Child Custody and Parenting Time - What is it? - Child Custody Lawyers In Markham - https://holamlaw.com
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Child Custody Lawyers In Markham - https://holamlaw.com
Many separating parents often confuse the term custody with their child’s residency schedule. Under Ontario family law and legislation, custody refers to major parenting decisions to be made by the families for the child’s welfare, including decisions about the child’s education, major non-emergency health care, major recreational activities, and religious activities. A child’s residency schedule sets out where the child resides on any given day, including holidays and special occasions, and is often referred to as “access”, “access schedule”, “parenting schedule” or “parenting time”.
Custody could be sole, joint, or perhaps a variation of joints. Because the principal consideration is really a child's needs, determining a guardianship arrangement is certainly fact-specific. Because of this, it is vital to consult a family law attorney at law regarding custody concerns.
Determining Child Custody & Parenting Schedules can be a time-consuming and exhausting process. This issue must be examined from the point of view of the child’s best interests, rather than what each parent asserts to be his or her rights. 
It is important to note that written agreements and/or court orders resolving parenting issues are not set in stone. Child custody & parenting schedules are fluid in that they are always subject to a child’s best interests, which interests may change over time.
The legal team at Holam Law PC is adept at identifying the technical aspects of the law in relation to parenting, without diminishing its pragmatic application to life’s daily challenges. In doing so, we are able to produce effective parenting resolutions for our clients. 
The first step in resolving your parenting dispute is to contact us for a consultation so that we can understand your particular circumstances, and provide you with the appropriate insight and advice to move your matter towards a timely and child-focused resolution. 
Call us at 365-608-6161 or email us at [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.
Child Custody & Parenting Schedules – decision-making & access – access schedules – best interests of the child – parenting time
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National Homebuyers Review
National Homebuyers review by a happy customer. National Homebuyer's are a company that helps people who need to sell their property fast.
The typical seller may have a need for cash, but the property market is not moving, the seller can either consider going to auction, where the property is still not guaranteed to sell, or if it does, it just achieves the reserve, which could be very low to stimulate bidding.
This video is a terrific testimonial from a seller that utilised the service of National Home Buyers. Here is their Google review in full:
"Having done some research online, I settled on National Homebuyers. The main reason was that they appeared to be the actual buyers as opposed to intermediaries. I dealt with Chris Newman and from the outset, their process was made clear. Their process is quite straight forward. If you need to get fast cash by selling your house quickly, I can recommend National Housebuyers."
National Homebuyers are based at:
20 Victoria Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NF  United Kingdom
Tel: 0800 044 3911
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seven things you most likely didn\'t know about gynecomastia.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition in which men create an excess of breast tissue, resulting in the appearance of feminine breasts. While not frequently discussed, this condition is not unusual. In reality, it's found in nearly 70 percent of male teens. While in a young age, this condition is temporary due to hormonal flux but when it happens at an older age, it's labeled as a disease of the endocrine system.
Dr. Mikhail Berman is a trusted and honored low testosterone specialist that has helped guys in Palm Beach Gardens and the surrounding area to achieve hormone therapies and remedies. His goal is to ensure that hormone conditions and imbalances do not go unchecked. During the use of low testosterone therapy and dietary suggestions and advice, Dr. Berman has successfully helped men that are coping with an excess of breast tissue.
Testosterone Therapy Palm Beach Gardens Fl
Whilst particularly noticeable in those that are obese, this problem is certainly not restricted to individuals that are carrying a few extra pounds. Irrespective of the man total weight, excess breast tissue may lead to intense embarrassment and stress and while exercise is beneficial to general wellness, it does not necessarily help to get rid of the condition. The truth is, it's frequently only HRT that can provide relief.
Luckily, too much breast tissue doesn't present an immediate health concern. With that being said, it may indicate a serious imbalance of hormones in the body, which can cause a plethora of additional problems if not addressed.
How Can Hormone Therapy Treat Excessive breast Implants in Men?
Both estrogen and estradiol are responsible for the development of breast tissue in men and women. In men, it's testosterone that prevents the growth of the breasts from moving too far. For this reason, testosterone injections and therapy are often used as a remedy for the condition. By incorporating more testosterone into the bloodstream, low t problems can be corrected and breast tissue reduced.
While aging and gradual testosterone reduction is inevitable, this does not indicate that it's necessary to take that this hormone change, not pursue therapy. In reality, it's vital that you don't.
Aging can be hard for many, as the resulting issues can be broad ranging and significant. Not only can guys expect to gain weight and breast tissue, but mental acuity can diminish, muscles and bones may weaken, and one's interest in sexual activity can decrease. Erectile dysfunction and low libido, when resulting in less sex, can go on to lead to more hormonal issues and difficulties.
Through the use of testosterone injections, men of all ages can once again go through the health and energy of youth.
Should you find yourself experiencing any of these telltale signs of low testosterone, don't wait to pursue the essential therapy. Call the office of Dr. Berman today at (561) 841-1837 to learn more about your choices and to schedule a consultation at our welcoming practice.
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Townsville Real Estate Agencies
One of the biggest mistakes people make when selling their home is not hiring a good real estate agent. It can be difficult to know just exactly what makes a good real estate agent. An expert agent will make all the difference when it comes to selling your home. Since most people on average only buy and sell about one or two times in their life, you can't afford to make a mistake by choosing the wrong agent. Following a few tips will help you find a highly qualified real estate agent to sell your home successfully.
The first tip for finding a good real estate agent is to ask the important questions. Many people waste time asking the wrong questions. Always keep in mind that as the owner of the property, you should always remain in control. Never let the real estate agent control you. The following questions are helpful for weeding out agents that are unqualified and inexperienced. You should always test your real estate agent prior to hiring them. Some of these questions may be difficult for them to answer, but the answers will help you learn a lot about a potential agent's skills.
Questions to ask your real estate agent: How will you get the best possible price for my home? How would you rate your negotiating skills? What are the most important points of negotiation to you?l Do you have any examples of your negotiation skills? What price do you think you can sell my home for? How much commission do you charge? Is your fee negotiable? What sets you apart from other real estate agents? Don't accept vague answers when it comes to these questions. Common responses will include "it depends on the market" or "what do you want for it"? Stand firm when asking important questions. If you receive a quote from the agent, ask for it in writing or how often they sell homes for the price they quote their clients.
Another tip for finding a good real estate agent is to do your research. Check out your potential agent. Many people fail to look into their agent and end up stuck in a contract after its too late. Mystery shopping is one way you can eliminate bad agents. Start by emailing ten agents and including your phone number. The ones that don't reply are automatically disqualified. The agents that respond with a standard email as opposed to making a personal call can also be weeded out. An agent that follows through by making a personal call has a better chance of closing a sale.
Finally, remember to never pay a real estate agent anything until your home is sold and you are happy with the results. Never sign anything that will require you to pay a commission if your home does not sell. Look into the agent's advertising policies and make sure it is a professional package. Carefully review their terms and conditions for commission and advertising before you sign anything.
Following these tips can help you choose an experienced and highly skilled real estate agent to sell your home successfully. Daring and Young Property 273 Walker St. Townsville, QLD 4810 07 4728 1007 http://www.daringandyoung.com/ At Daring and Young Property we have a unique approach to real estate agencies which consistently achieves amazing results for our clients. Located in Townsville, Queensland, we constantly examine every area of our agency to push the limits of what we can offer. Being a young company we believe we can offer fresh eyes and the best service for your property management or sale or purchase by striving to offer better value to you, our clients. I want to talk a lot about our fixed rates in this area and also our outstanding services. How a new breed of realtor and agents in Townsville has emerged.
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Real Estate In Tampa Florida
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Electrical Contractors Explained; Finding the Right One
Gone are the days when fresh food, pure water, clean air, and shelter were the basic requirements of a human being. As any American native would be quick to point out, we should add "electricity" to the list of basic essentials needed to lead a good life. However, if electricity makes our lives easy, it is also the force that has resulted in the loss of over $638 million dollars worth of property and resulted in thousands of injuries in Atlanta in the past year alone.
In order to protect your family from electricity related hazards, it is important that you hire the services of an experienced Calgary electrical contractor to ensure that all your home wiring is safely installed.
The term electrical contractor refers to a firm or a business person who performs specialized construction work which is related to the design, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems. Electrical contractors function as project managers or coordinators, ensuring compliance with all regulations dealing with the electrical systems.
Different types of electrical contractors
Professional electrical contractors fall into three broad categories defined by the type of work they specialize in.
Line contractors, also known as outside contractors, handle high-voltage distribution lines and power transmission work.
Insider contractors are able to streamline electricity to any building or structure that lies within the property lines.
The job of an integrated building systems contractor is to manage any installations, upgrades or maintenance related to low voltage power lines.
All of these electrical contractors perform their respective tasks to renovate and to construct new electrical lines and systems as well as modifying established electrical wires, repairing and rewiring when necessary, upgrading old systems, and even designing unique electrical wiring systems for new structures, homes and businesses. Canadian electrical contractors are required to learn all the pertinent electrical codes and regulations that apply to installation projects in both new as well as existing structures.
These professionals are given electrical projects to complete within in a certain timeframe and under a specified budget. They must also conduct research to discover electrical code changes before beginning any remodeling work. It is the electrical contractors' responsibility to provide estimated costs for the project; the contractor will also obtain the necessary permit required to complete the assigned work on the premises.
Although finding an electrical contractor may seem as easy as performing a quick Google search, there are some important considerations to make before hiring one to complete your project.
Make sure to confirm how long the firm has been in operation.
Request a written cost estimate
Read client reviews and testimonials, ask the contractor for references
Check for licensure; when the contractor sends out technicians, make sure they have the proper certification
Although the best, most experienced contractors in the country may not be the cheapest options, the value of safe and quality electrical work is crucial. The right contractor will provide you with proper inspections and installation and ensure that your home electrical circuits are upgraded if needed. You can entrust your home and business wiring to The Electrical Connection; call today and get your project started. The Electrical Connection 4219 4th St NW Calgary, AB T2K 1A3 (587) 997-4715 http://www.electricalconnection.ca/  
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Should I plan for the unexpected? Like incapacity or sudden disability?
This is excellent and important  information about planning for unexpected events, like incapacity, or disability. However, please note the numbers are much higher in New York! - Lori...
Incapacity Planning
July 4, 2018 by Steve Hartnett 0 Comments
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People plan to die. We know it's going to happen. Perhaps we have life insurance to cover our financial responsibilities and care for our loved ones. We may have a Will to divvy up our assets at death. It's usually not something we look forward to. But, we know it's going to happen.
But, we don't expect to become incapacitated. Nobody wants to be unable to manage their affairs. But, each year countless people become unable to manage them. For some, it's a temporary illness or injury which removes their ability to function, such as a medical procedure. Others become unable to manage their own affairs due to Alzheimer's disease or some other kind of dementia. In fact, almost 15% of Americans over age 70 suffer from dementia.
You can and should plan for incapacity. Here are some ways to plan:
Disability insurance. This insurance will replace a portion of your income in the event of your inability to work. Your inability to work could be due to physical or mental impairment.
A Property Power of Attorney. A Property Power of Attorney allows you to designate someone to act for you regarding your property during your life. It allows someone to manage assets in your individual name when you are unable to make the decisions yourself. This power of attorney should allow the agent to do Medicaid Planning, discussed below.
A Healthcare Power of Attorney. This power designates an agent to make healthcare decisions for you when you are unable to make them for yourself.
A Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Authorization. This authorization designates who can access your protected health information. Without such a document, a hospital or other provider might not be able to tell your loved ones any information about your care, or even that you are in their care.
A Revocable Living Trust. A trust holds title to property during lifetime. At your incapacity (or death), your successor trustee manages the assets according to your instructions in the trust. Unlike a Will, a trust allows for the management of your assets if you become incapacitated. A robust trust will allow for Medicaid Planning with your assets.
Medicaid Planning. Sometimes incapacity can result in the need for expensive assistance. Nursing home expenses increase each year and are now over $112,000 per year, according to a recent Genworth study. Paying for such care can be very difficult. Medical insurance doesn't pay for it. Neither does Medicare, except for a very limited period of time. But, Medicaid pays for such care if you meet their strict guidelines for income and resources. In other words, it is needs-tested. Often, you can qualify by shifting assets from countable categories to non-countable categories, like a home. But, if you are incapacitated, you don't have the ability to shift those assets, unless you've given someone else the power to do that planning for you, such as in the Property Power of Attorney and Revocable Living Trust discussed above. This is very important
In addition, if you plan well in advance, you can protect even more of your resources from exposure to long-term care expenses. A specialized Medicaid Trust can be used to remove assets from consideration. Assets in such a trust aren't countable resources. It's like taking chips off the table in the casino.
Whether you want to do simple incapacity planning, or you want to protect even more assets from exposure to long-term care expenses, planning for these issues which people don't often discuss is critical.
Stephen C. Hartnett, J.D., LL.M. Director of Education American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, Inc. 9444 Balboa Avenue, Suite 300 San Diego, California 92123 Phone: (858) 453-2128 www.aaepa.com
Posted by Lori Somekh https://ElderLawQueens.com In New York, call 718.878.6732  
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Termite Season: How to Prepare
They are focused on their pursuits, they are large in number, and they are most likely chewing on your house right now. What am I referring to? Termites are pesky home invaders that can destroy your homes integrity.  They can be very subtle in their ways of destroying a house, and that is why they can never be taken for granted. Let's look at how to prevent them.
1. Do Not Keep Gardens Close to Your Home
Having your garden against your house is a big mistake. The dirt in the garden bed tends to build up above the weep-holes; giving the termites entry through the brick course, and into the timber inside.
2. Ensure There Are No Water Leaks
Termites are attracted to water. Moisture is important to keep their workings inhabitable, as they only have a tender cuticle and can dry out quickly. Termites will try to find any water source to remain alive, so if there is a leak inside your house you should have it fixed immediately.
3. Drainage and Ventilation
This is any moisture collecting under, or against the exterior of your home. Simple things like air-conditioner pipe draining against the exterior wall or a hot water system burst is enough to draw termites into your house. Poor ventilation, specifically in sub-floor areas, increases the moisture; which termites love.
4. Be Cautious of Stored Things; Especially Timber
Having objects leaning on or sitting up against the exterior wall can cause a catastrophe. This will act as a bridge for termites to use to gain entry into the foundation of your home. Timber is especially bad, as it also draws the termites, before providing access to the house.
5. Be Careful Making Additions
Avoid placing untreated timber straight into the ground and attaching it to the main structure when undertaking a DIY home renovation project.  Your best bet would be to get a professional builder to do it or hire a certified timber pest technician to examine what you want to do beforehand.
6. Check Your Yard Regularly
If you have a quick look around any timber, stumps or any trees and have a clue what termites look like, you might get an early warning. If you do find anything, your best bet would be to call a termite exterminator in Hayward.
7. Keep an Eye on the Timber in Your Home
Any defects in the timber parts of your home can be an indication of termites. Normally, termite damage will look like bubbles or ripples on the surface. If poked, your finger goes through! Be mindful of these telltale signs, and you can catch them early
8. Get Regular Inspections.
Having a pest control company in Hayward at least on an annual basis will remove a whole lot of stress. Even if you have termite protection installed, it still pays to have an inspection every year, to make sure something hasn't compromised it.  
 Although termites might not be entirely exterminated forever as they can go back and march into the home provided with the favorable conditions of their survival, with constant efforts of termite inspections and combined efforts with a professional termite control service provider, termites will not be able to cause destruction.
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Gin Bar New York City  Gin Bar New York City | Cocktail Bar  Gin Flight  
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Best Exterior Home Remodeling |(630) 343-7127| Westmont Free Quotes
You know what they say- Out with the Old, In with the New! Why not plan ahead and get a siding, window or roof estimate for your home or business? Promar Exteriors offers free local estimates and quality replacement services. Our family owned and operated business has been helping the Westmont community since 2000 and we can't wait to rock 2018. Promar Exteriors is a leading exterior remodeling company with emphasis on the installation of Windows, Siding, Roofing, Gutters and related products. We are a family owned and operated home exterior remodeling company that's licensed, bonded and insured. We built our business around the idea that if you're going to do something, it is worth doing right the first time.  Call us at (630) 343-7127 for your Free Estimate Today.  Why Choose Promar Exteriors in Westmont? - Family Owned and Operated - Illinois Licensed, Bonded & Insured - A+ Better Business Bureau Rating - 5 Year Labor Warranty Our Services: bay windows, casement windows, double hung windows, velux skylights, picture windows, basement windows, double pane windows, sliding doors, French doors, Residential and Commercial Windows, Vinyl Siding, Steel Siding, Seamless Gutters, Masonry, Modified Bitumen, Torch Down, EDPM, Rubber Membrane, Built Up Roof (BUR), PVC, Roll Roofing, Flat Roofs, Low Slope Roofs, Asphalt Shingle Roof, Metal Roofs, Wood Shingles, Tile Roofs, Composition Shingles, Cedar Shakes, and more! Keep in mind, we do work with insurance agencies on claims, if needed. We are here to take care of you!  Best Home Exterior Company in Westmont, Illinois 60559 Free Estimates (630) 343-7127 Local Siding Replacement, Roof Replacement, Window Replacement Promar Exteriors  
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Divorce Lawyer Blog
We've maintained a blog here at Ascent Law for sometime.  You can see all of our entries by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page that says "News."  That'll get you the most recent blog posts.
Not all parents are able to properly care for their children. Some parents are just leaving childhood themselves, and are not prepared for the arrival of a child, especially if they are single. In such cases, many parents decide that it is in the best interests of the child to have another family member retain custody. Later on, as a parent's situation improves, they may choose to seek child custody and take on the official role of parent. One Utah mother has succeeded in being awarded physical custody of her five-year-old daughter, who lived in another state. The child had been in the care of her paternal grandparents for several years after her father was unable to care for her; the father was awarded custody after he divorced her mother. However the mother was able to prove to the judge that she now has the means to care for the child. The grandparents, however, are planning to appeal the judge's ruling. Part of their objection lies over the fact that the child has no relationship with the mother and therefore, the sudden change of home and family will likely traumatize her. The other objection is the fact that the girl's new stepfather was found guilty of child abuse, in relation to his own child, and he lost legal custody of that child. While the judge did hand over the child to her mother immediately upon her ruling, this is a child custody case that is likely to continue on for some time until the grandparents have exhausted all their legal options. Hopefully the mother and the grandparents decide to work together for the well-being of the child.
Many Salt Lake divorce cases involve quite a bit of emotion. Oftentimes, that emotion can affect a divorcing couple's ability to try and work together through their divorce proceedings. One of the areas of these proceedings that can often become hotly contested is the determination of child custody. Many divorcing parents view this as the one aspect for which there can be absolutely no compromise. This often leads to a stalemate between both sides regarding shared parenting time. The obvious question then becomes who ultimately decides on a visitation schedule.
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In such cases, the court may actually step in and impose a predetermined schedule. In Utah, state lawmakers have created their own schedules that family courts are allowed to impose if they believe them to serve the best interest of the children. According to Title 30, Chapter 3, Section 35 of the Utah State Code as shared by Utah.gov, non-custodial parents of children between the ages of 5 and 18 should adhere to the following state-sponsored visitation schedule:
     One weekday evening from 5:30 – 8:30 pm
     Alternating weekends from 6:00 pm on Friday to 7:00 pm on Sunday
     The 4th of July, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, the Christmas holiday, the day before or after birthdays, and spring and fall school break on odd-numbered years
     Birthdays, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Pioneer Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the latter portion of Christmas break on even-numbered years
     Father's or Mother's Day if he/she is the parent being commemorated
     Two weeks uninterrupted time when school is not in session
Non-custodial parents of children younger than 5 are allowed weekly visits from one to three hours up to the time at which the kids fall under the aforementioned schedule.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506.  We will fight for you.
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Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
    Ascent Law LLC
    4.9 stars - based on 67 reviews
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Taxes and Divorce Real Estate Lease What is an Acceptable Use Policy? Alimony Calculation Drug Paraphernalia Charges Divorce Attorney Lehi Utah This article was originally posted at: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/divorce-lawyer-blog/
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How to Choose the Best Roofing Contractor in Escondido, California
If you're putting a new roof on your home, you must remember that this is a large job that requires specialized equipment and tools. There are some homeowners that may feel up to this challenge. However, this is a job that's best left to the professionals. Even if you have some of the necessary tools, have half of the construction knowledge and a few friends to help your, you may find that it's dangerous to try this project on your own.Roofing Companies are Bonded, Insured, and LicensedBonding, insurance, and licenses are needed by any contractor working on your home for some reasons. For example, if a worker drops a tool, like a hammer, and it slides down the roof and breaks your neighbor's car window, who's going to pay for the damage. If the roofer refuses to pay, his insurance company will cover the loss. That's why you need to make sure the roofer has insurance.When repairing or replacing a roof, there are thousands of scenarios that can lead to injury or damage. There may be employees who fall off the roof, employees who steal from your home, a collapsed chimney, broken window, or falling ladder. Your roofing contractor is responsible, and liable, for these mishaps.However, if a homeowner devices to re-roof their home, they're not covered. Also, anyone that comes over to help won't be covered. If your friends fall off your roof, you could be sued for negligence, and you'd lose if the case went to court.Bonding, insurance, and licenses are ways to ensure a contractor does not cause harm to their customers. That's the reasons for the many of the building laws and regulations. You always need to make sure the company you hire is covered before they begin their work.When you search for a roofing contractor in Escondido, Colorado you want to find out if their credentials are valid. Look on their website to see if their credentials are being displayed. If not, ask to see them before you sign a contract.Get a Long List of Escondido Contractors From your Family, Friends, and NeighborsAsk the people you know for a referral. After you get a list of recommended contractors, go online and read reviews. Many companies will have excellent or good reviews. If they don't, you can cut them from your list. If the contractor is not listed online or they don't have any reviews, you should eliminate them from your list as well. This will help prevent the likelihood of hiring a poor contractor who had a lot of bad reviews and changed their company name to try to escape from their bad reputation.When you've narrowed down your choices, you should get a written estimate. You can get an estimate from the representative that examines your roof. The estimate should include information about the warranty and what services are covered.Don't rely on the sales person to provide information about the warranty, price, and terms. Read the contracts thoroughly. After you accept the terms, you and the company representative should sign the contract. This makes the contract legal and binding. With a contract in place, they can't charge more, stop working on the job, or cause problems, without negative repercussions. The contract is legal proof of what you ordered, how much was ordered and what time the project should be completed.If you're replacing your roof, it may be the last one you'll need, if you make the right choice of material. For that reason, you must install it correctly and with some care. If you get the work done right, you won't need to re-roof your home for the rest of your life.Atlas Roofing - Escondido 970 W Valley Parkway #A1015 Escondido, CA 92025 (760) 546-9084 https://foursquare.com/v/atlas-roofing--escondido/59f9eebb9411f26c85762add
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How to Use an Enzyme Cleaner
Source:   http://xionlab.com/how-to-use-an-enzyme-cleaner/  
There is a pretty legitimate, strong, and furthermore chemically important factor due to which an enzyme based cleaner should be used to clean the little puddles that your favorite feline would be inclined to make.
Most, if not all of the ever-popular home-made concoctions or even the more well-known and branded commercially available household cleaners simply do not have what it takes to remove the myriad different components that usually constitute cat urine.
Yes, white vinegar can and does help, as does a liberal application of baking soda. However, both these popular remedies have one thing in common. They work temporarily at best to neutralize the horrid odor. As for the commonly named remedy for such stains i.e. 'hydrogen peroxide,' well, it has approximately thirty percent (30%) more oxidizing capabilities than chlorine or any other commonly available industrial chemical, such as bleach, for instance.
However, cat urine on the other hand is a totally different kettle of fish altogether, since its uric acid deposits necessitate the use of certain enzymes that can help break down the uric acid and completely dissolve it. With the uric acid gone, the bacteria that feast on it and thereby excrete the ammonia that gives off this particularly malodorous odor, are also removed and eliminated by default. Without an enzyme cleaner to bind it properly, cat urine will quite simply continue to stink to high heaven.
This is why you should use understand how to use an enzyme cleaner to get rid of all urine stains including both human and other mammalians species.
Cat urine is composed of the following components:
Pheromones (so as to mark territory and attract the opposite sex)
Uric Acid
Bacteria (as a rule there are no less than five different types of bacteria present in cat urine)
And all of them require different cleaning compounds unless of course, you simply learn how to use an enzyme cleaner. The main factor about cat urine is that even as it slowly dries, the uric acid already present in it is slowly broken down into food by the bacteria found inside it. As a matter of fact, it is precisely these bacteria that are directly responsible for creating this unholy stench.
But, that is not the end of it, because even as the urine decomposes substantially further, it releases certain chemicals known as 'thiols' that make the cat urine odor even worse than ever before (and if you thought that was not possible, think again!).
Let us put this concept in perspective. Skunks have a lot of thiols in their spray which is why it is almost impossible to remove the smell once you have been sprayed by this animal.
However, cats are not the only animals whose liquid waste emissions require the use of enzyme cleaners.
One of the best enzyme cleaners in the market is Xion Lab's Bio-Enzymatic Stain & Odor Remover. Its formula uses the highest quality ingredients, and it has an industry leading and certified 250 billion enzymes per gallon. This is important since the number of enzymes directly affect how fast the enzyme cleaner works. For more information about Xion Lab's Bio-Enzymatic Stain and Odor Remover, please CLICK HERE.
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The Top Benefits Of Using A Real Estate Property Management Burbank Company
Whether you're planning on buying property and renting it out or you currently own property that you're renting out, you will want to consider hiring a real estate property management Burbank in Property company. If you've never thought about doing this, you should. Here are the top benefits of using a real estate management company. 1. Screen Tenants- As a landlord, you want to make sure you have the best tenants possible and you might not notice the potential red flags when you are reviewing a potential tenant's application. However, a good property management company has reviews hundreds or even thousands of applications, which means they have a good idea of who will be a good tenant and who will likely not be a good tenant. What this means is you have a good chance of getting reliable tenants who will pay their rent on time, every time. Plus, if you're busy, then you probably don't have time to properly vet prospective tenants. 2. Tenants Contact The Company- Owning one property can be a headache at times because when a tenant has an issue, they can end up calling you at an inconvenient time. The more properties and tenants you have, the more likely this will occur, which is another reason to hire a real estate property management Burbank company. A property manager serves as a contact point between your tenants and you. When something breaks at the property you own, the tenants can call the property manager. They can even arrange for repairs to be made or handle other types of complaints. This may even free up a lot of time for you because you won't have to handle as many tenant calls. 3. Evictions And Reduce Tenant Turnover- Many landlords don't know how to reduce tenant turnover and they certainly don't like to evict tenants. However, a property management company knows what to do to reduce tenant turnover and they are up to date with eviction laws, which means if they do have to evict a tenant, they will know exactly what to do and how to do it. If you want to retain tenants for as long as possible or you want to ensure you don't have to be the one to handle the eviction process, then hire a property manager. 4. Makes Things Easier- using a real estate property management Burbank company makes things a whole lot easier for you. They handle virtually all aspects of your property and tenants, which means fewer headaches for you to deal with. You can even authorize a management company to make deposit rental income directly into your bank account, after they have collected it from your tenants. As soon as you hire a property manager, you will notice just how much less work you'll need to do when it comes to managing your property or properties. Do you want to experience the above benefits and more? Of course you do, and that's why you should hire a real estate property management Burbank company. Just make sure the company you hire has plenty of experience and offers the services you need the most.Property Management Group of Burbank 1812 W Burbank Blvd #5006 Burbank, CA 91506 (818) 330-1269 https://foursquare.com/v/property-management-group-of-burbank/59d231c06f706a3692f9a9a5
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Dentist and Urologic Database Source
Trends in dental and urology data storage have continued to over the years. Recently, data archiving has seen new advancements as well. Terms link deduplication, cloud computing and backup virtual environments have been used to describe some methods used in the circles of database archiving. One of the areas that has got attention in the IT circles is cloud computing for dentists and urologists. Cloud computing alternatives have replaced traditional on-premise applications, systems and data storage facilities as more and more companies have started to implement Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) alternatives. The arguments supporting SaaS have only become stronger and competitive pressure associated with the cost of powering corporate data centers have demanded that industries make them move. The changing nature of the workplace has also changed requiring that staff no longer work in enclosed spaces. Employees have now moved beyond the 4 walls of the traditional office. The use of the web to satisfy day-to-day needs as well as being used as a working platform has demanded that data be accessible on standard platforms. More info at:
Urology and Dentist Database Source
Is it reasonable though to expect that urologist and dentist database archiving by third-party resources augment in-house capabilities? The truth is that IT organizations have been doing this for years. Independent software developers and managed hosting companies have seen the benefits of cloud computing and SaaS and when you strip off all the hype, you will find that the benefits of making the move outweigh the risks involved.
Dentists and urologists database archiving by leveraging third-party cloud computing vendors offers greater elasticity compared to traditional hosting services. With cloud, you get higher processing and storage resources that allow you to quickly access and shut down information. To sum it all up, cloud means lower capital investments, fewer under-utilized systems that includes software licenses and less procurement delays for dental offices and urologist clinics. To be fair, these online solutions are susceptible to disruptions. To be fairly honest however, what in-house data center has not ha its own system failures and availability issues? When you put into consideration the other benefits that cloud has to offer, cloud database archiving blows the radar off the water.
Understandably, security concerns over dental and urology database archives are legitimate. Most of today's major security breaches however are caused by hackers penetrating corporate data centers as opposed to cloud vendors being compromised. Solutions to security problems have been tested by some of the largest corporations in the world and vendors have become more mature to meet these security challenges. Even when database archiving is kept local for urologists and dentists, adaptation of cloud best practices in simplification, automation, standardization and agility in an organization will make it more effective and competitive by today's cloud computing standards.
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