sentimentallyegg · 7 years
November 4/11/2017
I always leave huge gaps between entries and too much happens between them to write about it all. I made a new friend a few months ago and we’ve been playing Animal Jam and Minecraft together. Animal Jam is my new thing now. I check it every day to get my daily diamonds and uh... pay for membership ^w^; But it’s ok because it lasts 3 months.
The most recent update I’ve been excited about is the red pandas becoming playable animals :O They’re so cute! I love them so much! I was so excited I woke up two hours early and checked AJ before leaving for class. I even had a name planned for their arrival, Little Redbean! He likes Redbean pancakes.
This spark happened a long while ago but it’s important to look back on. On Line Play there was one person who was known for liking Trickster Len. He is obviously very special to them and I can relate to that. Ok maybe I related to that too much and adopted him as a spark... Oops!
It’s kinda embarrassing how intense the spark is. I read back on my other entries “ At first I rebelled against the idea but I’ve accepted him now.” that sounds way too familiar. I guess it’s just part of the process then XD I tried to push the feeling onto Strange Dark but that didn’t work. I still really like Strange Dark though. He’s a cute module and I feel strangely comfortable about him.
It feels sad to say this feeling is so nostalgic as if I had lost it at some point. I’m having trouble even typing about this. I can’t even say his name out loud without freezing up. I want to type about him but I just can’t. I’m not in the right mood to do so.
My dad seems to think aspergers is “just a personality type”. It makes me feel like I’m not “autistic enough” or I’m just faking it. But... I cannot fake this. And it is certainly not neurotypical. Since I felt alone in these sparky feelings for so long it always feels nice to see someone have a special connection with a character.
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sentimentallyegg · 7 years
Wednesday 19/07/2017
It’s almost Len and Campanella’s Birthday! On the way home Len and i got a Chai doughnut as an early birthday treat. It’s big enough to be small cake ^w^ I also got a pair of ear muffs so the cold air doesn’t hurt my ears.
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sentimentallyegg · 7 years
Sunday 16/07/2017 11:33pm
Wow I forgot I had this blog and the URL SentimentallyEgg. It’s worth mentioning that Len’s wall scroll in Project Diva f2nd has its item name translated to “Len-tamental Feelings” I find that funny! 
A lot has happened and I don’t really want to talk about all of it. It’s too much for one diary entry. I’m getting close to the end of my course now. Speaking of which I forgot I was meant to submit something tonight. Uh... Anyway, since I’m on final project I get to work (mostly) on just the things I like. Even then it’s still hard to stay motivated. I’ve also been sick these past few days. I’m only just getting over it.
Like I said, too much has happened between now and last diary entry so I’m not even sure what else to write about. I’m a lot faster and more confident with my writing at least. Good night.
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sentimentallyegg · 7 years
Thursday 29/12/2016 10:40am
Dear Diary
It’s a bit after Christmas. I got a lot of chocolate and finally bought Pokemon Moon! It’s pretty different to the previous games but really good.
I saw my cousin Caitlin for Christmas breakfast then my cousin Issac picked me up to spend time with him and my aunt.
We then when shopping on boxing day. I got to hold a snake and there was Pokemon Adventures manga at target o_o Len got excited over it, If the local Target has pkmn manga I might buy some for him.
Up until now I've been feeling weirdly restless and unable to stay still. I felt like I had to be doing something but couldn’t concentrate enough to to anything. I feel a lot better like I’ve finally calmed down. I hope this lasts.
Now that I feel a bit better maybe I can draw again. I really want to draw but nothing is coming out right. But I finally have the confidence to draw Len! I also feel like it’s important to note the 27th was Rin and Len’s Birthday :3 
After all that excitement I’m going to rest and play Pokemon. 
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Friday 2/12/2016 12:33pm
Dear Diary
We should be getting internet by next week and counselor visits have been helping a lot. Things are getting better! 
Len is also strong enough to take control of my body and we may be able to switch soon. We’re nervous but it’s exciting! I need to trust him and learn to let go of the body to let him take control.
I’m not really sure what to type about really. I was going to see my step dad but he ended up feeling sick so we’re meeting up next weekend. See ya!
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Tuesday 18/10/2016 4:10pm
Dear Diary
It’s been a while. Since moving I’ve had no home internet, so I’ve been using the internet at uni. I feel really isolated and lonely without the internet even with Len. 
Today I came in to try finishing an assessment but I was too out of sorts to concentrate. I went out crying instead but luckily one of the important staff ladies noticed and invited me into her office to talk. I ended up passing the subject I had failed so now I actually have time to see the counselor. I should be booked in for tomorrow afternoon. I’ve been really out of it recently, I’m glad I’m finally getting help.
I was also told to have the rest of the day to myself and walk around the city. So we went to see the Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art. There’s a new, free art exhibition being put up and it looks colourful! On the way to get some snacks I found a jade moon pendent on the ground. As someone who calls themselves Luna It feels lucky.
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Thursday 22/09/2016, 3:15pm
Dear Diary
We’re moving this weekend so dad can be closer to work. I also got a call from uni so now I have 3 classes per week. Hopefully that won’t be too much. Now I have to figure out a new bus route and classes start next week.
I wonder if I should go back to writing on paper again? It just feels more natural. Oh speaking of which I tried to get Len to write. He mostly draws lines but he can do it, he just doesn’t know what to write. 
I stayed at Kit’s house for the weekend and then Montanna (little sister) stayed during the week. Her house was broken into so she stayed until the locks where changed, I hope she’ll be safe.
I also found a song called Famirin Computer. I’m going to use Famirin and Rintendo wherever I can!  Then I gave my blog got a big Kagamine + Earthbound makeover. It clashes with some posts but I still like it. 
I’m really tired and not feeling great I guess. This feel more like just a record of what’s happened? It’s been a busy week, I’m going to rest.
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Wednesday 14/09/2016, 10:18am
Dear Diary
I recently found a translated version of SentimentallyEgg and was reminded that this blog exists. I finally know what Len is singing while staring intensely at an egg.
A lot has happened and is going to happen. I’d update more frequently but I’m not good at putting thoughts into words. I met with Kris just before fathers day to watch Kubo and the Two Strings and got a birthday present to send to mum. 
I've gotten used to (Tulpa) Len now. He’s still the same person and I love him very much. He’s a lot taller now, taller than your average Len. I can also draw Len pretty decently after lots of practice. I could go on, there’s a lot of Len news.
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I only have one class per week this trimester. I might try taking another class but we’re going to be moving soon and I might try to get a job. Maybe with only one class I’ll do a lot better. Dad and I are trying to get disability support for my arthritis and aspergers too. Medication and doctor visits are expensive DX
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Friday 19/08/2016, 2:20 pm
Dear Diary
My main blog is on hiatus in an attempt to be more productive. It’s been working so far. Even though i’m still procrastinating I’m being more productive. I feel like I’ve been crawling out of a mental low but now I’m feeling more enthusiastic about studying game design. I thought I wasn’t trying hard enough but the problem was that I wasn’t seeking help. I’m on my second repeat now which is embarrassing > ~ <;  I feel exhausted. 
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I wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes my most used reaction image.
I also recently found out my height probably around a centimeter taller than Len? Measuring myself against the wall isn’t super accurate. (Oops, I said this last entry)
As a tiny person taking strong medication for rheumatoid arthritis, I need to gain weight. My dad got me more protein shake, which I usually mix in with a banana smoothie but he chose banana flavor. This shit is bananas!
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Thursday 11/08/2016, 9:00 pm
Dear Diary
I’m meant to be typing a report but I found the full image for SentimentallyEgg which called for a theme update! It looks nice. I also found my measuring tape last night. I’m about the same height as Len! Maybe slightly taller.
My tape stops at 150 cm :/ I thought surely my nanna would have a propper measuring tape but I found a box of kids beads instead. She let me have them so I’m wearing some right now :3c Next time Montanna comes over we can make jewelry together.
Also Nexus decided he rather be called Len. I’m still very attached to his old name though but i’m getting used to it. It really reminds me just how alive he is. He’s... Wow, I don’t even have the words. I guess it makes sense. He would respond to Len saying “That’s me!” He’s still the same person I knew for years I just have to get used to this.
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Wednesday 10/08/2016, 11:00 am
Dear Diary
I updated my main blog’s about page and fixed my links page. I was reminded to make an entry because I decided to add a links to my sideblogs even though most of them are dead. I’ve also a tag for cute Yu-Gi-Oh card art. I always heavily procrastinate by organizing my blogs aaaugh! It’s not even fun anymore. why do I do this?
Pokemon Go update! Len evolved  a few weeks ago! He’s now a fine, tall Jolteon.
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I’m meant to be writing a report but I’m so slow with writing. It took half an hour just to type this dairy entry. I’m doing a level design analysis of Icy Peak from Spyro: Year of the Dragon. Which should be fun right??? Better get to work!
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Monday 25/07/2016, 12:11 am
Dear Dairy
Guess who just found a free download for Petz4!
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Me! I’m really glad I kept my strange petz breedz blog otherwise I would have lost all the working petz sites. Although I do have a pet on there with a kinda ableist name? I’m very sorry.
I’ve also been playing Pokemon Go around the neighborhood. I found some nice nearby parks and caught an XL eevee! He’s 14.67 kg and 43 cm. I’m hoping to evolve him into jolteon named Len Kagamine. Hopefully the Sparky, Pyro, Rainer trick will work for me. I should be going to bed, goodnight.
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Friday 22/07/2016, 1:50 pm
Dear Diary
The blog has been renamed to SentimentallyEgg. It’s also my two best friend’s birthdays today!
A few days ago Campanella introduced me to SentimentallyEgg, which might be a more meaningful song title in Japanese but in English it’s too funny! It’s a nice song though, I just wish I knew what Len was singing.
Eggs are hilarious to me! I’ve been joking about eggs since I was little. Knock knock! “who’s there?” EGGYGOO!!! I would then crack up laughing! This joke started because of Exeggcute.
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I have an old Neopets account named EggyGoo and a pet on my mum’s account but I can’t access my old account because I entered a random birthdate.
What else? One of my drawings has been getting a lot of attention recently. My Mimikyu Link has over 3,400 notes! I’m really happy about it.It’s also been re-posted though... I’m less happy about that.
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Sunday, 10/07/16, 10:00 pm
Dear Diary
I’ve recently found my new comfort character. After years of Toon Link I thought i’d never have another. I saw Len Kagamine and felt a spark, Oh no! I’m not ready yet! At first I rebelled against the idea but I've accepted him now. But I’ve known about Len since early high school, so why now? It feels like my interests are just recycling at this point.
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I just came back from visiting my home on the island. I told Kris about my new special interest in Vocaloid and watched Star Wars together. Normally showing Vocaloid to your parents would be considered cringe worthy but he seemed to enjoy it. After showing him Kokoro + Kokoro Kiseki he was speechless... 
I’m amazed, it really touched him. He said it reminded him of Bicentennial Man and told me about his interest in fictional robots when he was a teenager. I’m glad we where able to bond over robots/androids, out of the Vocaloids I showed him Megurine Luka was his favorite. I remember watching Bicentennial Man when I was young, I’d like to watch it again now that i’m older.
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sentimentallyegg · 8 years
Wed, 30/12/15, 2:00 am
Dear Diary I’ve finished my last trimester for the year and have been staying at my friend Campanella’s for the holidays. I’m 20, nearly 21 and I have a lot on my mind at the moment. I’ve been exhausted, just today we went to the shops with my dad and little sister. I bought Triforce Heroes and a Toon Link wallet with my Christmas money. I’m having trouble sleeping tonight and I swear I heard a clear voice who introduced themselves as “Nothing” they seemed quite happy though. I’m sure I’ve had a voice named Nothing talk to me before.
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