searsonline · 16 days
Dress to Perfection: Shoes & Work Boots for the Occasion
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In a world where we are all constantly on the move, comfort can often take a back seat, especially when it comes to our feet. From rushing to meet work deadlines to running errands, our feet bear the brunt of our daily activities. It is high time to shift our focus and ensure our feet are as comfortable and well-supported as they deserve to be. In this guide, we will explore the importance of investing in comfortable shoes and work boots, and how they can transform your everyday life.
Why Investing in Your Feet Matters?
Snagging quality footwear may seem like a mere preference, but it is an investment in your overall health. Comfortable, well-fitting shoes can prevent common foot problems, improve your posture, and enhance your quality of life.
Prevention of Foot Problems - Ill-fitting shoes are often the culprits behind bunions, hammertoes, and other foot ailments. Averting these issues means less pain and fewer visits to the podiatrist.
Improved Posture and Balance - Properly supportive footwear keeps your posture aligned and improves your balance. This reduces the risk of falls and muscular imbalances.
Enhanced Mobility - With the right shoes, you are more likely to stay active and engage in physical exercise. This will boost your overall health and well-being.
Choices for Casual Day-outs
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Sneakers - For men and women alike, sneakers are the epitome of casual footwear. They are versatile, comfortable, and available in an array of designs to suit any taste. Ideal for walks, casual meet-ups, or errands, sneakers pair well with jeans, shorts, and casual dresses.
Loafers - Loafers add a pinch of sophistication to a casual outfit without sacrificing comfort. They are suitable for more polished casual looks or smart casual occasions. Pair them with chinos or a sundress for a relaxed yet refined look.
Choices for Workplace Mastery
Oxfords - When it comes to formal business settings, Oxford shoes offer a classic and timeless option. Their sleek design and clean lines complement suits and business attire flawlessly, which makes you look polished and professional.
Pumps -For women, a pair of classic pumps in a neutral color is versatile enough to fit most office environments. Pumps provide a balance of professionalism and style. This makes you feel empowered to tackle any business challenge.
For Casual Evening Affairs
Stilettos and Dress Shoes - Evening events often call for a more glamorous outfit, and nothing shows off your sophistication like a pair of stilettos for women or shiny, well-polished dress shoes for men. These shoes are perfect for dinners, parties, or any formal event where making a fashion statement is key.
Heeled Sandals - Heeled sandals offer a wonderful alternative for those who prefer open-toed footwear. Select a pair with embellishments or unique straps for an extra touch of elegance that will enhance any evening dress or attire.
For Outdoor Comfort
Athletic Shoes - For activities such as running, hiking, or any sport, the importance of choosing the right athletic shoes cannot be overstated. Focus on functionality, support, and fit to ensure your feet are well protected for performing at your best.
Walking Sandals - If your outdoor adventures are less intense and more inclined towards casual exploration, consider a pair of quality walking sandals. Look for ones with good arch support and cushioning to keep your feet comfortable through long days of sightseeing or nature walks.
Work Boots for Enhanced Safety
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One of the most important gears for anyone working on a construction site, in a factory, or in a similarly dangerous environment is the work boots. For all those dealing with sharp tools or hazardous materials, a sturdy pair of work boots can significantly reduce the risk of injury. This footwear helps the wearer to wade through slush and other challenging terrain with utmost ease. Therefore, for anyone undertaking cumbersome outdoor projects, a pair of work boots is a must!
It is crucial to pay attention to the comfort and support of your feet when choosing shoes and work boots. Your feet are an essential part of your body that carries you through the day, so it is important to give them the care they deserve. So don’t hesitate to splurge a little on a pair of shoes that are not only stylish but also keep your feet happy and healthy!
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searsonline · 2 months
Maximizing Your Space with Reliable Small Kitchen Appliances
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Your kitchen is the heart of your home. With today’s bustling lifestyles and the rise of urban living, having a small kitchen does not mean you have to skimp on functionality. Thanks to modern small kitchen appliances, you can transform even small kitchens into a culinary haven. It is no secret that modern kitchen appliances that are not only reliable, but also innovatively designed to fit any kitchen.
The benefits of these small kitchen appliances go beyond space-saving convenience and ease of use. Read on to know how to streamline your cooking process, up your culinary game, and even save money in the long run.
Coffee Makers - Brew the Perfect Start
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A morning ritual for so many, coffee is non-negotiable. From the robust aroma to the rich taste, a good cup of coffee can set the tone for the day. Sears offers a variety of coffee makers, from the simple to the sophisticated. Each of these is designed to deliver a cafe-quality coffee experience. Look for -
Single-Serve Coffee Makers
Perfect for those rushed mornings, single-serve coffee makers provide a quick caffeine fix without any wastefulness in case you don’t need a full pot. Choose from top brands like Keurig or Cuisinart for a machine that is not only convenient but also eco-friendly, with reusable pods that help reduce your carbon footprint.
Espresso Machines
For the espresso aficionado, a compact espresso machine can turn the morning routine into a gourmet experience. It is a must-have for any coffee lover. It allows you to make café-quality espresso at home without the hassle of grinding and brewing each cup individually. Espresso machines come in a variety of types and styles, ranging from simple manual machines to high-end automatic models.
Blenders and Food Processors - Blend to Perfection
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Blenders and food processors are kitchen necessities that make life easier and more efficient for any home cook or chef. They are ultimately designed to take all the burden of preparing food in a matter of seconds, perfect for the busy household. Blenders and food processors can create anything from chunky salsa to silky smoothies and everything in-between. Thanks to various configurations out there, it is important to determine the best fit for your particular kitchen needs. Whether you are looking to save time or improve the texture of the food you make, blenders and food processors blend to perfection every time. Say goodbye to hours of dicing and chopping by investing in one of these kitchen staples. They are certainly worth it!
Fryers - Fast Flavor, Less Fuss
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For those looking to save time and add flavor to their meals, fryers may be just the solution. They make cooking easier and faster with their ability to cook food quickly and with minimal mess. While deep fryers have been around for quite some time, the innovation of air fryers has made it possible to cook fried foods with less oil and fewer calories.
Air fryers use hot air circulation to cook food, creating that crispy texture we all love without the grease and added fat. In contrast, deep fryers use oil to cook food, but they can handle larger quantities of food at once. Both of these fryers are great options depending on your cooking needs and preferences. For those who are frying up some wings for game day or cooking up some healthy sweet potato fries, a fryer can make the task easier and more enjoyable.
Toasters and Toaster Ovens - The Breakfast Companion
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A good breakfast sets the tone for the day, and a good toaster or toaster oven is an essential tool to achieving that perfect breakfast. The convenience of a 2-slice toaster means you can quickly prepare your toast while you pour your coffee or tea. If you have got a family or a big appetite, the 4-slice toaster will help you get everyone in and out of the kitchen in a jiffy.
However, for those who want a more versatile option, the toaster oven is the perfect breakfast companion. Not only can it toast bread, but it can also warm up pastries, cook eggs and bacon, and even crisp up potatoes for a delicious breakfast hash. Regardless of your preference, investing in a high-quality toaster or toaster oven will help kick-start your day and make breakfast preparation a breeze.
Stand Mixers and Hand Mixers - Baking Made Easier
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Baking can be fun, but it can also be a bit of a hassle. Measuring out ingredients, mixing everything together, and trying to get the perfect consistency can leave you feeling exhausted. Luckily, there are tools like stand mixers and hand mixers that can make the process easier and more enjoyable.
Stand mixers come in two different forms: bowl lift and tilt head. Both types are powerful and can handle larger batches of ingredients than a hand mixer. However, if you are looking for something more portable and easy to store, a hand mixer may be the way to go. No matter what type of mixer you choose, you will be able to whip up delicious baked goods with ease.
Small Specialty Appliances - The Gourmet Touch
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If you are looking to take your cooking game to the next level, investing in some small specialty or novelty appliances can make all the difference. Two appliances that truly bring the gourmet touch are the electric griddle and slow cooker.
With an electric griddle, you can easily whip up pancakes, French toast, and even grilled cheese sandwiches to perfection. On the other hand, a slow cooker is ideal for creating slow-cooked stews, soups, and the likes that are bursting with flavor. Both of these appliances allow you to create culinary masterpieces with ease and elevate your dishes.
With the right selection of small kitchen appliances, you can turn any kitchen into a functional culinary oasis. These space-saving units are designed not only with compactness in mind, but also with practicality and performance. Each appliance serves to simplify your cooking experience, allowing you to enjoy the process and the delicious recipes!
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searsonline · 3 months
Usher in the World of Bicycles to Stay Fit & Healthy
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In a world where the daily routine often leads to health neglect, bicycles emerge like silent workout accessories promising to revolutionize our well-being. From childhood nostalgia to the freedom of cruising down a hill, cycling has always been more than just a mode of transport. It offers a lifestyle benefit by helping you maintain your physical and mental health.
Let’s explore the different types of bikes available, the multifaceted benefits of each type, and an in-depth analysis of how bikes can be a game changer in your fitness routine and overall well-being.
Physical Health Benefits of Riding Cruiser Bikes
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The health merits of cycling on cruiser bikes cannot be overstated. It is a low-impact exercise that’s gentle on the joints yet powerful in its cardiovascular effects. Regular cycling can lead to improved cardiovascular fitness, better posture and coordination. It also results in significant muscle toning, since it provides proper stretching workout for your legs and core. Furthermore, it’s an ideal exercise for weight management and combating the onset of chronic diseases. Whether it is a leisurely ride in the park or an intense, calorie-burning session, the health returns are plenty. You could also choose from beach cruiser bikes for a ride along the seashore.
Mountain Bikes Offer High-Intensity Workouts
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Mountain biking has become increasingly popular over the years. Not only is it a great way to explore nature and get some fresh air, but it also provides an intense, full-body workout. This type of riding involves navigating through rough terrain, climbing steep hills, and descending at high speeds. If you are looking for a new challenge in your fitness routine, mountain bikes might be the right thing for you. But before you hit the trails, it is important to understand what makes a good mountain bike for challenging workouts.
For a high-intensity cycling exercise, you want a bike with a suspension that can handle the demands of aggressive riding. Look for bikes with front and rear suspension, as well as adjustable settings to fine-tune the ride according to your preferences and the type of terrain. Always choose the best mountain bikes that are built with sturdy frames and suspension.
Tricycles are Ideal for Beginners
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Tricycles provide a low-impact form of cardiovascular exercise that is gentle on the joints. Unlike traditional bicycles, trikes have a three-wheel design that offers enhanced stability and balance. This makes them a safer option for those who are new to exercise or have concerns about falling. This added level of security can encourage beginners to exercise more frequently and with greater confidence. In addition, tricycles have a wider seat and backrest, providing added comfort during longer rides. This is especially beneficial for those who struggle with back pain or discomfort while sitting on traditional bicycles.
Learn to Balance with Unicycles
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Unicycling is an impressive skill that can be learned by anyone. It requires practice, balance, and determination. With its unique design and curve, unicycles have become a popular mode of transportation and entertainment for many people around the world. One of the main benefits of unicycling is that it helps improve your balance. Riding a unicycle forces you to engage your core muscles and use precise movements to stay upright. Apart from improving your balance, it also strengthens your core, legs, and overall stability.
Improve Ride Quality with Bike Accessories
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Bike accessories are a great way to improve your riding experience. Not only do they add functionality to your bike, but they also offer comfort and safety benefits. Cycling can also pose certain risks, especially when riding in traffic or during the night. Therefore, equipping your bike with appropriate safety accessories is crucial to ensure a safer riding experience. Make sure you equip yourself with bike helmets and bike locks to add a touch of safety to your rides.
Due to a rise in environmental awareness, bicycles have become an eco-friendly option for commuting, as it helps reduce air pollution and ease traffic congestion. They also serve as a budget-friendly alternative to expensive gym memberships. Additionally, the flexibility and ease of incorporating cycling into daily routines make it a convenient form of exercise for people with busy schedules. Whether it is a short commute to work or a leisurely weekend ride, bicycles provide endless opportunities to stay active while enjoying the outdoors.
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searsonline · 5 months
A Beginner’s Guide to Washers: Elevate Your Laundry Game
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No one can deny the importance of a good washer in their laundry routine. And with so many options available in the market, choosing the right one can be a challenge. But don’t worry, this guide is here to help you. We have rounded up everything you need to know about washers, so you can make an informed decision and elevate your laundry game.
Types of Washers
Let’s look at the different types of washers, their benefits, and how they work.
Front Load Washers
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Front-load washers are becoming increasingly popular due to their modern look, energy efficiency, and low water usage. They work by using gravity to tumble clothes through a small amount of water, which makes them gentler on clothes than top load washers. As a result, front load washers are also the preferred choice for people who have delicate clothing items.
Top Load Washers
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Top load washers are the traditional washing machines that load clothes from the top. They are considered easy to use and can handle a large amount of laundry at once. They are a popular choice in many American households because of their affordability. Additionally, top load washers are faster and more efficient than front load washers. This is because of the convenient settings that allow you to customize your laundry needs.
What to Look for in a Washer?
Load Capacity - The first thing to look for in a washer is the load capacity. This will depend on the size of your household and your laundry needs. If you have a large family, you might want to consider a washer with a load capacity of 5 cubic feet or more. On the other hand, if you live alone or have a small family, a smaller washer with a load capacity of 3-4 cubic feet might suffice.
Energy Efficiency - A washer that is energy efficient is not only good for the environment, but it also helps you save money on your electricity and water bills. A washer with Energy Star certification is more efficient than others and may be the better choice.
Noise Level - If you live in an apartment or a small house, you might want to look out for a washer that is quieter. It can be annoying to hear the washer running in the background while you’re trying to get some work done. Look for a washer with a low decibel rating to minimize the noise.
Modern Features - Choose a model with some of the most sophisticated features like steam washing, multiple wash & temperature cycles, and smart technology. Such washing machines allow you to do multitasking, thereby letting you save your precious time.
Snag Top-Quality Washers
It always serves you well to pick washing machines that have a reputation of giving the best performance.
Consider these front load washers - LG Front Load Washer, Samsung Front Load Washer, GE Front Load Washer & Electrolux Front Load Washer
Consider these top load washers - LG Top Load Washer, Samsung Top Load Washer, & GE Top Load Washer
Top-Loading vs. Front-Loading Washers
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Top-loading washers are more traditional and often less expensive. They’re also more convenient for those with mobility issues. Front-loading washers are more modern, energy-efficient, and work well in tight spaces. They are also gentle on clothes and require less water. Consider your laundry environment and choose a washer that suits your needs.
Investing in the right washer is essential for any household. Each type of washer comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Choose the one that meets your needs, budget, and preferences. Don’t forget to consider size, durability, and energy rating when shopping for washers. With the right washer, laundry day doesn’t have to be a chore. Instead, it can be a seamless and efficient experience.
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searsonline · 10 months
Microwave Ovens - Your Ideal Kitchen Companion
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Microwave ovens have become a staple in households around the world. From reheating leftovers to cooking a meal from scratch, these handy appliances have revolutionized the way we prepare food. The convenience and efficiency that microwave ovens offer have made them an essential tool for cooking, especially for those who lead busy lives. As we continue to embrace the convenience of microwave ovens, it is crucial that we also educate ourselves on how to use them to ensure our meals are cooked to perfection every time. However, with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your needs.
Let us explore more on microwave ovens and the type of dishes each one helps prepare.
Grill Microwave Ovens with Accessories for Smoky Flavors
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Grill microwaves come with an additional heating element, which is placed on top of the cavity. This element helps in grilling and browning your food to perfection. From tandoori chicken to paninis, grill microwaves can make a variety of dishes with ease. They are ideal for people who love to experiment with new recipes and flavors. Some of the dishes that could be prepared in a grill microwave oven are as follows:
Grilled Chicken - Grilled chicken is a tasty dish that can be easily prepared using a grill microwave oven. First, marinate the chicken with your favorite seasonings and herbs. Preheat the grill mode of your microwave oven and place the chicken on the grill plate. Once the chicken is grilled, remove it from the oven and serve it hot.
Garlic Bread - Garlic bread is a perfect accompaniment to any meal, and you can easily make it using a grill microwave oven. Spread garlic butter on the bread and place it on the grill plate. Set the temperature to 200 degrees Celsius and let it grill for 5-7 minutes. Your garlic bread is ready.
Convection Microwave Ovens for Enhanced Versatility
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Convection microwaves are versatile appliances that combine the heating capabilities of a microwave and a convection oven. They come with a fan that circulates hot air inside the cavity, helping cook food consistently from all sides. In addition to heating and grilling, convection microwaves can also bake cakes and roast vegetables. They are an excellent choice for people who like to do all the cooking in one appliance. Convection oven is perfect for the following kinds of dishes:
Scrumptious Meat Treats -Convection microwave ovens are perfect for meat lovers who want to cook mouth-watering dishes in a flash. Forget waiting for hours for your beef or pork to cook. With convection microwave ovens, you can cook meat in a matter of minutes. The even heat distribution ensures that the meat is cooked all the way through, with a lovely crispy exterior. You can season your meat with your favorite spices and experiment with different flavors to create your signature dish.
Grilled Delicacies & Vegetable Delights -Convection ovens are also useful in whipping up grilled delicacies like steaks and sandwiches, and vegetarian dishes like stir-fries, curries and soups. Moreover, all these recipes can be prepared rather quickly.
Over-the-Range Microwave Ovens for Optimal Convenience
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Over-the-Range microwaves are built to be installed above the cooktop or range. They come in various sizes and can fit a wide range of kitchen spaces. OTR microwaves come in various types, such as convection, grill, and solo, depending on your preference and needs. They also come with additional features such as venting options and built-in lights. This cooking appliance is ideal to prepare the following:
Baked Potatoes - One of the easiest dishes you can prepare in an over-the-range microwave oven is baked potatoes. Simply wash and poke some holes in the potatoes, wrap them in damp paper towels, and place them in the microwave. Cook them on high for 10-12 minutes, and you will have perfectly tender baked potatoes.
Mac and Cheese -Did you know that you can make mac and cheese in your over-the-range microwave oven? Simply cook your pasta according to the package instructions and mix it with some milk, cheese, and butter in a glass dish. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and cook on high for a few minutes until the cheese is melted and the sauce is bubbly. You can add some bread crumbs on top for a crunchy texture.
Built-in Microwave Ovens for Convenient Placement
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When it comes to cooking, the built-in microwave oven is an amazingly convenient appliance to have in your kitchen. But, the great thing about it is that it can do much more than just reheating leftovers or making popcorn. With the right technique and the right recipe, you can prepare delicious and healthy dishes in no time. Some tasty dishes it helps prepare are:
Chocolate Mug Cake - Craving something sweet but do not want to go through the whole process of making a cake? Try making a chocolate mug cake in your built-in microwave oven. In a mug, combine flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, oil, milk, and vanilla extract. Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes, until it is cooked through.
Steamed Veggies - Eating healthy does not have to take up a lot of your time. Steamed vegetables are a perfect example of a quick and healthy dish. Place vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and green beans in a microwave-safe dish with a lid or wrap, add a tablespoon of water, and microwave them on high for 3-5 minutes.
Countertop Microwave Ovens are Ideal for Common Households
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In today’s fast-paced world, everyone is looking for quicker ways to get things done, including preparing meals. Countertop microwave ovens have been a favorite in households for years due to their ability to prepare dishes quickly and easily. Most of the dishes are super simple and can be ready in just a few minutes. That means everyone, even busy professionals, can eat healthy and delicious meals, even with limited time on hand.
Some Other Ovens
Wall Ovens
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Wall ovens are a must-have appliance for all avid bakers and cooking enthusiasts. They offer many benefits, including ample space, multiple-rack systems, and programmable settings. When purchasing a wall oven, make sure to keep in mind the considerations mentioned and choose the one that best suits your needs. Wall ovens are categorized based on the kind of fuel used in the appliance. Electric wall ovens and gas wall ovens are the most common types available in the market.
Warming Drawers
A warming drawer is an appliance that is specifically designed to keep food warm, moist, and fresh until it is time to serve. They are also equipped with temperature control options, allowing you to set the temperature to match the type of food you are serving. The warm moist environment keeps food like casseroles, roasted vegetables, baked goods, and meats from drying out while keeping it warm until you are ready to serve.
Warming drawers are available in different styles, including models that are built into cabinetry and others that sit on top of your kitchen countertop. They come in different sizes and are designed to accommodate different types and sizes of cookware.
Microwave ovens are no longer just appliances that help you reheat leftover food. With various types of microwave ovens available in the market, you can cook and experiment with new recipes with ease. Depending on your preference and needs, there is always a microwave oven that caters to your requirements. From warming up food to grilling and baking, microwave ovens are versatile appliances that can save you time and effort in the kitchen. All you must do is choose the one that suits you best and savor your taste buds with the best microwave ovens.
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searsonline · 1 year
Knock out Dust and Allergens from Floors and Indoor Air
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Vacuum cleaners are a convenience that many of us have come to rely on. From corded and cordless vacuums to upright and canister vacuums, Sears has much to offer in terms of appliances that help maintain living spaces in tip-top condition.
Choose from a Wide Collection
Shark, Bissell, iRobot and other trusted brands offer their latest in vacuum cleaners. Cordless vacuum cleaners offer the convenience of mobility, which is limited with corded vacuums since you’ll have to switch power points around the house, restaurant or office to clean different rooms. However, corded vacuums have a higher dust collecting capacity when compared to cordless ones. In addition, the canister doesn't need to be emptied frequently, which limits your exposure to allergy-causing particles. Try the Shark Navigator Lift-Away Speed Upright Vacuum with Self-Cleaning Brush Roll for unbelievable maneuverability on bare floors, carpets and furniture. The self-cleaning brush roll removes hair nonstop, while Anti-Allergen Complete Seal technology and a HEPA filter zap dust and indoor allergens.
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A portable vacuum is a smart choice since you it lets you clean a mess wherever it’s made. The Bissell 2033 Featherweight Lightweight Stick Vacuum is one such appliance that converts into a hand vacuum in a single step, letting you store or transport it easily. Weighing as little as 3lb, this machine has a dirt cup that’s easy to empty and a versatile crevice tool for corners and narrow spots.
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Clean with Next-Gen Technology
Robotic vacuums go a step further to simplify housekeeping and give you more time to do other chores or enjoy some downtime. If you suffer from joint or mobility issues, using a robot makes sense. Powered with wi-fi, these vacuum cleaners like the iRobot ROOMBA675 R675020 Roomba 675 Robot Vacuum with Patented Dirt Detect sensors, are compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and other Smart devices, and can do almost all the work of cleaning on their own. This self-charging machine can sense differences in surfaces and adjust accordingly. Irrespective of hardwood or carpet floors, the robot can comfortably suck in any debris, small or large. You can track the vacuum even when you're not home using the iRobot HOME app on your smartphone and come back later to see thoroughly cleaned floors.
Filters are essential for the proper functioning of any vacuum cleaner. HEPA filter kits are high performing and trap microbes and even the finest particles as small as 0.3 microns. Other attachments like brush rolls, motor belts, hoses, crevice tools, cleaning pads and replacement bags are always available on Sears. You can find the exact part needed for any of the popular vacuum cleaners.
Tough on Stains
Stuck with heavily stained carpet floors? Read about carpet cleaners like the Bissell portable carpet cleaner with 2 brush tools, which is a workhorse designed to remove stubborn spots and stains from upholstery, carpets, stairs and more. You can even check out specialty mops like the Shark 1.55kW pocket mop and other related options for floor cleaning.
Browse through the different categories of vacuums and floor care and find many options that fit your requirements. Sears has got you covered with a large assortment of cleaners to keep your surroundings hygienic and neat. Also, you can read more on sears blog to go through a whole bunch of products that add a sense of style and luxury to your home. 
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