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girl has sooooooo many ambitions and ideas for projects but can only get 1.5 basic tasks done per day
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Where did Joo Won go for a week after the rain scene in Ep. 15?
I read about it a while ago on the Beyond Evil wiki, and it seems that many of the fans already found the answer to the question from the scriptbook, but I wanted to see it with my own eyes.
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So, after this scene, there are several other scenes following which tell you that Joo Won has been absent for some time.
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(A week later)
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"Any news from Mr. Han?"
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"None at all."
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"He's not at home either?"
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"Do Soo went to his house yesterday,"
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"but no one seemed to be at home."
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"Dong Sik said that he would be okay."
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"You were gone for a week. That's the first thing you say to me?"
We can see that 1) Joo Won was not at his Seoul apartment, at his father's house or in Manyang, and 2) Dong Sik certainly knew where he was and therefore was not too worried.
And then when I finally got my hands on the scriptbook, I checked the Ep. 15 section and found it.
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They were originally supposed to meet at the lakehouse! And Dong Sik says "Have you been cleaning around the house for the whole week? I thought you don't have mysophobia anymore," and Joo Won says "I never had it." So Joo Won was staying at the lakehouse. Dong Sik let him stay there. Mystery solved (at least for me)! I've got my answer 😊
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Cool looks that hound you...
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how reliable is the london northwestern. spent way too long on this :)
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my beautiful wife ibuprofen
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This is so breathtaking
Can johnlock be life?
Oh wait it already is?
Thank you
That is all
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the best thing about tumblr is that you can watch a show and then you come here and someone has made a gifset of it and you can put it on your blog like a sticker in a journal
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john literally acted like sherlock’s husband on his blog and for what. a few clicks. this might be petty but 1895 visits in 8 hours isn’t viral you stupid ass bi
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every day i have to try and trick myself into thinking doing tasks is better than doing fuck all but my brain knows on an instinctive level that doing fuck all is my one true calling
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JUNG SUNG IL for ESQUIRE Korea, March 2023
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So, did you approach me on purpose?
Jung Sung Il as Ha Do Young 🍂 THE GLORY (2022)
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THE GLORY 더 글로리 (2022- ) Dir. Ahn Gil Ho
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being an adult is always like i have to go to the store i have to go to the store i have to go to the store
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It was one in the morning, and Sherlock could not sleep.
He decided to get his laptop on the bed to check for some new cases on his website.
John was sleeping beside him. Unbelievable. Like a dream. But true.
They had been together in a relationship for a year now, and yet, Sherlock still felt this way from time to time.
He settled down on his side of the bed and opened his laptop.
The bright light in the otherwise dark room hit the pupils of his eyes, and he winced a little for a moment.
John would always tell him to switch on the bedside lamp for balance so that Sherlock wouldn't end up with bad eyesight.
So, Sherlock stretched out his arm to switch on the lamp on his side.
Yes, this was better. He could see more clearly now.
He opened his website and began to read one of his old articles.
Within a minute, though, he became acutely aware of John lying by his side, sharing a duvet with him.
Sherlock turned to look at John's face, which was glowing because of the golden light from the lamp.
Once again, Sherlock couldn't help but marvel at John's face.
John's beautiful ash-blond hair; the forehead which was marked with frown lines. The golden lashes resting on his cheeks - gorgeous.
That mouth which Sherlock had been pining for ages, of which the corners had softened because of John's dormant state.
The cleft in his chin Sherlock secretly loved but never told him about.
Unable to believe his luck, the corners of Sherlock's mouth lifted and Sherlock was half-smiling.
He reached out to run his hands through John's soft and dense hair.
Now he wished John's eyes were open, so he could drown in those ocean-blue eyes. He would have to wait till the morning.
Suddenly, John reached out for Sherlock's hand - which was running through John's hair - and interlocked their fingers before smiling with his eyes closed.
The smile that was always capable of making Sherlock's heart flutter.
John opened his eyes and looked up at Sherlock with the same smile.
"Can't sleep?"
"Not with your soul-gazing stare," John replied with a short laugh. He continued to hold Sherlock's gaze with those mesmerizing eyes.
Sherlock's grin widened across his face as he closed his laptop to keep it on the side table, and lay down on his left to face John.
John was mirroring Sherlock's expression.
Sherlock closed the distance between them to kiss John on the mouth, who kissed him back, and it was an unexplainable bliss for Sherlock once again.
They wrapped their arms around each other to continue with the kissing to their heart's content.
John's presence in his bed, in his life, made everything exponentially better. Sleep included.
Sherlock September Challenge
Prompt Lamp by @onesmallfamily
Tags: @helloliriels @topsyturvy-turtely @gaylilsherlock @lisbeth-kk @keirgreeneyes @peanitbear @a-victorian-girl @lookingforlifeoutthere @missdeliadili @calaisreno @kettykika78 @curlyjohnlock.
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How we welcome October, in the spirit of Halloween.
drink my concoction boy
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underrated trope: “i’ve lost my memory and idk who you are but i just have this feeling that i’m supposed to trust you”
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