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.... I'll never forget being nervous while looking at Douma photos for 25-30 mins upon making this... he's merely just an anime villain 😭😭😭 WHYYYYY AHHJDNNDMD
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This is Akaza
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Akaza likes his personal space
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This is Douma
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Douma also likes Akaza's personal space
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Last post before bed, I was wanting to use some markers again ヽ(´▽`)/
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Just a silly drawing (*´▽`)
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I'm getting intense cuteness aggression over this specific photo of Douma..... GAHHFJQUFJEJSJS :'00000
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His hands :'0000 oh my, those soft lil hands.... LEMME HOLD AND GENTLY SQUEEZE THEM
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I do not feel real. The world is going on around me but I am a stranger.
An outsider.
I don't feel real. Not really. I know I am, but sometimes I wonder.
I cannot focus, if this isn't real, what is?
The world runs in circles around accomplishments I have yet to see.
I cannot focus, my body is here but my mind is away.
Thoughts are broken. Fragmented, like a million comma splices.
I feel so alone here. Everyone else seems to feel real, but I feel so odd, like a ghost haunting a body, wondering if someone will notice.
There is no one to tell. No one understands.
How do you explain that nothing feels real? That it all feels like some sort of dream you have to wake up from at some point but never do.
Does the rest of the world exist? Is it all a figment of my half insane mind? How would I know?
I wish I could stop this feeling. Finally feel life finally get everything done I need to.
But... I suppose that's why I'm here anyway. So much to do, enough time. So. Why. Can't. I. Focus?
I have to hide these feelings. No one can know how much of an outsider I truly am.
I told them. They dont care. Don't know what to do. Don't know what's wrong with me.
I wish I knew. But an explanation wouldn't fix me. Nothing truly does.
They're to busy to care anyway. Trying to fix themselves, put a band aid over a crack in a large dam.
How do you ask for help if no one can help you?
I do not feel real. Time is slipping away.
I've done nothing.
I wish I could. But my mind is so fractured, so frazzled nothing seems to process, to matter.
There is so much I must do.... So I suppose I do none of it.
Time goes so slow. But they day is half over.
I wish I felt real.
I wish my life mattered more to me.
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A character can still be a great character without being a good person.
In fact, some of the best characters are terrible people.
Because a character’s worth should be based on how complex and interesting they are, not their morality if they were real.
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It's all in the name of peace and love!!
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Redrawing my favorite boy again because I CAN
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Finally!! let me share with you the Trigun playlist I made! It's called NoMan's Land and you can listen to it HERE It's an evergrowing playlist, hope you enjoy!
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the anime girl ever
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The Demise of Muzan Kibutsuji: A Lego Block's Revenge
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Once upon a time, in a breathtaking twist of fate within the awe-inspiring realm of "Demon Slayer," Muzan Kibutsuji, the dreaded demon lord, met a demise so shocking, so unexpected, that it sent tremors through the very fabric of his dark domain.
In the hush of the night, within the murky depths of his lair, Muzan brooded over his wicked plans, his heart filled with malice and ambition. Little did he know that a mischievous sprite had crept into his inner sanctum, leaving behind a solitary Lego block, innocuous yet sinister in its design. This seemingly harmless toy would prove to be the instrument of his undoing.
Lost in his own thoughts, Muzan prowled the chamber, his mind ablaze with treacherous plots and ruthless strategies. Oblivious to the imminent danger, he trod back, only to unwittingly crush the Lego block beneath his heel. In a sudden, searing pain that shot through his leg, Muzan staggered, he inhaled so hard that the lego block flew deep inside his throat.
The demon lord gasped in shock as he struggled for air, his unearthly powers useless against this trivial yet deadly obstruction. His loyal minions, once awed by his invincibility, now stood frozen in terror as they witnessed their mighty leader choking on a small plastic toy.
Despite his formidable might and unwavering resilience, Muzan's destiny was sealed. Each fruitless attempt to dislodge the block brought him closer to the brink of death, his once fearsome countenance growing pale in the dim light. In a final, desperate bid for survival, Muzan unleashed his demonic abilities in a futile effort to expel the accursed block, but it was too late.
With a strangled gasp, Muzan crumpled to the ground, his life slipping away before his horrified followers. The revered demon lord, whose very name had struck fear into the hearts of all, met his ignominious end not in battle against a hero or a rival, but at the cruel mercy of a humble Lego block.
The tale of Muzan Kibutsuji's downfall spread far and wide, a sobering parable of how even the most powerful beings can be brought low by the most trivial of circumstances. It stood as a grim reminder to all denizens of darkness of the fleeting nature of life, a stark reminder that even the immortal must face the inevitability of death.
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Shinobu: exists
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giyuu are you okay? do you need someone to talk to. what’s on your mind giyuu? giyuu are you thinking about sabito again
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pillar girls!
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he’s an asshole but he’s beautiful…
a secret santa gift for a friend! @hexagonsgalore
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