sins-n-sinners · 17 days
hey Addicus :] why did you quit being a therapist? And why did you start again when Alice died? Did you know him?
Being a therapist is too much. I hate it. I hate it so much. But there are barely any good therapists. Someone has to do it. I’ll be fine… everything is fine!! - Addicus
*Distant sobbing* I hate my life…
Hun... you need to take a break... - Luci
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sins-n-sinners · 17 days
question for the mods of the blog, are there characters you want to add but are worried about them not being relevant enough
Uhhh- not really -Milo
Oops I forgot about this- it’s less I don’t wanna add someone because they wouldn’t be relevant and more I don’t want to overpopulate this au - Kitcat
I don’t have enough characters for this to apply :[ -Ebony
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sins-n-sinners · 28 days
what happened to the fourth?
We haven't seen him in a few years... - Milky
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
did milky have a 4th kid?
Uhm- yeah I had 4 kids... All with Steve... -Milky
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Milky, how do you feel about your husband getting dragged into the pits of hell?
I miss him... -Milky
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Hey Tristram, do Ellias and Kara argue a lot and if so why?
Yeah... Because Kara's job is "Bullshit" and "None of it is real" -Tristram
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
HEY TRISTAMM!!!! hows your relationship with your siblings?
I'm the only thing keeping them sane... Heh... Also Tristram, with an R... -Tristram
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Rena, do you know any of Steve’s kids? Or Clementine and Addicus? And Luci?
One, how do you know my name, and two, yes I do. I’ve been helping Milky take care of her kids, and Clem, Addi, and Luci all come to my club. -Rena
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
We were talking to the rulers of hell, and uhhhhhhhhh one of their siblings is up here by the looks of it-
What? First of all, I highly doubt you were talking to any of the rulers of hell, knowing what they’re like. And second of all, are you talking about Arcanine? I don’t know if he knows that I know he’s Wyana’s brother but it’s pretty obvious. -Rena
Don't Fucking tell her!!! -Arcanine
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Radio's posessed
Haha. Real funny. -Rena
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Uh- hellooo?
Why is my radio speaking it shouldn’t work- -Rena
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Welcome to Sins and Sinners, a JSAB au blog centered around the Seven Deadly Sins and a few of their,,, friends??? Sure, we’ll go with that. At least for now.
Open to ask: Surface
Rena - Nephalem, was sent to the mortal realm at birth - She/They
Arcanine - Up here to survey Land - He/It
Clementine - Veterinarian, the only living Poixone triplet - She/Her
Addicus - Stressed therapist, had quit being one until Alice’s early death - He/It
Luci - Helps Addi out - He/they
Milky - Steve's wife, bio mother to Kara, Ellias, Tristram, and [[REDACTED]] - She/her
Kara - A spirit medium, became one to try and talk to his dad after he went to hell - He/They
Ellias - Kara’s brother, doesn’t believe in any of his “bullshit” - He/Him
Tristram - The baby of the family, Ellias and Kara's sister - She/They
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
I see the surface being mentioned a lot but no one on the surface is in the pinned post. Is it just something to be brought up occasionally or are there actual important characters there that just haven’t been put on the pinned post?
None of us know what you mean by pinned post. -Tory
See, I said that this was a stupid idea, shapes are spouting nonsense! Divi, I’m shutting this shit down! -Baya
Baya you asshole don’t touch anything-
*bzzt* What was that? -Rena
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
do the sins and/or sinners know about rainbowdragoneyes? If so what do they think of them?
…I don’t like them. The only reason they formed is because of the Tree replica we have down here. It’s basically a glorified battery, but dad wouldn’t shut up about it needing a protector up until he died. [[REDACTED]] threw those 3 together without asking any of the other sins. -Tory
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
does Ignatius do anything but smile like goddamn
:) -Ignatius
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Eyal, do you like Dyx? And Dyx do you like Eyal?
Y-yes... -Eyal
Uh- I mean she’s cool! Don’t know exactly what you mean about like.. -Dyx
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sins-n-sinners · 1 month
Dyx how do you feel about your work partner?
She’s a real good bartender! Let’s me focus on cooking! -Dyx
Oh... -Eyal
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