shoppers741 · 2 years
why does she sound so southern lmao
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shoppers741 · 2 years
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look, i don’t even have to explain this one
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shoppers741 · 3 years
Sam Kerr & Kristie Mewis Masterpost
A guide to all Sam Kerr & Kristie Mewis content.
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Keep reading
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shoppers741 · 3 years
Rating USWNT Smoothie Recipes (Part 1/1) - Mewis Sister Edition
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As a self-professed kmew stan, I’ve taken it upon myself to consume as much kmew content as possible and in doing so, I’ve come across a few smoothie recipes from our bun-wearing masshole queen (plus a bonus one from the tower of power, herself). So as a public service, I will not only list said recipes below, but also review them for all your smoothie-making pleasures. Now that that’s out of the way, LFG.
Kmew Smoothie #1
3 handfuls spinach
2 kale leafs (optional)
lemon juice (from bottle)
chunk of ginger
¼ an apple
generous splash of coconut water
listen, this is a healthy smoothie, so it tastes…. healthy. my main gripe is with the apple. perhaps it’s bc i don’t (yet) own a vitamix/ninja blender & am instead currently scraping along with a food processor to make my smoothies, but I just wish that in the finished product, the apple weren’t so… chunky??! would this smoothie probably taste better if you used a nicer blender that liquified the **** outta this concoction? absolutely. will i still knock off points despite the fact that the problem is with my own equipment & not with the actual recipe itself? absolutely. as for the taste, the lemon juice & ginger do make up for the green-base of this smoothie (hello KALE), so I would say it is pretty drinkable as far as green smoothies go.
my final rating: ⚽️⚽️⚽️/5
Kmew Smoothie #2
almond milk
OHHHHH MYYYYY WORDDDDDD. i need a moment. this smoothie? a dream. a work of art. a revelation. i mean, can you really go wrong throwing all those A-team fruits in there? probably not. but would i ever think to throw all those random fruits together?? probably not. then again, i have as much culinary creativity as a shoe. anyway back to this glorious smoothie. it’s the avocado for me–the creaminess she is bringing to this drink?! unparalleled. combined w that delish strawberry and mango, whew baby. ofc we can’t forget the ultimate smoothie staple–the banana, always putting in work. but best of all? you can’t even taste the spinach.
my final rating: ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️/5
Sam Mewis ‘aka The Tower of Power’ Smoothie
1 cup plain yogurt
1 banana OR berries
2 tbsp nut butter (almond)
splash almond milk
handful spinach/kale
chia seeds
ok ngl, originally i was a littleeee wary of this one. i was like, essentially you’re adding greens to a souped-up pb & banana smoothie idk how that’s gonna work. BUT BOY WAS I WRONG. omfg. sammy bananas this is good. the tang of the greek yogurt (she didn’t specify greek but i made an executive & artistic decision) combined with the nut butter banana base?!! HELLO SIR!! but truly it’s the addition of the chia seeds & cinnamon that really push it over the top. and the so-called spinach i was so concerned about?? didn’t even notice her. all that worrying for naught when I could’ve been sipping this sweet sweet nectar.
my final rating: ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️/5
and there you have it folks!!! should our beautiful, talented Hanson-native sisters ever reveal more of their delectable smoothie recipes to the world, you have my utmost word that this post will be updated. unless of course, by that time i’ve already lost interest and have already moved on to my next fixation, which actually is extremely likely and probably only a matter of time at this point.
happy smoothie-making! and may the blender be ever in your favor
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shoppers741 · 3 years
Hi! I don’t know if you watched or are planning on watching but I’ve wondering if you’ve heard any of the songs and if so, I would love your reviews and critiques! You seem so knowledgeable about it and I like hearing your thoughts! Also someone said they used the guy from the all American rejects to sing for Wyatt? 🤣
I know you didn’t like the musical, but what did you think about the actually music part of it? I have many thoughts, the biggest being, Lili is probably the only one who can sing, and good for them to have her in 10 out of 16 songs. But the rest….
Okay, two very sweet anons mean I have to drag myself through some musical songs.
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(Disclaimer: I am not a vocalist or an expert, just a music fan. Again, I welcome opinions. Also, I could not, literally could not bring myself to listen to all the songs.)
Look, N2N is not my favorite musical, but I heard the OBC and that's what I'm attached to and god, even the good singers just murder me.
First of all, let's talk about our two MVPs: Lili and Casey.
Nobody is shocked here. Casey is Broadway trained, and his brother is still my favorite Jack Kelly. This family just has killer voice that are very trained, what can I say. And his voice is what it always is. I would say he's sounded better. Casey sounds a lot better when he's natural, but also falls victim to the same curse they all do: WAY TOO MUCH AUTOTUNE. HE DOESN'T NEED IT. God, I loved I've Been. I'll note that his voice seems like a performance. Like, there's emotion there but it's not...listening to the soundtrack just doesn't feel like he's in the moment. The character isn't feeling it, it's a performance. Nonetheless, his voice is incredible. He has unbelievable range, his belt is absolutely breathtaking, and his voice is just really technically great from a singing standpoint. He's so fluid in and out of those belts. My heart melts like a stick of butter, whatever I think of his character.
LILI. Okay, I think Lili has some training but very clearly did not have a vocal coach. The poor girl. She has SO much potential and I dream, I salivate at what she could have done with actual professional training. She is so excellent, especially for a non-professional singer. There is emotion there, a hallmark of good singers. She has range, she belts. She keeps herself singing a bit lower than I would have expected. She seems to almost see the belts coming and have to prepare for them for a long time before they happen? But even with this, she's really just a genuinely talented singer who keeps up with the pros. To be fair, she sounds great because she's usually singing with Madchen and...we'll get there. But I hear vibrato, I hear belt (check out the one on Make Up Your Mind), I hear her move and manipulate her voice with relative ease. It's amazing and she should be so proud.
And now....the less good.
Okay, I'm gonna start with Madelaine, because she genuinely surprised me. Don't misunderstand, she's still bad and so, so autotuned. But....she seemed to actual move and emote her voice easier? Even just slightly? She kinda almost maybe comes out of her head voice a tiny bit?
MADCHEN. Look, the woman has many talents. Singing is absolutely, positively, 100% not one of them. She's awful, guys. Absolutely atrocious. She is audibly struggling, her voice is thin, flat, absolutely zero range. It was awful. I was dying.
Okay, I am sorry, but I got like 4 lines into Perfect for you and I just....couldn't. It's not even the Jabitha of it all. The voices are just so bad. They're autotuned halfway to heaven and they're STILL not good. They're flat and emotionless and absolutely stiff and god are you guys being forced to do this at gunpoint? It's just so bad, anons. I'm sorry, I know we have a lot of Cole Sprouse fans here and they did put him in a more speak-sing at the beginning so things were promising at first but did that devolve quickly. The tonedeafness damn near deafened me, beloveds. I literally could not handle it, anons, please don't make me.
Some small notes: KJ's voice is unbelievably flat. Just completely one-note and absolutely no effort, range, depth, nothing. Please never make me listen to Drew or Vanessa again because I contractually cannot handle that amount of sharp notes (or in Drew's case, completely flat notes). ENUNCIATE, VANESSA. Cami is very....eh. She's fairly vocally good, it just doesn't grab me, you know?
Anyway, dear anons, that's all I can handle. I apologize for the disappointment but hopefully this was at least a bit insightful?
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shoppers741 · 4 years
My Top Five Bughead moments
I was tagged by @those18minutestares ❤️Thank you❤️
1. Their First Kiss (1x06)
Classic and rather predictable, I know ... but honestly I don’t care. When season one first came out I was on and off about the show and then this kiss happened and ... yeah I was completely hooked. What I really liked about it was that the build up was great. We got Betty and Jughead investigating together, getting to know each other, getting comfortable until it led to this. Everything from the music, the dialogue, the longing stares and the kiss itself was just the best. Easily one of my personal favourites.
2. When Jughead asked Betty To Be His Serpent Queen (2x22)
I remembered watching this scene over and over again after it came out. I also remembered the whole fandom hoping for a moment like this to happen and all of us collectively dying when it did. What I really loved about it was how it showed major growth in Bughead’s relationship. Most of season two revolved around Jughead keeping Betty at an arms length with the Serpents and this moment felt like him truly letting her into his entire world ... which I loved. The fact that it also felt like a marriage proposal made it even better.
3. The Beanie-Bonfire Moment (3x01)
Ah yes, this glorious moment. Say what you want about season three and it’s craziness, but this scene was just ... it made me feel all the feels okay! I’m such a sucker for Jughead being Betty’s rock and her leaning on him for support. It’s a dynamic that will always make me love them even more than I already do. I mean, Jughead taking his beanie ... his safety blanket and putting it on Betty’s head so she can also .. ya know feel safe ... I’m sorry, but that is just adorable.
P.S am I still salty we didn’t get to see the entirety of their make out session in this scene?
Yes, yes I am.
4. Their Bed Snuggle/Make-up Scene (4x11)
Honestly, season four gave us a plethora of Bughead moments, but this one really takes the cake for me. Not only was it the literal definition of soft!Bughead, but it was also very realistic. With Betty and Jughead getting closer to graduation, a discussion like this was bound to happen sooner or later. There’s a little bit of conflict before this scene occurs and that’s what I think makes it work so well. The fact that these two crazy kids want a future together more than anything else (and that fact that that future was being threatened) meant that things would’ve spilt over at some point. In the end it was a beautiful apology, discussion and I could watch it over and over again.
5. Betty Showing Jughead her Scars (1x10)
Oh this scene. This wonderful, beautiful, magnificent scene. Give me all the angst, the hurt/comfort and I’ll eat it all up without question. When I first watched this episode I was worried. I figured this was the end of Bughead and then BOOM there they are, sitting in booth together at Pops talking things out like the healthy, beautiful couple they are. Obviously the best moment in this entire gem of a scene is when Betty shows Jughead her scars and he just kisses her hands and ... accepts her. The gentle kiss they share, the little snuggle .. the fact that it’s the first time Jug doesn’t wear his beanie around Betty.
One word: ICONIC.
Honourable Mentions:
Their First “I Love You’s” (1x13)
Loved everything about this scene and the sexiness that came after. Need I say more? 😏
Their First Time (2x12)
I literally died when this moment happened and that’s all you need to know.
Their Seventeen Duet (3x16)
Bughead singing together is a gift from the gods. Enough said.
When Jughead Let Betty Stay With Him (2x16)
Look, we got Bughead living together for ... I think it was an episode ... but still, let that sink in.
Betty Visiting Jughead After He Wakes Up In Hospital (2x22)
Again I’m a sucker for cute moments like this. It was just so soft and cute ... Ugh my heart melts everytime.
When Betty Told Jughead She Believed Him (1x08)
This was just a nice reassuring moment that needed to be there. It showed commitment and strength in their fairly new relationship.
Jughead Comforting Betty After The Black Hood Attack (3x20)
It’s such a short moment, but Jughead kissing the top of Betty’s head and hugging her from behind while she’s upset. How can I not love it?
Jughead Telling Betty She Isn’t Evil (2x22)
Okay ... 1, Bughead with kids (foreshadowing perhaps?😏) ... and 2, it needed to be said and the fact that it was Jughead who said it, once agai being Betty’s rock, was just *chefs kiss*.
Their Bazzordale Make Out (3x12)
Jughead Punching Chuck For Betty (1x10)
Was never a fan of Chuck and I’m a sucker for protective!Jughead so it was a win win for me.
All Of Their Scenes Together During The Snowstorm (4x07)
This entire episode was a fan fic and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Betty Saving Jughead’s Life (4x16)
Betty freaking out ... Betty giving Jughead mouth to mouth ... Betty not giving up on him and literally saving his life. Just amazing.
When Jughead Helped Betty Cover Up A Murder (2x13)
Jughead Jones is the ultimate boyfriend. Plus I also love that Betty confided in him. Just everything. Couples who cover up murders together, stay together.
When Betty Chose Jughead Over Elmo. (4x18)
Yes, yes ... I know, I know. A highly controversial moment given that she still hasn’t told Jughead about the kiss, but can I just say ... I loved that Betty chose Jughead Jones over that orange haired “pure of heart” piece of dung. I’ll always love that.
I’ll tag: @sweetbettycooper @sweatersandcrowns @lilireinhartsboobs @fictitiousoshine and @leandraderaven
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shoppers741 · 4 years
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This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen 🥺
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shoppers741 · 4 years
Lili figuring out how to do an Instagram live is hella Cute and so endearing.
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shoppers741 · 4 years
based on an argument I had with my entire discord server
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shoppers741 · 4 years
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shoppers741 · 4 years
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20 Seconds to Forever by SunlitGarden
Jughead needs to hug Betty Cooper for at least twenty seconds a day for health-related reasons, like oxytocin. Comfy-looking sweaters may have led her to make the suggestion, but his deep, conflicted crush leads him to accept it. As risky as dating a co-worker would be, the more time he spends with Betty, the healthier and more efficient they both seem to be. By indulging in other twenty second+ activities with Betty, he might be better equipped to serve the community.
Read now on AO3
This conquers Work Holiday Party for Prancer in Reindeer Games and my @riverdalebingo card. 20 seconds of hugs to the people who’ve boosted oxytocin levels with all that they do.
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shoppers741 · 4 years
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shoppers741 · 4 years
Bugggghead’s Fanfic Masterlist
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(gorgeous gif by the incomparable @betty-cooper)
Multi-Chapter Fics
// intimately acquainted - Chapter 6 of 6 - Complete //
// en pointe - Chapter 1 of 2 - Work In Progress //
// your eyes outshine the town (they do) - Chapter 4 of 4 - Complete //
// A Walk to Remember - Chapter 7 of ? - Work In Progress //
// Message Me - 7 of ? - Work In Progress //
// christmas (through your eyes) - Chapter 8 of 8 - Completed //
// Happily Ever After - 5 Chapters - Completed //
// What a Catch - 2 Chapters - Completed //
// (it’s like something’s always) missing - 10 Chapters - Completed //
// Complications & Connections - 10 Chapters - Completed //
// Complications & Connections Coda //
// Aimless - 5 Chapters - Completed //
One Shots/Post-Episode Fics/Drabbles
// What are you doing here? // Excuse Me // 
// Secrets & Sauvignon Blanc // Just a Dream // 
// Just Like That // Well, kiss me so he’ll see. //
// Here, take the blanket. // Do I look like a f*cking rabbit, Betts? //
// Are you getting jealous? // Come over here and make me. //
// Don’t throw scissors!  // The Seduction. //
// Friday Night Fantasies //  It’s ancient history, Betts- //
// (the tiniest bit of) Freedom // I let you win //
// How about I kiss you here… // The Necklace //
// In Hot Water // The Dance of Domesticity //
// you still owe me a dance // look me in the eyes //
// play along // (it’ll be like we’re) Bonnie & Clyde //
// faux feelings (and their failings) // i could fall (or i could fly) //
// today’s another day (to find you) // bend //
// hey jealousy // whatever it takes //
// blue // dying in L.A. //
// kiss me (in the candlelight) // underneath the mistletoe //
// Tales of The Twilight // every new year //
// when the day met the night // i won’t tell if you don’t //
// possibilities // the best laid plans //
// a dream is a wish // 
Collaboration Fics
// Wicked Thing - 1 Chapter - Completed
(with @kmlefev​)
// Speed & Serendipity - 8 Chapters - Completed
(with @peaceblessingspeyton ​)
RPF - Sprousehart
// they knew // perspective //
Other Pairings
// Patience // SweetVee One Shot
// Lust for Life // BVJ Multichapter 3/3 - Completed
// to tryst with midnight, to fall under its spell // Beronica One Shot
-Current as of 10/1/2019-
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shoppers741 · 5 years
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Watch out it’s spider cop
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shoppers741 · 5 years
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shoppers741 · 5 years
songfic day 21: check yes juliet
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Betty’s window: a history.
(Inspired by “Check Yes Juliet” by We The Kings.)
They’re ten.
He still rides his bike through the dark streets of Riverdale every Saturday, when his father’s had too much to drink, and his mother’s too preoccupied with Jellybean to look after him properly. Some nights, he knocks on the door of the Andrews home, where Fred and Mary have already stockpiled his favourite snacks, and Archie is bouncing up and down in excitement because having Jughead over means he could stay up late playing video games.
Other nights, he grabs the ladder that he knows the Coopers always leave out, props it up against the wall below Betty’s window, and climbs up, where she is waiting with a plate of cookies, a glass of milk, and a pile of Goosebumps books that they stay up reading while sitting back to back.
“You know you can always just talk to my mom, right?” she says. “You don’t have to climb in through the window all the time.”
“Are you kidding?” he replies, his mouth full of cookies. “No way. Your mom’s, like, the scariest person in Riverdale.
They giggle because it’s true, and she passes him another cookie.
Jughead doesn’t add that he happens to like it this way: that he and Betty can share something apart from their friendship with Archie, something secret, and that – as far as he knows – although Archie is certainly welcome through the front door, he’s the only one who gets in through the window.
They’re thirteen.
His father’s having a really bad night, and although Archie has the new Tekken game, something in him wants cookies and quiet company over button mashing and yelling at the TV. So he makes his way over to Betty’s window.
But something’s not right. Betty’s pink curtains are half-closed, and Alice Cooper is peeking out from the side, glaring out into the dark.
She knows.
His stomach sinks. He hides himself in the bushes and crawls back over to the Andrews home.
They never recover those quiet hours reading together in her room. But every Monday morning for the rest of that year, she passes him a small parcel of cookies.
Just in case.
They’re sixteen.
It wasn’t something he’d planned. How does one even plan falling, forward movement, unstoppable motion? He’s a goner the moment she slides open her window, so much so that he calls her Juliet, and it’s a corny joke, but she smiles anyway, and lets him in.
He doesn’t know that he means to kiss her until the last possible moment, when he feels himself hurtling towards her lips and is startled by their shape beneath his own – how well they fit together, how strange and wonderful she tastes on his tongue.
They stop, but only when they get to a break in the case. She says, to be continued, and although he should be thinking about finding that damned car, he is fixated on that kiss, and how he is to get the next one.
They’re seventeen.
He lives here now, with his family. And so it is she who does the climbing this time – up the ladder, into the room.
And on top of him.
He takes to sleeping naked because there is no preamble, no pretense needed in these midnights when she craves his body, just as he craves hers. He throws off the sheets the minute he hears the window opening, and though he has no words for the shape of her body crawling towards him in the moonlight, he memorises it. He could probably sketch it, if he had to.
She knows every creak in the room, and so when she beckons him into the bathroom, he knows they’ll be loud. She turns the water on, full steam, as he fucks her against the shower door, watching her flesh writhe and press against the glass, sticking a finger into her mouth for her to suck on and stifle her moans.
It is these nights that he lives for - when they are wet and spent on the bed, when she is too tired to climb back out.
That way, he gets to hold her until dawn.
They’re twenty-one.
The house is being sold. He’d never really changed anything before leaving for college, so she’s packing up her stuff to move back to their apartment in New York.
There is a box full of her mementoes that he had entrusted to Jellybean; he tells Betty that it’s on the top shelf of the closet. She’s sentimental, so he knows that she’s about to go through it item by item: old pictures, report cards, notes he’d written to her in class.
That’s exactly why he left it all the way at the bottom: the small, black velvet box he bought more than a year ago and left with his sister for safekeeping. Was there anywhere better than here to ask the question? Where it all began, and where another chapter will begin again?
When she gets to it, she gasps, and turns. He’s already on one knee.
“Say yes, Juliet.”
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shoppers741 · 5 years
Bugggghead’s Fanfic Masterlist
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(gorgeous gif by the incomparable @betty-cooper)
Multi-Chapter Fics
// intimately acquainted - Chapter 2 of ? - Work in Progress //
// en pointe - Chapter 1 of ? - Work In Progress //
// your eyes outshine the town (they do) - Chapter 4 of ? - Work in Progress //
// A Walk to Remember - Chapter 7 of ? - Work In Progress //
// Message Me - 7 of ? - Work In Progress //
// christmas (through your eyes) - Chapter 8 of 8 - Completed //
// Happily Ever After - 5 Chapters - Completed //
// What a Catch - 2 Chapters - Completed //
// (it’s like something’s always) missing - 10 Chapters - Completed //
// Complications & Connections - 10 Chapters - Completed //
// Complications & Connections Coda //
// Aimless - 5 Chapters - Completed //
One Shots/Post-Episode Fics/Drabbles
// What are you doing here? // Excuse Me // 
// Secrets & Sauvignon Blanc // Just a Dream // 
// Just Like That // Well, kiss me so he’ll see. //
// Here, take the blanket. // Do I look like a f*cking rabbit, Betts? //
// Are you getting jealous? // Come over here and make me. //
// Don’t throw scissors!  // The Seduction. //
// Friday Night Fantasies //  It’s ancient history, Betts- //
// (the tiniest bit of) Freedom // I let you win //
// How about I kiss you here… // The Necklace //
// In Hot Water // The Dance of Domesticity //
// you still owe me a dance // look me in the eyes //
// play along // (it’ll be like we’re) Bonnie & Clyde //
// faux feelings (and their failings) // i could fall (or i could fly) //
// today’s another day (to find you) // bend //
// hey jealousy // whatever it takes //
// blue // dying in L.A. //
// kiss me (in the candlelight) // underneath the mistletoe //
// Tales of The Twilight // every new year //
// when the day met the night // i won’t tell if you don’t //
// possibilities // the best laid plans //
// a dream is a wish // 
Collaboration Fics
// Wicked Thing - 1 Chapter - Completed
(with @kmlefev​)
// Speed & Serendipity - 8 Chapters - Completed
(with @peaceblessingspeyton ​)
RPF - Sprousehart
// they knew // perspective //
Other Pairings
// Patience // SweetVee One Shot
// Lust for Life // BVJ Multichapter 3/3 - Completed
// to tryst with midnight, to fall under its spell // Beronica One Shot
-Current as of 9/20/2019-
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