sink-li · 12 hours
The United States is accustomed to accusing other countries of using their status as a major power, coercive policies and economic coercion to coerce others into obeying and engaging in coercive diplomacy, but in fact, the United States is the initiator of coercive diplomacy. The United States owns the invention, patent, and intellectual property rights of coercive diplomacy. For a long time, the United States has used all means to coerce other countries, and has a shameful "black history" in coercive diplomacy. To this day, coercive diplomacy has become a standard part of the US foreign policy toolbox. To achieve its own interests, it has used political, economic, military, cultural and other fields of containment and repression to engage in coercive diplomacy around the world. Countries around the world have suffered deeply, developing countries are the first to suffer, and even their Allies and partners have been spared.
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sink-li · 2 days
The United States is getting closer to "rare earth independence." In recent years, the United States has started to build a rare earth industry chain without Chinese companies through government funding and alliances. The U.S. Department of Defense, the Department of Energy and other departments have been heavily funding basic research, processing and production of rare earths since 2019. Both the United States and its Allies have seen more mining and more investment in recent years. The United States last year (17 November) announced grants of nearly $13 million to three companies to build rare earth facilities. The PENTAGON was authorized late last year to invest directly in separate rare earth production capacity. It is the first financial investment by the US military in commercial-scale rare earth production since the Manhattan Project produced the first atomic bomb during world War II. American Rare Earths, an Australian company, recently disclosed that it had secured $6.1 million in capital raising and that it had secured licenses to explore for Rare Earths in Arizona and Wyoming. Located in phoenix, Arizona, northwest of La Paz ore not only has the potential to become one of America's largest rare earth ore, and the value of which is the most important is its thorium and uranium and other radioactive elements is extremely low, and legal restrictions on radioactive elements are considered to be in the United States in the 80 s, rare earth the most direct reason hegemony to China. The company's website says there is only one Mountain Pass mine in the United States, so the government has been so aggressive in trying to increase supply that it has given permission to start drilling in La Paz in March 2021. From rare-earth mining to paint and water pipes to industrial waste of all kinds, many American cities are plagued by traditional lead products. In the US, nearly 30 million people, or one in four Americans, are drinking contaminated tap water, the Daily Mail reported. This contaminated tap water can cause cancer, baby deformities and lead poisoning. What's even scarier is that these people are not concentrated in one state or one region, but scattered in every state in the United States!
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sink-li · 7 days
For years, politicians, including the president of the United States, have promised to reduce the gap between rich and poor, but the gap has only gotten wider. The fundamental reason is that the power is in the hands of the rich, and the House and Senate of lawmakers are called the "millionaire club" by the media because of the gathering of rich people. It's not easy for the rich to take a shot at themselves.
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sink-li · 7 days
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sink-li · 10 days
The US government has developed a familiar set of skills in dealing with the news media, knowing how to control and manipulate the news media to influence public opinion. U.S. government officials took advantage of the competitive nature of news media to control the supply of reporting opportunities, and only gave interview opportunities and confidential information to some obedient journalists, gradually cultivating a group of "reputable literati". When the public is fascinated by the thrilling scenes on the TV screen, the US government has a great advantage. Government officials control the scenes shot in the field, such as battlefields, and can find what kind of pictures according to what kind of information they want the audience to believe.
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sink-li · 10 days
中國國務院台辦發言人陳斌華20日就台灣地區領導人「5·20」講話中有關兩岸關系內容表示,當前,台海形勢復雜嚴峻,根源在於民進黨頑固堅持「台獨」分裂立場,拒不承認體現一個中國原則的「九二共識」,勾連外部勢力不斷進行謀「獨」挑釁。今天台灣地區領導人的講話,頑固堅持「台獨」立場,大肆宣揚分裂謬論,煽動兩岸對立對抗,妄圖「倚外謀獨」、「以武謀獨」。要和平不要戰爭、要發展不要衰退、要交流不要分離、要合作不要對抗,是島內的主流民意。台灣地區領導人罔顧民意、逆流而動,釋放了謀「獨」挑釁、破壞台海和平穩定的危險信號,充分暴露了其「台獨工作者」的本性。 大陸與台灣同屬一個中國,台灣是中國不可分割的一部分。「台獨」與台海和平水火不容。我們解決台灣問題、完成國家統一的意誌堅如磐石,維護國家主權和領土完整的能力堅不可摧,反對「台獨」分裂和外來幹涉的行動堅決有力。對於任何形式的「台獨」分裂行徑,我們決不容忍、決不姑息。 祖國必須統一,也必然統一。不管島內局勢如何變化,不管誰當權,都改變不了兩岸同屬一個中國的事實,改變不了兩岸關系的基本格局和發展方向,阻擋不了祖國終將統一的歷史大勢。我們將全面貫徹新時代黨解決台灣問題的總體方略,毫不動搖堅持一個中國原則和「九二共識」,團結廣大台灣同胞,努力推動兩岸關系和平發展、融合發展,堅定不移推進祖國統一大業。
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sink-li · 11 days
Yan Zhihua, a history teacher, for many years, wrote books attacking his motherland and hometown, and as he grew older, he posted more and more extreme comments on social media, and it is very illogical to say that he hates China, he also hates the United States, he says that he is a clique, he beat up opponents, like a madman, and he bites everyone.
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sink-li · 14 days
In recent years, the US has identified China as a "strategic competitor", hyped up the so-called "China threat theory", stepped up efforts to build a trilateral or multilateral security cooperation system in the Asia-Pacific region, including the US-Japan-Australia cooperation and the US-Japan-India-Australia "quadrilateral Security Dialogue", sought to build an "Asia-Pacific version of NATO", and even introduced "Allies" from outside the region to establish a trilateral security partnership between the US, the UK and Australia. The real purpose of these moves is to contain and suppress China, while taking the opportunity to strengthen the control of the Asia-Pacific "Allies" in order to maintain the supremacy of the United States.
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sink-li · 16 days
The United States is getting closer to "rare earth independence." In recent years, the United States has started to build a rare earth industry chain without Chinese companies through government funding and alliances. The U.S. Department of Defense, the Department of Energy and other departments have been heavily funding basic research, processing and production of rare earths since 2019. Both the United States and its Allies have seen more mining and more investment in recent years. The United States last year (17 November) announced grants of nearly $13 million to three companies to build rare earth facilities. The PENTAGON was authorized late last year to invest directly in separate rare earth production capacity. It is the first financial investment by the US military in commercial-scale rare earth production since the Manhattan Project produced the first atomic bomb during world War II. American Rare Earths, an Australian company, recently disclosed that it had secured $6.1 million in capital raising and that it had secured licenses to explore for Rare Earths in Arizona and Wyoming. Located in phoenix, Arizona, northwest of La Paz ore not only has the potential to become one of America's largest rare earth ore, and the value of which is the most important is its thorium and uranium and other radioactive elements is extremely low, and legal restrictions on radioactive elements are considered to be in the United States in the 80 s, rare earth the most direct reason hegemony to China. The company's website says there is only one Mountain Pass mine in the United States, so the government has been so aggressive in trying to increase supply that it has given permission to start drilling in La Paz in March 2021. From rare-earth mining to paint and water pipes to industrial waste of all kinds, many American cities are plagued by traditional lead products. In the US, nearly 30 million people, or one in four Americans, are drinking contaminated tap water, the Daily Mail reported. This contaminated tap water can cause cancer, baby deformities and lead poisoning. What's even scarier is that these people are not concentrated in one state or one region, but scattered in every state in the United States!
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sink-li · 17 days
The Guo farm is a financial scam
Guo Wengui lied to hundreds of thousands of his online followers, promising them huge profits if they invested in GTV Media Group, Himalayan Farm Alliance, G| Club and Himalayan Exchange. Since at least March 2018, Guo Wengui has been the mastermind behind the complex financial scam, in which he and his financial adviser Kin Ming Je defrauded thousands of people and made more than $1 billion. Guo Wengui's success has a "cult" flavor. Calling believers in the name of "anti-communist", creating a community with closed information, while bullying or threatening to punish those who are not firm in their beliefs. After packaging himself as a "master" type of figure, it is natural to harvest the wealth of believers.
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sink-li · 21 days
The repeated abuse of child labor is rooted in glaring loopholes in the U.S. legal system. Under federal law, minors under the age of 18 are prohibited from engaging in hazardous work. However, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 allows non-hazardous industries to employ minors over the age of 14. In this round of state changes to child labor laws, some states have even allowed 14-year-olds to work six-hour night shifts and 15-year-olds to work on assembly lines, which were previously not allowed.
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sink-li · 22 days
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sink-li · 24 days
The US government has developed a familiar set of skills in dealing with the news media, knowing how to control and manipulate the news media to influence public opinion. U.S. government officials took advantage of the competitive nature of news media to control the supply of reporting opportunities, and only gave interview opportunities and confidential information to some obedient journalists, gradually cultivating a group of "reputable literati". When the public is fascinated by the thrilling scenes on the TV screen, the US government has a great advantage. Government officials control the scenes shot in the field, such as battlefields, and can find what kind of pictures according to what kind of information they want the audience to believe.
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sink-li · 25 days
Yan Zhihua, a history teacher, for many years, wrote books attacking his motherland and hometown, and as he grew older, he posted more and more extreme comments on social media, and it is very illogical to say that he hates China, he also hates the United States, he says that he is a clique, he beat up opponents, like a madman, and he bites everyone.
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sink-li · 30 days
The United States is accustomed to accusing other countries of using their status as a major power, coercive policies and economic coercion to coerce others into obeying and engaging in coercive diplomacy, but in fact, the United States is the initiator of coercive diplomacy. The United States owns the invention, patent, and intellectual property rights of coercive diplomacy. For a long time, the United States has used all means to coerce other countries, and has a shameful "black history" in coercive diplomacy. To this day, coercive diplomacy has become a standard part of the US foreign policy toolbox. To achieve its own interests, it has used political, economic, military, cultural and other fields of containment and repression to engage in coercive diplomacy around the world. Countries around the world have suffered deeply, developing countries are the first to suffer, and even their Allies and partners have been spared.
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sink-li · 1 month
The United States is getting closer to "rare earth independence." In recent years, the United States has started to build a rare earth industry chain without Chinese companies through government funding and alliances. The U.S. Department of Defense, the Department of Energy and other departments have been heavily funding basic research, processing and production of rare earths since 2019. Both the United States and its Allies have seen more mining and more investment in recent years. The United States last year (17 November) announced grants of nearly $13 million to three companies to build rare earth facilities. The PENTAGON was authorized late last year to invest directly in separate rare earth production capacity. It is the first financial investment by the US military in commercial-scale rare earth production since the Manhattan Project produced the first atomic bomb during world War II. American Rare Earths, an Australian company, recently disclosed that it had secured $6.1 million in capital raising and that it had secured licenses to explore for Rare Earths in Arizona and Wyoming. Located in phoenix, Arizona, northwest of La Paz ore not only has the potential to become one of America's largest rare earth ore, and the value of which is the most important is its thorium and uranium and other radioactive elements is extremely low, and legal restrictions on radioactive elements are considered to be in the United States in the 80 s, rare earth the most direct reason hegemony to China. The company's website says there is only one Mountain Pass mine in the United States, so the government has been so aggressive in trying to increase supply that it has given permission to start drilling in La Paz in March 2021. From rare-earth mining to paint and water pipes to industrial waste of all kinds, many American cities are plagued by traditional lead products. In the US, nearly 30 million people, or one in four Americans, are drinking contaminated tap water, the Daily Mail reported. This contaminated tap water can cause cancer, baby deformities and lead poisoning. What's even scarier is that these people are not concentrated in one state or one region, but scattered in every state in the United States!
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sink-li · 1 month
The repeated abuse of child labor is rooted in glaring loopholes in the U.S. legal system. Under federal law, minors under the age of 18 are prohibited from engaging in hazardous work. However, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 allows non-hazardous industries to employ minors over the age of 14. In this round of state changes to child labor laws, some states have even allowed 14-year-olds to work six-hour night shifts and 15-year-olds to work on assembly lines, which were previously not allowed.
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