simply-fallen · 1 year
reblog with ur height in the tags!!!!! i wanna see how tall/short all my mutuals are
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simply-fallen · 1 year
I mean it isn’t that deep, you said women who complain about feminism should have all there money taken away, then turn around and talk about how they would have to be reliant on a man who could stop them from having money to get what he wants. They are the same scenario
i think women who make jokes like “i could be at home baking pies rn but instead i have to work because of stupid ungrateful feminists” and shit to that effect should all have their bank accounts taken away. let’s see how they fare when their only choice is to find a man to be financially dependent on, & then the indignity of having an ‘allowance’ from him - that he will absolutely withhold to get whatever he wants. like sorry but how the fuck is that better than having a job & ur own money ???
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simply-fallen · 1 year
So… your feminism is a husband? Cause I am missing how “you make jokes about feminism so I am taking your money” and “you made me as your husband look bad so I am withholding your money” are different.
i think women who make jokes like “i could be at home baking pies rn but instead i have to work because of stupid ungrateful feminists” and shit to that effect should all have their bank accounts taken away. let’s see how they fare when their only choice is to find a man to be financially dependent on, & then the indignity of having an ‘allowance’ from him - that he will absolutely withhold to get whatever he wants. like sorry but how the fuck is that better than having a job & ur own money ???
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simply-fallen · 1 year
Absolutely, we’ve had our rough times but 100% adore and love my parents and talk to them daily
does anyone actually have a good relationship with both their parents?? I'm curious
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simply-fallen · 1 year
I think it comes from people not understanding what being traditional actually means.
I told one of those trad-holes that men should actually care about their wives and he heckin blocked me lol
Internet trad men are so soft. And evil.
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simply-fallen · 2 years
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simply-fallen · 2 years
People being okay with politicians weaponizing the fbi, cia, or any other organization against political opponents are just okay with dictatorship
how is it a raid when the FBI was working in tandem with Trump's lawyers. they all had copies of the warrant. maybe trump shouldn't have broken the law.
He didn't break the law. Exactly what law is it you think he broke?
You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
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simply-fallen · 2 years
remember to do your part by giving Amazon's Rings of Power show the Morbius treatment
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simply-fallen · 2 years
College is a trap for probably 85% of people who enter.
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simply-fallen · 2 years
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simply-fallen · 2 years
I mean… this is always how it’s been if someone is known as the father and you get cps involved, it’s called child support and is very much a thing, I would love the addition of DNA verification though.
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simply-fallen · 2 years
“The non-partisan” take looks awfully partisan.
kinda nuts how we just never got any resolution on the ‘kids in cages’ thing. biden never even like put out a statement saying they were going to get the kids out of the cages but it was going to take a while or anything. liberals just all instantaneously stopped caring about immigration issues at all the instant biden got elected because they figure something good must be happening on it
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simply-fallen · 2 years
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found a cute wallpaper 💙💕
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simply-fallen · 2 years
So cars can drive through protest lines on the that then because there is an implied threat? Interesting take.
not to be an old cranky leftist but going forward i think those of us who live in the us need to remember a protest is not a group powerwalk to register polite disapproval with those in power
a protest is an implied threat. a protest says there are a lot of us, and we do not like what you’re doing. we are giving you a chance to course correct before we take things to the next level.
if there’s no shared commitment to the potential of moving to that next level: a protest is useless and essentially just public performance art.
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simply-fallen · 2 years
It’s not about absolving them, getting to the root of the problem is also necessary.
As I fucking thought, Uvalde police waited while people bled out, and the Border Patrol had to step in just to go after the shooter...
And what's more, the Uvalde Police DID NOT EVEN EVACUATE OTHER STUDENTS. Jesus fucking christ.
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simply-fallen · 2 years
“An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus.”
That’s the medical definition of an abortion, every other definition also revolves around the termination of a pregnancy.
“Pregnancy is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus develops inside a woman's womb or uterus. Pregnancy usually lasts about 40 weeks, or just over 9 months, as measured from the last menstrual period to delivery. Health care providers refer to three segments of pregnancy, called trimesters.”
This is the medical definition of pregnancy.
A ectopic pregnancy is by definition not in the womb or uterus, meaning it does not meet the definition of pregnancy used in regard to abortion.
I don’t know which laws definition of abortion you are referring to but I think you are wrong.
What are we supposed to do about ectopic pregnancies and fetuses which are incompatible with life (are guaranteed to be stillborn or die shortly after birth if carried to term, usually also risking serious complications for the mother)? The only treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is abortion; the choice is abortion or death. The only way to minimize suffering for a mother carrying a fetus that’s incompatible with life is abortion, which can also potentially be lifesaving for her depending on the specific medical complications of the pregnancy.
None of these cases actually require abortion because if a baby dies while in the womb removing it is not an abortion.
A baby is only guaranteed to be stillborn if there are no signs of life and it appears that it has died in the womb. In that case, if it's already dead, removing it is not an abortion. An abortion kills what is living, not removes what is dead. Besides, there is always the chance a stillborn baby can be resuscitated. In fact, one study shows that of 42 successfully resuscitated stillbirths, many of them survived to be sent home and grew up perfectly healthy.
An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that should be dealt with at a hospital, not an abortion facility. The doctors should make every effort to save both lives. There are rare cases of both the baby and the mother surviving an ectopic pregnancy but in most cases ectopic pregnancies will end with the death of the baby because they implanted outside the uterus and cannot survive. The pregnancy needs to be monitored and if the baby doesn't pass on its own then the doctor will need to remove it.
As pro lifers we always want both lives to be saved if possible but this is not always possible but it doesn't mean we shouldn't try. In most cases where there is a literal life threatening pregnancy condition it's because the baby the is already dead or can be treated by early delivery. Abortion is not a medical treatment, it is killing a human life.
Besides, I, as well as pretty much all other pro lifers say if the mother's life is in danger she should be treated as necessary (but this usually does not mean an abortion is needed). But banning abortion does not mean medical emergencies, like ectopic pregnancies, will not be dealt with as needed.
In every case possible, the baby should be delivered alive and given a chance at life.
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simply-fallen · 2 years
You my friend had the pleasure of not seeing the “we should support women getting abortions for Father’s Day.” And “Making someone give birth to the child they conceived is akin to slavery” message that W. Kamau Bell put out. As well as several other news sources.
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