shinintw · 4 years
Alright, im out.
I'm not a fan of people announcing they are leaving a fandom. But this is for my followers who like to ask me stuff.
I haven't been able to watch the last few episodes of Supergirl but I've seen what's been happening.
I see the latest is Kara being pushed towards William even after saying no, and apparently Alex is once again pushing her towards a man that Alex barely knows anything about. I don't care if they make Kara gay or straight or whatever. But I do care about seeing her with someone she has chemistry with and doesn't actually have to be TOLD she needs to date after she has said no.
I'm also bored of seeing Lena so out of character. If they make Lena go bad now I'll honestly not be all that surprised.
I've lost the will to care what's happening anymore. I don't even care I haven't been able to catch up with the episodes.
I'm actually bored of Kara solving most problems with a Hope speech. Give me some kick ass fight scenes! If I wanted to see Hope speeches and diplomacy win the day i wouldn't be tuning into a superhero show.
I'm also bored of the hate in the Supergirl fandom.
Every week I see demands for more screen time for characters and then when they get that screen time people kick off that they are sharing scenes with the wrong people.
I see demands for plot lines changes and then hate because things aren't going the way these fans want.
I'm not happy with it either, but here is the place for that's not throwing abuse online. We do NOT write the show, we can suggest but we don't write it.
I'm bored of seeing Kara always in the right no matter what the situation and I'm bored of seeing the "heroes" being able to do ANYTHING they want with no consequences while other characters who do the same are condemned.
I'm bored of seeing Lena who had been a hero since she first arrived constantly be teased as a villian and just treated badly with the same recycled plot lines. Everytime Kara saves the day (with LOADS of help) she's hailed as the hero. When Lena does it she is rarely thanked and then it's completely forgotten about while she had to prove herself good that week.
I was under the impressing Kara would be fighting for Lena's soul, what did I get? A few tears and a half assed apology. (But I will give credit where it's due, that reveal was acting brilliantly). An expectation that Lena would be completely fine with this?? Lena once again having information withheld from her which could be useful to her and to her future (the alternate timelines Kara went to) and her willingness to work with Lex. But nooooo! Kara decided to forgive herself and then showed up uninvited on Lena's balcony while she was having tea. Was a complete indifferent ass to her and told her she would treat her like a villian if she acted like one. Instead of, oh I don't know.... TELLING her what just happened with Mxy??? Lena looked freaking perplexed and I don't blame her!
Also Brainy is apparently working for Lex but I see no hate towards him???
What happened to Alex and Lena's friendship? Why didn't Alex go to talk to her? I would have been satisfied if Alex had arrived at Lex Corp and been kicked out. At least she would have TRIED!
So, I'm done for now.
Should things change I hope someone will be gracious enough to let me know.
Fingers crossed things change for the better.
It's been nice interacting with you all ✌
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shinintw · 4 years
Imagine Lena was 1 of the 7 paragons and stuck on the waiverider with Kara. She overhears Kate and Kara talking and listens to them behind a wall. She hears Kara tell Kate to keep the krptonite. As Kate walks away Lena appears from behind the wall and starts slowly clapping and walks towards Kara. Sarcastically she says,
“Wow. Well done, Kara. So, with no problem you let someone you barely know keep kryptonite after she tries to hand it over to you, but when your best friend of 3 years makes it to SAVE someone she loves, and who never intended to hurt anyone with it, you treat her like a villain? Oh, that’s rich.”
Kara is speechless. Lena continues.
“You know I can’t say i’m surprised. Remember when me, you and Alex went searching for Sam in that alternate dark valley dimension. I asked you what your real name was. You told me that wasn’t a good question for a Luthor to ask someone in your family. So now I know that’s all you’ve ever seen me as. A Luthor. You’ve shown me who you really are and I respect that. I will work with you, and we are on the same side as of right now because LITERALLY the entire multiverse depends on it. But. When this is all over. I want NOTHING to do with you. I want nothing to do with ANY of you.”
Kara just stands there. Tears streaming down her face.
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shinintw · 4 years
Alright, unpopular opinion time.
Look, I keep seeing so many posts of people saying Lena needs to "get over herself" about being upset/angry/petty towards the Superfriends. And I do agree that the Superfriends shouldn't be blamed for Kara not telling Lena.
BUT Lena has the right to be angry at Kara and just a little tiny bit angry at the Superfriends. Lena doesn't know their side of the story yet and she is clearly still way too deep in her hurt to be civil and truly listen to the other side of the story.
I say that Lena has a right to be angry at the Superfriends because while it was not their place to tell Kara's secret, they didn't exactly say anything to Kara in the likes of "Hey don't you think we should tell Lena the truth about all this since she's basically become quite an important member of our team?". Like anytime they have any big DEO emergencies they'll ask Lena for help. It was fine that they didn't tell Lena at the beginning but she was collaborating with the DEO more and more, so honestly it would have been beneficial for all parties that Lena was in on the secret. So it is understandable that Lena be mad at the rest of them for just letting things happen and leaving Lena in the dark when Lena was becoming so involved with things related to the DEO and Supergirl.
And I have said this before but I guess I'll say it again. Kara was a bit of an asshole in S3 if I'm being honest. She treated Lena like dirt as Supergirl and acted like nothing was wrong when she was Kara Danvers with Lena. That in itself already violates Lena's choice of choosing the people she wants to befriend in her life. Let's not forget that Kara was pissed at Lena for keeping secrets too, literally demanding to be told of anything that Lena invented. So yeah, at that time Lena didn't owe Kara her secrets either. So yeah it's not just about the secret identity, it's about feeling humiliated that she confided in her best friend that she was being treated like the bad guy only to find out that said best friend was the person who was making her feel like shit. All the while Lena was just trying to help her friend, Samantha Arias, when Sam literally asked Lena for her help.
So it honestly not all that surprising that Lena begins to question and doubt the entirety of the friendships she's developed over the years. Because if the basic foundation of your friend's identity was a secret/lie, then was anything real to begin with? I have no doubt in my mind that ever since Lena found out that Kara was Supergirl, she has been replaying every single memory in her mind questioning if any of those moments were real, if any of them were genuine, if she was truly a person that was capable of having someone who unconditionally believed in and cared for her.
And honestly if all of that stuff from S3 didn't happen and Lena still reacted like she has then yes, she is being over dramatic and extremely petty. But the point is that all those things DID happen, and we shouldn't ignore that. Lena's feelings are valid, and she shouldn't be deemed a villain for having feelings that are not positive at the moment. Although her actions are understandable, does not make them excusable. (in regards to trying to rid pain and hurt from humanity using all the wrong ways)
That's all I have to say, agree or disagree this is just my personal opinion. That's all it is, an opinion. Please feel free to correct me if I got any details wrong.
Goodbye, for now
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shinintw · 5 years
Headcannon: Kara doesn't understand sarcasm, ACCEPTED! I love the idea that Kara had no idea that Lena was hurt because, well, she said she was fine!
If not the linguistic angle, then I’d be really curious for them to explore the idea that even if Lena was genuinely okay with it, that doesn’t mean Kara shouldn’t still feel horrible. It’s a tough line to walk, but the fact that Kara’s efforts to make things up to Lena didn’t happen in 5x02 sits off, and it feels like those efforts still revolved around Kara’s guilt rather than doing what was right for Lena.Everything about this secret, from the keeping of it to the reveal, has been about Kara. She made the decision to continue lying for her own benefit, she revealed the secret when the guilt got to be too much for her to handle emotionally, and she stole those journals because she was just so eager to have Lena to not be angry– not because she wanted to make things right. Again, it’s a narrow margin of difference, but a poignant one. Kara’s actions are human in nature, and I certainly don’t fault her for them, but I can’t stand by and say that it ought to be enough.
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shinintw · 5 years
Unpopular opinion
Kara totally brought all of this on herself with Lena.
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shinintw · 5 years
Over a year ago ouat ended and swanqueen is still my otp and I love them just as much as I did when I started watching back in season one. Reblog and show me how many Swanqueen shippers are still around.
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shinintw · 5 years
Honestly my entire experience with fandom has just been rooting for the two complex, well-written female characters to fall in love with each other only to have their one-dimensional cardboard cutout boyfriends swoop in and forcefully insert themselves into the narrative followed by a bunch of straight women making passive aggressive posts bragging about how the femslash ship will never be canon and telling us stupid lesbians to just mind our place
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shinintw · 5 years
True, Regina has no idea, NO IDEA
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Oh Regina honey….. I’m not sure you have the right definition of “making eyes at each other”…
Here let me show you
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*gifs are not mine*
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