sheepsclothing1 · 3 years
Watch Yourself
My name is Little Red. I’m the resident expert in wolves around these parts. See where I’m from we sort of have a little sharp tooth problem. We lived in fear of “ferocious beasts”, at least that’s what others would call them. I was that way once too but my eyes have been opened and I'm here to open yours.
Lets say you happen to encounter a wolf while strolling along in the forrest. Most people would freeze up, I call them dog food. If you see a wolf, chances are he/she had it’s eyes on you long before. It’s a normal reaction. Most people aren’t used to staring an animal in its eyes that can tear them apart and leave no evidence that anything has ever happened.
Are you prepared to face danger in the eye? What do you have to protect yourself? I would advise never leaving the house without some “wolf deterrent”. What do I mean by that? WEAPONS! You know how to use a bow? Yes? Good. If not, I promise its not hard to learn, I learned very young and you can sling it across your back it’ll mostly be out of the way. Lets say your hand eye coordination isn't the best. That’s fine, my personal recommendation would be to talk to your local huntsman about teaching you to use an axe. I find that to be the best close range defense against a wolf attack. Don't get caught out there in the woods empty handed, I promise if you think a tree branch will save you, you’re in for a bad time. 
You know what's better than facing a wolf while armed? Two people facing a wolf, armed of course. Wolves only have one mouth. You and a friend could easily deter a wolf, if needed. Always travel with someone else, just a little extra assurance. I mean, who likes traveling alone anyways? Friends make everything better, even when it involves a hungry canine.
Most people think wolves hunt in packs. But why would they need to? They roam these lands unchecked. I believe the scientific term is Apex predator. Wolves don’t need to hunt in packs. They bring more food to the table if they spread out. They’ve never had to worry about anyone or thing stopping them from taking what they want. Well that is, until you read this. So no worries about facing multiple wolves, that day won't be coming anytime soon. Just like your family dog, they are slow learners.
How fast can you run? Fastest in your village maybe. That is pretty impressive, if must say so myself.  You know who can run twice as fast as you on your best day? The slowest wolf in pack on his/her slowest day. Running isn't the worst idea I've heard but you try getting away from a full grown healthy wolf and you won't live to tell anyone about it. I’d personally prefer to die fighting than tired, because that's exactly what will happen. Remember that axe I told you to get? Use it. More than likely if you hurt a wolf he will retreat and you can live another day. Don't take what said wrong, throwing out your cardio routine will be really detrimental to your life when you tire yourself out while defending yourself against a very hungry wolf. 
Still here? Well I'd wager you're pretty smart and now you have the tools to protect yourself from any future encounters with our little adorable and furry friends. At the end of the day, remember wolves are a threat but they're just overly aggressive dogs. Albeit, bigger, stronger and faster but at heart just dog. This is me throwing you a bone. Now take the information I have given you and go live a long and fruitful life.
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