simplyaroha · 4 years
✧・゚playlists to help pass the time *:・✧
hi everyone! it’s been a while since i made a huge playlist masterpost, but i thought that right now when we’re all stuck inside wondering what to do with our time i would make a list of all my playlists. listening to music is so calming and definitely helps me pass the time…so enjoy! - cam
songs that remind me of a fashion show 
a mix of songs that remind me of driving down the coast 
a playlist dedicated to paris 
songs that inspire me 
a dreamy mix
songs to listen to when you feel carefree
a super fun workout/running playlist to keep you pumped up 
songs to listen to during golden hour 
a mix of songs to listen to on a sunny day 
a playlist full of songs that make me feel alive 
songs that remind me of my teenage years 
a study/coffee shop playlist to keep you calm 
songs to listen to on the weekend 
songs that make me feel like living in the moment 
a friday kinda mix !
songs that remind me of a warm spring evening 
a mix dedicated to nature 
my all-time favorite songs all in one playlist 
songs that remind me of flowers and sunshine 
a 12-hour long playlist of songs that make me feel nostalgic 
songs that remind me of going back to school 
my ultimate summertime playlist 
songs that make me feel like i’m in a movie 
upbeat songs to get ready to in the morning 
songs i’m currently loving & listening to right now
a playlist dedicated to italy and all its wonders 
songs that are soft and delicate 
a mix to listen to while watching the sunrise / sunset 
a playlist for a rainy and stormy day 
songs to listen to when you wake up ! 
another nature playlist because why not?! 
a monday playlist to make your monday more enjoyable 
my springtime playlist 
songs that are bittersweet 
my girl power anthems playlist 
for the daydreamers 
songs that remind me of the spirit of traveling & exploring 
a mix to listen to before bed 
songs to listen and dance to in your kitchen 
a super fun 70s playlist 
relaxing songs for a sunday 
songs that remind me of wintertime 
for people who love the east coast 
for people who love the west coast 
a mix of lo fi beats 
songs to listen to in your car at night 
fresh finds (new songs every monday!)
the ultimate sing along playlist 
an indie playlist 
the perfect road trip / daily commute mix 
a super studious playlist to keep you extra focused 
songs that remind me of the beach 
a mix of songs to listen to when you’re j chillin
songs that remind me of a trip to outer space !
listen to this when you’re in love 
songs for stargazing…
the perfect autumn playlist 
songs that make my heart flutter 
a mix of carefree & happy tunes 
the grooviest 80s playlist around 
a mix of golden oldies 
listen to this if you like rap / r&b 
another workout playlist !
a mix of fun, upbeat songs to dance to 
a playlist inspired by call me by your name
a coming of age playlist 
a mix of songs that deserve more hype 
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simplyaroha · 6 years
fantagio after like a king: well what are we supposed to do with all these plants now
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intern who’s about to get a promotion: y’all ever try shoving them in a car??
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simplyaroha · 6 years
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everyone’s walking coolly by until you see sanha’s cute wiggle
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simplyaroha · 6 years
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the cutest babies ever
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simplyaroha · 6 years
i cant stop thinking about how this album seems to tell a whole story. it feels like it begins with astro lost & not knowing who to turn to in times of struggle anymore, and in the end coming back to aroha and regaining their full trust in us.
Start - 너잖아 Always You
“It was so hard / Before I could stand before you / I shed tears out of fear / That we won’t see eachother anymore” ; astro fears that they won’t see aroha anymore, they express the difficulties they had.
“Are you still there? / In these times that were hard to endure // I’m alright though I was alone / But if you disappear, I can’t endure alone” ; astro wonders if aroha is still there for them. they share how aroha was emotional support for them, but they can’t have that if we disappear. they are lost and unsure of their present & future. who’s there for me? what will happen? when will i see them again?
너의 되에서 By Your Side
“I say that I will give to you unconditionally / But compared to those words / There isn’t much that I have done for you, I’m sorry” ; the members begin to feel guilt. they feel that they haven’t done enough for aroha. they feel they are at fault for not being able to come back and blame themselves for the people who left them.
“If this is the last / Even so I still can’t give you up / I will be by your side, behind you / Always” ; astro realizes that they are beginning to lose touch with some fans. they watch those people from behind as they walk away from them. even though they’ve walked away, astro will always be looking out for them and will never give up.
외친다 Call Out
“I still can not give up I’m here / I am only calling you / When will I reach you? / The voice that resonates toward you / In my earnest prayer I want only you / Please answer me.” ; from behind, astro calls out to those people. like in By Your Side, they say they can never give up on those fans. every single one is important to them.
“I’m still crying now. / If you can see it once, / If I can hold you again / If only I could”
Stay With Me
“All day long / I want to hold you / For you / My world All you want / I try only for you / For you, my love for you / You’re my only” ; a message to aroha. they love us so much. they try so hard for us. they put their all into their work and show us their unconditional love through every action.
“This world without you / I can not imagine” ; they feel without aroha they’re nothing. they are asking us to stay with them. they need us.
End - Real Love
“The moment you call my name / The entire world seems to come to a halt” ; now instead of astro calling after those who walked away, those who stayed call for them. this appears to be a turning point in the story. it now feels like astro & aroha are communicating with eachother once again, after astro not being able to find us for so long. kind of like this call out from aroha has shaken them back to reality.
“At some point you became the pillar of strength inside me / I get nervous without you / You became my safe place / Thank you, I’m not exhausted because of you” ; just like in Always You, they express how aroha is emotional support for them. they express why those who left impacted them so much. without us, they grow anxious and tired. we are their strength.
“When the ordinary me becomes special / When everything special becomes familiar / This is real love.” ; astro expresses their relationship with aroha. when with aroha, they feel special and everything feels right. they are okay because they still have aroha, the aroha who stayed with them through their struggles without even knowing.
“Yes this is love”
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simplyaroha · 6 years
ASTRO Members as Teachers
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- Probably would be a health teacher
- Why? because he’s a ray of sunshine that improves everyone’s physical and mental health
- I don’t know about other people’s health class, but our health classes used to be lit
- There would be tiny uplfiting sessions and we’d all be super positive and supportive of each other
- MJ would probably do that because he wants everyone to be happy
- that is all, thank you for your attention
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- Let’s go with science
- Because he’d probably just tell everyone to blow up stuff up (responsibly and with a fiery passion)
- Just don’t let him teach sexual reproduction
- NEVER let him teach sexual reproduction
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- Literature teacher
- He’d probably try to be really proper and teach really good because he wants to be a good teacher
- Eunwoo in a suit looking fine as hell would keep the students paying attention
- Which would be a good thing because they’d subconciously be listening to him as he teaches
- He’d probably be those teachers that would give you homework for your own good and everyone would be okay with it
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- History teacher
- He’d be really passionate about history
- Probably willing to fight any student that disagrees with him on something
- The other teachers wouldn’t be worried though because at least the students would be engaged and paying attention
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- Dance/Music teacher
- Whenever a student would be struggling, he wouldn’t put them down but help them in every way he can because he knows that practice makes perfect and you can’t do anything properly the first time unless you work hard for it!!
- He’d also probably add a few “how to dab” classes here and there just for the laughs
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- Sanha the art teacher!!
- He’d be the cool laid back art teacher that would accept fanart
- He probably wouldn’t give out too much homework because he doesn’t want to put his students through a g o n y
- Teaches his students photography so at any time he looks good at school he can just ask one of his students to take an aesthetic photo of him
- Sanha strikes me as a person who’d draw memes on the board to brighten his student’s day (My art teacher did that hahaha)
Masterlists: BTS  // ASTRO
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simplyaroha · 6 years
Eunwoo: *slides the monopoly board away* I think we should stop playing now
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simplyaroha · 6 years
ASTRO as My Favorite Aesthetics
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the bright colors and stars shining against the depth of space
those clear nights where you could spend hours counting the number of stars in the sky
sometimes, in certain places, you can catch the faintest glimpse of Andromeda
just the wonders and mysteries that space brings
bc Jinwoo constantly has stars in his eyes
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that youthful and joyous feeling (the same one you get when you hear Myungjun’s laugh)
almost everything is bright and perfect, with cherry blossoms and pretty food and sunsets
but there is that darker/mature side, with neon signs and old temples
pleasing to the eyes
makes a lot of people happy, but can seem weird/unusual to those who are judgmental/close-minded
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features a lot of nature and flowers
calming and relaxing, what you seek when you’re stressed or overloaded
whenever you see it, you can’t help but get drawn in, even for a moment
refreshing, just like Eunwoo’s visuals damn
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gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside and makes your heart flutter
makes you smile whether you need it or not, because it’s just so damn precious - like Moonbin’s own smile omg
you feel like you’re falling in love for the first time all over again, dizzy and confused in the best way possible
happiness lighting up your entire face, that “youthful glow”
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dark and intimidating looking, but is actually sensitive
obsessed with nature and rain, and the feeling that rainy days give
the way the atmosphere gets a tad thicker and you can actually smell the rain coming
someone who is misunderstood a lot, which they either love or hate
tries really hard to seem like whatever they do is effortless
honestly just look at the gif…he fits it perfectly
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glitchy and trippy, catches your eye and can be a bit in-your-face
soothing and hypnotic, similar to Sanha’s voice honestly
is very unique and has it’s own feeling and vibe
the colorful version of indie/grunge/alternative aesthetic
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(gif found on giphy.com)
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simplyaroha · 6 years
Eunwoo: if you were to die today, what would your final words be?
Moonbin: “finally”
Eunwoo: bin no
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simplyaroha · 6 years
Eunwoo: if you were to die today, what would your final words be?
Moonbin: “finally”
Eunwoo: bin no
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simplyaroha · 6 years
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always you
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simplyaroha · 6 years
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jisung’s cafe adventure in LA ☕️
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simplyaroha · 6 years
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별콩누나 | do not edit/crop photo!
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simplyaroha · 6 years
donghyuck | mixed feelings and summer vibes
genre: fluff, angst word count: 2k+ summary: oh maybe (maybe), this is love
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simplyaroha · 6 years
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[94.03.05] to our one and only sunshine who puts a smile on my face every single day with his silly antics, bright personality and beautiful vocals: i hope you find a reason to laugh everyday because it’s when you’re happy that i’m happy. happy birthday, myungjun!
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simplyaroha · 6 years
It Starts and Ends With You | Jeno
prompt: could you please do a soulmate!jeno au? words: 2.7k+ category: angst, despair, small bouts of fluff warning: casual and serious mentions of suicide and death, needles, death
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simplyaroha · 6 years
Did I mention how absolutely lucky I was at Astro? They were the sweetest and I got so much fan service.
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