shimoshiro · 5 years
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shimoshiro · 5 years
A week-long research expedition to Route 209 wasn’t supposed to be this difficult. If Blanche had known sooner, she’d have put it off longer.
What had started out as an oddity Blanche was well prepared to dismiss and forget about had, eventually, escalated into an irritation. After a couple days, said irritation was well on its way to becoming something far more bothersome.
Her pokémon were— well, for lack any other way of putting it— put off. Being away from the lab, Blanche had thought the trip a good opportunity to give her team a chance to get out of their pokéballs, to relax, to stretch their legs. But, soon after arriving, her pokémon had begun to grow antsy.
The Monday and Tuesday of Blanche’s research week was characterised by pacing. Her pokémon would tread anxious circles around where Blanche had stationed her equipment, more fidgety than she’d ever seen them. Maru, normally the calmest and most unaffected of her pokémon, was uncharacteristically flighty. By Wednesday, even Koya, usually more than happy to wander off on its own and only return when called, was staying put by Blanche’s legs, tail wound almost protectively around her ankles.
It’s all just— strange. Very strange. And increasingly, very annoying, too. Blanche had quickly found that she couldn’t focus when her pokémon were so obviously agitated; and time spent not focussing on data collection means more time than she has to spend, here.
Thursday dawns, and if she’s being honest, Blanche herself is beginning to feel ill at ease. Perhaps it’s the sleep she’s losing over the mysterious cause of her team’s anxiety, or perhaps it’s something else entirely. Maybe it’s the inexplicable rustling of her papers as she works, with no breeze to catch on them; the way stacks of folders and files seem to slide of their own accord, very nearly toppling days of work.
It’s annoying. And, perhaps more pressingly, it’s a little creepy.
If it’s her proximity to the Lost Tower that’s the cause of the issue (it’s the only potentially wrong thing that Blanche can think of, after everything), then she’s utterly out of her depth.
Blanche has never really been the type to call for help. It’s not that she’s adverse to it; simply that, when difficulties arise, she prefers to attempt to troubleshoot the issue herself. Challenges presented to Blanche, she tries to take in stride. It’s absolutely not that she’s just far too proud to ask for help, not that at all.
Still, Blanche is pragmatic; she likes to think that she’s not quite yet arrogant enough to be convinced that she’s capable of solving any and every problem that may ever come to pass. So, when such a time comes— and she’s fortunate that, thus far in her life, such times are far and few between— Blanche is relatively well-prepared to swallow her pride.
Now is, very clearly, one of those times.
She only hopes the specialist she’d found online knows how to fix the problem. Blanche is too stubborn to leave without first gathering all the data she needs; she’d just like to complete the process as painlessly as possible.
attraction of opposites ||  Morty & Blanche
starter for @shimoshiro
Morty always considered that half of his job was when he goes out and investigate supernatural incidents. Being a Gym Leader was fulfilling and all, but there was just a stronger sense of it when he gets to help spirits move on. This was something only a handful of people can do and he was included in that statistic. His abilities does not make him a freak, but rather it was a means to help ‘people’ one last time. 
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shimoshiro · 5 years
Willow leaned back in his seat, resting his hands on his lap as he listened to the brief report given. Good, good. Often times, it was the settling down period that took up a lot of time, and where problems usually occurred. The GO Leaders had been getting better with each new region they introduce the project in, so it was a relief to hear that Team Mystic were moving forward nicely. He felt a flare of pride – he didn’t make a wrong choice, having these three as his assistants.
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Ah. Oh, of course— this sort of thing is to be expected. For all that it’s public knowledge that the Professor is brilliant in his research, and an exemplar of innovation in the pokésciences, his trepidation with regards to public speaking was... A weakness Blanche had been initially surprised to discover, admittedly. They’d never have been able to have guess, from the few times they’d watched the Professor address a public forum before coming to know and work with him personally— key word being few. It’s hardly a secret that Professor Willow would much prefer that his assistants take over such menial tasks, wherever possible— interviews, conferences, press releases, the like.
It’s been a while since Blanche has thought much of it, other than that it is simply a given fact of life (or at least, a fact of their job), now.
So it comes Blanche’s turn to purse their lips— their face doesn’t otherwise falter; their expression of carefully cultivated professionalism immaculate. They’ve done this kind of thing before, of course, but still. Blanche can’t say they’re exactly excited by the prospect; publicity events don’t rank highly on their list of most relished things to do. If Blanche is honest, publicity events don’t even make the list, at all.
If they could have it their way, they’d much rather have Willow call the favour from Spark or Candela— the two of them are far more charismatic, far better public speakers than Blanche can ever hope be. For all that Blanche is competitive, for all that they hate to concede defeat, they’ll still admit that much. Just— probably not out loud.
But, still. Work is work. The Professor has asked something of them personally, and, for the sake of work and a job well done, there’s very little that Blanche won’t do. Besides, at the end of the day, Blanche doesn’t really mind. Not like the Professor seems to. The Professor has, in the past, always made sure they were well prepared with carefully thought through statements and answers for just about every eventuality that could arise in an interview. And, if not, then Blanche themselves have never shied away from putting in the work.
Blanche’s hesitation, if any at all, amounts to a little over a second. The next, they’re inclining their head, nodding smoothly. “Of course. I’d be more than happy to. Were there any specific talking points that Good Morning Sinnoh had outlined for you, in advance? Or will an overview of the project’s progress suffice? I can prepare an additional report summarising our research-related efforts as well, if needed.”
beyond the mask || Willow & Blanche
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shimoshiro · 5 years
It's a relatively small box, enough to fit in the palm of your hand. It's tied by a red ribbon. Opening it would reveal a single magatama resting on a folded cloth. It's a deep blue hue, almost glistening underneath the light and cool to the touch. There's a single black string threaded to tiny holes, so you can wear it as a necklace (May this offer you protection from what you can't see) - your Secret Santa
Blanche isn’t… entirely sure exactly what it is, that she’s received, though it is beautiful, of course. Even she, who has lived a life almost exclusively utilitarian, can appreciate that. The simplicity of the design appeals to her, and that specific shade of blue is one of her favourites. Smooth, pleasing to the touch, and consistent— until it catches the light, winking in the electric glow of Blanche’s desk lamp.
It’s inordinately fascinating. Blanche ends up looking and looking, turning the stone over and over in her fingers.
When she finally manages to draw herself away, she sets herself about the task of understanding her gift as best she can. A magatama is, apparently, a charm of good luck and spiritual power— both of which utterly intangible, the former of which utterly unquantifiable.
The power of the spirits that be is inarguable; and Blanche can’t and won’t attempt it. But she doesn’t believe in luck, not really— she’s always subscribed to the philosophy that luck is exactly what you make of it.
Nonetheless, she appreciates the sentiment.
She fits the loop of string over her head, tucking the magatama under the collar of her suit— close to her person, safe.
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shimoshiro · 6 years
Since becoming leader of Team Mystic, Blanche has always done their best to distribute their time spent in different regions as evenly as possible. Research, alongside her duties as the leader of the newly minted Team Mystic, is, apparently, a full-time job. Easing the GO Project into the public mind, as well as directing and recruiting interested team members and overseeing the construction and establishment of new Team Gyms (Candela’s idea, another medium-to-long story), is not difficult, just... More time-consuming than Blanche would like to admit. Especially when run in parallel with their research obligations.
Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and now Sinnoh— Blanche hasn’t really had time to stop and breathe.
They do, of course, like it better this way. They’d probably grow restless, if not for their work and and steady flow of things to do and things to think about. Since becoming leader of Mystic, Blanche has always done their best to evenly distribute the amount of time they spend in different regions, especially in this crucial stage of development. But gym establishment in Sinnoh is Blanche’s personal responsibility, where Candela and Spark have claimed other regions... So, they reason, it can’t be helped.
Considering where they are in the GO project development timeframe, getting a call from Professor Willow isn’t really a surprise. Rearranging their schedule to clear the few hours they estimate they’ll need to fly out to Pastoria and meet with the Professor is a little tricky— Blanche’s staunch position against outsourcing work, particularly that which does not strictly concern the conduction of experiments and research that they cannot fulfil on their own, does not make rescheduling any easier. But, they manage; and when they’re done, they collect Maru, and take off.
When they arrive, Henrietta greets them in the foyer with a smile that Blanche returns, and asks that they wait a moment for the Professor— he’ll be down shortly. Willow’s new lab, Blanche notes, is much sparser than its previous iteration. But that’s to be expected; Blanche suspects that the Professor and his team are still moving in and setting up.
When the Professor appears, they follow him to a small living space, following suit as he takes a seat.
They nod, as he speaks. “Of course, Professor. I— We’ve been doing our best,” they answer, their expression its default serious. “Gym construction and team recruitment has been going smoothly, and research is progressing steadily. I hope to be able to send you a status report in the near future— though,” a small, sheepish smile appears briefly on their face; they hadn’t meant to go off on a tangent. “I don’t think that’s what you wanted to talk to me about.”
beyond the mask || Willow & Blanche
starter for @shimoshiro 
With Willow setting up his lab in Pastoria City now, it was inevitable that his arrival would catch the attention of the media. His little project had grown in the past few years, and while he was taking his time introducing the concept to different regions, his name still popped up in research articles. He wasn’t as well known as his mentor – but really, there was no one more famous than the Professor Oak – but he was still significant enough to the media, apparently.
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shimoshiro · 6 years
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Blanche is a secret memer that edits their own pictures on other things to make themselves a meme
[Commissions] [Society6] [Redbubble]
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shimoshiro · 6 years
It is an absolute honour to be sent to attend one of these international conferences— is what Blanche keeps telling herself. Not ironically, or anything. She believes it with her entire heart.
Inter-regional cooperation and the free exchange of knowledge and new discoveries is an utter luxury that Blanche almost can’t believe she’s living. It’s only midday, but she’s learned a lot from the panels she’s attended already: a one about pokémon diet, with an emphasis on the effects of different types of berries; one about effective pokémon training and the art of battle; and one particularly memorable lecture about the versatility and wide adaptability of water types to the widest varieties of habitats.
This is the first time Blanche has travelled abroad on her own; usually, she follows hot on Professor Rowan’s heels, working in her capacity as his first assistant like she does when she’s back at the lab.
It’s odd. She’s experienced freedom before, of course; travelling around Sinnoh on her pokémon journey. It’s not that she feels restricted, per se, when she’s in a professional environment, assisting Rowan. But it’s the combination of professional and the freedom to do as she pleases and go where she likes that she’s never experienced, before.
She really likes it.
But right now, she’s got time to kill before the conference’s main event— the reason Rowan had sent her in his stead in the first place. A panel about new discoveries regarding a possible different sort of pokémon evolution in Kalos. Very exciting new developments.
Right now, there appears to be a special guest panel— which seems interesting enough. Blanche steps into line, swallowed up by the crowd, following the large group wearing jackets emblazoned with junior science.
The voice, coming from the front of the room where a booth is set up, sounds somewhat familiar...
Ah, yes. The Indigo Elite Four had recently seen a change of staff. Blanche had followed that development with limited interest whenever Sinnohan news reported on foreign affairs; but the fact that she had still been interested in something that didn’t strictly relate to her research said a lot, especially coming from Blanche.
Blanche squints— and from what little she can see— this Karen looks to be around her age. Fifteen or sixteen, at most.
And gosh, since she’s here, Blanche’s head is filling with all sorts of questions she’d like to ask. Karen is, after all, a type specialist. A type master. She’ll listen first, of course, to see what Karen has to say. Blanche wouldn’t want to make Karent repeat herself, if doing so is it all avoidable.
Hands go up, and voices ring out from the crowd around her:
“Karen! Do you train other pokémon types?”
“What made you wanna specialise in dark types?”
“How do you train your pokémon to be so strong? What’s your secret?”
Odd GRRRLS//Karen & Blanche
Thread starter with: @shimoshiro
The national Pokémon Reasearch convention.
On these annual cursed events were designed so trainers and professors from region to region can share notes between each other and preach about the importance of “togetherness” or “handholding” as a certain Elite Trainer was thinking. Karen loathed these annual days, not because she’s a stranger to a research room, but because as a member of the Johto Elite four she is required to stand at her personal booth. Yes you heard me right. STAND. For a whole day with only a one hour intermission to grab lunch and talk to the other two dark Elites at the event who didn’t look happy to be there either.
She was required to slick her hair back and dress in her most prestigious outfit unlike her dismay yellow wardrobe she was fond of and is required to answer questions about the “wonders” of the dark type, the typical fighting style of a dark type trainer, and then how she climbed to the top of Johto using the type exclusively. Karen was definitely a woman who loved talking about herself but even she had her own limits when it came to back breaking effort of being treated like an Idol.
Karen was feeling a little steamed and checked the clock, “it’s only been an hour so far…….” the bluenette lowered her head in defeat feeling dread wash over her as she heard footsteps approach her booth. The Elite trainer braved herself planting on her best smile and looked up to the questioners
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“H-hello, I’m Karen of the Johto Elite Four, I’m here to answer all you’re questions you may have about Johto, Training, Philosophy, and the Dark type” Karen said smiling a little brighter noticing their were younger children this time around her age bearing an odd outdoor school symbol on them the word “Junior science” on their jackets, Maybe this meet won’t suck as bad this time.
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shimoshiro · 6 years
starter call ;;
hi! it’s ya girl rens, back at it again with another (new!!) muse. i’m really excited to try blanche out and have her get to know people, so please drop a like if you’d like to plot or thread! i’ll be capping at three for now ^_^
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shimoshiro · 6 years
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우리 리더님 예쁘셔!
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shimoshiro · 6 years
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My submission for a pokemon go zine last year. Blanche is so hard-working I just want them to take a break~
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