shebles123 · 1 year
Why this hurts so much
Tonight's episode hurt, and I'm going to try to explain why this was so much more than a slap to the face.
This isn't just about a ship. It goes beyond that. It cuts to the core of our experiences as shippers, particularly those of us who have shipped non-canon queer couples. We have been put down and belittled, labeled as crazy, weird, and disgusting for daring to see two people who clearly love and adore each other explore the possibilities of a romantic bond. We've been told that our desires are taboo and that we should just "get over it." We've been told by 911 show runners in particular that Buddie fans are just misinterpreting the story being told. These constant messages only reinforce the notion that gay relationships are something to be hidden and ashamed of.
As a queer person myself, I understand the pain of growing up without seeing myself represented in the media. It left me feeling isolated and asking myself if I was defective. However, shows like 911 have given me so much hope and have helped me come to terms with who I am. They allowed me to imagine a world where my feelings were valid, where my love was celebrated, and where I could find myself in the stories being told.
With that in mind, I want to acknowledge the existing queer representation on the show. Hen and Karen, Josh and Michael--these characters and their stories have and continue to deeply resonate with so many of us and I think we all genuinely appreciate the gift of having these characters. However, Eddie and Buck's journey is something extraordinary, something that represents so many of our realities and something that could revolutionize queer representation in media going forward.
Imagine a story of two young men growing up in homes where certain expectations were placed upon them to be providers, to bury their emotions, to stifle their hopes and dreams, all in pursuit of conforming to societal norms. Imagine a story where these two men find their own paths towards a traditionally masculine profession and end up finding a loving and accepting family and a place where people from all walks of life are equally lifted up and respected (something that is often not the case in reality).
Imagine these two men find peace, support, and a love they have never experienced before with each other. Imagine the strength of their bond as they become partners in work and in life, the fights and hurts they endure. Imagine them screaming and crying over each other's broken bodies, understanding the fear and pain of living life without one another.
Imagine that these two men build a family together. Imagine one of them is a single father and finds that their partner is one of the only people in the world they could possibly trust with their heart and soul in the form of their child, and imagine the father enshrining that trust and love in law.
Now, imagine that these two men finally see the truth in their relationship--a truth that has been unspoken throughout their time together but remains apparent through their actions. A truth that transcends societal expectations and norms. A truth that declares their love for one another as real and meaningful.
Buddie may have originally been planned as platonic, but they were not written that way, which is why this episode was much more than a slap to the face. It was a punch that said "you're crazy for seeing love where it was written."
Season 6 wrote Buddie with more romantic and domestic undertones than ever before and it feels like a betrayal to disrespect the bond that has been developing between them since day 1.
So to the writers, I implore you to understand the impact of your decisions. Of course, not every ship can become canon, but for the love of god, don't undermine the emotional connection you've nurtured between Buck and Eddie for 5 seasons. Don't discard the authenticity and depth that their relationship holds and please understand the pain we feel as you strip away their journey without proper resolution and without letting their story evolve and flourish into what it was written to be.
With all due respect, go fuck yourself for this, and I hope to god this gets fixed in season 7.
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shebles123 · 1 year
Yes Buck is being very blind rn about who is going to ultimately help him feel happy and secure in himself (hint: it's definitely not Natalia), but I feel it is my civic duty to remind you all that Buck being dumb about this was planned from the beginning in 6x01 where couch theory was born:
"It's weird that he's struggling to pick a replacement when he has so many other excellent options RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE (immediate pan to eddie and chris)…it's like he's choosing not to see them and everything they have to offer"
I have never forgotten these words because I believed they would serve as a very strong foreshadow for Buck's personal (and romantic) journey this season, and after the graveyard scene tonight, I have never been more sure that this is the case.
So yes...it seems like buck is "choosing not to see [Eddie and Christopher] and everthing they have to offer"
It feels like he's "misunderstood the assignment" tonight
But just trust that he is "the guy with all the answers"
He just has to see what is "right under his nose":
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shebles123 · 1 year
Buck's new cognitive abilities, and how it will likely lead to a buddie poker date
So we all have probably seen the synopsis for 6x13 by now:
"Buck gains new cognitive abilities post lightening strike" you say? How interesting. It's certainly not unheard of that some lightening strike survivors experience an increase in mental capacities like this article explains:
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Now, whether or not these accounts are actually true doesn't matter. 911 is not necessarily a poster child for accurate depictions. What interests me about a lot of these accounts from lightening strike survivors is that the abilities they gained were math related.
Do you know what skills are REALLY helpful in poker?
That's right: math skills.
In particular: card counting. I think our Buck has gained the ability to count cards along with gaining a generally enhanced understanding of mathematics (which will certainly help buck in firefighting like oliver mentioned in an interview).
What better way to test these new abilities than for your "best friend" to take you out to a poker club:
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Let's also not forget that Eddie's been known to gamble in the past (ie fight club). I don't think Eddie has a gambling addiction in any way shape or form, but I don't think this man would pass up on an opportunity to make a little coin...guaranteed coin due to Buck's new abilities.
In conclusion, Buck and Eddie are not undercover at this poker club...they're not there at the request of any of the firefam...they're there to have fun and play around with Buck's card counting skills.
In other words, the buddie poker scene is a date, and it's all thanks to Buck being struck by lightening.
(P.S. if you are interested in how having enhanced math skills could be extremely useful in firefighting, check out this article: https://online.annamaria.edu/fire-science/resource/the-need-for-math-in-firefighting#:~:text=Firefighters%20need%20to%20use%20mental,require%20to%20suppress%20a%20fire.)
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shebles123 · 1 year
Neil just casually sharing soapghost edits on his insta will never not be my favorite thing...what a king 👑
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shebles123 · 2 years
And when I tell you Buck is drawing another heart for Eddie, what then?
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shebles123 · 2 years
Buddie predictions/speculation for the remainder of 6A:
Episode 7 (Cursed):
Eddie gets cursed by the bracelet lol (he just doesn't believe it until later).
Eddie doesn't think anything of it (because curses aren't real...right, Eddie?).
Eddie and Chris go to the beach and Buck has plans to meet them there (Evidence: Ryan and Gavin were seen filming on the beach a few weeks ago).
Buck calls Eddie while driving and says that he's almost there (Evidence: Oliver was seen filming in Buck's jeep near the beach a few weeks ago).
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Buck gets another call from the sperm donation clinic that there is some kind of complication and he won't be able to donate (Evidence: Oliver mentioned in an interview that the sperm donor storyline would reappear in episode 7 and indicated that there would be complications).
Buck spirals and while he's spiraling/still driving, his jeep gets t-boned (I'm taking the car incident in episode 4 as a foreshadow. I don't think buck is out of the danger zone just yet when it comes to car accidents).
Episode 8 (911, What's Your Fantasy?)
Buck winds up in a coma/on a vent.
Eddie spirals and starts to believe in curses.
The episode title comes in to play as we see snippets of Buck and Eddie's fantasies about their futures. Perhaps Buck (while in his coma) dreams of having a family and kids. Perhaps Eddie thinks about a potential romantic future with Buck.
Regardless, we get some kind of confirmation that eddie is feeling non-platonic things for Buck. This could be as simple as an obviously romantic-coded look/shot, or it could be as big as a third party confession. But either way, we will KNOW buddie is headed in a romantic direction by the end of this episode.
Episode 9 (Red Flag):
As I mentioned in a previous post, "Red flag" is a term used in Emergency Medicine to indicate that something really serious could be happening with a patient. I think Buck's condition will worsen before he gets better (a sort of tarlos parallel). Perhaps the red flag will have something to do with Buck's heart (dropping BP, heart rate issues, etc.) so we can have the heart theme from 5B continue.
Eddie continues to spiral.
Buck finally starts getting better.
There is a cute mid season montage and in the middle of that we get a third party confession from Eddie (to probably chim) that he's in love with Buck. And that's our cliffhanger for the season.
Do I think all of this will happen? Absolutely not. Do I think some of this could happen? Absolutely! Do I believe we will know that buddie is definitively going in a romantic direction by the end of 6A? Yes 100%.
Let me know your thoughts! Feel free to add things!
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shebles123 · 2 years
Speculation on the episode name change for 6x09:
"Red Flag" is a term used in Emergency Medicine to refer to warning signs/symptoms that something really serious is happening with a patient (for example, sudden onset tearing pain in the abdomen that radiates to the back could be a red flag for an abdominal aortic aneurysm)
They essentially just decided to use a more common term in EMS for "Warning Signs" for episode 9.
My bet has and always will be on major character injury for 6x09. (And my bet is on buck)
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shebles123 · 2 years
You're telling me Eddie "maybe we pop the hinges off the door" Diaz and Evan "or we use the jaws of life" Buckley are seriously gonna renovate a whole ass home....
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shebles123 · 2 years
Hey everyone! Did you all see that incredible edit by lvfrcaptnswns that used Running Up That Hill??? I was super inspired to try making my own edit to that song and here are the results:
Did I suffer making this...absolutely. Was it worth it...debatable lol
P.S. I love making epic remixes of popular songs in my free time so everything you're hearing came from yours truly ❤️ I hope you enjoy!!
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shebles123 · 2 years
This did, in fact, actually happen and I think it's high time we remember it as we're going in to season 6:
Interviewer: "what's going on with eddie and buck?"
Ryan: "OMG BESTIE!!!!! let me tell you ALL about it..."
Or..."yo you wanna hear something crazy actually somebody just tagged me in a TV guide...I think tv guide put something out about like the best relationships that are happening or that SHOULD happen...AND ME AND BUCK ARE LIKE ON THE TOP FLOOR!!!! I'm like WAIT WAIT...HOW IS THIS EVEN??? But it's ya know, if the fans wanna go there with it it's cool. I mean, we see all the memes. We see all the things you post on instagram and ya know I'm all for it! It's...ya know eddie and buck are...Hey there we go: Eddie and buck are the best of besties, but yeah I think that relationship is really special and I think a lot of people like seeing them on screen together and kinda vibing off each other and helping each other out with christopher and any other problems that they're going through and um... <dramatic pause>
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"Yeah it'll be interesting to see what happens with that..."
Ryan either:
Has been told to shut the fuck up about buddie because they don't want to accidently imply something one way or another...OR
Knows where buddie is going and is trying his hardest to keep his goddamn mouth shut about it...OR
all of the above
Full interview here if you want to see it:
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shebles123 · 2 years
Hey guys! Remember when 911 made a buddie edit and put it in the show?
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shebles123 · 2 years
Zoo call, perhaps?
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shebles123 · 2 years
These parallels are killing me...
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shebles123 · 2 years
please check out this post cause it's so good!! Here are my thoughts on this:
I had this thought the other day…I think buck has felt extremely guilty ever since the lawsuit arc for not being there SPECIFICALLY for Eddie and look what happened: Christopher struggled with nightmares (not Buck's fault but I guarantee he still blames himself especially for not being there to help Chris in the aftermath of the tsunami), and eddie dealt with his pain by getting in to illegal fights.
Ever since, Buck has been on guard looking out for any sign that Eddie or Chris are struggling (we see this throughout season 5 but especially at the beginning of season 5b).
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Somewhere along the way (aka all of season 4a and his awful parents), Buck started doubting himself more and felt like he needed to upgrade as a person before he would be good enough for other people
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Cue the distance we see between Buck and Eddie in 5a. He's walking on egg shells in a lot of ways, clearly worried but afraid to fuck up with eddie like he's done before (so he thinks).
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It all comes to a boiling point when eddie quits. The distance continues and buck has no idea what to do and he doubts himself as a friend/partner. But once eddie has his break down, Buck pushes those doubts aside for the first time in a long time because eddie and chris need him.
Unfortunately, I do think that this self doubt that has been building for a long time (or maybe it's just been suppressed since he ran away from Hershey), is going to break him in season 6. This time eddie will be there to help buck get better, NOT FOR OTHER PEOPLE, but for himself. Because buck is not just a collection of spare parts for people to take and use as needed.
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shebles123 · 2 years
So we're all speculating what that big cruise ship emergency could be next season...I just want to throw this idea out there:
TRIGGER WARNING: lots of violence
What if a massive rogue wave flips the cruise ship upside down...I know the logistics would be tough and this is probably unlikely but I thought I'd put it out in the world
This movie is super fun by the way...worth a watch!!
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shebles123 · 2 years
Eddie about his feelings 24/7:
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Frank: "you can't put all your feelings in to a box, eddie"
Eddie: "watch me"
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shebles123 · 2 years
How much do we want to bet that Buck stayed up all night after the breakdown not only to watch over Eddie and Christopher, but to scour the internet in order to figure out how best to support someone with ptsd...
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