severelygrandyouth · 7 years
You Too Can Be A Helping Hand For Those Struggling With Life
You Too Can Be A Helping Hand For Those Struggling With Life
Meet The Amazing Girl Who Provides For The Poor Using Coupon Clipping Skills Hannah Steinberg is an amazing teenager.  After watching the tv show “Extreme Couponing” she came up with a brilliant way to help those who are less fortunate. She used her new found couponing skills to buy $100,000 worth of products which she then donates to the needy. Hannah started a nationally recognized non-profit…
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
Your baby’s first months.  Exciting times! You bring your child to the first family event, and like zombies everyone mindlessly attacks the baby stroller.  Everyone is so eager to hold, cuddle, and kiss your precious bundle of joy.  Yeah, it’s cute.. But as much as it is a social bonding experiment, it is also a serious freaking germ fest. It may be going too far in some circles to ask people…
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
The 5 Best Baby Strollers In Their Class for 2017
The 5 Best Baby Strollers In Their Class for 2017
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
Best Jogging Strollers - BOB Ironman and Bumbleride Speed
Best Jogging Strollers – BOB Ironman and Bumbleride Speed
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
Best High-End Pram – The Silver Cross Wave Stroller
Best High-End Pram – The Silver Cross Wave Stroller
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
Top Lightweight Strollers - Babyhome Emotion and Vida
Top Lightweight Strollers – Babyhome Emotion and Vida
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
The Best Compact Stroller – GB Pockit and Accessories
The Best Compact Stroller – GB Pockit and Accessories
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
Baby Crib Buying Guide
Baby Crib Buying Guide
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severelygrandyouth · 7 years
In Defense Of Sustainable Diapering, Sort Of
In Defense Of Sustainable Diapering, Sort Of
Are Commercial Diapers A Threat To Your Baby’s Health? Babies and their skin are sensitive. How is a parent to know what products are best for their newest family member? The amount of information spouted at parents today makes it, at best, difficult to know what’s merely advertising and what really is best for your child. It’s super easy to get lost in the myriad of “expert” opinions, some of…
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
Cloth Diapers Are Gross, Right?
Cloth Diapers Are Gross, Right?
Cloth Diapers: Are They More Flintstones or Jetsons? Do you have a need to feel like you are helping save the earth by not purchasing Pampers? Do you believe that people who use cloth diapers for their baby is being a bit “over the top” trying to making a statement of some sort?  Well, we will address some of the points that both sides of the fence may feel with respect to this debate. Full…
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
Top Five Best Baby Travel Systems Review for 2016
Top Five Best Baby Travel Systems Review for 2016
When it comes to your little one, you’ll want the best for them. With that in mind, you’ll also value convenience when traveling, and that’s where a Baby Travel System comes into play. Whether you’re actually traveling on a holiday or vacation or making a quick trip to the market, a travel system can make your journey easier when you’re on-the-go with a baby. Must-Have Baby Gear A car seat is…
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
Eeesh! How Do I Tell Him He's Adopted?
Eeesh! How Do I Tell Him He’s Adopted?
Is Today The Day To Tell Him He’s Adopted?? Tonight I read my five-year-old son the vintage Sesame Street story “Susan and Gordon Adopt a Baby.” It is the book, I am told, that will make it easier to talk to Gabriel about his adoption. We’ve already read it many times together. Complete with smiling faces and happy endings, the book closes with Susan and Gordon adopting a baby who, the story…
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
Mommy Trouble:How to Go All Zen on Your Toddler!
Mommy Trouble:How to Go All Zen on Your Toddler!
Mastering the Mommy Mind Game! by Lee Dobie Being a mom is such a mind game sometimes. The other day Hannah and I were in the car on our way into town. I usually allow her to sit in the back of the station wagon as we drive through the alley behind our house, and then when we get to the main street she gets into the car seat again. So we hit the street, but Hannah says she’s not getting in the…
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
Terrible Two's: The Case of the Copy-Cat Toddler
Terrible Two’s: The Case of the Copy-Cat Toddler
How to Deal With Your Toddler’s Unbecoming Behavior by Barbara Rowly Six months ago, our toddler, Anna, startled us by first sitting down, then lifting one leg, toppling over her head, and picking herself up to try it all over again. Sitting across from her on the floor, my husband, Taylor, and I couldn’t figure it out–until we looked at ourselves. She was trying to cross her legs, just like us.…
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
People Are Saying The New ‘Planet 9’ Is Going To Kill Us All - Here’s Why
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A chill swept over the internet last week when scientists announced that there was a huge, unseen planet at the far edge of our solar system - Planet 9.
For decades, conspiracy theorists have predicted that an unseen planet beyond Neptune -  called Nibiru or Planet X - is going to destroy Earth.
The announcement from Caltech scientists seemed to confirm there WAS a planet there - and the wilder reaches of the internet have already begun predicting apocalypse.
A message appeared on the website of Zecharia Sitchin - a writer who claimed aliens from Nibiru created the human race - despite the fact Sitchin has been dead since 2010.
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Pastor Paul Begley - an American preacher fond of predicting apocalypse, thundered, ‘Something is causing the heavens to shake - and it’s in your Bible! If you go into the gospel of Saint Luke, Luke 21, verse 10, “Nation shall rise against nation.Kingdom against kingdom. Great earthquakes shall be in diverse places - and famines and pestilences, and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”’
Begley admits he’s not certain Planet 9 IS Nibiru - but cheerfully predicts an asteroid strike wiping out a third of Earth’s population, followed by an impact with the planet itself.
But in case you’re worried, you should note that Nibiru (or Planet X) was widely predicted to hit our planet in December last year, and before that in September.
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Prior to that, it was predicted to smash into our planet to coincide with the Mayan apocalypse in 2012 - and before that, Nancy Lieder, an American website writer who claimed to have an alien implant in her brain, predicted it would destroy the world in 2003.
NASA has thoroughly debunked the Nibiru myth via its Beyond 2012 page, saying, ‘Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye.’
Soviet-born American writer Zecharia Sitchin first wrote about Nibiru in his hit 1976 book ‘The 12th Planet’ where he claimed it was inhabited by a race of ‘ancient aliens’ - the Annunaki - who had created the human race.
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Sitchin’s work remains in print and has a devoted following around the world.
This week, a message on his website said, ‘With an elliptical orbit of 10,000 or 20,000 of our years, this planet may not be Nibiru, which has an orbit of about 3,600 of our years.
‘However, this prediction of a likely additional planet in our solar system is exciting news. Perhaps the search will lead us to either finding Nibiru, or perhaps we’ll find that something has changed and impacted Nibiru’s orbit since the last time it orbited Earth.
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Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual says, ‘Zecharia Sitchin claims that Nibiru collided with a planet called Tiamat that was situated between Mars and Jupiter. The result was the creation of the asteroid belt and planet Earth.’
‘Nibiru is populated by the Anunnaki, an advanced humanoid race, who visited Earth thousands of years to mine gold in Africa. As an outcome of needing workers to carry out these mining operations they used genetics to create Homo Sapiens.’
‘The popularity of these type of ideas makes it certain that every new discovery by our spaceships will be be minutely studied for any evidence of Nibiru, or any other similar body that might be populated by extraterrestrials.’
Images: Rex
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
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Cameron’s bouncer 🙊
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severelygrandyouth · 8 years
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Young lion upset after receiving socks from Santa instead of a Warthog Transformer.
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