sercina · 3 years
Reina is now retiring! Thank you for having me around! You may now find me via @theirishoperative! 
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sercina · 3 years
Ahhh, there it was. The threat of police. 
He wasn’t afraid of them. In fact, they could never pin anything on him, they never have. A cocky scoff left him as he still listened to her words, knowing that what she was saying was a way to hide the fact that she was afraid. She must think that he’s stupid, or that he was born yesterday.
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❝I told you, I haven’t threatened you. I promised you There is a huge difference between the two. And yeah, you’re right about one thing. Nishiki’s one will not be happening yet. It could take many years, but it will happen when you least expect it. I’m good at waiting for my prey after all.❞
He then folded his arms, a smirk growing upon his lips as he spoke once more. She asked him to leave before the police arrived? She was bluffing surely.
❝If that’s the best you can come up with, then call them. I have all day to wait for them to arrive.❞
Even with the threat of the police, he was still seemingly unphased. In fact, Reina could easily tell that there was more to this stranger than had met the eye. Usually, the threat of the police would send some threats packing but Dimitri still remained to stand his ground. Either he was stubborn, stupid, or completely unphased. Stubborn was certainly a way to put it. 
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His words struck at her heart and struck more fear into her more than the original intent. She still remained to try and remain strong on the outside. She was better than that. She wasn’t some quivering damsel in distress. She was empowering and she was a woman that would stand up to any threat or danger that’d come her way. Unfortunately, it seemed she met her match now and had to stand down - not just for her sake, but also for Kiryu and Nishikiyama’s. She couldn’t risk them getting hurt. 
She took a step back, biting at her bottom lip in attempts to ease her fears, dusting off her skirt as a distraction. 
“... I won’t.”, she spoke, voice slightly staggered. “Clearly I’d be wasting police time...”
She had to think of something else at least to send him on his way. She was feeling a little cornered and a little stuck on what to do. 
“...Just come here for what you want and leave. I have better things to be doing than dealing with arrogant men.”
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sercina · 3 years
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► Angsty Sentence Starters
Vague but also situationally specific somehow.  Change things around as necessary (pronouns, names, etc.).
I don’t think I ever loved you.
I’ve always been second-best, or not an option at all, so what makes this any different?
You lied to me and you’ve got it worked out in your head that you did me a favor.
There’s nothing they can do for you…
I meant to hurt you. If I didn’t, things would’ve only gotten worse.
How long have you been keeping this from me?
You knew how much it meant to me!
I can’t do this.
I can’t watch you kill yourself day in and day out for people who will never appreciate you.
Look at you, do you even know what you’re doing to yourself? 
Do you know what you’re doing to me…?
You’re of no use to anyone like that.
Your opinion doesn’t matter; No one asked for your input.
Close your eyes and count backwards from ten. Breathe, in and out - That’s right. I’m here, I’m here…
I feel like I’m losing my grip.
Nothing feels right. Nothing feels the same.
I loved you. I stood by you no matter what you said or did. I held you when you cried. I fought your demons for you, and this - this is how you repay me? 
You can’t just explain it all away with, “I did what I had to do.” Fuck you. 
You ruined not just my life, but everyone else’s too.
I can’t trust you.
I can’t love you.
You are nothing to me.
Every night, I reach for them and every time, they aren’t there.
They’re gone. What am I supposed to do now…? Who am I supposed to be?
I was there. I watched them… I watched them die.
Day in and day out, I feel like a ghost in my own life. 
Does anyone really understand?
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sercina · 3 years
𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 suitable for any romantic or platonic relationships
☆ ° • [ 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 ] my muse touches a bruise on your muse’s body with concern
☆ ° • [ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 ] my muse tries to make yours laugh when they are sad
☆ ° • [ 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐎𝐍 ] my muse cuddles up in bed to yours
☆ ° • [ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ] my muse slow dances with your muse with no music playing
☆ ° • [ 𝐏𝐄𝐓 ] my muse lays your head in their lap and pets your muse’s hair
☆ ° • [ 𝐖𝐑𝐀𝐏 ] my muse wraps your muse up in a blanket
☆ ° • [ 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 ] my muse brushes a strand of hair behind your muse’s ear
☆ ° • [ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 ] my muse laces their fingers with your muse’s, holding their hand
☆ ° • [ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓 ] my muse sits by your muse’s bedside while they are sick/hurt
☆ ° • [ 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 ] my muse removes wet clothes from your muse’s body
☆ ° • [ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄 ] my muse gently strokes your muse’s back/arm
☆ ° • [ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 ] my muse holds your muse after not having seen them for a while
‏‏☆ ° • [ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐃 ] my muse steps protectively in front of your muse
☆ ° • [ 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 ] my muse kisses your muse’s forehead while they cry
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pixel © to sugarthemis
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sercina · 3 years
caretaker prompts send a sentence, get a drabble.  
“ i’ve been looking after you. ”
“ are those bandages? ”
“ i know you’re [sick/hurt]. ”
“ you’re going to bed. no ifs ands or buts. ”
“ that doesn’t sound good. ”
“ let me see. ”
“ shh, don’t upset yourself. ”
“ and where do you think you’re going? ”
“ blow your nose. ”
“ someone’s feeling better. ”
“ [name], look, there’s nothing there. ”
“ and don’t say you’re fine. ”
“ how many fingers am i holding up? ”
“ all you had to do was stay in bed. ”
“ your hands are trembling. ”
“ take two of these with water. ”
“ i was worried sick! never do that again. ”
“ you need to stay hydrated. ”
“ you fainted.  ”
“ and you didn’t tell me because…? ”
“ squeeze my hand as much as you like. ”
“ eat your soup before it gets cold. ”
“ you want me to leave you alone? in this condition? ”
“ don’t get your germs on me. ”
“ go lay down. ”
“ oh, don’t cry, honey. ”
“ listen to yourself, you aren’t thinking clearly. ”
“ did you hurt yourself? ”
“ you’ve been asleep since [day of week]. ”
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sercina · 3 years
protective starters send a sentence, get a drabble.  
“ get back here! [name]! ”
“ i’m not asking you, i’m telling you. ”
“ i got your back, you got mine. ”
“ you need bandages and rest. ”
“ you’re not the boss of me. ”
“ i’m fine. what about you? ”
“ i will always rescue you. ”
“ get away from [him/her/them]! ”
“ you shouldn’t be out of bed. ”
“ i thought i lost you. ”
“ hide. ”
“ i can look after myself. ”
“ is that a blood stain?! ”
“ you were careless. ”
“ don’t touch that. ”
“ come here, you’re bleeding. ”
“ i didn’t think i would see you again. ”
“ do you need a hug? ”
“ you saved me. ”
“ i’m trying to keep you safe. ”
“ stop hugging me. ”
“ [name], where are you?! ”
“ i won’t leave you! ”
“ what were you thinking?! ”
“ i will protect you with my life. ”
“ who did this to you? ”
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sercina · 3 years
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I am the fourth chairman of the Tojo Clan…
                                                                      Kazuma Kiryu!!
Multi-Fandom, OC, and Crossover friendly.
Reblog/Likes very appreciated!
Rules | About
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sercina · 3 years
I play Yakuza for the plot
Also me:
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sercina · 3 years
     ❝ Haw…? ❞  Contrary to popular belief, Majima didn’t make it a habit to harass civilians. Very few knew of just how adverse he was to keeping anyone uninvolved in the criminal lifestyle out; not that it mattered for her sake. He was well-aware of her connections: of how close she was to both Kiryu and the Nishikiyama patriarch, and he knew that she knew damn well who he was. Even if they’d met before, it’d been a different period of both their lives. 
Majima was deliberate in the way he spoke, dramatic in his pauses and making a show of his faux surprise at her reaction. There was pride to be taken in just how difficult he’d made himself to read. He’d grown into the role. Learned to really play up the part of the unhinged, loose cannon that earned the ‘Mad Dog’ moniker — a step up from the miserable lapdog he’d been back when they first butt heads.
     ❝ Stirrin’ up trouble… Ain’t ringin’ any bells! I’m tellin’ ya, you got me all wrong, sweetheart… ❞  He gave a vague wave of his hand to gesture at the rack she’d flattened herself against in her state of apparent fear, lazily sliding into one of the stools on the opposite side of the bar top. That made it clear enough he had no intention of crossing that physical barrier between them.
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    ❝ This is a bar, ain’t it? If you’re done throwin’ yer booze around, fetch me a drink, will ya? ❞ 
She was certain that this man was the one to have invaded Serena all those years ago. She remembered it well yet... he didn’t seem to? Well, this had certainly took a different turn for the... well, that was to be discovered. Who knew if this was for the better or the worst.
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Reina eased up a little, but still keeping her guard up just in case he was pulling a fast one on her. But the way he was so sluggish and lazy, it seemed he had no reason to be fighting or causing any trouble.
Hm... looks like she could trust him a little for the time being. But only a small time.
Although hesitant, she still looked over at the many bottles of alcohol she had, glancing over what she was able to give him. Once decided, she made it to her best, offering the glass over to him, complete with rocks of ice to top it off.
She needed distractions while she conversed with him, if there were any. However, brown orbs caught sight of something peeking from beneath Majima’s jacket. She recognised the style of those tattoos. She knew he wasn’t just any ordinary citizen. Looks like she was right to try and resist.
“... So, what brings you to Kamurocho?”
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sercina · 3 years
She had perked up when she heard the threat towards Nishiki and her home, which did not cause Dimitri to flinch in the slightest. He remained as stiff as a rock, his eyes full of hatred and killer instinct. He was ready to cause misery and pain to this woman for crossing him, as well as death to Nishiki for causing so many problems.
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Then, that word was hurled into the air, as if it was going to cause any hurt towards him.
He absolutly hated that word, but he also believed that it was true. He already knew what he was, he really didn’t need someone else to tell him, especially when they didn’t really know him like this idiot in front of him. A laugh left his lips when he heard it, a way to defend his heart when it just got stabbed with a verbal knife.
❝Monster? Please tell me something that I don’t already know. Now you’re just stating the obvious in an attempt to hurt me - which didn’t work by the way. It’s certainly not changing my mind. The contract is signed in my head now, you’ll never know when it’s going to happen, but it will come when you aren’t expecting it.❞ He said to her, now getting ready to leave. ❝So, you wanna get your friend’s will sorted or something, cause he’s gunna need it - and you only have you to thank for that.❞
She analysed him over, her chest repeatedly becoming tighter and tighter with the palpitations she was experiencing. It was only a single, simple glance but it had enough to cause a stammer within her. No matter what insult or phrase she would throw at him, it would only increase the strength within his walls - what was a man she was thought made of iron had now become a man of steel - impenetrable and tough.
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Though embracing through her fears of what was to come, she still remained to fall strong and not falter. This was her bar. If she was to show her fright here, she would not be the alpha. She didn’t allow him to get away with such evil threats.
“Nisihikiyama’s will will not be happening yet, for many years to come. Whether or not I harmed you from what I said does not matter to me. I made my statement. I’ve meant what I said. Only monsters threaten. Only little boys play with their toys and start to throw tantrums when they can’t have their own ways. You are not the bigger man here. Not in my home. If you have nothing better to do than to throw threats my way, then I suggest you leave immediately before authorities arrive. Now.”
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sercina · 3 years
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                            ‘Have a seat anywhere you like.’
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sercina · 3 years
Reina: Nishikiyama is always in here telling stories about you with a big grin on his face, Kiryu-san! 
Nishiki, 3 days earlier: haahaha ok so today, get this, Kiryu fucking asked me what kind of animal the PINK PANTHER is
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sercina · 3 years
Send my muse an icon, and they will…
🎨 tell you a skill or talent few know of that they have
👻 tell a fear they have
🔆 say one of their dreams/aspirations
🎁 show off something they have
🚿 mention one of their shower thoughts.
🎭 say how they are really feeling
📅 speak of a past experience
🐱 talk about their favorite animal/pet
🌙 tell about one of their recent dreams/nightmares
🍀 regale a time when luck was on their side
👪 speak about their thoughts and feelings about someone they know
🔪 talk about a time when they were hurt physically, mentally, or emotionally
👄 whisper a secret no one else knows
🎓 say one thing they are proud of
😳 say one thing they are ashamed of
👀+ a question of your own!
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sercina · 3 years
🌺 “I WANT TO KNOW…” Prompts
A collection of random “I want to know…” sentences.
For Multimuses: Please Specify Muse(s)
“I want to know more about you.” 
“I want to know where you’re from.”
“I want to know what you do.”
“I want to know what you like.”
“I want to know what your hobbies are.”
“I want to know who your family is.”
“I want to know who your friends are.”
“I want to know what makes you happy.”
“I want to know what makes you sad.”
“I want to know what makes you angry.”
“I want to know why you’re hurt.”
“I want to know who hurt you.”
“I want to know why you’re scared.”
“I want to know what love is to you.”
“I want to know who you loved.”
“I want to know who you hated.”
“I want to know why you run away.”
“I want to know why you stayed.”
“I want to know why you left me.”
“I want to know why you care.”
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sercina · 3 years
She certainly liked playing with fire, but maybe now it was about time she got burned. He curled his hands into a fist, growing more and more frustrated with this bitch running her mouth off like she owned the world. Hope that this battle she had just continued was worth it for her sake.
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❝You were obviously not listening, are you deaf as well as stupid? I said I didn’t attack women.❞ He said, pausing before smirking a little. Did she just call them threats?  ❝Now, malyshka. Threats aren’t something I do. They are less… real. I would like to call them promises, because when I say something, I do it.❞
She kept going, now taunting him to do something. Dimitri was also good at playing with one of his enemy’s emotions, and this was certainly one of those moments. It was clear to her how much that she liked this Nishki guy, so it was now time to do something towards him.
❝Oh, I wouldn’t do anything to you, that would be too easy for you. I would probably target something that you love, like Nishiki, or maybe even torch this place, I’m sure you like that to hm?❞
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She was a strong woman, but everyone had their flaws. Everyone could be scared of something, or someone for that matter. She felt afraid, but she was also stubborn. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides as she started to feel more and more cornered.
Dimitri’s gaze was that of dangerous, serious. Still, she listened to everything he said. She didn’t really want to hear him out since all that this was doing was just adding fuel to the fire, but she wanted to stand her ground.
However, once Nishikiyama was mentioned, her entire attitude and aura changed. Her hands splayed on the bar in front of her, slamming them down with anger. Her eyes rattled in aggression towards Dimitri.
How dare he ever threaten her home or Nishikiyama.
“You-!”, she screamed. “How dare you?! You can’t just target something like that! I don’t believe in serving customers that would even think about setting ablaze my home, let alone someone I care about! You monster!”
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sercina · 3 years
“Hmm.” In Actuality it had been too long since he spent time in prison, and even longer since he had spent time with his old friend…. It seemed like only yesterday since Yuki, Nishiki, Reina and even Kiryu had hung out at the bar. And in all honesty, he missed it. But there had been one worry, and only one. 
   “Yeah. It has been stressful for the both of us. I’d like that, but can’t we just get drinks at Serena? I wouldn’t mind… But… Is he going to be there?” 
“No, it’d be just the two of us.”, she assured, shaking her head lightly as she kept within eye contact of the man.
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She knew exactly who he was talking about, but she wanted to try and ease the tension. She could see that he was needing the break himself. She reached out to gently place her hand on top of his, a kind smile creeping at her lips.
“Kiryu. Don’t worry. It’ll just be one night. Though if you really want to stay within Serena, then I’ll close up and just leave it open for the two of us. I just thought maybe it’d be nice for us to explore Kamurocho without having any worries.”
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sercina · 4 years
continued from here - @xjudgementxkazzy​
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“Well, I was thinking about closing Serena for the night and taking a load off. Things have been pretty stressful for the both of us lately... how about you and I spend the night around Kamurocho? Maybe grab a drink or two?”
She smiled lightly in response to the other, feeling a little hopeful that he’ll accept her invitation. She hadn’t really ever closed down Serena for a while but she could see the grey hairs poking through in the morning and the dark circles under her eyes causing that excess stress.
Surely a night on the town wouldn’t hurt right?
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