secondhand-flannel · 11 months
In 1,000 years i hope they are still adding new destiel fics to whatever modern fic site they use by then, i hope the angel and the hunter never stop getting to fall in love
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secondhand-flannel · 1 year
"Where is Dean?"
"Good night, Cas, it's good to see you too." There is no real anger on Sam's face or in his words, just a tad of annoyed amusement. He shakes his head.
Castiel knows humans would feel embarrassment in a situation like this, but he is angel, and he isn't really going to bother with such a human emotion. He doesn't think wanting to know where Dean is is something to be ashamed of, or something so funny that Sam is clearly clearing his throat to hide his laughter.
"Good night Sam, it's good to see you and to be back." Sam's eyes regard him warmly at that, despite Castiel's awkward ways and his 'straight to the point' attitude, Sam knows well he is honest about his happiness at being back.
"He is his room, a headache, again."
Castiel winces in sympathy but he is also glad he made it back just in time.
"I'll go see him now."
Sam makes a gesture as to say "go ahead" going back to whatever he was reading on his laptop.
Castiel makes his way towards Dean's room, the one right in front of his. And it's weird, but in a good way, to know there is a place where he is always welcomed, where he has a spot to call his own.
He opens the door as quickly and quietly as possible, trying not to let the soft yellow glow of the hallway lights in, knowing how overwhelming they can be for Dean when he is like this. He closes the door, stepping inside the room, he moves to the side of the bed, bending lightly.
He could lean closer, kiss Dean's forehead and with his grace-filled kiss make the pain go away, comfort him in a way that isn't only about the headache he is feeling. Treating Dean with the gentleness and care he deserves, that's all he wants.
He won't.
He can't.
He shouldn't.
He mustn't
He knows that. The balance between them, oh so fragile. He won't ever forgive himself if he ruins their bond because of this storm of unrequited feelings inside his chest.
He presses two fingers to Dean's forehead instead, even if he could do it without touching him, and wills his depleting grace to chase the pain away.
"Hello, Dean." He whispers, still trying not to disturb Dean too much.
"You back already?"
Castiel bites back a retort, if he is in Dean's rooms it makes sense to think he is indeed back at the bunker. "I arrived ten minutes ago," he replies instead, "Sam told me you weren't feeling well."
"You used your mojo on me?" His sleepy mind seems to finally have registered the fact his headache is gone.
Before Dean can start a reprimand about him wasting his overworked powers on something like this Castiel replies, "just a little bit, if I were you I would get some sleep so you don't have a headache again in the morning."
" 'kay Cas, "a yawn, "thanks, by the way, 's good to have you back."
Castiel's hands close up in a fist, he wants, so bad, to reach out and comb Dean's disheveled hair away from his forehead.
"Sleep well, Dean." He gets a snore for an answer, and it makes him smile a little as he turns around to leave the room to head for his own.
Just a couple steps away, as far away from Dean as he is from the Moon right now.
Castiel quickly makes his way to Dean's room.
His room.
Their room.
It still makes him giddy, thing that Dean finds rather amusing, "what, Cas? You can't expect me not to find a former soldier of Heaven giggling funny."
He balances the tray he is carrying, a warm tea, a bottle of painkillers and something to eat for later, in one hand, using the other to open the door as quickly as possible, not letting the light flood the room.
Dean only groans from the bed, a miserable sound that has Castiel rushing to close the door and cross the distance to the bed.
He sets the tray on Dean's nightstand and kneels beside the bed. "I need you to sit up," he whispers, Dean's hair is getting longer and longer, he moves it back and away from his forehead, he presses his thumb lightly between his eyebrows, moving it in small circles in the same area, "I brought some of that tea you pretend to hate with honey and your painkillers."
"Thanks, sweetheart."
Castiel leans closer and kisses Dean's forehead.
Just because he can.
The touch of his lips won't make the pain away, not now that he doesn't has his grace anymore.
He doesn't care, he know the gesture is still comforting to Dean in a way. He wants him to know he is here, ready to take care of him, to keep him company until the pain meds do their job and ease the headache. That he will be here when he wakes up, and for the next headache too, that he can rest and not worry about anyone or anything else, for a while.
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secondhand-flannel · 1 year
every time i see this specific frame of cas from on the head of a pin it's like. what the fuck. i dont find misha collins attractive 99% of the time but??? ????? he's literally dying and he has the gall to look like that, how did uriel not IMMEDIATELY drop his angel blade. jesus christ
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secondhand-flannel · 1 year
and you know what YOU KNOW WHAT. they never, not ONCE, gave Sam one of these angsty plots with Cas.
Why wasn't Sam sent to Purgatory with Cas?
Why wasn't Sam seeing him (wasn't he supposed to be the psychic one anyway) after failing to save him?
Why wasn't Sam mocked by demons for having an angel friend?
Why didn't Sam lose hope whenever Cas died?
Why didn't Sam begging for his life break the brainwashing?
Why didn't Sam have to take care of Cas' dead body?
Why, mr. Kripke?
I know we joke about it a lot but truly. We know Dean is in love with Cas because Sam isn't. Sam never has been. It wouldn't make sense for any of those archs to happen with Sam because Sam isn't in love with Cas. Dean is.
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secondhand-flannel · 1 year
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“You remind me of her, actually. The attitude, for one thing.”
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secondhand-flannel · 2 years
Oh my god I just realized I'm the same age Dean was in s1
I don't fully know what to do with this information, but at least there's proof I'm not past the age threshold for wild adventures, new friends, self-discovery, and saving the world
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secondhand-flannel · 2 years
i'd end my days with you
demolition lovers by mcr | destiel
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secondhand-flannel · 2 years
i feel like every time we find out they cut something destiel related from the script it's always "oh and btw dean was in love with cas. he loved him back just making sure you know. btw." like they cut SO much of dean just caring about cas and i hate it, dean should've gotten to say it and cas should've gotten to hear it!! and I should've gotten to watch it on my tv screen!!!
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secondhand-flannel · 2 years
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secondhand-flannel · 2 years
Some fictional characters are relatable in a Gender way not because they’re nonconforming, but because they’re so incredibly into performing their assigned gender that it somehow wraps all the way around. Like, some sort of gender overflow error.
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secondhand-flannel · 3 years
dean asking sam “why don’t you like halloween? is it because of something dad did?” in mint condition is just. ough. the solidarity of siblings raised by shitty people being like ohhhhh lemme guess our dad said something horrible to you. say no more I get it
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secondhand-flannel · 3 years
Still thinking about the fact that, on my way to Junior Prom, a black '67 Impala swung into the lane beside us just as Carry On my Wayward Son started on the radio
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secondhand-flannel · 3 years
Oh look I'm crying over destiel again, must be a Saturday
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secondhand-flannel · 3 years
genuine question do deangirls cherish s1-3 dean like we do
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secondhand-flannel · 3 years
okay judgemental free zone here because I'm genuinely curious: how much of supernatural have y'all ACTUALLY watched
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secondhand-flannel · 3 years
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secondhand-flannel · 3 years
finding out about the new supernatural drama exclusively through tumblr like an archaeologist piecing together a culture from a scattering of pottery fragments
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