sheensstories-blog · 5 years
The Bloody Town
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In a small town of Feliz in Netherlands, with a few groups of family, a town that’s full of fortune, a kind of town where no one judges you for being you, and where everybody chose to lived in a traditional way of life.
In Feliz, you will meet an ordinary guy, people known him for being independent, arrogant, and hardworking, he drive miles everyday just to be in school and way back home with all his bicycle. Peter always get excited to go home to see her mom. Perhaps, do you think that Peter had a prefect kind of family? The answer is no, Peter grow up with a broken family, he never saw his father for just once in his whole life, but he didn’t think that there life is miserable, because he believe that he can sustain the needs of his family without the help of his father. Peter promised to her mom that no matter what the situation is he wont leave her mom.
“Hi mom! I’m home, did you eat the food that I cooked for you?” -- Peter
“Yes son, thank you. How was your day at school?” -- mom
“As usual, everything were just fine, I just have to do some little home works, how about you mom, how was your day today?”-- Peter
“I just simply listen to an old music and did some house choirs.” -- mom
Peter’s mom wont able to see things as what normal people does, so Peter needs to take good care of her mom every single day. It’s really a heartwarming part knowing that Peter couldn’t be more proud to tell everyone no matter what the situation of her mom is, he always said that it is the biggest blessing he could ever received in his whole life, its his greatest weakness and his greatest strength.
During weekends what does Peter usually do is to spend time with her mom, he walks her mom early in the morning into their streets, it’ll be an exercise somehow. Aside from that, Peter loves to give some morning greetings into their neighbors, wearing those genuine smile that comes from his face.
“Good morning Mr. & Mrs. Gram have a great day!”-- Peter
“Hello Peter! Have a great day to you and to your mother”--Mr. Gram
If you could only imagine their place, it seems like its a perfect place for everybody. From the small town where you can find the happiest people on earth, a place where it considered a safer place to lived, the abundant environment which everyone whom wished they could lived for, it is really different from the others, but above all these beautiful things that Feliz have, there's a big hidden secret that no one could ever known except to an old man who live in a deep forest for so long, this old man knows the whole truth that covers behind the beauty of this town, until such time, the darkest day have come to them when they heard the bad news that happened to their neighbor. The bodies of the victims is merely different, it is not just an ordinary, as they’ve seen through it the scar that left into their bodies is not made by human. it look like its made by a different and big creature, that was the very first time that people living in Feliz are very afraid, they don’t know what really happened during that moment because they aren't heard any noise, even the owner of the following house next to the crime scene never heard any distracting noise. The happy face they’ve shown every single day replaced by sadness.
“Mom as long as I am not around, you stay here!, lock all the doors, its not safe outside” --- Peter
“Son! Please be safe, be back as early as you could okay?--Mom
“Okay mom, everything you need is in here, I have to go”-- Peter
As Peter was on his way to school, someone stop him from riding his bike, an old man showed up out of nowhere, Peter felt really nervous and immediately stop.
“I am sorry Mr. are you okay?”--Peter
“I am here to warn you and help you, I know everything, same as what happened to your neighbor”
“What do you mean!!??”-- Peter
“I will tell you everything, meet me here tomorrow night at exactly 9:30 p.m”
“But…”-- Peter
An old man just quickly leave and Peter was really confused, words cant get out of his mind about what an old said to him.
The next day…
Peter think deeply if he might go to what an old man said to him or just ignore it, eventually he decided to come and as he go home from school he secretly packed up his things, he didn’t tell it to her mom of where he go because he already know that her mom won’t allow him to go outside at that moment. Hour passed by Peter waited her mom to go sleep then that’s the time that he will leave.
“Hey old man, why are you bringing me here?”--Peter
“This is where I live, I’ve been here for so long, I was already here before you’ll came into that town”--Old man
“Tell me who killed my neighbor!? what did they do to deserve that!!!!?”--Peter
“Young boy, I asked you to come here because you have to know something very important.”--Old man
“Then why me?--Peter
“Its a beast who killed your neighbor, it happened already way back then and now!, all of the people were mesmerized by the beauty on that town, they don’t even had an idea that all of that are just a trap, he will kill all of you, one by one and there’s only one thing that stop the curse and that is you, the beast have waited you for so long, now I am asking you if you would help me to stop that beast from killing an innocent people, all I need is just your will and determination.”--Old man
“But how can I kill the beast? when I'm not that strong enough to fight him.”--Peter
“That’s the reason why I’m here, I will help you. I will teach you how to defend yourself. Tomorrow the same time and place.”--Old man
Peter got home and prepared everything, he will do the same thing as what he did the last time but on the other hand he will tell to her mom everything at the right time, all he need to do right now is to prepare himself from any circumstances, he told himself before that no matter what he will protect her mom and he will do the right thing just to assure all of everything were fall into the right place, he will not allow the beast to kill everyone else.
The next following day…
Peter back to where an old man said to him, they were preparing for the tools that is needed. Meanwhile an old man tries to instruct for what does peter needs to do, they really work hard and prepared for it, you can see it in the eyes of Peter that he’s really determined to fight back.
“The beast started to show up every 3 am, then that’s the time that he will find another target, we don’t know who’s the next, the beast keep on killing innocent people just to regain his strength and will live longer.”--Old man
“If I was born just to do this then, I will”--Peter
Peter got back home after the trials and at last Peter already tell her mom about everything.
“But it’s not safe son! We don’t know what would happen if you’ll continue to fight the beast! What if I’ll lose you? What if that beast won over you?”--Mom
“Mom trust me, if I was born in this world just to do this then I will mom, I will not allow that beast to kill any others, just trust me okay? I love you mom”--Peter
After all, Peter and an old man waited until its 3 am and seconds pass by, the long wait has over. They saw the beast and Peter was really shocked and seems to become shaky on what he saw, he think that the beast was just too big for him to stop the curse.
“I can’t do it, the beast is too strong and too big *shaky voice*”--Peter
“You can do it peter, remember all things that I’ve told you, the spells that I gave you, remember that you are not just alone we’re all here for you, it is not just your fight but its all of us.”--Old man
Peter became stronger than he thinks to himself after what an old man said to him, the beast was on his way to get his target but Peter take the spell which gives strength and enough power, Peter run going through the beast and snap it out but before Peter did it the beast started to see him and it seems like the beast look too happy for what he saw he waited Peter for the longest time and now he’s in front of it.
“Oow Peter! after a long time! Look at you! Do you think that you defeat me? I’am stronger than you think! I will kill all of you and no one shall live in this town except me! I am the king of all bad creatures and you worthless! You’ll isn’t worthy to live in this world! And I had a big surprise for you, I was the one who killed your father and next is your mom *the beast laugh so hard*--Beast
“Before you kill us I will kill you first! You beast is not worthy to live in this world! We are all one in this battle! You cant get what you want *strong tone of voice*--Peter
“Then, let us see”--Peter
Peter and the beast starting to fight, he use all the spells that an old man gave to him the magical sword that gives a big impact, the only way to kill the beast is, if Peter put in the sword into the beast heart then it makes him weak and lose his half of strength. At first Peter is not completely learn to use all of his powers, he fall so many times during their rivalry but…
“You’re weak! Look at me I have here your mom*evil laugh while Peter’s mom is shouting* and I will kill her in front of you!!!!” --Beast
“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!*Peter shouted while crying*
“You can’t do this to us!! I will kill youuuuuuuuu!!*Peter shouted with anger*”
As Peter with full of anger towards the beast that causes him triggered by which pull out the strength, Peter goes towards his target which is in the heart of the beast that makes him weak, he let his full strength out of it
“You killed my mom and I will give it back to you! *Peter screamed while crying*”
And that was the last words that Peter said to the beast before he died. Peter immediately run to her mother and gently hold it while crying hard he don’t know what to do anymore cause he lost her mother but there’s one thing that he didn’t know, the spell that he had may also use to bring back someone’s life. Peter get a little drop of it and placed it into her mother’s mouth, seconds after her mother woke up and hugged Peter. 
People living Feliz town came out and looks very happy, the curse was already gone. Peter was fully thankful to the old man because without him Peter can’t do it. Days passed by The Feliz town became more beautiful as it is and they’re back with their everyday life fearlessly.
Beauty isn’t what it is, in every beauty there were always be the dark sides therefore let’s not just look at its surface but we also look in a deeper part perhaps, we can learn a lot from it.
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