shush302 · 1 year
Platonic Yandere! Dad! Clark Kent
- When you first come into his life, it would feel like love at first sight. The minute he laid his eyes on you, he was sold. He knew right then and there, he had to protect you by any means necessary.
- Clark absolutely loves spoiling, coddling and pampering you as much as possible. He’ll buy you lots of toys, clothes and just about anything you want. He loves sharing intimate moments with his daughter and will often brush your hair, prepare yummy meals and read stories to you before bed. He just loves bonding you with every opportunity he gets.
- Clark tries to make time for you, which can sometimes be difficult due to his job and hero work. Still, he manages to balance his schedule for the most part. When he isn’t patrolling the city and fighting off bad guys, he’s spending quality time with his little girl.
- Despite his cheery attitude, Clark can be very overprotective, especially when it comes to you. After all, you’re his daughter and he’d *hate* for anything bad to happen to you. As a result, you rarely get the chance to visit your friend’s houses or stay over at someone else’s place. It isn’t that he doesn’t trust you, he just doesn’t trust other people’s intentions with you. Is it fair? Maybe not, considering it’s purely a gut feeling rather than solid proof, but regardless, he’ll do what’s necessary to keep you safe.
- Often times, Clark likes to keep you in the house at all times because it’s the easiest way he can keep an eye on you. Whenever you suggest going out or doing anything in the city, he’s often against it. He’s always rambling on about how dangerous Gotham City truly is and while that might be true to some extent, he barely lets you go out unless it’s for school - but even then, he might call you in sick just so you don’t have to leave the house.
- Clark’s views can be somewhat conservative, especially when it comes to the way you dress. Any outfit that shows off too much skin, he’s absolutely against even if that might be a shoulder slip. At times, you find it ridiculous how your father doesn’t just let you dress the way you want, but Clark insists that he knows what’s best for you.
- Just like most fathers, they can be very protective, but Clark takes this to the absolute extreme. Clark feels like you’re getting too close to someone? He’ll take care of them. Clark finds out there’s someone who has a crush on you? They’ll disappear the very next day. If Clark feels like someone poses as a threat to his relationship with his daughter, he will get rid of them personally and never tell you. If it’s brought up, he’ll say something along the lines of, “Your friend? No, I haven’t seen them, sugar.. It’s a shame. This is why I always tell you that you have to be careful.” Clark isn’t above lying to you at all and can be very manipulative if he feels it is necessary.
- If you ever go out with Clark to the city, he will put you in a safety harness while holding the leash. This might seem ridiculous, silly and completely unnecessary, but Clark just doesn’t want to take any chances. He wants to keep you safe and make sure you’re always in his line of sight and the last thing he wants is for you to wander off somewhere and get lost. He couldn’t bare losing his little girl!
- No matter how old you might be, Clark will infantilize you and treat you like a child more often than not. No matter how much you might complain that you’re an adult and that you can take care of yourself, it will indubitably fall on deaf ears. Clark knows what’s best for you even when you struggle to see it yourself. Child, teenager or adult, you will always be his little girl no matter what.
- Clark doesn’t enjoy hurting you. However, that certainly doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of doing it. Whenever you’re disobedient or rebellious towards him after a while, there will always be consequences. While it isn’t anything severe, Clark will spank you over his lap to reprimand you. If this doesn’t work, he will isolate you in the house for days on end and shackle your ankle to the bedpost to make sure you don’t attempt to leave.
- If you’re ever angry with Clark, he will try to gaslight and manipulate you into thinking that you’re at fault and that he is the victim. If this method doesn’t work, he will move on to more drastic measures to ensure that you remain by his side at all times.
- Even if you escape him, Clark will always find you in the end. After all, he is Superman and has super powers that he will take advantage of to find you. The longest you managed to escape once was almost forty minutes before he found you and flew you back home.
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