shidailydo-blog · 4 years
Hi there just wanna post some update to me, ive been lazy to post yesterday.
Day by day feelin' much better, we just go with the flow of life. We dont have assurance that this pandemic will be end soon. So we just prayed soon this will be end and back to normal life that we use to. Last night with my relatives and flatmates we just talk about what we've realize this quarantine, what we've learn and what we will change for the better future. Well its good to have some chitchats with them the topic quite really serious. The summarize of the all answer is we realize that being in house like 2 months is so hard. You just wait the night to go bed, one thing important is to Thank God always and repent what weve done before.
We may do the right thing, be productive after this quarantine and be happy always. Love your family and loveyourself. Continue what your goals in life just focus and God be the center of it. Surrender all your burdens.
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shidailydo-blog · 4 years
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May 08, 2020 @4:02pm Dubai al rigga deira
Hey there, its me again shidailydo usually same place where i write some realization daily in my life here at balcony. Today its a bit stress and bored in life, its been long time havent go out. I met one person which is not good to meet. They always say "its too late, think before you click" like yesterday im not careful with my step. Hope this is a lesson to me now. Please! My brain is exhausted with this kind of issue, i havent change myself. I promise to myself and to God i will make sure i will becareful in whatever i do and step. I took some quotes in google which i always realate to everyday we do, its really helpful with us. Here is it,
"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand"
So our lesson for today in life we should be careful we might be win or lose in the game. Just FOCUS to your goal, FOCUS to GOD. Dont FOCUS to your desire it might affect your decisions sometimes. Now im looking forward whatever happen i will be stronger and have faith to our God. Surrender all your burdens to him, make sure trust him. He will guide you and make you happy not today, but in diffent time. It might be a surprise blessing to him just let God be the center.
Have a great day ahead folks and keep safe!
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shidailydo-blog · 4 years
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May 07, 2020 @6:11 pm here at Dubai Al rigga Deira
I just realize while im at balcony to make some changes in my daily routine in this 4 sides of my room. Then i just take one photo to describe what inside of my head, that keeps running and believing that its possible to "KEEP CALM" while we are experiencing this global pandemic. Just keep calm while stepping to this battle, we need to make sure in every step we make in our life. We need to fight and destroy the negative thoughts in our mind. Keep calm God is with us stepping in this battle.
Word for today "calm"
Have a great day ahead folks and keep safe
#shidailydo #dxbofw #photolove #simplevintage
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