sieliz ¡ 2 years
Title: Sweetness
Content Warning : all characters are 18+, toxic!incel!yandere!scumbag!eren x reader (gender-neutral language used, reader has a vagina), misogyny, toxic relationship, manipulation, brief mention of self-harm, Eren is a horrible person, smutish, reader got that super soaker 3000, lemme know if I missed anything 🧍🏾‍♀️
Word count < 500
You are sweet. Quite possibly the sweetest person known to human-kind. And authentically so— as though you were harvested from the most meticulously cultivated sugarcane stalk. And Eren is a roach; scarily enough one that flies, too. And as nature would have it, Eren, a victim to his own insatiable hunger, scurries between every crack and crevice to reach the sweetness that is you.
His baby.
His angel.
His fucking disguisting whore. He likes to throw that around to humble you—to remind you of your place, which is beneath him. Your only purpose: to please him. And your only redeeming qualities are your dick-sucking lips, and that gorilla grip vacuum you call a pussy. Dear god, he dreams about that kitty. How tight it is. How warm it feels. How wet it gets. You fucking gush around his dick. Every. Single. Time. He can’t help but stare. That perfect white ring that surrounds the base of his dick like a fucking halo. You are truly God's gift to this world.
He doesn’t deserve you. He knows he doesn’t, but he would kill to keep you all to himself. Quite literally. He would do it. He’s nearly done it before. But you don’t need to know that. All you need to worry your pretty little head about is draining his balls whenever he needs it, and yes, he does need it. How the fuck is he supposed to walk around with his half-hard horse-cock and those heavy breeder-balls, and not shove a fat load inside you?
Though he’s not a selfish lover. He starves over the taste of your cum; it’s just as sweet as you are. He’s sure if it were made from actual sugar, he’d have a mouth full of cavities. He rubs and licks and sucks that cute little clit of yours until it is puffy and raw. He lets you hump his face and release that sweet nectar all over his tongue. It is his duty to collect that flowery essence and store it safe within his belly. He could eat that sweet pussy of yours for hours and hours and hours on end. So pretty and petaled just like a flower. His flower.
His baby.
His angel.
His fucking disgusting whore. Who cries when he’s mean, and threatens to leave, but feels guilty when he promises to hurt himself. You’re too sweet to leave when he says things like that. He feels guilty too sometimes, especially when you’re shivering and sobbing and puffy-eyed and snot-nosed. But it also kinda turns him on, and he always makes sure to apologize with a thick gooey load. And if you ever muster up the courage to leave, he’d scurry between every crack and crevice to reach the sweetness that is you.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Mutual Affection
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Dabi x Reader x Shigaraki
⇢ rating: 18+
⇢ word count: roughly 5.6K
⇢ plot: new to the LOV, you have the hots for Dabi and your boss. After a few drinks at the bar, the evening takes quite an interesting turn
⇢ warnings: 18+, blood, use of quirk, alcohol, kissing, fingering, vaginal sex, orgasm, cream pie, cum
personal note: by popular request. this was so much fun to write. If you get to the end, I will list the ridiculous (and totally dump) titles my friend @scruffymctee and I came up with for this fic (thank god i did not choose them)
It was a relatively mild autumn night, I was walking home from work when it suddenly hit me. My stomach dropped, a tingling spread throughout my body. I looked around, searching for the cause of the activation of my quirk.
My eyes roamed the floor and there it was - a trail of blood leading away from me. I followed it around the street corner and then I saw him in front of me. A tall slender guy with a long black coat and messy raven hair. He limped a bit and cradled himself with his arms. I could see the trail of blood leading up to him and quickened my pace.
Hearing me approach he spun around, trying to lift his arms, but flinched and bent over in pain.
"You're hurt," I stated shortly.
His answer was low and growling “Don't come any closer."
"Look, I can help!" I called out to him.
"How's that" his piercing blue eyes boring into mine.
"I have a healing quirk." I said and extended my hand to him.
"You're a healer?" His eyes took on a suspicious glow.
"I merely said I have a healing quirk." I corrected him.
"Whatcha doing on the streets at night, then," he snorted, "Shouldn't ya be doing some hero work with that quirk?"
I shrugged and averted my eyes, muttering, "Don't work for heroes."
My answer made him pause and he asked, this time a bit softer, more curious, “Ya don’t?"
"I don't particularly believe in the current hero-driven society," I admitted.
His eyebrow twitched up and concerned by the growing puddle of blood on the sidewalk I asked "You're gonna bleed to death or will you finally let me help you?"
"Okay, fine." He let his arms hang down in defeat. I approached, inspecting his wounds. There were patches of seemingly burnt skin tissue attached to healthy ones with crude surgical staples. Some of them were missing, others half molten. The cracks between the skin bled and there was new scar tissue torn open, bleeding. His chest had also suffered from burn impact. I wondered what happened but kept my mouth shut.
"Used my quirk too much,'' he shrugged as if he could read my thoughts.
"Huh, sounds familiar." I raised a brow in surprise, "Ok then, this won't hurt. If at all, it'll hurt me," I mumbled and I placed my hand on his torn skin.
A tingling sensation surged through me as I centered my body’s energy into his wounds, gently gliding my hand over them and the bleeding stopped as they closed up, from the inside out. His cerulean eyes never averted me, watching me intently as little beads of sweat started forming on my forehead, my face draining of all color. I was getting light-headed, a buzz ringing in my ear as I moved over to his chest, pulling up the shirt to attend to his last wounds. If I weren't that exhausted, I would have marbled at his toned abs. Pulling my hand away, I panted, cold sweat on my forehead.
"It drains life energy from me," I wheezed when I saw him look at me with growing concern. Nudging him to the side, I stepped past him to lean against the wall.
"You ok?" There was honest concern in his voice.
"Yeah, j- just gimme a moment," I took a deep breath, trying to calm down my fast-beating heart.
It was always like this. The worse the injury, the worse I felt afterward.
"N- Need to go home now," I stuttered and without waiting for a reply stumbled towards my apartment building.
"Here, lemme help ya," he steadied me and we both closed the distance to the door, up the stairs to my apartment. "Ok, I'm good from here. Thanks."
"Doll, no need to thank. If at all, I need to thank you!" He grinned apologetically. His genuine reaction kind of made him really likable.
We parted and before I went into my apartment, I shot a glance over my shoulder, calling out to him "What's your name?"
"Dabi" he waved his hand in a parting gesture as he sauntered down the hallway.
Two days later he came back, recruiting me for the LOV.
They had a small spare room for me, just big enough to fit in my bed and a small dresser, no windows, but I didn't need much more. I was glad to have finally found people who accepted me as I was. And who shared my resentment for the current hero-driven society.
Dabi and Spinner helped me move the few things I owned from my current place and the moment I closed the door to my apartment I said a final farewell to the life and society I had known up until then.
Getting along with the other members of the League wasn't complicated, I even became Toga's "New LOV-sister”, as she proclaimed right away, smiling like a thousand volts. Interestingly enough, I found out that Dabi wasn't the most loved member of the group, given his asshole attitude he evinced daily. His harsh words were never directed at me, though. It seemed he had taken a liking to me and it wrapped me in a blanket of comfort, knowing that he was always close, watching out for me. It stirred a funny feeling inside me, the way his turquoise eyes always seem to follow my every move. Or the way he would always saunter close, taking a seat right next to me. Brushing my skin when reaching for something, pressing himself a bit too much against me when leaning over. The way he'd pull a loose strand of hair from my face, tugging it behind my ear while we talked to each other.
After I settled down I finally got to meet the boss, Tomura Shigaraki. Dabi let me into the lounge one evening where he sat at the bar, staring at his cell phone.
He didn't look up when he snarled with a raspy voice, “You drink?” gesturing Kurogiri to place some glasses on the counter.
Before I could answer, Dabi placed his hand on the low of my back and ushered me to take a seat next to the leader, him flopping down with a huff on the stool next to me.
Shigaraki had a slender pale build, white tousled hair spilling in his face, all dressed in all black with red sneakers. His face was almost hidden behind the messy pale strands of hair hanging in his face. I could only make out his red glowing eyes being glued to the screen of his handheld.
We drank as Shigaraki kept asking me questions about my quirk, how it worked, and scoffed quietly when I told him about the downside of it.
“Still think she'll be a hell of a use to us,” Dabi grumbled and Shigaraki nodded slightly, still staring at the display of his cellphone.
It was kind of irritating me that he didn't even look up so I scooted closer to see what he was doing. He was so immersed I got a peek of his screen and saw that he was playing an online game. I couldn't help but admire him playing, his fingers just flying over the screen. Suddenly he noticed my close proximity and twitched back, peeled his eyes off the screen to take me in. They widened, an enraptured look spreading across his face as he took me in, roaming my body, stilling at my eyes again. A rosy hint spread across his face and he quickly looked back on his phone, trying to hide his blooming blush underneath those unruly locks again.
Up close, I could see his face for the first time, and noticed his cute nose, slender lips and fine cheekbones. He looked almost adorable, angelic - even with the dry skin surrounding his eyes and forehead and his chapped lips.
I flustered and averted my eyes, taking a big sip of my drink, almost emptying half the glass, trying to calm my rattled nerves.
Our short interaction didn't go unnoticed by Dabi, who watched the entire scene in front of him. He cleared his throat and leaned over to pull me back towards him again, leaving his hand on my hips for the rest of the night.
In the following weeks, I made myself useful in different ways. Being the least known member of the League had advantages, I could wander out during daylight, running everyday errands. I put the small kitchenette to good use, after I cleaned the moldy fridge and scraped layers of burned food off the stovetop, providing the league with warm food, much to the delight of everyone.
Ever since we first met, Shigaraki kept requesting my presence at the bar each night, having me sit next to him, sharing a drink. Dabi always tried accompaning me, each time having some other new excuse up his sleeve to be there - like being thirsty as hell or someone having bugged the fuck out of him again so he needed to get wasted.
Over time, I started to wonder if he just didn't want me to be alone with Shigaraki.
Both men had been on a mission together and it was evening, I was in my room resting when the familiar tingling inside started, my stomach dropped and my quirk kicked in.
Worried, I made my way over to the bar, knowing that they both would be there. I barged in, seeing the warp hole just closing as Dabi and Shigaraki spun around towards me and I approached them.
"Who's hurt?" I asked.
"Guilty as charged," Dabi chuckled and showed me his burns and wounds. They were minor, but I healed them nonetheless. Dabi nudged his head towards Shigaraki. "He's hurt too."
I went up to him, but Shigaraki looked at me annoyed, hissing "What do you want?"
I saw cuts on his face and blood dripping down his neck, "Let me heal you," my words were soft.
"It's nothing-" He scoffed and ignored me, turning towards the bar.
"Boss, don't ignore me! You hired me for this," I almost lost my temper, "Now turn around!"
Dabi snickered, seemingly amused by my outburst “C'mon boss, don't let that lil’ doll get upset.”
Shigaraki stopped in his tracks and turned towards me, his eyes glowing viciously. I reached out to inspect his neck but he twitched his head back, his jaw clenched and I huffed annoyed.
"Boss, this is not going to work if you don't let me touch you," I grumbled.
Dabi snickered behind us, arms lazily stuck in his pant pockets, finding the little bantering going on quite entertaining.
Shigaraki's eyes narrowed and started glowing dangerously as I reached out for him again. He flinched and we glared at each other for several seconds.
"Fine," he finally spat, not pulling back this time, letting me slowly weave my fingers into his hair, pushing it back to inspect the wound on his neck. I felt him shudder under my touch, as my fingers brushed over his skin, coming to a rest on the wound. They started tingling as I used my quirk to close the lacerated skin
Moving on to the cuts on his face, I slid my fingers softly over them to seal them, a small drop of sweat running down my temple. I felt his gaze burn upon me, being this close to him had his soft breath fan my face. His body emitted a faint yet intoxicating scent of damp linen and dust. I needed to close my eyes for a second, trying to regain my composure, as a familiar heat started to build up between my thighs, arousal springing forward. Opening them again, I saw him staring at me feverently, his tongue darting out to wet his dry lips.
I felt a faint move on my hips and I stilled, holding my breath. Shigaraki still stared at me, red eyes burning into mine and I felt it again - a feather-light touch, his hand just ghosting over my hips. My breath hitched and I bit my lip to suppress a gasp.
"Boss-" I whispered, my hand slowly descending.
Dabi turned around, seeing us like this, and chuckled “Getting all cozy without me, huh? " With that he stepped up to us, wrapping an arm around me. He cocked his head, winked at Shigaraki and pulled me off to the hallway. “Boss, go get cleaned up. Let's meet at the bar in a few with this lil' doll."
Shigaraki glared annoyed at him, eyes glinting but followed. I also went back to my room to freshen up a bit. As I returned to the lounge, I saw both men already at the bar, drinking whiskey, waiting for me. I slid onto the empty stool in between them and grabbed a filled glass.
“You did well today.” Shigaraki's eyes immediately darted up to meet mine.
A blush dusted my cheeks as I held his gaze, my voice trembling slightly as I whispered “Thank you.”
We continued drinking, Shigaraki kept mostly to himself, but Dabi was in his element, making snarky comments, witty remarks and getting me to laugh as a cottony feeling spread across my body. After the third drink, I caught myself leaning into him too far when he looked at me. As he grazed my ear with his lips, my imagination went wild with me, inhibition starting to fade.
My glazed-over eyes met his and his mesmerizing turquoise eyes kindled a rapidly growing fire inside me. My breath hitched as I felt him stroking my thighs, sliding his hands along them, peppering my neck with hot kisses.
Shigaraki behind me let off an annoyed grunt, as he noticed Dabis advances. “Fucking slut,” he mentioned to him, but that earned him merely a cocky wiggle of Dabi’s eyebrows.
Suddenly I was hoisted up, my squeals drowned when Dabi threw me over his shoulder, legs in a tight hold as he carried me across the room.
Shigaraki snarled, “Where do you think you're going?”
“My room, gonna have a little fun with this babygirl.” Dabi smacked my butt, having me giggle shamelessly.
“No you won't,” Shigaraki hissed and slid off his stool, walking towards us, "She's mine.”
Deadly silence engulfed us as Dabi stopped dead in his tracks.
“Oh is that so?” he placed me back on the ground, turning around to shoot a threatening glance at his boss.
Feeling the tension rise I stepped between them and raised my hands in an appeasing gesture, “Now boys, no need to fight. How about you can have me-” I paused and swallowed, "both?"
Shigaraki made a punch-out sound, while Dabi clicked his tongue in approval and chuckled approvingly "Attagirl!"
Gathering all my courage I stepped up to Shigaraki, whispering, "Boss, I want you to join. But-" I lowered my gaze, "I haven't done this before," Shigaraki was still standing stiff in shock.
"A threesome?" Dabi closed the distance to us, "Awh doll, that's not too uncom-" but I interrupted him.
"N- No, not that, Dabi. I mean-” I fiddled nervously with my hands, gesturing crudely towards my lower half, “Uhm, this thing."
Silence engulfed us, Dabi’s mouth slightly agape, Shigaraki seemingly confused, scratching his neck, staring intently at the floor beneath him.
Dabi caught on first, a malicious glint starting to grow in his eyes, "Oh doll, you're a virgin! I think I'm in love!" he snickered.
I tried to hide my growing blush by throwing my hands in front of my face.
"Now, this is too sweet," he nudged his head towards Shigaraki, grinning a toothy grin, “He's one as well."
"Shut up," Shigaraki hissed angrily, not being able to suppress a growing blush spreading across his face.
"Awh, c'mon boss, this is your opportunity. Whatcha think? You're in?" The corners of Dabi's lips pulled up into a smirk, cerulean eyes on fire as he kept looking between me and Shigaraki waiting for an answer.
I turned my head to look at my boss, his scratching intensified rapidly when I stepped up to him, grabbing his hand, pulling it away from his neck.
His eyes, peeking out from behind his disheveled banks, darted to mine and I brushed some of the hair off his face so I could get a better look at him. He didn't try to stop me, fidgeting uneasily with his hands.
"Can't think of anyone else losing my virginity to but you…" I whispered, llifting one finger to trace over his scarred lips, his eyes widening slightly.
I leaned in towards him, noses brushing, my mouth hovering over his, "What do you say?"
He let out a desperate groan and crashed his lips on mine without warning. An approving whistle sounded from behind us as Shigaraki started mouthing at me, sloppy but with enthusiasm. I leaned into the kiss, intensifying it as he pushed me backward towards the door. We crashed into the wall, arms and legs entangled, tongues twirling around each other. I could feel the growing bulge in his pants grinding against my hips and I sighed into his open mouth. We parted, our breaths heavy, a silvery string of saliva connecting us as he muttered, "Fuck, I'm in."
Dabi snickered lowly, “Good, that's settled then,” and he stepped up, pulling me away from him.
"Your bed, boss, got the biggest,” and with that, he nonchalantly kicked the door open and pulled me down the hallway towards Shigaraki's room. I stumbled after him, hands intertwined with his, giggling high on endorphins.
Once inside the room, he flopped down onto the bed with me, as Shigaraki closed the door behind us, slowly approaching the bed.
Dabi nuzzled my neck, kissing it, letting his tongue slide over my skin, "Hmm… ya taste so good - fuck, I could come right here and now," he paused, "But we need to take care of the boss first.”
He pulled off and I scrambled to my feet, Shigaraki moving up to us. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He stood, shivering with excitement in front of me when I laid my palms flat on his chest and he groaned, deep and lustful.
I latched my lips on his, and he responded with a heated kiss, sloppy tongue, hands all over me. I stepped back, giving Dabi the time to pull off my shirt, exposing my bare skin and bra. He undid that one too with a snap of his fingers and it fell down my shoulders on to the floor. Eyes raked my body unabashed and hungry as Shigaraki started groping my breasts.
Dabi undressed down to his boxers, a raging boner sporting in his pants, Shigaraki stood still, not moving.
He crawled to the middle of the bed, leaned his back against the headboard and placed a pillow between his slightly spread legs. "Cmere," he growled longingly.
Laying down on my back between his legs, head nestled in the pillow, I could smell Shigaraki’s scent as well as Dabi’s and it made my head dizzy, my core tingle. Dabi kept stroking my hair and gestured Shigaraki to position himself between my legs.
“Need to get her all wet and ready,” and he pointed towards my pants while continuing to caress my cheek, the other hand stroking my breasts, tugging on my sensitive nubs, eliciting sweet whimpers from me.
Shigaraki panted as he pulled down my pants and underwear in one go. He kept staring at my wet folds, taking them in, a rapturous look on his face. Suddenly lunging forward, he buried his face deep in my cunt, tongue darting out. I yelped as I felt him eagerly licking a long, slow strip up my slit, gathering my essence on his tongue and moaning at the flavor. “Fuck, you taste so sweet,” he muttered, slurping up my juices, pressing his tongue inside to make me shiver. When I weaved my fingers through his hair, he closed his eyes, a deep guttural moan escaping his throat before he latched onto my clit, eliciting a wimperly cry from me.
“So eager, huh,” Dabi chuckled while he kept massaging my breasts, poking on my nipples, sending exquisite jolts of pleasure through my body.
Shigaraki pulled up, my juices covering his mouth and chin, red eyes dilated, messy hair sticking to his damp forehead. He lifted his hand, looking at me with a pleading expression, and as soon as he saw me faintly nodding, he slowly slid a finger in down to his knuckle, not far enough to break anything, just to get me to wail out at the intrusion. He kept sucking my clit relentlessly, tickling my entrance, making his fingers slick with my juices. All the while he kept rutting his clothed cock against the sheets, letting out throaty, drawn-out groans.
I was getting dangerously close to the edge, a white heat starting to build inside me “Dabi, I’m-” I whined, “I’m gonna c-cum-” and Shigarkai picked up the pace, laving his tongue over my clit harder, suckling with more intensity. With another wicked lap of his tongue, I came undone. I buckled under him, Dabi chuckling lowly as he kept stroking me, carrying me through my high. Lewd wet sounds filled the room as Shigaraki sucked up my sweet release. He groaned at the way my folds contracted around his finger, my clit pulsing on his tongue with each contraction of my climax.
Coming down from my high, I closed my eyes, feeling spent, trying to catch my breath. A thin layer of sweat covered my skin, making it damp to the touch.
Shigaraki straightened himself, messy hair, pupils lust blown, my release clinging to his lips and chin as he looked up to Dabi and the dark-haired man laughed low, “Go ahead!”
Shigaraki instantly freed himself of his pants, his cock bobbing out, hanging heavy under its own weight. I was thick and veiny, angrily twitching with his excitement.
I gasped and heard Dabi whistle behind me “Holy shit, Boss, ya need to go easy on her with that monster.”
“I-Its not going to fit!” I squealed, scared stiff, trying to close my thighs. I bent my head back to give Dabi a pleading look but he hushed and stroked my face, “No worries, he’ll go easy on ya, won't ya?" he threw Shigaraki a threatening glare.
Shigaraki ignored it and lifted one of my legs over his shoulder, wrapping his arm around my thigh to keep me in position. Keeping his pinky raised, he carefully slid his tip up and down my folds to collect my juices and pumped his length a few times to have them lube his dick.
As I felt the pressure of his tip prodding my entrance, my hands reached up to grab hold of Dabi’s and my eyes widened with fearful apprehension as he kept muttering words of encouragement to me.
Shigaraki was shivering with anticipation, the tip of his tongue peeking out between cracked lips as he slowly pushed forward. The head of his dick slid between my folds with ease. He hissed, his teeth tensed, and pushed further. I huffed and squeezed Dabi’s hand tighter, whimpering at the stretch. Dabi growled, “Hey there, careful!”
But he was already too far out of it, mesmerized by the sight of his dick sliding into my tight cunt. Without a warning, he snapped his hips forward, sheathing into me. The small resistance inside me had no chance against his brute force, ripping and making me wail out in pain. I arched my back as the pain of being split open tore through my body, my nails digging into Dabi's skin, leaving marks for sure but I didn't care.
"Fuck, boss," Dabis growled dangerously.
The burning feeling had tears running down the side of my face. I sobbed, feeling stuffed, aching. Shigaraki collapsed on my chest, panting heavily, trying to gain some composure. "Fuck, you're so tight," he hissed through clenched teeth. His breath was hot on my skin, his hair tickling my sensitive breasts and I felt his dick twitch inside me, increasing the sting.
I felt so full, I could hardly breathe. I looked up at Dabi, tear-struck eyes but he kept stroking me, wiping my tears away, mumbling doing so good, taking him so well. Shigaraki started moving his hips and it instantly tore a moan from my throat, having my eyes roll back in my head. Each of his strokes had me keen, running a chill up my spine into my brain and down again, settling right between my thighs.
With each of his ruts, the wave of arousal grew higher, more intense, the pleasure far outdoing the pain. My gummy walls started clenching around him as he popped a nipple in his mouth, twirling his tongue around it, sucking on it like a baby. His movements became faster, he grunted and moaned around my nub as he filled me up over and over again. And with each of his ruts, I felt him hitting a spot inside me, that soon had me see stars.
I could hear Dabi’s strained breath as he watched us both nearing our high. I kept pulling on his hands, knuckles white as my whole body tensed in anticipation of the nearing climax, hairs standing on end. Abandoning all self-control, I rocked my hips toward Shigaraki, taking him even deeper. "Fuck-" he panted, eyes glazed with lust, cracked lips slightly parted. My body tensed up as all resistance snapped like a twig and I came, my walls clenching around him like a vice. A white light blanked out my vision, my back arched as I keened, each rut of Shigaraki’s prolonging my climax, my pussy sucking him in with each wave of pleasure.
The way I contracted around him as I came pushed him to his own orgasm. He kept fucking into me now, the overflowing amount of slick seeping out of my pussy helped his dick slide in and out with ease. With one final stroke, he sheathed himself completely, his tip kissing my cervix as he came.
“Fuck- oh fuck, fuck,” he let out a strangled groan as he filled me up with his sticky cum. A few more sloppy moves and he stilled.
He rolled off me and sagged down into the sheets beside us, his crimson eyes glazed over. There was a lust-drunken emptiness in his expression as he was panting, trying to catch his breath. His hands were curled into loose fists above his head and he stared at the ceiling, cracked lips slightly parted. His pale skin had a deep red tint, his hair stuck in sweaty disheveled strands to his face.
I released Dabi from my vice grip and he cupped my face, bent forward to kiss me, chuckling “Now, that was something…”
He helped me up, tossed the pillow carelessly off the bed and turned me around, using his shirt he grabbed off the floor to wipe away the rosy cum and blood mixture from in between my thighs before pulling me onto his lap.
Instantly, his mouth was on mine, kissing me passionately, parting my lips to swirl his tongue around and taste me. I had been waiting for this so long, I melted into him, kissing him back, running my hands along his abs, down to where a white tuft of hair trailed down to his cock.
While he continued to kiss me passionately, he slowly pulled his boxers down and I giggled when I helped him wiggle it off his legs. His cock was long and thick - a heavy piece of muscle topped with a pink mushroomy head that was oozing precum - big enough to send anyone into oblivion.
Our lips met in a stormy kiss again as he thumbed his length, aligning it with my entrance. Bracing myself on his shoulders, I slowly started to sink down on his cock. My slick arousal helped his head ease in between my folds. He hissed, holding me by the waist as a light rock of my hips had the head popp in smoothly. I held still for a moment, it still burned a bit, my walls clenching around him with the need to be filled.
I took a deep breath and with a strong rut, impaled myself on his cock. Dabi threw his head back with a strained groan, while a sharp pain tore through my cunt as I was being split open by him. I arched my back, a deep loud whine escaping my lips at the invasion.
"S'much better than I imagined” he panted, hips shuddering below me. Dabi cussed at the sight of my belly bulge, while I was trying to get used to the exquisite stretch.
“Fuck,” he groaned again, and drew his cock out of me slowly, before pushing it back in with a strong thrust, whatching as my belly stretched around his size again.
Feeling him throb inside me, hearing his breath hitch and the low, breathy moan that rattled his throat was too intoxicating. I couldn't think straight anymore, only a greedy mix of mumbled sighs and moans tumbled from my mouth.
He started rutting his hips into me while holding me steady at my waist. I whined every time the head of his cock grazed that sensitive spot deep inside.
Dabi picked up the pace steadily until he was fucking relentlessly into me, pounding into my sweet spot over and over again. Each piston of his hips had us moaning, groaning into each other’s mouths as we continued to kiss each other. Every thrust hit that perfect spot deep inside, having me hurl higher towards a heavenly release.
Bringing our foreheads together, holding me there he groaned hot against my lips "Look at me," and I tried focusing my must blown eyes, staring into his electric blue ones.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he growled, watching me bounce on his cock. He managed to keep that relentless pace up and as the pressure became almost unbearable, I whined "S’too much, m' gonna cum–."
Dabi brought his thumb down on my clit and started rubbing fast circles on it. I kept chanting his name, over and over again, tears rolled down my cheeks, the double stimulation proving to be too much as it pushed me over the edge.
My core released all its tension in a mind-blinding high. The world erupted around me and I came with such a force, my body went rigid and all I could feel was pulsing white heat that left my vision blank. A loud keen erupted from my mouth and I went limp in Dabi's embrace. The wet sounds were replaced by squelching ones as I released around him while he continued pounding into me.
"Fuck..." he stuttered as I kept coming around him, with every rut of his hips. His movements became erratic, his eyes fluttered, a primal groan escaped his throat as he spilled over, his hips sputtering thick hot loads of his release inside me. He sheathed himself again one last time in me, ripping yet another climax from me, gooey walls clenching around his length like a vice.
I collapsed against him, his dick continuing to twitch inside me while he stroked my back, murmuring good doll, well done… kissing the top of my head. My body was like a live wire, the tiniest touch sending ripples of goosebumps across my skin. We both stayed like this for a while, recovering from our highs. I could feel his dick softening, his cum leaking out and I cuddled up into his chest, his strong arms wrapped around me, holding me there. Listening to his heartbeat slowing down helped my poor aching heart also calm down.
Absolutely spent and tired, I slid off of him with his help, feeling his still half-hard dick sliding out, our combined release gushing out of me.
Taking from the light snoring sounds next to us, Shigaraki had passed out, sound asleep, legs slightly spread, arms above his head, hands balled into fists.
I wiggled out of Dabi’s embrace, earning me some protest, and crawled down the bed to grab a sheet off the floor that had been dropped in the action and pulled it over Shigaraki’s bare body.
Then I slid back into Dabi’s arms, him pulling me close and I nestled my head into his neck while he pulled the other sheet over us. He kissed my hair, running figures on my back with his fingers and whispered, "M'proud of ya, did so good tonight."
As we both felt sleep overcome us, I snuggled into him, mumbling drowsily, “Should repeat that tomorrow,”
He let out a low hum of approval, nuzzling into my hair, pulling me in tighter as we both drifted off into sleep.
impossible possible titles (thanks @scruffymctee for the awful inspiration)
💙 Sex Lessons 101
💙 How To Lose Your Virginity Sex God Dabi Style
💙 Pop Goes the "Weasel"
💙 Sharing is Caring
taglist (if you want to join, send me a message):
@sage-malf0y @scruffymctee @undefined--person @diamond-3 @vixxen-chan @tirzamisu
540 notes ¡ View notes
sieliz ¡ 2 years
A Girl's Night Out
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Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi
⇢ rating: 18+
⇢ word count: roughly 5.3K
⇢ plot: You treat yourself to a special night out, not expecting the turn of events when you meet a young handsome man with strikingly cerulean eyes and his white haired friend
⇢ warnings: 18+, smut, alcohol, vaginal sex, orgasm, creampie, threesome, quirk use, aged up characters
Thanks to @scruffymctee for inspiring me to write this!
@broken-n-d this one's for you ;)
I was excited. It had been payday and I treated myself to some new clothes and lingerie - much overdue regarding the old, torn underwear I had been wanting to throw away for so long.
After I went shopping, I ordered Sashimi at the small take out shop just around the corner. As I was relishing the taste of Sake mixed with the raw fish I was staring at my new prized possessions laying out on the couch in front of me. It was a black satin cowl back - and front - Cami top, that just draped barely above my breast in the front and almost kissed my lower butt on the back. Dark blue skinny jeans and some black lace underwear going with it. I would not be wearing a bra with this top, my large perky tits would fill the top just perfectly.
After I finished my food I got dressed in my new clothes. Leaving my hair open, it softly spilled around my face and just below my shoulders. I added some smokey eye shadow and marveled at myself in the mirror. Maybe I might get some fun out of turning some boys' heads tonight, I giggled.
Sliding into my high heels I called a cab. The driver eyed me through the rear view mirror as I mentioned the name of the location I was heading. It was a new dive, I had picked it through some online bar hopping site that had recommended it for its good music and drinks. As we kept driving I noticed the driver shooting glances at me repeatedly. So far for turning heads, I mused.
After arriving and paying the cab fee, I stepped out of the car and took in the sight. It was a pretty shitty part of town for a hyped place like that, half the street lamps were broken, garbage littering the street. I sighed, I should have known better, but no going back now!
I turned towards a black door in the dark wall of a huge building, no windows on it. There was no sign or anything suggesting this place being a bar. Only a large, bulky, and extremely muscular man standing next to it betrayed its whereabouts. His appearance wasn't noticeable of any kind - short, spikey blond hair - except for his large scar going across the left side of his face with his eye being replaced by a prosthetic one.
He looked at me, his eyes following my curves down to my heels and back and then nodded slightly and opened the door for me. As I entered, I inhaled, taking in the sight. High ceilings, mahogany doors, the walls were of golden shimmering textured wallpapers and black, well kept tiles covered the floors. The bar, also made of mahogany with golden details, was impressive not only in its size but also its collection of high quality liquors. I knew my share to know that this was no dump.
Scanning the crowd I noticed it was a well kept mix. Some shady looking people, maybe even villainous, mostly normal looking ones though. Some attempted to appear proper in their high end suits and attire. I made my way through the crowd towards the bar and leaned against it, my breasts resting on my crossed arms, cleavage accentuated by the droop of the fabric. At least I know how to get the bartender’s attention, I snickered. He turned his head in my direction and as anticipated, his gaze kept lingering on my cleavage as he approached. Still not taking his eyes off my breasts he asked politely what I would like to drink. I ordered a Gin Tonic, a better brand but not the most expensive. Don't want to go overboard tonight. As I sipped on my drink, I let my eyes wander over the crowd again, seeking nothing in particular. The drink was exceptionally good and I savored the taste, letting it linger on my tongue a bit before swallowing it. The music was perfect as well, a mix of techno and deep house. I felt myself getting a buzz after half the drink and started wondering if I should have had a bit more to eat than raw fish. Shit, I mumbled to myself, no way out of it now.
As the night went on, I felt more comfortable, intoxicated by the spirits and the atmosphere all the same. Sipping my l drink I started moving my body to the beats a bit, not too obvious, just for me to feel good. Once in a while I caught someone shooting me glances but I ignored all of them. I wasn't here for fucking, I was here for enjoying myself. Glasses clinked, the bartender shook drinks behind the bar while the upbeat music wafted across a room full of muffled voices. It was an exceptionally good ambiance and it was my night.
I needed to refresh myself so I wound myself through the heated bodies towards the restrooms. The shaded lighting had the pupils of my eyes open all the wider, reflecting every glitter and spark of light. A bit off my balance due to the alcohol flowing in my blood I swayed and bumped against one of the bodies in the crowd. I looked up and was met by a pair of strikingly cerulean eyes. They belonged to a curiously patched yet handsome face under raven colored messy hair. I stopped in my tracks, taken in by his mesmerizing gaze and mumbled an apology as I was being observed through half-lidded eyes. Not wanting to get any more intimate, I continued my venture towards the bathroom, not looking back once.
On my way back to the bar I pried myself through the crowd, but the place had become more crowded so halfway there I gave up. I saw an open space off to the side and dug myself through the wavering bodies. Leaning my back against the wall, I waited for an opening at the bar. As my gaze trailed off into the dim room, I felt a body press against mine. Sighing, I shifted a bit, anticipating someone just wanting to pass by. But the body did not waver, I felt a touch on my back and jolted around. A handsome man of narrow build with short, shaggy auburn hair stood next to me. His golden eyes, framed by long eyelashes, glanced at me. He wore a black dress shirt and a white tie around his neck. His thin lips curled up into a smirk as he took me in.
“Hey pretty,” he spoke with a smoky raspy voice.
“Take your hands off me," I said, totally unimpressed. But he just kept smirking and slid his hand further down my back.
“What happens if I don't?” He purred, staring at me unmovingly.
Being quirkless, I could do nothing but turn away to escape his touch. A forcefully grip on my arm yanked me around and he pulled me close to him, caging me in with his other arm, faces only inches away.
“Don't turn your back on me,” he hissed, venom in his voice.
“Piss off,” I yelled in his tight grip, the sounds of the crowd and music suffocating my voice.
“No can do, I want you and now you are coming with me, ” he croaked dryly. And, as I stared at him, anger burning in my face, our eyes locked. That exact moment my body went limp. Sounds dulled over and I realized he had used some quirk on me. Not being able to move on my own, being alone, I realized how fucked I was.
The man turned us around as he pulled me towards his body, keeping me in a tight embrace as he guided me towards the exit. My eyes kept staring unmoving straight ahead while every fiber in my body wanted to scream and run away.
As we were just in front of the door a voice, low and threatening, rasped “And where ya think ya going?" We stopped and the guy turned around. I couldn't move but heard him speak, “None of your business, punk."
“It is, dipshit. Cause I laid eyes on her first.” the other voice growled, chilling to the bone.
There was a low snicker from my captor, “Well, too bad. I laid my hands on her first.”
I heard a loud smack and next a body fell to the floor next to me. It was the auburn haired man. He groaned and held his palm to his nose, blood starting to pool between his fingers. I gasped for air, finally being freed from the quirk and, eyes wide open, jolted around. I found myself face to face with half lidded electric blue eyes. It was Mr. Patchface. I kept panting, my eyes darting between him and the guy on the floor, who slowly got up with the help of two bouncers who escorted him outside.
When I caught my breath enough to speak I whispered, clasping my shaking hands “Thank you.” He shrugged it off and cocked his head, “Looks like ya could need a drink,” he pointed out. I nodded and he nudged his head to follow me.
Instead of going to the bar though, we made our way to the opposite end towards a mirrored wall by the dance floor and walked through a door, guarded by some hunky guy.
Still puzzled, I found myself in a room, same ornate decoration as the rest of the lounge, but huge expensive looking leather seats, mahogany tables and an own private bar. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, almost so low I could touch it.
I hesitated and the patchwork guy stopped and looked at me quizzically. “What's up, dollface?”
“Well,” I replied, “Not kind of an improvement from being alone with a stranger to… well, being alone with a stranger,” gesturing around the room.
He snickered at my reply but mock bowed, “Dabi. No strangers anymore now," as he made his way behind the bar.
I scoffed at him exaggeratedly but followed him, sitting down on one of the leather bar stools. “Gin tonic,” as he held up an empty glass to me. He grabbed a bottle of Watenshi and Fever Tree Tonic Water and started mixing it with ice cubes. He twisted a lime slice in it and sat the glass in front of me.
After pouring two glasses of Macallan Whiskey he walked around the bar and sat himself to the left of me on a stool.
“Two glasses!? Got some plans tonight?” I joked but he grabbed a glass, took a sip and looked at me over the rim of it "Expecting someone soon. "
Just that moment the door opened and a slender pale man, white tousled hair spilling around his face, entered the room, all dressed in black with red sneakers. His face was almost hidden behind the messy locks hanging in his face. As his red eyes darted up and met my gaze he froze. His hand jolted up to scratch at his neck with his fingers.
“What's that?” He snarled with a low raspy voice gesturing at me with his free hand.
Dabi let out a chuckle "Well, ’That’ is a girl."
“I see that,” the white haired guy hissed, scratching intensifying. “What's she doing here?”
I couldn't help but starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.
“I invited her. Relax, Shigaraki. She's good company, aren't I right?” He looked at me with a smug grin on his face.
“Uhm, yeah. But, but I can leave if I am not welcomed,” and stood up.
The moment slid off the stool and turned towards Shigaraki, he stopped scratching himself, taking me in. I could feel his gaze upon me, eyes growing more rapturous as his gaze wandered along my breasts down my body and back to my face, my plush lips and silken, long hair.
“Fine, she can stay,” I noticed a rosy hint in his half hidden face. How cute, I couldn't stop smiling at his reaction.
He approached the bar, slumping down on the free stool to my right and grabbed the glass of whiskey, taking a big sip.
“Not been here before...” His eyes scanned my face. I noticed his chapped, rather scarred lips and the dry lines around his eyes. He wasn't old, maybe just a few years older than me, just like Dabi next to me. His overall facial features were actually very delicate, almost angelic. It was the perfect match for his otherwise rough looks, including a scar going across his right eye. Most disturbing we're his eyes though. Just like his cold blue eyed counterpart behind me his narrow eyes were an intense red, almost glowing in the dark. They seemed to bore right through me and my heart started racing simply by him just staring at me.
This time I flustered and had to avert my eyes, mumbling into my glass, “First time here…” taking a big gulp, almost emptying half the glas.
“Let's make it memorable then,'' Dabi chuckled, propping his head on his elbow on the bar counter. His cerulean eyes focused on me, then on my cleavage. “You're nicely equipped. 'D like to nestle my head right in there...” he grinned at me as I almost choked on my drink.
“Take it easy there, doll. Just joking.” He winked.
We continued the conversation, Dabi evermore flirtatious, sarcastic and Shigaraki slightly introverted, more the silent, observing type. As the night proceeded Dabi kept pouring us drinks, we all relaxed and I started to really feel the alcohol doing it's job.
I finally mustered enough courage to turn towards Shigaraki, "You're actually really cute, you know that?“ He stared at me and the alcohol made me feel blunt, "Can I kiss you?" I blurted out, regretting it the second I said it. Shigarakis eyes narrowed, pupils glistening dangerously, his whole body tensed.
“That's oughta be interesting," Dabi snickered behind me.
“Shut. The fuck. Up.” Shigaraki hissed, not averting his eyes off me.
I didn't know what to do, just sat there, waiting. As he made no intentions on moving I slowly extended my hand towards him to try to brush some hair out of his face, wanting to get a closer look at him. But midway there he caught it with lightning reflexes, two fingers clutching around my wrist. Hmm, weird. Still though, his grip wasn't hard, he didn't push my hand away. Slightly more aroused by his touch at this point I raised my other hand towards his face. Pausing mere inches away from him, he made no other move, still clenching my other wrist, staring at me. He was tense, a strained look on his face. I leaned forward slightly and suddenly my fingers were touching his white hair. It was soft, silken though tousled. I dug my fingers into it, brushing it off his face exposing more of it. There was absolute silence as I studied him, my wrist still in his grip, less tight though.
His breathing got ragged, air pressed out between tense lips as he started to shake slightly. I leaned in even closer, my fingers still playing with his hair, totally lost in the moment, lips slightly parted as I heared him mutter “Fuck”.
He janked me towards him by my wrist, a second later his lips pressed onto mine. His intoxicating smell engulfed me immediately, damp fresh linen with a hint of dust. I opened my mouth and his tongue snaked in, sloppy lewd noises sounding from him licking away at me. He let loose of my wrists only to wrap his hand around the back of my head, pulling me closer. His lips were dry, a bit rough but I liked the friction. Our teeth hit, tongues intertwined, circled around each other as he sucked up my sweet little moans. The world around me started spinning and just faintly I heared Dabi whistle “Fuck, that's hot...” as I started nibbling on Shigarakis lower lip, only to feel myself getting more aroused by the second.
"Stop, wait," I pushed myself away, leaving Shigaraki kissing into nothing, groaning for more. His eyes shot open and he glared at me for my interruption.
"I- I, fuck…" I panted, still a bit dizzy. I felt a hand sliding along my side towards my stomach, as Dabi pressed himself against me from behind, welcoming the much needed break from Shigaraki. He cupped my face with his other hand and, twisting my head, met my lips in a passionate kiss. He was much more experienced, letting his tender long tongue roll around my mouth, exploring every inch of it, intertwining with mine. He started nibbling on my plush lips, biting them, pulling on them as his hand on my stomach found its way into my pants, slowly starting to caress my sensitive spot. I started moaning deep into Dabi's mouth, bucking my hips into his palm. All the while Shigaraki panted and huffed in front of me like a horny teenager.
I felt a tingling heat built up inside of me as Dabi's circling movements became faster, soft whimpers of pleasure escaping me, which he eagerly sucked up. The feeling of this calloused fingers against my sensitive point, his staples against my skin started to overwhelm me and I gasped “S’too much, stop."
Sliding off the stool I stumbled backwards on whobbly legs, catching some much needed air as I bumped against the back of the couch and I slumped on the back rest. I took in the sight in front of me. Shigaraki was rubbing his bulking erection through his pants, lips slightly parted as his red eyes gleamed at me, his breathing ragged. Dabi had a mischievous grin on his face, slightly more controlled. I had to steady myself with my arms not to sway as both of them got off their stools and approached me.
“Tell me, dollface, ya want to continue?” Dabi cocked his head, as he slid his hand through my hair, cupping my cheek. I nodded hastily and he chuckled. Shigaraki stood next to him, quietly observing me, hands casually in front of his crotch, hiding his still prominent erection.
“Ok, your place then,” Dabi growled, not hearing out my protests, instead grabbing my hand and pulling me with him, Shigaraki following us. Opening the door, he pushed us through the sweaty throbbing pulse of the crowd. The music was almost deafening at this point and I was glad that I had Dabi at my side, coaxing me through the bodies, Shigaraki just inches behind.
As we got to the entrance Dabi gave the bouncer a slight nod, who said something into his head set. Stepping outside, a black Mercedes Benz limousine pulled up in front of us. I couldn't stop gawking as Dabi pulled open the door and gestured for me to get in.
I crawled inside, both men following my lead. I was perched in the back seat, stuck in between both men. Shigaraki poured me some whiskey from the bar, as Dabi instructed the driver to my address. It was all the way across town, but at that moment, I thought the longer the better.
Sipping our drinks, I kept stealing glances at my companions… It was an awkward situation, regarding all the heated interaction just a while ago in the VIP lounge of that bar. My gaze wandered off to Shigaraki, who in return laid his red glowing eyes on me. Just as I was about to take another sip, I changed my mind, slamming the glass into Dabis' chest, ignoring his quizzed looks as he grabbed it. I turned toward Shigaraki and lifted my leg to slide on his lap. Fully straddling him, he started shaking under my touch. “Too much?” I asked, but he licked his dry lips with his tongue and squeezed out a barely audible “Just nervous”. I raised my hands toward his head as both his hands flew up again- but stopped midway. His strained gaze intensified as I slid my fingers into his fluffy hair. He closed his eyes, bucking his hips into mine as he let out a deep moan. I instantly pressed my lips onto his, swallowing every sound coming from his mouth as I rutted against his swelling erection in his pants. Scraping my fingernails over his scalp, tugging on his hair, I felt myself getting more aroused, feeling his hard cock grinding against my folds through the fabric. Nibbling, pulling on his chapped lips, diving my tongue into him, I barely was able to focus on anything else but him and me. Finally, I pulled back, panting, sweat starting to bead on my forehead as I cursed “Fuck, should have worn a dress toni-” before I even finished the sentence, Shigaraki smacked his hands on my pants, all five fingers, and ashed them, carefully pulling up just in time not to do the same to me. I gasped as I stared at the dust settling between us, Dabi chuckling next to us.
“You're welcome,” Shigaraki managed to get out between strained huffs.
“What the-” I couldn't finish the sentence because Shigaraki impatiently pulled me in for another kiss, starting to undo his pants between my thighs. I stopped, lifting my ass up a bit so he could pull them down just far enough for his cock to spring out.
“Holy shit, Shigaraki, you're a beast!” Dabi gasped as I took in the sight between my spread legs. Incredibly thick and girthy, pulsating veins along its shaft and an angry looking hot red tip, I felt shivers running down my spine as I imagined this dick splitting me open.
“Oh my god,” I mumbled, not sure if that thing would fit inside me. Dabi scooted closer and slid his hands inside my panties, stroking my folds.
“She’s fucking soaked” he smirked at me with half lidded cerulean eyes and pulled back his hand, “Think she’s ready for ya” he grinned at Shigaraki, who had been staring at my folds, stroking his dick, glistening with precum.
Reaching out and pulling my panties aside with two fingers I positioned myself over his dick and, bracing myself on his shoulders. I slowly started to sink down on his cock. A sharp pain tore through my cunt as I was being split open by him. I arched my back, a deep loud whine escaping my lips at the invasion, as his hips started to shudder below me. Dabi cussed next to me at the sight of me taking him in. As he was fully inserted I held still for a moment, trying to get used to the exquisite yet painful stretch. When I was trying to lift my hips, Shigaraki grabbed them, stalling my moves.
“Need- some time…” He whimpered as I felt him twitch inside me. I realized just now how close he was.
As if he had waited for it, Dabi slid his hands into my top, groping my bare breasts underneath the Cami top. I turned my head towards him and we met in a passionate kiss.
“Not. Helping,” Shigaraki desperately hissed between clenched teeth as I felt his dick twitching more intensely now inside.
With a peg on his lips I coaxed Dabi away from me and pulled out his hand. Shigaraki looked at me with a strained expression, whimpering as I pulled him towards me and hid his face in the crook of my neck. I started stroking his hair, his heavy erratic breath hot on my skin. It took about a minute for him to calm down, hands balled into fists sitting loosely at his side. His dick, still rock hard, stopped stirring. The pain from the stretch had given way to a dull throb and I decided to slowly move my hips. He instantly started panting into my neck, grabbing my hips with his hands, thumbs curled up. He was so girthy, his cock rubbed all my sensitive spots with every move. It didn't take much to have that familiar tight hot feeling grow deep inside of me at the thrill of the situation. It wasn't any different for Shigaraki, his breathing came hard and ragged as he kept bucking under me. A choked groan escaped his lips, as we both increased the pace. I felt myself racing towards a high at uncontrollable speed as loud whines and wails fell from my lips. Dabi watched us, groping at his aroused member through his pants, licking his lips in anticipation.
“M’close” I muttered between moans, Shigaraki only nodding slightly. As my core tensed up to a point of no return, I threw my head back, a loud keen erupted from my mouth as the coil snapped and I came. My whole body shook uncontrollably as my walls kept contracting around him. Shigaraki let out a strangled groan and shuddered beneath me, his hips jerking up erradically, as he also climaxed and coated my insides with his hot, white cum.
He sagged back, head resting against the back seat, cracked lips slightly parted as he panted beneath me. I fell forward, resting on his chest, nuzzling into him, totally disoriented. His usually pale skin was reddened with excitement, his white hair disheveled, strands of it sticking to his sweaty forhead. His crimson eyes were glazed over and half-lidded, as he stared at the ceiling. “You ok man?” Dabi patted him in the shoulder, grinning. Shigaraki didn't move, there was just the faintest hint of a nod as he continued to stare at the ceiling in a fucked out bliss.
“Ok, my turn now,” Dabi growled and, not giving me any time to come down, lifted me off Shigarakis lap, a lewd plopp sounding as his softening member was being pulled out of me. He straddled me on top of his lap, not minding the juices flowing out of my cunt around my panties, staining his pants.
He cupped my face, and slowly coming to, I gripped his hair, pulling his head back so I could get a better angle at his mouth. Dabi chuckled as I latched my lips onto his. We kept crushing against each other, our tongues invading each other's mouths, teeth tearing at each other's lips. His hands found the round of my ass, groping, kneading the round cheeks. I felt one hand sliding further down below my panties and starting to circle my pucker hole. I let out a deep huffling groan and started to grind against his crotch, his erection getting bigger, straining against the fabric. Panting heavily, we both parted and I started desperately clawing at his belt. Somehow I managed to unbuckle it, opening the buttons of his pants and grabbed his swollen member. His dick was impressive. Not as girthy as Shigarakis but still thick, prominent veins running along its shaft in all the important places. His swollen pink tip glistening with precum had just the right ridge to send any woman into oblivion.
I noticed Dabi's smug grin as I licked my lips at the sight of his member. "Bet you're used to reactions like that.“ I let my finger run along his jaw bone and he shrugged. “Wanna talk or wanna fuck, dollface?” he let out a low growl. With that, he lifted me up and slowly lowered me on his twitching cock.
Oversensitive as I was from my orgasm with Shigaraki, I keened right away, all my nerves set on fire instantly. My inner walls fluttered ecstatically against the sudden invasion and every hair on my body stood up. Without any warning, Dabi started fucking into me, circling his hips beneath me to try to hit that one special spot. I was impaled on him, unable to move, being completely at his mercy. I clawed into his shoulders, loud moans escaping my lips as each rut of his hips had me hurling yet again towards another orgasm. He kept driving himself in and out of me with steady thrusts, his breathing getting erratic and then his right hand slipped between my legs and started working my clit with his thumb, hard and merciless.
I panted, my fingers frantically clutching at his hair as he continued to work my sex with his thumb, drawing every spasm and shudder of pleasure from me that he could. The second orgasm hit me light a fright train. The world around me exploded as I screamed out his name, my cunt spasming around his cock, milking him insatiably. He managed to continue his pace, pushing himself relentlessly towards his own high, while riding mine out. Finally he came with a loud grunt, hips spasmed and sputtered, as his dick spurted out hot white liquid into me. I collapsed on top of him, while he kept stroking my back, murmuring good doll, done so well. .. kissing the top of my hair.
My whole body felt electrified, I shuttered under just the tiniest touch. I slowly slid off him with his help, curling on the backseat between both. My mind was still woozy from two consecutive highs and I tried catching my breath, as I felt Shigaraki nestle his head into my hair, inhaling and sliding his arm around my waist. Dabi pulled me into his arm, intertwining his fingers with mine, looking at me with an unreadable expression through his half lidded mesmerizing blue eyes.
There was no sound coming from either of us except the soft breaths, as we continued weaving through the night traffic. The hum of the limousine's engine, the two warm bodies wrapped around me and the afterglow of my orgasms soon had me drift off into a sleeplike trance. I hardly noticed the car stopping, being picked up and carried up some stairs. By the time I was laid onto the bed and sheets tightly wrapped around me, I was sound asleep.
Next day I woke up to sunlight tickling my nose, shining in through half opened curtains. I moaned and pulled up a hand to rub my face, feeling a bit hungover from the alcohol. Or was it the sex? Suddenly, the memories of last night shot into my brain and I jumped up, heart pounding against my chest.
I was in my apartement.
I rubbed my eyes and wondered if yesterday's events had been a dream. Looking down, I noticed that I only wore panties and the Cami top. My high heels stood neatly arranged next to my bed. There was the undeniable stickiness of dried up release between my thighs. No dream then, huh... Still, a sort of sadness overcame me assuming it had only been a one night stand.
As I got up, I noticed my phone laying next to my bed. Weird, I thought, I had put it in my purse last night, which lay off to the side. Foreboding started to loom as I grabbed it, opened my messenger and pressed the “contacts” symbol. Hitting “search” I started typing in Shigarakis name - and my heart jumped as I got a result. My hands shaking with nervousness, I also searched for “Dabi” and sure enough, a contact result. I almost dropped the phone to the floor. My heart was racing, I opened a new chat, adding them both. As I started writing I noticed the prominent three dots appearing, indicating a user typing. Before I could even finish my sentence a message popped up.
Dabi Got any plans tonight?
Shigaraki Come to my bar again.
I squealed joyfully as I fell back on my bed, kicking my legs in the air, having the most blissed out look on my face as I paused to type
Me Yeah sure. What about you both giving me a ride there?
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Dabi would leave bruises and hickeys in the most obvious places just because he's so territorial. But if anyone else lays a finger on you he's fucking demolishing them, and pampering you. As if he doesnt hurt you as well. And if you ask him why he reacts that way he would just smirk at you and say no ones allowed to hurt you except him.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
[ OCT 7 ] BREEDING | toji fushiguro
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+ pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!reader
+ warnings: nsfw, breeding, pregnancy kink kiiinda, non-established relationship, ooc!toji (idk how he is canon tbh HAHA)
+ notes: this one is short, im sorry i rushed:( i hope u guys like it though! ive never written this before so yea!
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toji was never one to commit to anything. his clan, his women - hell - even his own child had yet to see the man for more than a day. he thought that everything was temporary ever since he had been thrown out of his own family and reclaimed his birth surname fushiguro. and everything that was in his life was temporary. nothing ever lasted and he found himself unable to show even an ounce of care towards anything.
or so he’d told himself. he never quite expected you to come into his life when you had, nor did he expect the uncomfortable feelings that would follow. he wasn’t used to that oddly familiar warmth in his chest where his hardened heart was anymore. it had died along with the mother to his only child that he no longer knew the face of.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
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☠︎ reader description。afab, race/ethnicity neutral.
☠︎ characters。choso, sukuna, gojo, geto, nanami, todo, toji.
☠︎ tags/tw。(16+), slapping, asphyxiation, impact play, rough fucking, cunnilingus, fingering, makeouts, dumbification, overstimulation, soft sex.
when they’re pent up with all that sexual tension they need to find some way to release it. so just exactly how would they fuck you?
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Toji fushiguro + n 388💥💥 💳💥💳💥💥
Thank you, luv your works
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388. I’m going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours
CW: hair pulling, choking, rought sex, slapping, spanking, face fucking, praising, dirty talk
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"Just because you're my princess doesn't mean I won't fuck you like a slut" he pins you to the bathroom wall with his hand around your neck, "you really pissed me off" he growls inches from your face.
That's what you needed, Toji to put you in your place, and what better way than to play the jealousy card? He hasn't touched you the way you want him to for weeks, work always keeps him busy. When you left the house in that short dress without giving him an answer as to where you were going you knew you would piss him off, but you didn't think he would follow you to the club, seeing you surrounded by men was the straw that broke the camel's back.
"Is this what you want?" he asks slapping you across the face "answer me. Is this what you want, slut?" you rub your thighs together as you nod, "yes sir" you meow biting your lip. When Toji grabs you by the hair and pushes you against the sink to bend over, your panties get wet. He pushes two long fingers into you through them, "you're already wet, slut" he sneers, "this will be for my pleasure, not yours. Don't you dare come, otherwise you won't have orgasms for a month" he warns you lowering his pants and exposing his big cock to the air, "don't you dare make a fucking noise" he orders you as he presses his head into the opening of your cunt and pushes fast inside you.
The only thing you can do is cover your mouth with your hand as he starts fucking you roughly, you try to hold back tears as he starts spanking you, smacks one after another, harder and harder. When his balls slap your clit you remind yourself that you don't have to come, like a mantra you remember that you don't have to make a sound but you can't help it when Toji grabs your breasts and starts thrusting harder and harder, "fuck, Toji, I'm going to cum. P-Please let me cum" tears start to run down your cheeks when he pulls out of you and pulls you by the hair, your back leaning against his chest, "I think, yeah, I think I'm going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours, now" he smirks as he pushes you down to your knees.
"Yeah that's it" he moans as you wrap his cock in your lips, "you look so beautiful sucking my cock, slut" drops of sweat wet his forehead as he pushes his hips faster and faster, your hair in his fist, "suck harder, and maybe I'll reward you. How does that sound?" he chuckles as you start to pick up the pace, choking as you try to take him deeper.
You clench your thighs in search of relief when Toji cum in your throat, "swallow, just like a goodgirl" he says holding you with your nose buried in his pubes, you can't help but swallow his seed sip by sip, trying not to spill a single drop, "you like that, don't you slut?"
"You've done a good job" he praises you taking your chin between his fingers, "thank you, sir" you meow waiting for your reward, his gaze turns amused, "you enjoy making me angry, my fucking beautiful whore, uhu?" his hands hold you by the waist as he holds you close, "now let's go home. Shit, I'll fuck you so hard you'll forget your name" he growls pushing you out of the bathroom, getting everyone's eyes on you.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
I headcanon that Choso has a breeding kink
Oh yes, hello dear anon. I absolutely agree with this. Choso is such a sweetheart right? He'd definitely make sure he's breeding you until you're full to the brim ~
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Choso with a breeding kink
Warnings/Tags: Breeding kink, praise, talk of pregnancy, possessive Choso.
Rating: 18+, Minors do not interact.
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"I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to - ah!" you moan out, your boyfriends relentless thrusts pushing your body into the bed with every snap of his hips.
"Didn't mean to do what, angel? Rile me up like this?" Choso inquires, knowing very well what you were talking about. You couldn't have known that seeing you take care of your friend's toddler would lead to your boyfriend throwing you onto the bed as soon as you come home.
Seeing you be so tender and loving with the little boy stirred something in Choso's heart and he started to wonder what you would be like with your own child.
A child born out of your shared love. Half of him and half of you.
The urge to fill you up took over his senses and he had to grab a hold of your hips as soon as the both of you got home.
He was quick to push your skirt up and rip your panties off of your body, mumbling an incoherent apology and promising to buy you new ones, before he pushed two of his fingers right into your soaking hole.
Usually he'd take his time to thoroughly prepare you, spending hours between your legs until the sheet underneath your body is soaked in your wetness.
But today he got inside of you as soon as he stretched you out. The thought of filling you up until you're full of him was too tempting.
That's what lead to your boyfriend currently pounding into you at a vigorous pace.
"Need to fill you up. Wanna see you full of my cum - please, ngh!" he rambles, hips knocking into yours with every thrust.
His pleas send heat shooting down your spine and you arch your body up into him, when he angles his hips in a different way and starts hitting that sweet spot inside of you.
Choso feels your walls clamp down around his cock and he grits his teeth, littering possessive kisses onto your neck and rubbing his flushed face into the skin.
"Gonna let me fill you up angel? Make you carry my little one? Hmm?" he mumbles, "You want that? Want my cum, sweet one?"
The thought of carrying his baby has you wriggling in his grasp, gasping out a quick "Yesyesyes - please, Choso. Need it-," before you get cut off by a moan.
Your lover grabs onto your hips tightly and pounds into you a few more times, one hand moving to rub insistent circles around your swollen clit.
This throws you over the edge and you cum around his cock, legs shaking around his hips. Choso thrusts into you once, twice and then spills himself into you with a low groan.
He stays like that until your walls have milked him for all that he's worth before he leans down to gently push your hair out of your face and press a sweet kiss against your forehead.
"Are you okay, princess?" he asks, one of his hands slowly carding through your tousled hair, while the other rubs soft circles into the skin of your hip.
You nod and he smiles at that, grabbing your leg and pulling it over his shoulder. His eyes wander over all the marks he's left on your body until they stop at where the both of you are connected. His eyes darken at the way his seed spills out from your cunt, around his cock.
"Good. Because we won't be stopping until you're full of me, my love."
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
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ft. itadori, megumi, inumaki, yuta, gojo, geto, nanami, choso, sukuna
tw. fem!reader, cursing, dirty talk, creampie, pussyjob, squirting, f!oral (face sitting) cock warming, dom! w/ sub reader
an. second day with my favorite theme with jjk, hope you all enjoy <3
✰ kinktober masterlist || send me an ask if you want to be added to my tag list!
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ミ itadori
itadori takes his time, his sweet sweet time building up to fucking you, soft hands climb to your legs, hours spent between your thighs lapping and sucking on your clit whilst his fingers curl against your walls. he’s rocked his cock against the bed for what has felt like hours for some type of relief, the throb itches at his brain every so often but your pussy? it’s another type of dark carnal desire. “you taste so good princess” he coos, tongue shoved in your mouth once he crashes his face with yours, dipping inside your cheeks—the taste of you lingers in your own mouth. once the positions is his, itadori sinks in—low grunts escape his throat when he slides inside “oh, fuck— are you always this tight? s-shit” his eyes subconsciously roll to the back of his head, hands gripping the covers beside your smaller frame. “i—hah” he tries to talk but pants replace the words, your walls clamping down harder on his cock, itadori could just stay like this, soak in the feeling of his throbbing length just laying inside your hole, surrounded by the slick. “i wanna cum so bad baby, wanna fuck you full of my cum” he finally grasps a sense of reality as he moves, no talk of telling you when he’s spilled his seed. he wants this to last forever, fucking you till his cock is gave out and you’re full of his cum.
ミ megumi
his deadpan expression stills on his face, bleak eyes watching you climb on his lap—perfect tits displayed across his face once you settle on his lap, slowly grinding against his hard cock. “mh” he holds the moan within his lips, keeping a stoic expression, without avail you get minimal expressions from your doting boyfriend until—your folds spread over his cockhead “oh fuck” he utters, a smile spreading across your face. “you’re—you’re so fucking wet” pink dusts his cheeks, sweat forming around megumi’s forehead, breaking down the wall he holds tightly up; he begins to completely crumble “more, more please.” he grips your hips, nails digging into the flesh prompting you to move faster against his length, the juices from your cunt soak his cock, sliding your pussy back over his dick—grazing his sensitive cockhead. “i—” megumi forgets how to talk, his words choked in his throat, eyes shutting tight when he feels his cock twitch again, strings of white paint your slick folds, your hips still lazily rolling against his cock. “ride me, gotta—gotta fuck this pussy now” now megumi has a voice, quite a demanding one too.
ミ inumaki
“toge” his name falls from your lips, jerking his head up from watching his cock split open your weeping cunt “toge, more” you cry out this time, fingers clawing at his stomach, and though words cannot cross his lips—his dick does the talking. gripping your thighs with calloused fingers he spreads you wider, angling his cockhead deeper in your cunt “r-right there, feels so good” your words circle his brain, he’s drunk on the fact that without saying a word, he can make you beg for him. “wanna cum so bad, f-for you toge” his eyes soften, raising a hand to your cheek and squeezing it. inumaki leans down, tits pressing on his chest he places open mouth kisses on your warm skin, the sounds of your quiet whimpers push him over the edge. “cum for me baby, just for me” you coo, holding his face between your palms, eyes casting sweetly when inumaki does just that, painting his seed inside your cunt, your own orgasm folding over spraying against his bare stomach. “l-love you” he utters, pressing his forehead against yours.
ミ yuta
heaven is within his grasps right now, ascending into the perfect euphoria—reaching a limitless peak as he sinks into your soaking hole, lip quivering between his lip at the tight stretch “angel” a breathless moan casts down on your face, lashes fluttering up at yuta soft features. “why are you so perfect?” he asks, gummy walls tightening on his cock at the praise, yuta struggles to breathe right now. his mind is so consumed with you—your perfect cunt; the taste of a forever after inside you. “i don’t wanna cum—don’t wanna princess, wanna stay just like this” he groans, searching for something within your lust covered eyes. it’s like darkness has shrouded his life until now, the light bringing him to life, your soft hands snatching him from the dark when you’re close, white sparking within your vision—maybe he shouldn’t be selfish right now, maybe he should cum; with you. “this is for you, all for you pretty girl” he pounds faster, bringing a nimble digit down to swipe across your clit and bringing your orgasm to the surface, the rush of pleasure coating his cock, your body arching off the bed when yuta spills his seed deep in your cunt. “take it all baby” he whispers, a proud smile stitched to his face when his cum leaks from your clenching hole.
ミ gojo
gojo would like to admit he’s pretty unphased in the bedroom, so cocky and so sure he’s the one controlling every moan, touch and word. that was, until he met you—it’s embarrassing really, how easily he’s succumbed to your cunt. falling madly in love with the feel of you wrapped around his cock, juices overflowing onto his balls, cries coming from him about how good it feels. “s-shit princess, just like that—keep movin’ just like that” he grunts, hands gripped hard enough on your hips the bones feel like they’re torched with fire. “pussy is made for me” gojo pants, pastel blue orbs trained on your cunt bouncing on his cock, he’s hard of hearing right now—you could tell him the world is ending and he’d shrug it off. what’s life without your pussy? meaningless. and he’ll tell himself that too, in privacy—he has some reputation to uphold. “shit, i think i’m gonna cum” he whispers, wincing at the sensitivity jolting his nerves, “what the fuck is wrong with me? i just started fucking you princess.” he might be close but that doesn’t mean gojo isn’t bringing you down with him, lips attaching to the crevice of your neck suckling on the skin while he thrust upward in your sopping cunt, tongue smoothing over the blues brung to your skin. he struggles to keep moving, the sensitivity kicking into overdrive, seed leaking from his cock before he has a chance to hold it; like it truly has a mind of its own. “your turn, angel” he grins, rolling your hips across his length, his legs soaked with your juices until you join him in the waves of pleasure, drowning in a blissful afterlife.
ミ geto
geto has everything planned out in his domino set life, every single one is placed perfectly, never falling until he chooses when. he could knock them over whenever he pleased but he loved toying with the lines, putting them so close together; almost touching but never falling. it only took one single person to tap just one domino and now they’re all toppling over and taking him with it. “hold on, baby—i am not going to cum this fucking fast” he demands, fingers tapping against your thigh signaling the speed to halt. “i’m the one fucking you, remember that” he comments, but he knows, he fucking knows how wrong he is. geto rolls your bare body over, the sheets swallowing your back as geto hovers over you “now, where were we?” his voice is dark, laced in undertones of sincerity but they’re long gone once he sinks back into your warm welcoming cunt. “you feel good—too fucking good” he groans, snapping his hips in place and drilling in your tight walls, lips puffing small moans every single time his cock grazes the deepest parts of you and he tries—tries so fucking hard to stay in just a little longer but alas; he’s tipping over again. strings of white cover your stomach, somehow able to pull out in just enough time to spill his seed on your skin. “this is all your fault” he murmurs, fisting his cock, aligning back with your hole “but i’m not complaining, angel.”
ミ nanami
“sit on my face” nanami nonchalantly says, thumbs painting circles on your skin “wanna see how long you can last” he teases. but within the time he’s already had you, how long could nanami truly last? your body is easily heisted over his face, earth tone colored eyes flickering up at your thighs clamping down on his face, he smiles watching your trembling cunt finally drop down on his mouth. “taste good as always princess” he hums, tongue finally cutting the tension and slipping between your folds, he draws it slowly gathering all of your juices and sliding them down to your hole. the headboard is your only savior, your support from his laps in your cunt. trembling on his face, completely open and wide for him. nanami tries to ignore the throb of his cock, the agonizing convulsing every time he hears your cries for more. the relief subsided once his hand fist his cock under you, pumping it at the same rhythm his tongue is diving inside your hole, nose nudging past your sensitive clit. “pussy so wet for me, you’re such a good girl” nanami moans, the praise pulling on the coil deep within your stomach, tittering on snapping in half. you finally manage to look down at him, eyes trained on your spasming body crumbling above him. “gonna cum baby? huh? cum on my tongue” nanami slurps against your messy cunt, hand jerking faster on his cock, holding back from cumming right now—he wants to inside your warm pussy, feel those pretty walls flutter around his cock but he can’t hold it anymore, gasping into your cunt. “fuck, fuck fuck” he chants, hot seed coloring your back as you finally let go on his tongue. you glance down, slyly gazing at his puffy lips coated in your slick, you’re grinning down at him and nanami doesn’t answer but you know; you lasted longer than he did.
ミ choso
he’s deprived without your cunt, a man without life, a man without reason to live—that’s choso without your pussy. he could spend hours between your legs, mesmerized by how wet and messy you get for him. he wants to be in control of you, make you feel good; beg for him but evidently that all fades away the split second he bottoms out, balls slapping against your thighs. “i already wanna cum, god princess—this isn’t fair” he half chuckles, black strands sticking to his face as he rolls his hips—your fingers trace his stomach, glossy eyes looking up at you. “i know baby, i don’t wanna cum either” he muses, leaning his heavy body over you, wrapping his thick arms over your torso. “you feel so good for me, let’s stay like this, yeah?” choso breath feels hot against your skin, sweet face snuggling into your neck “i can feel how fuckin’ tight you are for as long as i want” he smiles. your heels sink into his bare back, fingers needily digging into place. and like this choso can have all of you, for as long as you let him.
ミ sukuna
“fuckin’ brat” sukuna spits a string of saliva down to your cunt, fingers spreading the substance around your clit, you moan out looking down at his fingers sinking inside you, curling against the tight walls “look how messy you are.” you whine back, legs clamping against his hand “keep those legs spread.” you oblige, tears pricking your vision at his ruthless pace in your sopping cunt, legs shyly spreading wider for him. “you’re so tight” he comments, adding another finger and pounding into your hole “wanna see you squirt” he closes his eyes, angling his fingers deep into your spongy walls, listening to the higher pitch cries for him color the room. you clench around his digits, orgasm building in your stomach, pooling over between your legs, and melting to your cunt as you squirt and gush all over him. “yeah princess that’s right, soak my fingers like the good girl you are” sukuna groans, pulling his digits from you and replacing his length “now you’re ready for my cock baby.” he grins watching you writhe and admit defeat from the stretch, body struggling to adjust to him “you’re gonna cum again on my cock.” he’s in control, he tells you when to cum, and when not too, and right now, those demanding words send you straight to your orgasm once again, creaming around his cock. and though sukuna is in control, your dominance is played through how many times he wants to make you cum.
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tagging- @chronic-claire-universe
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Pretty thing
A/n: I mayyyyy have got a bit carried away. This is just some geto brain rot because you know im obsessed with him  (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Warnings: Rough fingering, collar, leash, slight degrading, picture taking, pre-cursed Geto, daddy kink, (more geto in sweat-pants because i am literally obsessed with the idea)
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Can you do - when you don’t say “i love you” back - with daddy Toji, Suguru, Satoru and Sukuna? Thank you Mars
Love you 😘
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Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Gojo Satoru & Ryōmen Sukuna
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"I'm only gonna be away for a couple of days" he says carrying his bag to the front door, "are you gonna be okay on your own?" he smirks when you throw your arms around his neck, "yeah, don't worry about it" you smile against his lips during a kiss.
"Okay, I'm going to go now. I love you, angel" he says taking his bag in his hand, "’kay, bye bye".
When he turns to look at you his eyebrow is raised, "I said, I'm going. I love you" he says reiterating the last three words louder, "oh, I love you too Daddy, come back soon" you smile waving at him, "be a good girl" he says walking out of the house with a smile.
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"Mhh baby, you make me feel so good" he pushes slowly into you, your back arches as you feel him completely buried in you, "baby, I love you" he moans between thrusts. 
"Fuck, Suguru don't stop" you gasp when you're on the edge, but Geto stops.
"What the fuck, I was gonna cum" you moan underneath him trying to move your hips as he keeps you pinned to the mattress. "didn't you hear me by any chance?" he asks pulling out of you slightly, "Suguru, please" you groan biting your lip, "just answer me" he says giving you a smirk and pulling out a little more. 
"I-I'm sorry, please, I love you too" you answer trying to push yourself down to get more of his cock, "yes, fuck" he moans pushing his hips in one movement inside you, "that's my girl" he whispers in your ear not stopping thrusting against you.
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He's stuffing your face with kisses as you're eating breakfast at the kitchen table, "Toru, you're running late, go" you giggle as you try to push him away, "yeah I know, but when I think I won't be able to see you for days I feel sad" he pouts going back to snogging you.
"Okay, I'm ready. I'll miss you" he says clasping his hands in front of himself, "I love you princess", "bye bye Toru" you greet him with a smile as you finish washing the dishes.
"Oh, you're still here" you ask when you turn around to find Gojo standing there with his hands together, "did you forget something?" you ask as you arrange the dishes in the cupboard. "I said I love you" he says pushing his lips out, "and I said bye bye Toru" you smile without looking at him.
"Y/n don't be mean. Say it too" he says putting his hands on his hips, "’kay I love you Toru" you smile going towards him, "as you should" he says disappearing from the room.
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"Oi, brat, I'm heading out, do you need anything?" he says not paying too much attention to you, "no no" you shake your head making your feet dangle off your big bed. 
"Good, don't make a mess while I'm gone" he says making you giggle, "I love you". 
Sukuna isn't one to say “I love you” very often but when he does say it he expects to hear it back, when your response doesn't come through he turns to look at you, "so?" he asks looking at you crookedly, "oh, ’bye master, come back soon" you smile dropping your head to the side.
"Brat, don't make me repeat myself" he says visibly pissed, "I love you" you reply in a huff biting your bottom lip, "good girl" he smirks leaving the room.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
How would JJK Daddies act when you tell them: Saturday is me day, please don’t bother me (Part 2)
Characters: Gojo, Toji, Naoya, Sukuna, Nanami, Geto
CW: Smut, Fluff, ✨ daddies ✨
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Sukuna Ryomen
He’s the king of curses he wouldn’t care, he has no time for your shit
He won’t even bother you, rather, he would be extremely happy that finally, he’ll be free from your stupidity
Why would he even care about a peasant human being
“She could leave for the hell I care she doesn’t even matter”
But then sukuna won’t stop thinking about you the whole day
He would constantly be reminded by your actions and your sweet smile
He would suddenly miss you and crave for your presence, you, a measly human being
Then, the king can’t tolerate it any longer and will order for your presence on his domain
When you asked him for the reason behind his sudden call
He would accuse you of using curse technique at him
“What do you need? I thought you didn’t care if a peasant human like me will leave”
“Quit using your curse technique on me”
Baby I’m not a sorcerer and I don’t have a curse energy
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Okay idea! Reader escapes Dabi and even manages to knock him unconscious long enough to bound him to the bed (like he did to her) and steal his phone so she can call for help. She’s rescued and tells the heroes where the LoV’s location is but by the time they get there, the villains are long gone. A month passes since reader’s escape until one day, she’s drugged by a “friend”, who was actually Toga in disguise. She’s dragged to another hideout, bound and naked to the bed, because the rest of the league want revenge for her giving away their location. Dabi finally appears in the room, and the rest of the league leave you alone to his mercy… what happens next is up to you
Up to me, you say? 👀
Dabi's reaction upon waking up
18+, minors dni // aged up Toga, degradation, delusional thinking, drugging, exhibitionism, free use, humiliation, kidnapping, knife play, manipulation, noncon, voyeurism, yandere
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Well, needless to say, you've messed with his desire to have control, so he would be pretty mad. Tying him to his bed like that is such a big betrayal, after all, so it's a no-brainer that he's not going to be easy on you. He'll start by bringing up specific threats to see what you're most afraid of. He'll base what he does to you on your reaction to each prompt.
"How 'bout I cut up that pretty skin of yours, doll? Make you look like me."
"Ever wondered what a third degree burn feels like? Not as bad as betrayal but it's a start."
"I think I know a way to make sure you won't leave again. I'm gonna make that belly swell, dollface."
He might even let the rest of the League have a turn with you. Anything goes. They can inflict their sickest desires on you, so long as they keep you alive and stay away from your face. Despite your shitty behaviour, Dabi still thinks you're beautiful; he wants to keep at least some of your physical appeal intact.
Shigaraki is excited to hurt you for what you tried to do. The act of fucking you would be rooted solely in revenge for him. He degrades you while he rails you, jeering about how pathetic you are for thinking you could escape without repercussions.
Toga passes on the free use because she doesn't have an attraction to you. She'll cut you up a little, though, just to make it hurt. Your blood is tasty.
Compress would be hesitant, but rationalize that a "villain has to do what a villain has to do" and commence with the show.
Spinner is nervous. It takes a bit of convincing from Shigaraki to drive him forwards. His morals are rooted in those of Stain, and he wouldn't see your punishment as a result of his ideology until his dear leader spins it that way. Like heroes, you need to be punished for your crime and privilege.
Twice is willing to do anything for the team, even if it involves something he wouldn't normally do. The act, itself, would probably involve a lot of apologizing.
Magne feels a little sorry for you. She understands your distaste for Dabi, but to take your frustration out on the rest of the League, too? Unacceptable. She won't show much mercy as she ravages you.
And Dabi? Well, he sits in the background, enjoying a cigarette as he watches your psyche shatter.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
your anime husband laying under you as you ride his dick, hands gripping your hips, breathy moans slipping past his lips as his head lolls back and he moans: damn angel, don’t stop, ‘kay? feels so good. and once you throw your head back, breasts prominent to him, he says (cocky, giddy): you ‘bout to cum, angel? c’mon, precious, cum all over my dick and once you do, he flips positions — eats you out like there’s no tomorrow, like his life depends on it — because you’re so divine, he can’t help it.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Omg hailey how about 15 and 2 for either Keigo or Gojo 15 isn’t a dealbreaker if you don’t wanna use that!
prompt 15 and 2 with gojo for you!!
author's note: this is going to live in my head― rent free. why is it so sappy, you ask? (ว˙∇˙)ง i have no idea.
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your relationship with gojo is quite simple. there are no feelings involved. it's merely just a fling― secret meetings between the two of you that nobody else needs to know about.
although, gojo keeps insisting that you continue to see each other. at night, when you're both sweating and fucked out, he insists. early in the morning, when you're searching for your clothes, he insists.
"one more," he always says. his palms are so warm against your cheeks when he promises you one last time. drawing imaginary pictures against your skin, he kisses the tip of your nose and you're putty in his hands, internally scolding yourself for giving in so easily.
"one more time," he whispers against your lips and you reciprocate; you always do.
• • •
gojo is incredibly happy today. it's a mystery to you, because you told him that you're not on birth control anymore and that it's dangerous to continue this relationship.
he should be asking you when you stopped, he should be chasing you away and telling you that you need to forget about him.
"gojo," you whine against his lips, "we need to stop this. please."
and yet, he continues to kiss you, hands gripping the fat of your hips and drawing you impossibly closer against his chest.
"i'm not on birth control."
gojo only grins and you feel his teeth against your bottom lip as he does. "yeah? you trying to make me a daddy?"
shivers run down your spine and your knees almost wobble, but he keeps you pressed up against him, hands running over your body and exploring every dip and curve that it has to offer him.
"i'm really no―"
his lips are on yours again, silencing you. you can't help but give in, grip him close to you as he walks the both of you towards his bedroom.
no feelings, he promised you― none at all.
gojo is always lying to you when he says that he doesn't feel something for you. he's completely obsessed with you, beyond reasoning.
he tells himself that he's needy, touch starved and that you were the first person who accepted his offer to simply just sleep together.
how clichĂŠ, he thinks as he pushes you onto his bed, grinning like a madman when your incisors dig into your bottom lip. he was bound to fuck up.
and god, gojo thinks that he's in love with you when his cock sinks into your pussy. you're so tight and warm, wet and snug around him. your walls are clamping down around him, sending shivers up his spine as he experimentally pulls out all the way. you shudder against him when he thrusts into you, filling you up so fucking good.
gojo may as well call this love, but only for tonight.
your nails dig into his forearms as he sets a brutal pace, not giving you any time to reason with him, get used to the size of him. the thought of you swollen and bloated with his kids makes him absolutely feral, moaning low in his throat when your pussy squeezes his cock.
he suffers when he has to look into your eyes, sees you tearing up with emotion, goosebumps dotting along your body and hardening your nipples.
everything about you is intoxicating and gojo has to rest, cock twitching in your depths as he slows his thrusts.
he hushes you when you hiccup, lips pressing against your temple, thumb drawing circles on your clit. "one more," he promises you, "one more time."
it's so disgusting― feelings. gojo grunts when your legs wrap around his waist and you urge him to continue.
his palm digs into the bed when he lifts himself from you, hips slapping against your ass, thumb working so deliciously against your engorged bud. the sound of skin slapping against skin makes his ears ring, but he's more focused on the noises that come from you, more focused on the look of pleasure that crosses your face.
"you gonna cum for me?" he's so smug― teasing you like he always does. you nod and shiver, nails leaving crescent shapes against his skin.
gojo watches you fall apart beneath him― it's a sight for sore eyes. you choke on something when pleasure blinds you, hips raising up off of the bed. he kisses you, whines against your lips when your pussy tightens around him, suffocating his cock.
and then he falls off of the edge with you, fingers interlacing with yours as you both grind against each other, riding out that delicious high.
pretty, blue eyes meet your own when you force them open, finally comimg back down to earth. his hair clings to his face, perspiration on his forehead, dribbling down his nose. a smile tugs at gojo's lips and he's quick to shut you up when your mouth opens.
"one more time," he simple says, prompting you to sigh. "that's what you said last time." he laughs at this, but he knows you're right, knows that he should just tell you.
he loves you.
"i mean it this time." and that's all he tells you before he kisses you again, lips stealing your breath away.
and you always give in.
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
jjk/aot boys hcs (kinda turned into small drabbles)
~what they would do if you slapped them mid-sex~
characters; eren, jean, levi, toji, megumi, gojo, nanami, yuuji, sukuna
warnings/tw; smut,face-slapping, slight blood play, spitting, degrading, rough seggs, some fluff
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creds to @ mineco000 on twitter for the nanamiiiin art
we all know these are a bunch of sadistic mfs
anyway idk the w.c for this one— it’s too long 🥴
practically wrote a whole drabble for each- enjoy <3
Eren Jaeger
so i imagine you’d be doing missionary, he had been so cocky the whole day, teasing you and haunting you with his boasting
“i have so much control over you, look at you, my little slut. would do anything for my cock”
you obviously get off on the shit he says however-👀—this time you get an idea, mentally slap yourself first for it.
then you kinda go ‘fuck it lets see what happens’ i mean he would probably rail the shit out of you later on but isn’t that what you want hm?
eren’s pounding into you at a hard pace, grunting every once in a while as you groan and whimper beneath him, a slight smirk makes its way on your lips as you watch his face closely, he’s so focused on where he’s fucking you.
he’s watching himself and how he disappears and reappears in you with hard thrusts. his eyes fixed on your pussy, he doesn’t quite register what happens at first when he feels a slight sting on his cheek.
he looks up at you, thrusts slowing. you’re biting your lower lip in anticipation, a delicious fear creeping its way into your chest.
his teal eyes seem to focus and refocus on your face, with a raise of his brows, he hardly thrusts in you as he brings his palm to your cheek and lands a hard slap. making you clench around his cock.
he sets a bruising pace as he talks in a menacing voice, making you shiver, “what the fuck was that?” you moan as you’re looking up at him, your tits jiggling slightly with his thrusts. he slaps you again, but then grabs your jaw in his hand to face towards him again, “huh?” another slap, making you whimper. “what. the. fuck. was that?” he says each word with a thrust into you, his hand rubbing your red cheek, thumb swiping away the little dot of blood forming on your lips. he brings his thumb to his lips, licking your blood off of it, the action making you cringe if it wasn’t for his cock twitching in you and his teal eyes boring into yours.
“don’t ever try that shit on me again, know your place yeah?”
Jean Kirchstein
y’all better know this mf’s a switch.
he fucking loves when you top him
he has a hidden mommy kink. maybe that’s why he kinda is a bitch to his own mom in that one ova— maybe he doesn’t like calling her mom💀
so i imagine you’re on top, he’s laying with his head against the headboard, your ass jiggling as he holds you, helping you bounce on him, your arms around his neck.
his eyes are closed as soft pants and moans leave his mouth, you can’t help but admire him, how his mullet drapes around his neck and slightly sticks to the sweaty skin.
he gives you a soft, lust-dazed smile as he chuckles, “what?” he asks you, still smiling
“jean,” you say between moans, “yes baby?”
you hide your head in his collarbone, lightly nibbling on it as he huffs, “hm? what is it?”
you bring your head back up to look at him, your eyes darting between his hazel eyes and his blushed cheeks, “c-can i try something?”
he raises a brow, nodding hesitantly, nibbling on his lower lip in anticipation.
you slap him accross his cheek, not that harsh, not wanting to startle him more as it is.
a whimper leaves his mouth.
you smirk at him, grinding your hips as you feel his thighs twitching.
he opens his eyes, a pleading look in them along with his brows
you slap him again, a bit harder this time
he groans,
“you like that jean?”
he cums.
Levi Ackerman
i cannot find it in my heart to want to slap this man.
he has been thru so much shit i would not like to inflict any pain on him even a little sting 🥺
i mean- it would prolly be nothing for him since he’s the strongest soldier of humanity.
but tbh i’m always always torn between dom levi and sub levi. so for me, he’s a switch. both.
sometimes he like you to take care of him. he needs it, even tho he will barely admit it.
he never admits. he is so so so stubborn and reserved.
other times he would like to dom and rail tf out of you cuz i cant imagine him not being a dom sometimes
anyway i’m getting distracted wait-
dont slap him.
at first he looks at you, confused- thinking he’s done something wrong?
when he sees you trying to hide your smile by biting your lips, he gets it.
he’ll pin your hands above your head, a “tch” leaving his lips as he kisses you
“why’d you do that?”
“i’m sorry, did you not like it?”
he rolls his eyes and grips your wrists tighter with one hand, “i never said that.”
йгггггг oop
toji fushiguro
buckle up ladies, we goin for a ride.
are you dumb? would you like to be murdered? fed to crows? fed to his worm?
doesn’t matter cuz i fuckin am.
he has you pressed against a wall, one arm next to your head, the other flexing and unflexing infront of you as the large veins lead to his hand that he has burried in your underwear, two thick fingers of his playing with your clit
you’re a whining mess as he looks down at you with dangerous eyes blown with lust so much so they look the same as his hair color.
he’s been edging you forever, licking and sucking all over your neck and chest before he finally gave you his fingers. or so you thought.
he had been rubbing you for you dont know how long now
before your mind could keep up, your body reacted, with a frustrated groan, you slap him.
his face tilts to the side with your smack, cheek a light shade of pink from your small fingers. his movements on your clit come to a halt, your heart threatening to jump out of its cage.
he turns his head, looking at you with a shit-eating grin. the scar on his lips looking delicious as ever.
before you can register his movements, he uses his legs to part yours. he plunges his two fingers into you without warning, curling them into the spot he knows will make you scream.
your thighs start shaking, hands grabbing at his broad shoulders and squeezing.
he chuckles darkly, “do it again.”
you look up at him through moans as his fingers fastly move in you with a ‘come hither’ motion, you think you’re fucking imagining things, so filled with lust as you finally have his fingers where you want them.
is this a test? does he want you to slap him again so he could put you in your place?
he shakes his head, amused, “am i fucking you dumb with my fingers? if they’re too big for you, my cock is gonna rip you in two.” your mouth is open but no sound leaves it at this point, he scissors his fingers in you, making you choke on your breaths. “didn’t you hear me? do it again.” you try to keep your eyes open, through heavy lids you look at his expressions, trying to read him. you fail.
“go on then, slap me again like the impatient fucking brat you are.” he says with an evil grin.
you slap him again, earning a groan from deep within his chest, the sound makes you clench around him. “yeah? satisfied?” he moves his fingers at an unrelenting pace, looking down at you with the smirk still evident on his face, ”you get off on that shit? my little whore.” he coos
before you know it, you’re cumming all around his thick fingers, coating them in your slick. he swiftly grabs your hips and turns you around, you’re practically like a small ragdoll compared to him.
you’re still trying to calm down from your previous high. you hear it before you feel it, the tearing sound of your ruined panties, the shredded cloth sliding to the floor.
you feel his thick tip press against your folds, you’re whimpering and trying to get away from him, failing as he has you trapped between his chest and the wall, he grabs both your wrists as you try to turn around and push him away, holding both of them in one hand behind you as he slides his length between your folds, groaning as your thighs shook for him.
he doesn’t put it in yet, observing your small figure writhing infront of him, he lands a harsh slap on your ass, making you moan out loud. he nibbles on the shell of your ear, hot breath against it as he speaks in a devilish, deep voice, “you did that cuz you wanted me yeah? well now you have it. you have me, and you’ll take it.” he puts the tip of his large cock in you, making you moan in pleasure, thats far from what he wanted.
he wanted you to feel pain. to feel all of him and what he is. he would thrive on it.
he wrapped his free arm around your form, holding you close to his chest as he gave a hard thrust, even with all the strength of his wide hips, all of him couldn’t fit in you.
your throat hurt as you screamed. “there we go, got what you wanted? hm? happy? argh—clamping around so tightly around my cock? barely fits in you, doll. gonna have to make the rest of it fit. and you’re gonna take it so well.”
good luck to your neighbors ma’am you’re literally getting convicted.
if i write more for this man i won’t be able to stop 🥴
megumi fushiguro
hmm okay he’s legit the only boi i had no idea in my head for
maybe it’s cuz his reactions are really hard for me to understand
he’s still a mystery to me 😩
i think he would genuinely be confused—
he’d look at you with such a confused expression on his face, his eyebrows all scrunched up together, his thrusts coming to a halt
you’d chuckle and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him sweetly.
he would just brush it off and continue with your fucking
later on he would rethink it, surprising himself when he would blush at the thought
he would be hesitant to talk about it
but you’d notice immediately and motion for him to come into your arms
he would put his on your chest as you massage his scalp and play with his hair
“y/n?” he would say in a shy voice
“hm?”, he looks up at you, raven hair falling on to his forehead as you mess it up, “i didn’t know you were into that stuff.” he says as he’s trying to hide his blush in your boobs, you chuckle, raising a brow.
you just unlocked gumi’s kinky side.
prepare to have your guts rearranged next time you fug 😁
Satoru gojo
this cheeky, cocky, woo woo ass motherfucker-
he would not take you seriously for the love of god
i’d probably enjoy slapping him the most ngl.
you’d be riding him, and him being the cocky-self he is, would have his arms crossed under his head as he watches you bounce yourself on his cock
your thighs would be stinging with pain by now, it was overwhelming and annoying, your features would change to one of discomfort, “‘t-toru,” he watched you with a smug smirk on his face that you quite literally wanted to slap off his face, his icy blue orbs looking you up and down as he made no move, no effort, “hmmmmm?” he said mockingly, you’d whine, “it hurts.. please help me, i’m tired.”
he’d give a sweet chuckle, nothing but annoying to your ears. he would move closer to you, leaning on his elbows, and teasingly rubbing your ass with his palm.
you snap, literally growling with frustration as your palm comes to slap his cheek, it stops millimeters before it. his chuckle filling the room, he takes your hands in his, pressing a kiss to the palm of it.
in a swift movement, he turns you both around, now hovering above you. his cock still remains inside you as you whine, “satoru!! please...nnnaaghh! move!”, he chuckles again, the sound making you want to try slapping him again, and kiss his velvet soft lips at the same time. he grabs your face with one large hand, slender fingers planted on your cheeks as he squishes your lips together to form a pout.
he grins, still not moving inside you as you have a vice grip around his dick. his heaven-sent eyes looking down at you, his snowy white hair messy on his forhead, “say ‘AAA”, if it weren’t for you being extremely frustrated right now, you’d laugh at his goofiness. you open your mouth, his thumb on your chin as his hand is wrapped around you throat.
he slowly brings his own spit between his lips, watching it as it falls to your mouth. he hums in satisfaction as you swallow it. he tuts as you try to move your hips against his, craving more. his hand grips your hip enough to leave bruises, “now, apologize for trying to slap me, and i might make you cum, buttercup.”
he ends up fucking you so hard, this time with his infinity off, letting you leave scratches along his back as blood forms his muscular back.
he knew he deserved it.
he’d also treat you like a princess afterwards.
he’d bring up you trying to slap him during sex SO much.
not for others tho- as much as he’s shameless, he also doesn’t like to share any info about you.
he’d tease you for it, making you do things for him so he “might consider letting you slap me next time, ngl it turned me on, you trying to be stronger than me. ” he would say while munching on gummy bears.
kento nanami
oh boy-
we all know he’s a man of culture and manners okay.
so i feel like he’d highkey hate it and think it disrespectful
even though he does go all daddy dom when he’s stressed, he would never slap you (on the face anyway)
he would like to have a mutual respect between you both
tbh i wouldn’t even try slapping this man- it’s just— embarrassing.
sorry if you expected sum else😩
yuuji itadori
oh my god this baby boy
you have it in your heart to slap him?
he would stop mid-thrust, his eyebrows furrowing, lips pouting
he would literally look like this 🥺
you’d have to apologize and kiss him where you slapped him.
he would make the yuji face he always does- it goes smth like this 😗
and he’d lowkey be confused
he’d be like, “wait..that’s something you do during sex??”
this baby would go and research all over pornhub, watching slapping vids to get himself to like it and warm up to it😭
he’d still be too sweet tho
*nervous laugh* h-ha-haa-hhhhhhh
uhm ma’am do you have a deathwish
as soon as you slap him, he’s turning you over, all fours. face down, ass up.
he would literally spank you so much— might even use his fuckin nails to draw blood o-o
he would fuck your ass. raw. he would absolutely inflict so so much pain on you.
he’d use his iconic quote “ichi-do wa yurusu, ni-do wa nai. bun wa wakimaerou, shiremonoga” 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 stop that’s my favorite line of his
the translation if yall SOMEHOW dont know that line; “i’ll allow it a first time, there won’t be a second time. know your place, fool.”
mehe xxx
Š all content belongs to e-jaegerenthusiast, do not repost or copy any of my work
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sieliz ¡ 2 years
Thinking about Geto comforting you by pulling you onto his lap, his big arms draped around you, radiating a warmth that makes you feel so safe and secure in his hold as he peppers kisses all over your face, whispering it’s gonna be alright.
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