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Decided to kick this blog off by talking about Kulipari, a show on Netflix about anthropomorphic frogs. The concept sounds kinda interesting, but the female character designs are a boatload of WHYYYYY. First off, the eyelashes. Why. Just why. Frogs are, as everyone above the age of 6 generally knows, amphibians, which are physically incapable of growing hair. So putting eyelashes on the girl frogs is not only generic, its also inaccurate, which just doubles the pain. Then there’s the the hourglass figures. Even if some characters are stylized to have humanoid torsos, there are tons of female body types beyond hourglass. And then, to pour some extra salt on the open wound, they did the number one thing that you aren’t supposed to do on non-mammal creatures: they gave them boobs. On frogs. I don’t think I even need to explain what’s wrong there. And honestly, it hurts a lot more than normal since the show had so many interesting concepts and opportunities for groundbreaking and interesting female character design. But no, the character designers just had to get lazy.
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