seimishiroh · 1 year
3:05 am | itoshi bros
— random scenarios for the itoshi brothers where you’re craving for ice cream in the middle of the night.
characters: itoshi sae x fem!reader, itoshi rin x fem!reader
genre/warning: NOT PROOFREAD !! fluff, suggestive and crack in sae’s part, reader is implied to be in their period (thats why i specify fem reader), swear words, uses of petnames, mention of period sex ?? idk do tell me if there’s more lol
a/n: i actually did this a few nights ago and my sister saw me LMAO she was like “tf u doing 🤨” 😭😭
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itoshi sae
making yourself cozy on the aisle in the middle of the kitchen, the coldness of the marble surface touching your thighs barely gets to you when the ice cream you’re eating is what you solely focus on.
waking up in the middle of the night just to satisfy your period cravings seems a little childish but do you care? obviously not when you seem to be enjoying the sugary goodness a bit too much with the way you’re humming lowly, swinging your legs back and forth on the kitchen aisle while holding the ice cream tub in one hand with a spoon in the other.
too distracted in your own little world, you don’t notice the sound of feet padding softly down the stairs towards the kitchen.
Keep reading
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seimishiroh · 2 years
VEE‼️‼️‼️‼️ HOW R U DOING ⭕️💢⭕️💢⭕️
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seimishiroh · 2 years
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seimishiroh · 2 years
Mature men when it comes to arguments. Who always sets aside their thoughts to hear you out first. Who would calmly ask, “Alright, what’s the source of the matter here?” Not to belittle you, but to ensure he understands your point of view. Men who make sure your point is well-taken before voicing their own – who listen not to reply but with the intention of truly understanding.
—AKAASHI, Kita, Ushijima, Shirabu, Kuroo, DAICHI, Osamu, Sugawara, Iwazumi, SAKUSA
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seimishiroh · 2 years
it all makes sense now...
Bruh imagine the jealous characters actually punishing you by making you lose the 50/50.
Like take Tighnari for example. His banner is currently going with Zhongli's, and since he's going to be moved to the standard banner once 3.1 hits, you decide to skip him in favour of the Geo Archon.
Except Tighnari doesn't take that well. At all.
Jealous, as he watches your hand hit the 10 pull on Zhongli, he runs over and just chucks Qiqi onto your screen. When will you learn? If only you had pulled for him instead, none of this would have happened.
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seimishiroh · 2 years
okay cool. it's my turn now tighnari.
i love him
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seimishiroh · 2 years
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seimishiroh · 2 years
what THE FUCK this broke me
This was not how you'd pictured your vacation.
You stormed ruefully down the marble steps. Your footsteps echoed, and so did the sob that tore out of you as you whirled around, facing the man who so urgently shadowed you.
"I can explain," his eyes were wild, coiffed hair desperately messy, hands gesturing wildly. "Please. Please, I beg. Just— let me explain, okay baby? I'll get on my knees. Just hear me out, okay baby?"
Atsumu sure knows how to put on an act, you realized.
All this time, you'd known he was theatrical. You just hadn't expected his performance to be so good.
"You, you beg me?" The fresh wave of tears surging stung your skin, sensitive from the millions of tears you had already shed. "That might just be the most ridiculous thing you've said tonight."
You'd thought you were playing the role of a lover. You see now you've been given the role of a fool.
Three months ago, when Atsumu showed you the reservation he'd made — a five star resort, the most luxurious spa package available, private pool access, a whole suite for the two of you — you thought he was bringing you here to propose to you.
It had all checked out. You've been living together for a couple of years, he loved your family and they loved him, and — perhaps the most soul-baring of them all — you had just told him your deepest, darkest secret. I used to be cyber bullied, you told him, blushing because you didn't want him to think that something was wrong with you, like that anonymous bastard did.
I was bullied really badly.
So badly that you had stopped going to school for the rest of the year. So badly that for the rest of high school, you took online classes for a graduation certificate instead. So badly that you'd suffered so many violent panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and nightmares that you contemplated ending things.
The next day, Atsumu had surprised you with a large envelope in his hands.
So yeah, you thought he was about to propose. Not in a million years did you think Atsumu was bringing you here to confess all these years later that he had been the bully. The one who sent all things demeaning and hateful to your inbox, the one who humiliated you for the whole school to like and comment and retweet and reblog.
"No," you spit. "You don't get to talk to me."
Your mother had cried on your behalf. Your father had gotten on his knees at the police station so they would pursue the case seriously.
"I just one thing to say," Atsumu says breathlessly. "I know I'm an absolute piece of shit. The worst. I can't even begin ta explain or make amends, ever. I know,..."
You'd prayed for revenge. And here, finally, the opportunity presented itself.
Fate took weird twists and turns, but in the end, you came out on top.
Because you knew his vulnerable spot. You knew Atsumu had a violent fear of being abandoned.
His mother had left when he was in junior high, leaving him and his brother to fend for themselves. His father was emotionally distant for most of his life. His brother had deserted their dream of pro-volleyball to become a chef, and though Atsumu spoke heartily of Miya Onigiri, you knew that deep down, the betrayal still stung.
You used to think that Atsumu's suffering was precocious, that his terror of being left behind was a sign of his humility. Now you thought it was simply a by product of being so wholly self-obsessed, of being dangerously self-entrenched.
"...just wanta let ya know. I love you. I can't undo the past—"
"That's right," you said coldly. "You can't undo the past, but I can fill in the future. I don't want to see you ever again."
Suddenly the air tore, sounding like a paper ripping in half.
Where the hell was this sound coming from? Atsumu felt like he couldn't breathe. He sunk to his knees, clutching his throat.
He looked up at you with wide eyes, clutching his throat. How could you be so composed when he was dying?
You stood still, wiping the last of your tears coolly. "Oh, you're fine," you told him. "You're only having a little panic attack. And you know what? You deserve it." You turned on your heel to leave.
"Wait!" Atsumu managed to rasp. "Wait!" He was crying, he realized. Salty tears dropped from the tip of his nose, leapt from the edge of his jawline. "Ya can be mad at me, ya can hate me, ya can want to kill me, but ya can't leave me! Ya can't not need me anymore! Ya can't go," his voice cracked.
You became a silhouette, then a speck, and then part of the horizon.
"She'll come back," he whispered to himself as a mantra. "She'll come back. She'll come back. She'll come back. She'll —" something was digging sharply into his backside. The pain managed to somewhat snap him out of his trance.
Atsumu pulled out a velvet box from his back pocket.
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seimishiroh · 2 years
husband!atsumu who unplugs cords, tightens jars, and places items around the house just out of your reach so you're forced to ask him for help when the two of you are arguing. whose heart swells ten sizes when you begrudgingly walk up to him in the living room holding a glass jar with an impossibly tight lid that, coincidentally, only an athlete could open. who tests the waters of your temper with small talk, asking things like "i'm in the mood to make some onigiri tonight, got anythin' ya want me to pick up from the store when i head out?" and "i bet ya we finally have enough room for a pup, wanna go through the shelter website with me?". who files down your sharp little edges, placing a soft kiss on your forehead when the lid finally pops open. who can't help but smile when he hears you call for him in that voice just as he's beginning to walk away, turning with a smirk as you sheepishly ask him to get the mug from the top shelf before he leaves. who ends up making 45-second microwave brownies with you instead of heading to the store, and becoming your own personal superman when the two of you settle on the couch and the TV refuses to turn on. who puffs his chest out proudly when you cheer for him as the light returns to the big screen, gushing about how smart he is as he crawls back under the throw blanket with you. who tucks your hair behind your ear when you fall asleep on his lap halfway through your movie marathon, refusing to move or disturb your slumber because this is the closest you've been to him all day since that senseless argument earlier that morning, and he's missed you so, so, so much.
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seimishiroh · 2 years
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seimishiroh · 2 years
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mitsuya , draken , mikey , kazutora , chifuyu
➭ random headcanons i have for tokyo rev boys as boyfriends
➭ notes / warnings : all chars are bonten timeskip , kazutora’s is way too long bc im biased , gn reader , no warnings.
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☆ always makes sure that you two have proper meals where you sit and eat together, since he can get tied up with work and other junk and can’t be around as much as he’d like to.
☆ adores it when you cook for him. he literally could Melt.
☆ very casually touchy when you guys are alone, like grabbing your shoulders when he walks past you or standing behind you and rubbing your back if you’re doing something at the counter or table.
☆ mitsuya is a hugger. he hugs you. all the time. in his sleep, on the couch while you’re watching a show together, in the shower, he’s a hugger.
☆ noises of confirmation when you tell stories or talk to him. (humming/nodding.) he doesn’t want to interrupt you, but wants to make sure you know he’s listening.
☆ takes candid photos of you all the time.
☆ HE BUYS YOU FLOWERS!! you always have a vase of fresh flowers on your countertop.
☆ he calls you pretty a lot. he thinks you are so pretty and makes it known.
“you look so pretty right now.”
“i’ve been awake for 30 seconds. i still have sleep in my eyes.”
“you look pretty.”
☆ sometimes when mitsuya is tired he’ll just rest his head on your shoulder and mumble or groan.
☆ he is a human heater. he is so warm to sleep beside. half the time you just ditch the blanket entirely and hug him. of course he doesn’t mind one bit.
☆ he’s like a grandma sometimes.
“do you need me to sew that for you?”
“theres a hole in your sweater, let me fix it.”
“want me to patch that for you?”
☆ mitsuya pick me. pick me pick me pick m
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☆ teases you all the time and cracks tons of jokes. you two make so much fun of each other.
☆ always calls you on his breaks at work to ask about your day, he just likes to listen to you talk.
☆ like mitsuya he’s also very casually touchy, but not just in the confines of your own home. he likes to put an arm on your head when you stand next to him or pat and hold onto your thigh when you’re sitting together.
☆ get’s you to help him do his hair in the mornings when he’s way to tired to.
☆ speaking of mornings, if you live together, draken 90% of the time relies on you to get him up in the mornings.
he gets used to you sweetly waking him up, which eventually turns into him sleeping through his alarms and you drumming on his chest to get him to wake up and turn them off.
☆ sleeps like a rock, and is about as heavy as one too.
☆ god forbid you have somewhere to be on his days off. he is not waking up unless the world sets on fire.
“ken, wake up i gotta start getting ready.”
“wake up holy shit you are literally crushing me.”
☆ he’s just shnooorrreee mimimi
☆ normally makes breakfast for himself when he wakes up before work, and always leaves you a portion of what he made in the fridge.
☆ love love loves taking you for rides on his bike. literally his favourite thing to do with you.
☆ not much of a date person? he’d much rather order food and hangout with you at home where you can both relax.
☆ i like to think you guys would try to invite everyone over every so often, and it brings draken a lot of warmth to see how well you get along with his found family around a table of food and far too many drinks.
☆ (also loves to watch you bicker with mikey.)
☆ draken is someone who most definitely treasures a somewhat domestic lifestyle with you. just waking up next to someone, eating dinner with them, and leaving leftovers for the other are things he never really got to witness outside of media growing up.
☆ (you are his first real home :sob:)
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☆ this is in my own little world where mikey got to be happy post-tenjiku like everyone else ok.
☆ a relationship with mikey would not be something that happens quickly at all. it takes a lot for him to be open and vulnerable with another person in a way he generally never has been with anyone else.
☆ so when you two start going out, you’re already beyond comfortable with each other, and have an immense amount of trust.
☆ he’s not a sappy person whatsoever, so he shows his affection by teasing you or just random acts of kindness / gift giving.
“by the way i fixed that problem with the spark plug on your bike you mentioned.”
“oh, i went back and got you that sweater i saw you eyeing at the mall the other day.”
☆ mikey and you don’t go out to big restaurants or anywhere crowded. but he does take you out a lot.
☆ you two will race down the streets of shibuya to go to your favourite cafe, or hangout at your favourite park long after dark so you’re alone.
☆ (mikey will break every road rule for a parfait.)
☆ alternatively, you two go out to eat with his friends a lot. hot pot, barbecue, bar hopping, anything. normally its you, mikey, draken, takemichi and occasionally emma and hina.
☆ you two do however also do your fair share of staying at home.
☆ mikey really treasures his alone time with you, because thats his prime time to relax and let down his walls.
☆ he loves to lay with you and tell stories about his time with shinichiro as a kid.
☆ mikey always insists you guys should watch a movie and order in on lazy nights.
he then proceeds to eat his share of food (and a good bit of yours) in 5 minutes and falls asleep on top of you 20 minutes into the movie. his ass his not waking up, get comfy.
☆ mornings with mikey are a coin flip. he’s either grumpy and refuses to get out of bed or just sleepy. normally the grumpy can be subsided with a few extra minutes in bed of messing with his hair.
☆ overall, your relationship with mikey is a very special one and he is trying his very best. you’re helping him to heal.
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☆ literally my scrungly.
☆ he is the sweetest bf i do not CAREEE my ass is not listening he’s amazing.
☆ like draken, he calls you on all of his breaks, sometimes will convince u to come down to the pet shop and see him.
“but theres the cutest kitten here you have to come meet him!”
so you go down.
“where’s the kitten?”
“aww you just missed him, he got adopted in the 10 minutes it took you to get here. lets hangout since you’re here anyway!”
☆ you’ve really gotta stop falling for it.
☆ he sweet talks you into eventually adopting a kitten with him. that cat is so spoiled.
☆ being in a relationship with kazutora is just…comfy. you guys are just used to eachother.
☆ you two make breakfast together on the mornings when you have time, and go back and forth on who gets to decide what you eat.
(kazutora just lets you decide most of the time.)
☆ kazutora’s rather clingy with you. sometimes he gets a little insecure about it, but a little reassurance and he’ll be just fine.
☆ always puts your legs on his lap when you sit on the couch together or kisses your cheek when your pass him. he loves to play with your hair, fingers, hoodie strings, he just likes to be touching you.
☆ he’s not the same way in public, pda isn’t really his thing, but he is aaaaalways holding your hand. his friends have most definitely poked fun at him for it.
☆ sometimes kazutora struggles when it comes to being a good partner, since he never exactly had a great example growing up. but he really does try his best, and wants to make things work with you as best as he can.
☆ id say he is doing a fantastic job personally! he’s always very careful with you.
☆ hugs you in your sleep, don’t you dare wake him up he’s comfy.
☆ takes notes of things like candles and drinks and snacks that you like so he can make sure you’ve always got them at home.
☆ lots of midnight gas station snack runs, and hanging out in the car in some empty parking lot.
☆ im starting to see a reoccurring theme here, but you guys stay home instead of going out most nights. he enjoys having you to himself, in the comfort of your little home together.
☆ you make dinner together, with some shitty soap opera you both make fun of playing in the background, bickering at each other throughout the process.
“no, tora, the heats too high it’s gonna burn.”
“im watching it babe its not gonna burn.”
“i don’t wanna have to remake it if it burns just turn—“
“i’m not gonna burn it im right here.”
☆ you are very happy and gross and domestic together.
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☆ i think chifuyu would be your boyfriend and your bestie.
☆ you like to hangout, and chifuyu gossips. idc. that boy likes to dish. he tells u about all the wack job customers he gets.
“so this chick starts FREAKING the hell out when we tell her no, we can’t refund the cat food you bought and already used.”
“kazutora is trying not to pop a vein, she’s banging on the counter, i have no fuckin’ idea whats even going on—“
☆ it’s the average dinner conversation in your house.
☆ chifuyu will get stuck working late a lot, when he comes home he just absolutely crashes onto you.
☆ except u have to go to bed with him for him to actually fall asleep. soz if you had something you had to do, chifuyu said its bed time.
☆ looking at chifuyu matured and living a normal lifestyle, sometimes you wonder how he used to be in such a huge gang.
☆ he is the biggest baby.
☆ you two have your own little schedule and routines. chifuyu makes breakfast, you make dinner, you do laundry, he does dishes, etc.
☆ he likes to take you out on your days off. local restaurants mainly. sometimes you just get drive through food and go on drives around the city while chifuyu steals your french fries.
☆ he’s clingy but not in the same way kazutora is.
☆ he’ll text you lots throughout the day, will poke at you to tease you, ruffle your hair, stuff like that.
☆ you guys have a pet together, and you let chifuyu pick the name of the stray black cat you adopted.
☆ he named him kei. (bawls my fucking eyes out.)
☆ i do not doubt chifuyu takes up all of the space in your shared bed. he falls asleep holding you on his side and wakes up horizontal, with you somehow still on the bed underneath him.
☆ you sleep in his clothes a lot and every single time he’ll say some stupid shit like “nice shirt, where’d you get it?
☆ i feel like chifuyu would associate songs with you. sometimes he’ll play a song in the car and say :
“this song makes me think of you.”
☆ kickin my feet a lil….
☆ life with chifuyu is a very good one, where you both relish in each other’s company and really are best friends.
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seimishiroh · 2 years
say what you will about katsuki bakugo but all those pro heroes on that field and he was the only to make shigaraki flinch.
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seimishiroh · 2 years
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seimishiroh · 2 years
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can def see drunk yor saying this 🤷🏻‍♀️
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seimishiroh · 2 years
Currently in my denial stage
"I kept chasing after you"
"Can I still keep up with you, Izuku?"
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seimishiroh · 2 years
Reblog to appreciate the writers who work harder than the devil.
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seimishiroh · 2 years
As much as artoria? Damn 😳😳
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"it's cuddling hours, enkidu."
you called out to your chartreuse-haired lover as they tilted their head to the side. "a cuddle is an act of affection, right?" they asked, not really sure what 'cuddle' means, while you burst out laughing and nodded. "yeah! and you give me the best warmth! even though you are made of clay.."
enkidu simply smiled and threw his hands around you, giving you the warmth you seek and desired. "i'll give you all the cuddles you need, despite being made of clay.."
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↝ i <3 enkidu as much as artoria tbh
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