubbing your back and kissing your forehead. he’d be so comforting and calming and his words really do help you.
it doesn’t matter what time it is or how long your sickness lasts, he’s there by your side.
once you’re done throwing up he’d have a glass of water and a toothbrush ready for you, and he’s cleaning up whatever mess you’ve made right away. 
he’s a hoverer. he definitely hovers over you to make sure that you’re safe and you’re not in any trouble. you’ll be carrying a box or something as soon as he sees signs of you struggling or breathing a bit too hard, he swoops in and offers to do everything for you.
iwaizumi knows how much you value your independence so he’s defo not the type to wrap you up in bubble wrap and not let you do anything. although he would much rather prefer it if you just let him take care of you.
he’s greatly in touch with you and your feelings so you know he’s running to the local store to buy you whatever you’re craving or whatever you need. but at the same time, he’s wary of the things you eat and he’s strict with any restrictions. at the end of the day he just wants what’s best for you health and the baby.
he probably helps make meal plans for you so you get all the extra nutrition and vitamins and whatnot from your food.
when your bump starts properly showing, that’s when it becomes real. it properly hits him that there’s life growing inside of you and that he’s actually going to become a father. speaking of your bump, he is totally obsessed with it.
he loves seeing your bump grow throughout the months because it means that your baby is growing and is safe and healthy. he is constantly telling you how beautiful you look and constantly rubbing your bump as well.
whenever you go outside he always has a hand wrapped around your stomach, his fingers subconsciously rubbing your top
as you reach your third trimester and your feet start swelling and your back starts aching, you best believe iwaizumi is there, with essential oils in hand, to give you a foot rub or a massage. he’d literally do anything to alleviate the pain from you. he’d honestly carry the baby himself if he could.
iwaizumi is literally perfect oml, he’d be the best partner in the world. you just know he cares and loves you so much and he constantly shows you through his actions. i’d give him the world if i could.     
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© ffsg0jo 2022 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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sinumaki · 2 years
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sinumaki · 2 years
hi sin, good luck! i'm def down for the comfort fic but i really do hope you pass your exam. sending you good vibes ✨
thank u !! <33
tbh the fic will be coming either way but it would be worked on faster if i was crying LMAFO
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sinumaki · 2 years
happy late birthday!! you said you didn't like your birthday :(( but i hope you know all of us appreciate you and your writing!!
thank u!!! <3
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sinumaki · 2 years
note. its my bday. i dont like my bday. i do love eddie. this is v self indulgent so yes i did put my bday in. it is also the first full thing ive written in months. 
feat. eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings. self-indulgent. like very. THIS IS SO BADLY WRITTEN ITS EMBARRASSING. please remember i havent written in months thank u
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You can hear the poor attempts of your friends "whispering" outside your door, trying not to let out a groan as they all giggle amongst themselves. The calendar hanging on your wall mocks you as you stare at the date circled in red. 
July 16th. 
Your birthday. A day you - unlike others - did not enjoy. 
The door creaks open slowly, as they try to invade your room much too early in the morning. A whispered countdown of '3, 2, 1' before a chorus of cheers and 'Happy Birthdays!' are yelled. You try to give them a smile - you really do - but it's 9:43 AM and you hate your birthday and your bedhead has to be hideous right now. Eddie settles down next to you immediately, a grin on his face that doesn't falter even slightly.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart." He whispers gently, pressing a peck to your cheek. Well, this isn't the worst. Dustin interrupts the moment immediately, holding a poorly wrapped box in his hands - the proud gleam in his eyes as he urges you to take it makes you think he may have personalised this gift himself. You pull him in for a hug, and then continue to do so for the rest (Nancy's gift excites you a little more than the others, knowing whatevers under the pastel pink wrapping paper is thoughtful to you.)
"Alright, alright!" Eddie jumps up, beginning to push the others out of your room as they complain, "It's my girlfriend's birthday and therefore up to me to make her day - so shoo!" He has to give Dustin and Lucas one last hard shove before slamming the door dramatically, theatrically wiping his hands on his jacket - a new jacket it seems. 
"Hi, honey." You say, morning voice obvious. 
"Hi to you too, beautiful." Eddie seats himself down once more, pushing aside the gifts now littered amongst your bed as you jump into his arms. "You ready for the best birthday you've ever had?" You nod stiffly - knowing as long as you're with Eddie, you won't ever really have a bad day. Even on your detested birthday. "'Cmon baby, that's not nearly enthusiastic enough." 
"Sorry, Eds." You nuzzle into his neck, mumbling, "I don't really like my birthday, y'know?" He nods. 
"Then, don't think of today as your birthday. Think of it as… as us having an insanely fancy date on this particular day for no reason!" 
"So, you're taking me on an 'insanely fancy date' today?" Eddie freezes, mumbling a string of 'fuck' and 'shit' under his breath. You laugh, watching him fumble as you instead busy yourself with playing with his jacket. "This for me too?" You ask.
"Yeah - I didn't think my Black Sabbath tees would be the most appropriate look for En-" He stops himself, jokingly pushing you back down as he hops up, "Stop! No more making me spoil our date today!" 
"I'm not making you!" You giggle once more, pulling yourself up. "So, I should wear something appropriate for Enzo's, right?" 
"Are you fucking-" 
Walking hand-in-hand with Eddie along the dark streets of Hawkins with his jacket over your shoulders is enough to make you positively swoon, and you quite literally have to force yourself to keep from giggling like a schoolgirl. Eddie had postively been the best gentleman all night long (Apart from the breadstick sword fight he initiated, but that's up to interpretation), and when he had asked for a combined bill at the end of dinner, his eagerness to sell to just about anything that walked in the last few weeks made sense - and it only made your heart flutter some more to know how long he had been planning leading up to your birthday. 
Speaking of which - this may be the last birthday you can remember not hating. 
"So," Eddie begins, obviously nervous despite the smirk he sports, "You have fun today?" You snort.
"Firstly, you sound like a dad." His comments of 'Well, I'd be a great one,' die down as you continue, "But yes, I did." Eddie smiles, genuinely. A soft smile that makes his eyelids crinkle and accentuates those pretty brown eyes. "Thank you." You whisper into the howling wind of the night, but he hears you anyway. He always does. 
You pretend not to see your mother peeking at you and Eddie through the window as you reach home - slightly (extremely) disappointed at how short the walk felt. It's quiet between the two of you, no words are really needed anyway when Eddie intertwines your fingers, pulling you in by the waist for a kiss - or 5. A breathless "I love you" comes from him in between every kiss, and you want to laugh because you should be saying it. 
"Eddie - My mum's definitely watching." He sighs, unable to resist going in for just one more kiss. 
"I know you don't like your birthday, but I couldn't resist getting you a present," You groan, but he cuts you off, "Nothing expensive or grand like Enzo's! Swear! Just… Just ask your mum for 'Eddie's present' when you get inside, alright?" You raise an eyebrow, but agree anyway, and with one last, last, kiss, your Romeo is off. 
"Mum?" You ask into the house, knowing she can't have run off far from her creeping at the window. 
"Welcome home - how did your date go?" She asks, and you roll your eyes with a snort.
"Clearly well, as you saw." She waves you off. "Uhm, Eddie said he had a gift for me." She points to the fridge, and you see a smile tug at her lips. 
Eddie's gift is front and center as soon as you open the fridge - a pretty pink cake with sprinkles thrown onto the terribly spread icing. Eddie's appalling handwriting is somehow even more illegible in the black icing on top.
Happy birthday, love.
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© sinumaki 2022 — do not repost, plagiarise or translate my writing. i will beat the shit out of u.
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sinumaki · 2 years
hi sin! i know you said you don't like your birthday, but i hope you had a great day. and imo you still got your writing on point, so don't worry ❤️
thank u sweetheart !! i love u <3
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sinumaki · 2 years
note. its my bday. i dont like my bday. i do love eddie. this is v self indulgent so yes i did put my bday in. it is also the first full thing ive written in months. 
feat. eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings. self-indulgent. like very. THIS IS SO BADLY WRITTEN ITS EMBARRASSING. please remember i havent written in months thank u
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You can hear the poor attempts of your friends "whispering" outside your door, trying not to let out a groan as they all giggle amongst themselves. The calendar hanging on your wall mocks you as you stare at the date circled in red. 
July 16th. 
Your birthday. A day you - unlike others - did not enjoy. 
The door creaks open slowly, as they try to invade your room much too early in the morning. A whispered countdown of '3, 2, 1' before a chorus of cheers and 'Happy Birthdays!' are yelled. You try to give them a smile - you really do - but it's 9:43 AM and you hate your birthday and your bedhead has to be hideous right now. Eddie settles down next to you immediately, a grin on his face that doesn't falter even slightly.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart." He whispers gently, pressing a peck to your cheek. Well, this isn't the worst. Dustin interrupts the moment immediately, holding a poorly wrapped box in his hands - the proud gleam in his eyes as he urges you to take it makes you think he may have personalised this gift himself. You pull him in for a hug, and then continue to do so for the rest (Nancy's gift excites you a little more than the others, knowing whatevers under the pastel pink wrapping paper is thoughtful to you.)
"Alright, alright!" Eddie jumps up, beginning to push the others out of your room as they complain, "It's my girlfriend's birthday and therefore up to me to make her day - so shoo!" He has to give Dustin and Lucas one last hard shove before slamming the door dramatically, theatrically wiping his hands on his jacket - a new jacket it seems. 
"Hi, honey." You say, morning voice obvious. 
"Hi to you too, beautiful." Eddie seats himself down once more, pushing aside the gifts now littered amongst your bed as you jump into his arms. "You ready for the best birthday you've ever had?" You nod stiffly - knowing as long as you're with Eddie, you won't ever really have a bad day. Even on your detested birthday. "'Cmon baby, that's not nearly enthusiastic enough." 
"Sorry, Eds." You nuzzle into his neck, mumbling, "I don't really like my birthday, y'know?" He nods. 
"Then, don't think of today as your birthday. Think of it as… as us having an insanely fancy date on this particular day for no reason!" 
"So, you're taking me on an 'insanely fancy date' today?" Eddie freezes, mumbling a string of 'fuck' and 'shit' under his breath. You laugh, watching him fumble as you instead busy yourself with playing with his jacket. "This for me too?" You ask.
"Yeah - I didn't think my Black Sabbath tees would be the most appropriate look for En-" He stops himself, jokingly pushing you back down as he hops up, "Stop! No more making me spoil our date today!" 
"I'm not making you!" You giggle once more, pulling yourself up. "So, I should wear something appropriate for Enzo's, right?" 
"Are you fucking-" 
Walking hand-in-hand with Eddie along the dark streets of Hawkins with his jacket over your shoulders is enough to make you positively swoon, and you quite literally have to force yourself to keep from giggling like a schoolgirl. Eddie had postively been the best gentleman all night long (Apart from the breadstick sword fight he initiated, but that's up to interpretation), and when he had asked for a combined bill at the end of dinner, his eagerness to sell to just about anything that walked in the last few weeks made sense - and it only made your heart flutter some more to know how long he had been planning leading up to your birthday. 
Speaking of which - this may be the last birthday you can remember not hating. 
"So," Eddie begins, obviously nervous despite the smirk he sports, "You have fun today?" You snort.
"Firstly, you sound like a dad." His comments of 'Well, I'd be a great one,' die down as you continue, "But yes, I did." Eddie smiles, genuinely. A soft smile that makes his eyelids crinkle and accentuates those pretty brown eyes. "Thank you." You whisper into the howling wind of the night, but he hears you anyway. He always does. 
You pretend not to see your mother peeking at you and Eddie through the window as you reach home - slightly (extremely) disappointed at how short the walk felt. It's quiet between the two of you, no words are really needed anyway when Eddie intertwines your fingers, pulling you in by the waist for a kiss - or 5. A breathless "I love you" comes from him in between every kiss, and you want to laugh because you should be saying it. 
"Eddie - My mum's definitely watching." He sighs, unable to resist going in for just one more kiss. 
"I know you don't like your birthday, but I couldn't resist getting you a present," You groan, but he cuts you off, "Nothing expensive or grand like Enzo's! Swear! Just… Just ask your mum for 'Eddie's present' when you get inside, alright?" You raise an eyebrow, but agree anyway, and with one last, last, kiss, your Romeo is off. 
"Mum?" You ask into the house, knowing she can't have run off far from her creeping at the window. 
"Welcome home - how did your date go?" She asks, and you roll your eyes with a snort.
"Clearly well, as you saw." She waves you off. "Uhm, Eddie said he had a gift for me." She points to the fridge, and you see a smile tug at her lips. 
Eddie's gift is front and center as soon as you open the fridge - a pretty pink cake with sprinkles thrown onto the terribly spread icing. Eddie's appalling handwriting is somehow even more illegible in the black icing on top.
Happy birthday, love.
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© sinumaki 2022 — do not repost, plagiarise or translate my writing. i will beat the shit out of u.
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sinumaki · 2 years
masterlist. stranger things
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✰ hellfire club
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© sinumaki 2022 — do not repost, plagiarise or translate my writing.
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sinumaki · 2 years
i will love and miss you forever. my heart is overcome with grief right now and i cannot imagine how his family and friends must feel. the news still feels so unreal and perhaps that's because i can only hope that it was. thank you techno for genuinely being one of the only things that could make me smile at one point in time not too long ago. i remember discovering his channel at 13 and thinking "hey, this guys pretty cool" and now i sit here and write a goodbye message for someone that i should not have seen pass so young. the parasocial relationship and love i held for him would have definitely resulted in a cringe but i truly cannot help but have loved someone as kind-hearted and funny as he was. im heartbroken to know that i will not have the opportunity to express how much admiration i held and will forever hold for him anymore, other than pouring my heart into this message.
rest in peace technoblade <3
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sinumaki · 2 years
and secondly YOUR NEW THEME IS BEAUTIFUL !! LOVING THE GREEN AND THE AOT A LOT !! its beautiful, as always lmaoo
THANK UUU!!! aot 🫶🫶
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sinumaki · 2 years
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the days we laughed freely
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sinumaki · 2 years
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I was just reading one of your old works it's literally almost 4am WHAT
AHAHEH one in the same truly 🫶
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sinumaki · 2 years
I love ur new theme (idk since when it is but i just noticed)
THANKK UU !! and just since like a day or two ago :’))
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sinumaki · 2 years
omg sin i didn’t know u moved blogs.. i haven’t been here in so long T^T hru doing??
AAA HELLO MY LVOE !!! im good how have u been <333
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sinumaki · 2 years
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@sinumaki introducing your ex, bff and lover !!
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EX - GOJO :: i think you and gojo would get on really well and you'd be close before you get into a relationship, but once you did, it felt really forced. you didn't like being in a relationship with him at all. you both felt as though it was ruining your friendship and the bond you used to have so you decided to mutually break up and be friends again
BFF - UTAHIME :: you two would be girlbosses together. you'd fr run the metaphorical streets and people would be bowing down and kissing the ground you two walk on. she'd be so supportive of your hobbies, like you crocheting and graphic design. if you have a business or something just know that she is at the forefront of it and it constantly promoting it on every single platform
LOVER - ITADORI :: he's such an adorable himbo i stggg. on your first date he probably took you to an aquarium by accident only to have nobara message him on the way there like 'yo yk she doesn't like sea creatures' and then he took a detour and you two ended up having a spontaneous date that actually went pretty well. took you to get some delicious street food and a movie, and at the end you two went to an arcade where he won you a cute stuffed racoon
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a/n: sin. my wife. my one and only love. i don't think i could ever thank you enough for everything that you've done for me. tumblr can be a lonely place sometimes but you make it worthwhile. thank you so much for supporting me and for just being here with me. i appreciate it more than you'll ever know and i love you so much. thank you for everything <33
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sinumaki · 2 years
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i just wanted to thank you guys for 100 followers !! im so grateful for you all and ill be working even harder to write more things for you all to enjoy and hopefully hold more events as well !! i love each and every one of you and appreciate you so so much !! so really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you <33
also im sorry i can't do more than this right now, because trust me, i really do want to, it's just that i have exams coming up and it's getting really hectic rn, but i still wanted to do something with you all.
PLEASE SPECIFY WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE AND ONLY REQUEST ONE THING AT A TIME. also, if you're on anon please provide an emoji !!
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⁰⁰¹ APPEARANCE MATCHUPS :: send me an ask with the following to see 3 characters you'd look best with
picture or picrew of yourself
gender preference
1-3 fandoms (aot , hq , bhha , jjk)
a fun fact <33
!! i will not be posting your pictures !!
send in your requests here
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⁰⁰² KIN ASSIGNMENT [inspired by @thegojosimpehe] :: send me an ask answering the following questions to see who your top 3 kins would be
what is your personality type ?
a genie grants you three wishes, what are those three wishes ??
do you believe in love ??
your opinions on the whole will smith / chris rock drama
whats your favourite song / film/ book ?
if your house was on fire, what's the first thing you grab ??
send in requests here
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⁰⁰³ EX, BFF & LOVER :: send me an ask with the following and ill let you know who your ex , bff , and lover is !!
personality type
one fandom (aot , hq , jjk , bnha)
gender preference
love language
2-3 hobbies
3 fun facts
things you dislike / like in a person
send in requests here
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tagging :: @dukina @cupidines @sanmiya -- to be tagged in future events, feel free to fill out the taglist form here <33
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© ffsg0jo 2022 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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