silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Hello, roleplay tags!
We’re still having some trouble showing up in the tags, but that won’t keep us from working to bring this university to life! Help us get started!
Interested in a new Multifandom/OC superpower college RPG that is putting an emphasis on character development? Come check us out!
if you’ve got a question that’s burning in the back of your mind about us or a character you’d like to bring to life, please send them our way! In the meantime, I’ll be working on creating our followlist!
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~Dean M
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Silverkeep College has received (a) new application(s):
1 canon female - Marvel - Earth 14512- Peni Parker (Aoi Yū FC)
The application count is now: 2
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Hello, hello tags!
If you’re anything like me, you have always been a fan of superpower AUs, comics, and superhero shows slash movies. Well, what if I told you that Silverkeep is all of those combined into one rp?
Are you interested in a new Multifandom/OC superpower college rpg that is placing an emphasis on character development? Come give us a look!
Admin M and myself are looking forward to hearing from you, whether it be via questions or apps! So, if you’ve got either one of those, please fire away! I’ll be around to answer as well as review.
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-Dean D
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Hello, roleplay tags!
After taking a quick advertising break to account for the holiday season, Silverkeep is back and ready to bring this university to life! Help us get started!
Interested in a new Multifandom/OC superpower college RPG that is putting an emphasis on character development? Come check us out!
if you’ve got a question that’s burning in the back of your mind about us or a character you’d like to bring to life, please send them our way! I’ll be on and off all day today.
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~Dean M
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Hello again lurkers!
A new decade has begun and the holidays are slowly winding to a close. Which means that we are officially open for business! Hope that you’ve had a great time with your loved ones and have gotten a breath of fresh air!
So please come one and come all with your apps and questions! Admin M and myself are back in action here on the main, ready to answer as well as accept whatever you might have to toss your way. Got a burning question in the back of your mind? Or maybe you’ve had a character idea in your head all break and are ready to bring them in?
Are you interested in a new Multifandom/OC superpower college rpg that is placing an emphasis on character development? Come give us a look!
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-Dean D
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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A quick message to our lurkers:
Since people are enjoying their holidays/breaks and aren’t really on Tumblr as much, Admin D and I have decided to delay the hard open/beginning of strong advertisement date until Jan 3rd 2020 when the new year is upon us!
We will still be posting a few ads a day and will be logging on periodically to answer any messages/post app updates, so if you’re currently lurking and want to take this time working on your app, by all means!
Just please don’t be discouraged if you notice that updates are coming a bit slower for the next 10 days or so.
See you next decade. ;)
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~Dean M
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Greetings tags!
Tell me, are you interested in a multifandom/OC superpower college RPG that is putting an emphasis on character development? If you answered yes, then you’re in luck!
Admin M and myself are here to take your questions as well as your apps! Got something you want to know about our lovely little world? Or maybe we’ve already caught your eye and you’ve got a character in mind. All the same, we are here and ready!
So, if you’ve got a question that’s burning in the back of your mind or a character you’d like to bring to life, we’ll here and waiting for them. Fire away into our inbox!
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0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Silverkeep College has received (a) new application(s):
1 non-canon male - Glee - Earth Prime - Topher Hummel (Miles Heizer FC)
The application count is now: 1
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Hello, roleplay tags!
Looks like our tags are finally working! Hooray!
Now that we’re officially in business, it’s time to start really getting this roleplay underway! Why not help us out by checking us out?
Interested in a new Multifandom/OC superpower college RPG that is putting an emphasis on character development? Come check us out!
I’ll be online for the rest of the day working on some fun extra coding things, and I’d be happy to answer any questions interested applicants may have! Please send them my way!
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~Dean M
0 notes
silverkeeprpg · 4 years
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Hello, roleplay tags!
Please ignore our dust! We’re a brand new multifandom and OC superpower college RPG that is putting an emphasis on character and relationship development.
Your two admins are myself, Admin M, as well as the lovely Admin D.
Please feel free to take a look around our RP to see if you’d like to join! And in the mean time, if you have any questions, please feel free to send them our way!
I will be continuing to work diligently on coding a nice follow page for us when the time comes, so I will be around for the rest of the night if there are any curious anons out there!
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~ Dean M
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