siggadottir · 7 years
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Her quick reply caught him off guard, making him go silent as lips closed together to listen to what she had to say to him. “She died saving Ubbe and Hvitserk? Did she not?”
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“Yes”, she quickly answered, followed by a deep exhale. He was not the first person to talk to her about her mother’s death, and even though she would never be able to truly process it, it got easier every time.  “I cannot blame them, for they were just children. To me, it was a heroic death, for the greater good. Ubbe and Hvitserk are said to achieve great things. "
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siggadottir · 7 years
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“Don’t.” Thyri held up her hand as a sign for him to say nothing further. It would be a lie to say that she had never thought about it. After all, it was too easy to put the blame on someone. “Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn’t. It had nothing to do with you, neither with Aslaug nor anyone else. It was the gods' will.”
@siggadottir liked for a Rollo starter:
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“I’m…sorry.” The words weren’t something Rollo wasn’t used to saying but it was needed in this moment.”Maybe she’d be alive if I was here.”
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siggadottir · 7 years
@bexruthless sent 🌑 for a generated starter
She had been looking for him for about an hour now.  Maybe it was stupid – no, it definitely was stupid to worry about such a thing, especially if it was a common thing under the boys – but she wanted to apologize. She rarely lost control, and even if it was ‘just’ calling him an ignorant, immature, mummy’s boy with no self-control, her bad conscience was growing with every passing minute.  Finally, she found him, sitting by the pond, probably plotting to kill someone. "Ivar”, she said and sat down next to him. “I hope that what I've said hasn't hurt you too much. Or hasn’t made you put my name on your kill list. I don’t think you’re an ignorant, immature, mummy’s boy, at least not always."
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siggadottir · 7 years
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“I never thought I would say it, but yes, I do.” Ingeborg let out a sigh. “This place has changed for the worse since Lagertha took the throne. There’s an odd vibe here.” Ingeborg hated Lagertha for what she had done to Aslaug and she wasn’t shy about admitting it in public, surrounded by the ever present shieldmaidens Lagertha needed to seemingly keep the people in place. What she did was an act of cowardice and Lagertha did not deserve to be on that throne. 
“And what would you do once in England? You’ll be surrounded by filthy Christians, who will no doubt want to do unspeakable things to a woman such as yourself.
“I haven’t thought beyond that”, she admitted, lowering her gaze. “I mean I have ideas, but not a plan.” She was never a person to carefully plan things out, most of her actions were based on impulse, and so far, it worked. “Not all Christians are filthy and bad, Inge. I once knew a man, a Christian, he was without a shadow of doubt the kindest person I have ever met.”
She lowered her voice, so that nobody was able to overhear their conversation. “Frankly, I think the Christians are not as bad as our men would like us to believe. War turns everyone into animals. They’re not any worse – or any better than us.”
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siggadottir · 7 years
Put a “🌑” in my ask, and I’ll generate a starter!
Using this site.
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siggadottir · 7 years
                 Making a History’s Vikings rp masterlist
          I know lists like these have been made in the past, but having seen so many people come and go I wish to make a list of all current active roleplayers within the vikings fandom before the start of 4b, because I truly hope the fandom is going to grow again with lots of new characters and hopefully this will help people to connect more easily ❤           Please reblog if you are an active (which means you at least post one reply every week!) character from the Vikings series, or if you are an OC who has their main verse set in the Vikings universe so I can add you to the list.
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siggadottir · 7 years
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“Woman things as in taking care of children and preventing them from causing trouble?” ‘ Well that is exactly what I am trying to do ‘ she added in her mind, knowing very well that speaking it out loud would most certainly lead to him handing her his axe –albeit not in a kind way. “I am just concerned.”
"Would you kindly hand me the axe."
Send my muse ‘would you kindly’ and an order, and they have to obey.
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He only looked back because he didn’t know anyone who would ask him to kindly give them an axe - his axe. That’s not how Ivar works, and everyone who knows Ivar knows how deeply he values his own weapons. He takes care of them like mothers take care of their children, and he would not share them with anyone just like husband and wife.
“Should you not be doing woman things?”
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siggadottir · 7 years
@ingeborgeysteinnsdottir ♥’d 
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“Do you ever get tired of Kattegat?” The question seemed to come out of nowhere, when in fact, it had bothered her for quite a while now – every since Lagertha  Queen Lagertha and her shield -maidens took over this town, to be exact. Thyri held no personal grudge against Lagertha, yet a big part of her respect towards the woman died the day Lagertha killed many of Kattegat*s residents for a personal reason.  Of course, she would never voice her thoughts, not here, not in a place where Lagertha’s shield-maidens where EVERYWHERE. “This place seems to have lost its charm. You know, I would really love to go to England. We’ve been told so many stories, I really want to know whether they are all true.”
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siggadottir · 7 years
Guess who’s back? Back again...
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      ( Hello everyone who’s still active! My exams are finally over and now I can relax and enjoy tumblr rp again~ ) so please like this or message me if you want a small starter ! 
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siggadottir · 7 years
             ( is the vikings rp community still active ? I feel like it’s been AGES since the last time I was online! But anyway, I’m about to return in two weeks so everyone better buckle the fuck up because I’ll spam your dashes )
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siggadottir · 7 years
dobroserdechnyy  replied:
Aww, you'll be missed but don't let this opportunity go. Take it! Your future self will be glad that you did and when you decide to come back in July, I am sure people will be incredbly glad to see you have returned! I wish you the best of luck with your decisions! ❤
ingeborgeysteinnsdottir replied:
We will miss you so bad but you do you boo! I'll be waiting that's for sure ❤❤
sonderistic replied:
That is an awesome oppurtunity babe! ^-^ I wish you luck, enjoy yourself! We shall be here for you when you get back! <3 - gentledottir
Aww thank you all soo much!!! You are all too nice ♥ I’m going to miss you all (five months isn’t that long duh) and you better all be still active when I’m back ~  lots of love! <3
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siggadottir · 7 years
okay, this is very hard to say, but I’m most likely going to leave tumblr rp. I just got a mail from my professor asking me if I want to work as a math tutor for the freshmen, and I’m going to accept because is a great thing for my résumé and I get extra credit points. Given the fact that I also have two other jobs (and I can’t quit them because one is family business and the other is literally depending on me ), AND I have seven classes this coming semester, I will have absolutely no time for tumblr or even any free time activities. I’m not leaving this rp because of the tensions and the drama lately, just so that you know.
Most likely I will come back in July when the semester is over (if I’ll still be alive by then and my rp partners still active).
I wish you all the love <3
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siggadottir · 7 years
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He’s not exactly always angry. It’s just people who give him so many reasons to be that way. Ivar was easily annoyed by many things and even if it would seem like he shows it every time, he really doesn’t. Ivar scrunched his nose a little. “Why are you always so nosy in what I do?” he retorted. She wasn’t exactly any different or worse than anyone else. She was just getting on his nerves at this very moment.
“If you would look with your eyes rather than with your arse you would know that I do smile. It is not my fault you are too blind to see that, Thyri.”
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“Because you are one of the few left in Kattegat I actually enjoy spending my time with?”, she said as if it was the most obvious thing. “Even if you constantly threaten me.” With Lagertha coming back to Kattegat, everything changed. People changed, Kattegat changed. Her shield-maidens were everywhere, and most of the people she knew left or had died. That is why Thyri clung to the people she knew for the majority of her life, people like Ragnar’s children. “How vulgar”, she gasped, curling her lips to a faked pout. “I do not look with my butt. Sarcastic smiles do not count. I mean a real smile, joyful and innocent. And warm. Not the ‘ I want to kill you ’ smile.” 
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siggadottir · 7 years
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“We’ll see, the night is still young Thyri. And you look gorgeous, no matter what” Inge watched as Thyri downed her cup in one go, laughing as she did so “Slow down girl, I’m usually the drunk mess remember?” She emptied her own cup and poured them both a shot of tequila “Do I sense some boy-issues troubling you? I’ve got plenty of experience with those. Whose ass do I need to kick, hmm?”
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“Aww, thanks, but no need to be so nice”, Thyri said blushing and nudged her friend playfully. “And don’t worry, I tolerate quite a lot when it comes to alcohol, you know –”, she patted her upper stomach, “I have the liver of a man.” She started laughing, almost spitting the tequila in her hand. With a ‘cling’, the two cups touched and Thyri emptied her cup once again. “Ew”, she said disgusted and shook her head. “Actually, it’s more girl - issues troubling me. Because apparently, if you spend most of your time with a group of male friends, you’re a bitch.”
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siggadottir · 7 years
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siggadottir · 7 years
          ( I’m so ??? done??? you know that feeling when you see something and your heart drops so hard it ends up on the other side of the earth? )
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siggadottir · 7 years
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The way she talked and acted towards him carried nothing that Ivar could possibly like or even appreciate. He’d rather slap her across the face for being such a bitch, but he couldn’t. Stupid table in between them. She should be glad. “Just shut your mouth,” Ivar had muttered when she brought up the slave girl. He, too, had had his way with Margrethe, but that was supposed to stay between those involved - Ivar, his siblings and the girl. It shouldn’t be possible for Thyri to know about it, for as far as Ivar knew.
“You keep talking like this and this might be your last day where you have a tongue,” Ivar snarled. If he were to get another cup of mead, it wouldn’t be used as a drink, but as a weapon. He could easily throw something at her stupid head right now.
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It was not hard to see that with the mention of the slave girl, she had really touched a nerve. Curiosity started growing in her, though she knew that if she followed up on that subject, he would carry out his threat without hesitation. Was she afraid of him? Sometimes. But her pride would never allow her to show it. The girl sighed, rolling her eyes. “Well, suit yourself. More for me.” Taking another sip, she watched him over her cup. “Why are you always acting like a grumpy old man? A smile from time to time wouldn’t kill you. Nobody should live like this – being angry all the time.” 
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