shesamercwithamouth · 9 years
((OOC: remember when this blog existed? Yeah no. Neither do I. I miss you guys.))
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
((ooc: hey there. So... I feel horrible. All of you guys are amazing, but I think you can see that I'm kinda... not here. I've been dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts and idek what else, and now I've moved out of my family's house and into my own apartment and I just started a job and seriously I don't have a free minute. I'm so sorry. Maybe one day I'll return, but it doesn't seem to be so feasible right now.))
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
((ooc: Okay, so apparently I didn't come on on Wednesday as planned. I'm sorry that replies didn't happen... Hopefully they'll happen soon (right now I'm in school, so I can't really do replies right now), but I also just want to lett you guys know that I have finals coming up, hence why I didn't come on on Wed, and why I won't be on much in the coming weeks))
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
((ooc: that awkward moment when you're stuck on tumblr while ooc wanting to interact but you're stuck ooc and nothing works so you're just watching.))
((in other words, Mun loves you all too, besides for Wade.))
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
((ooc: I have realized that I RP mostly on Wednesdays... So I just want you guys to know that if it seems like I'm ignoring you, I'm really not... Wade just likes Wednesdays. *shrugs* Don't ask me, I'm just the Mun. So for now, I'm just downloading a whole bunch of GIFs... Unless Wade decides to show her face and I can do replies.))
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
Reblog/like this if I am allowed to respond to your starters and ask memes even though our muses barely talked before.
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
((ooc: *Frowns loudly* I have school work to do and I'm getting too distracted... I'm closing tumblr for the time being.))
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
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She paused, "Except for when I don't."
"...Like now."
"...Even though I'm talking."
She cleared her throat, "SO! GUN!"
She glared at the yellow box and whispered, "I'm trying!!!!"
"Can ya lend it to me?"
She paused for a moment, "Hang on... I didn't introduce myself, did I?"
  "you always talk so much?"
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
*grumbles and bends down to pull together a handful from the ground* "Eh, who cares about a bit of litter?"
shesamercwithamouth replied to your post:Happy birthday, River! *throws confetti*
'Course it was necessary! Unless you don't like confetti? In which case… *tosses more confetti* Bah humbug!
*pulls a piece from her hair* Are you going to clean it up?
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
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Wade looked at the cut as the egg white hardened over it. "I'd honestly never thought of that."
She looked up at Pepper and smiled, "Thanks for that."
She reached down for the beer bottle, careful not to move her other hand and open the cut.
She lifted the empty bottle to her lips and made a face when she only got air, "Damn." 
  "Well, yeah." Pepper cracked the egg into a bowl and then took the white membrane out slowly, placing it over Wade’s cut. There. Nature made bandaid."
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
"I'm... Uh..." 
*God he's hot*
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Wade stared, "I don't need anything." 
*except you*
Wade nodded and pointed at the little yellow box, "Except you-" She did a double take, "I MEAN YOUR GUN." 
She sniggered, "I mean your actual gun. The shooty thing. Pow pow?"
She facepalmed, "This is getting worse the more I talk, isn't it?"
Follow :
"You need somethin’?"
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
((ooc: I was going to write another two starters today, but it got late. :/ I'm heading to bed now... Replies and starters shall come tomorrow!))
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
spywitharedledger started following you
Wade looked at the other woman's stance and immediately put two and two together.
"Nope. Nope nope nope."
Wade shook her head quickly, "I don't want any S.H.I.E.L.D. drama here. They've been on my case WAY too much, and I'm not interested." 
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*come on Wade! Give her a chance!*
"No! I'm not interested!"
*Holy shit Wade, why are you being so rude???*
Wade glowered at the little white box, and frowned at the other woman, "What do you want?" She crossed her arms defensively.
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
She laughed shaking her head " I'm the goddess of forbidden loves , I support loves that are already there, I give relationships passion well -- increase the passion, I arrange marriages. I'm sure I can make people have true love but using that gift needs to be approved by certain beings." She nodded
"Well, see..." Wade paused, "I think she-" She swallowed, and started backpedaling, "You know what? It's fine... She'll come around sooner or later... She's just kinda busy is all..."
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"Probably why she hasn't visited in a while... Or called... Or texted."
*wait... does she even have a cell phone?*
"Good point! I should get her a cell phone as a gift!"
She looked back up at Lofn, "D'you think a cell phone would let her know I like her?"
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
"Comeon, Bruce! I share my Tacos with you!"
She stuck out her tongue briefly, "And you know how much Tacos mean to me..."
*especially since I capitalize the T!*
"Yeah, that!"
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shesamercwithamouth · 10 years
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