sdmnshitt · 6 years
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Modern Disney Princesses 
Instagram | kmmcmdraws
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
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vik finally made it to the aquarium! I’ve never been so happy. This is so cuteee
844 notes · View notes
sdmnshitt · 6 years
Musically - Tobi
Warnings: Swearing
Words: 1.5k
Request: Hiii! Can I please request a Tobi or Simon imagine (I don’t know if you do Tobi, so preferably Simon tbh) where Y/N is a YouTuber and is dating Simon and she does a video recreating musically’s so she like belly dances/twerk and stuff, and Simon or Tobi get teased or jealous bc she’s really good and everyone’s going on about how good she is? I don’t really know, but something like that please
A/N: I thought i would do this for Tobi as i’ve already got a request for Simon!
I’m using The Gabbie Show’s ‘ REMAKING CRINGEY F*CKGIRL MUSICAL.LYS! ‘ as a basis so if you want to understand what im on about you might wanna watch it, if you want to
——–> Click Here <——–
Thank you for requesting!
You and Tobi had been dating for just over a year now, you met at a youtube/gaming convention and hit it off pretty much immediately, a few weeks later he asked you on a date and you two had been dating ever since
 Both of your fans loved your relationship, you had your own youtube channel with 4+Million subscribers and Tobi loved every minute of it, always jumping at the chance to have you on his channel so he can show you off 
You had uploaded a video the night before and Tobi hadn’t had a chance to watch it and him, being the good boyfriend that he is, wanted to watch it before you arrived at his flat later the day, he had already been tweeted about you so many times so this video sparked his intrest, well that and the fact its had 1.5 million views in the 14 hours that its been up for off
 “Hey guys whats up its Y/N here and today I am going to be remaking cringey fuckgirl musciallys, this isn’t going to go well” A voice spoke through the speaker of the laptop that was in front of Tobi and Freezy 

For Tobi, it started out pretty innocent, him admiring how perfectly you recreated the musically’s and how beautiful you looked while doing it
 Tobi’s thoughts were interrupted when a loud sigh left his friends lips, he noticed how Cal’s eyes were fixed on your body, his eyes staring hungrily he didn’t like the feeling he got when he saw the look in Cal’s eyes
Ignoring his paranoia of him thinking one of his best mates wanted to fuck his girlfriend, he focused back on the screen, seeing that you were recreating a musically to the song ‘Work’ by Rihanna and his thoughts changed, half of his mind went blank in slight anger at his friend for watching you so intensely and the other half caught up on the way your body moved on the screen, your hips messing with his mind making him think about how you moved them for him
But he knew now wasn’t the time to get excited as he watched you move onto your next musically, the song “Shape Of You” by Ed Sheeran began playing and his face changed one last time as your version of the musically began to play and he heard a faint whisper next to him say “Fucking hell” triggering another look over at Cal who seemed even more in to the video than before, he loved you and didn’t really want his friends looking at you in the same light that he does Tobi paused the video and looked over at Cal
“You okay bro?” He asked making Cal look back at him
“Yeah course” he responded
“You seem really into this video”
“I mean-it’s a good video I enjoy watching Y/N’s videos and well it’s not like she’s bad at what she’s      doing” he chuckled, gaining an dagger off of Tobi
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, his voice abit more defensive now
“I just mean that if she wanted to she could become a dancer or something, she’s got the body and the face for it too”
“Do you have some sort of weird crush on my girlfriend”
“I don’t have a crush on her Tobs I just think that she’s really good at this and she looks really good while doing it, she just does it so well it’s hard to not imagine things”
Tobi didn’t respond to that, he didn’t know how he just stood up and left, going to his own flat and lying on his bed sighing loudly He didn’t know why he was angry he just was, he didn’t want other boys, especially his friends, thinking of you in certain ways that he feels should just be a personal feeling between the two of you
He knew you were going to be at his flat sometime soon so he decided to edit to distract himself, he didn’t want to take his anger out in you just because he was jealous, obviously that’s not what happened though Curiosity took over Tobi and he ended up back on your video, finishing the last few minutes, liking it and then scrolling and reading a few of the comments, he didn’t see anything bad to begin with just the simple supportive ones
“Oh my god this is so good!!”                                            
“Y/N your my favourite youtuber keep doing what you doing”
They made him smile, even though they weren’t for him he enjoyed seeing the amount of support his girlfriend got on youtube, he knew he wasn’t going to be that lucky that all the comments would just be about how much of an amazing youtuber you were He was right about that, after scrolling down for a while the comments became abit more explicit, one caught his eye more than the others 
 "9:13, I bet that’s not the only thing those hips can do baby" He saw that it had near enough 300 likes and many replied agreeing and bluntly saying that they like to fuck you in many different ways He decided to click on the time and the video skipped forward to the Work by Rihanna musically, he understood why people love it as he did too, he just wasn’t impressed with certain peoples reaction to his girlfriends dancing and how it was so similar to his  He gave up after that, he knew that the only person he was bothering was him self so he gave up, deciding now would be a good time to lie down until you arrived at his Not long after, you arrived at his door, unlocking it and walking in going Straight to Tobis bedroom, as that’s where he always is Walking in you see him sitting on his bed with his head in his hands, clearly not hearing you walk in
 "Tobi?“ You questioned making him look up and you “you alright babe?“
  “I’m fine, how are you?” He brushed off the question and tried to change the subject off of him and onto you, but it didn’t work
 “I’m great, are you sure your okay?” You went and sat on the bed next to him He simply just smiled at you and lent against you, sighing loudly You looked up and seen his computer screen was on a YouTube comment page, automatically thinking it was his your stood up and sat in his chair looking towards his screen, his eyes watching you the whole way You scanned through the comments, instantly knowing that they weren’t on one of his videos, you scrolled to the top seeing your video paused You sighed
“Why were you reading the comments on my video babe?” You asked slightly confused and concerned, spinning around in his chair to face him “Is that what’s bothering you?”
 “I just” he started and sighed, pulling the chair closer to the bed so you were face to face and holding your hands in his “I just don’t like seeing other guys say those things about you, the video was amazing don’t get me wrong I loved it, I love all of your videos, I know i can’t prevent it but seeing other guys say certain things about you makes me feel a certain way and I don’t like it”
 “Are you jealous?” You asked, shaking your head with a small smile playing on your lips
 “Of course I’m not”
“Don’t lie to me baby I know you are” you started laughing slightly, leaning forward so you were closer to him “You don’t have to deny it, I think it’s cute. But you have no reason to be jealous, these guys are behind a computer screen writing stupid comments on girls videos, honestly baby you have nothing to worry about" He sighed, you stood up and laid down on his bed, holding out your arms for him to lie down next to you, with he did, wrapping his arms around you and leaning his face into your chest
“I know, I just wanna be the one who gives you those compliments, I don’t want someone else to come into the picture and sweep you off your feet with the things I should be saying to you do I?” He spoke lifting his head up and moving so he was face to face with you, leaning his forehead against yours with his hand still wrapped around your waist pulling you close to him 
 "I’m in far too deep with you for me to even think about leaving you Tobi" With you reply he gave you a soft smile before connecting his lips with yours, placing a light lingering kiss before pulling away  "I love you more than anything you should know this Tobi" you spoke once again, reassuring him that you wouldn’t leave him for anyone
 "I love you too baby" ending with another kiss to the lips, this one longer and passionate, like you were both trying to show how much love you both had for each other through this kiss Eventually you pulled away smiling at him You spent the last few hours of the day cuddling and watching any movies you could find
Tobi was all you could ever want, the kisses and cuddles were just a bonus for you
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
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Puppy - Sami Takarautio
14K notes · View notes
sdmnshitt · 6 years
Suite 305
Pairing: Reader X Harry
Warning(s): Not really, some swearing at the end and also some suggestion on sexual activity.
Requested(?): Yeah!
Additional Notes: I might write a part two for this, depends how you guys enjoy it! I didn’t enjoy writing this as much as others, but hopefully that doesn’t show in my writing!
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(Reader’s POV)
This felt like the millionth time Simon and I were having this argument. He was always surrounded by beautiful girls and he welcomed their flirting with open arms, and after a while of biting my tongue, I burst. That was two months ago, and here we were, still going through the same thing. We were no longer able to keep the tension between us secret, the boys soon caught on to the fact that we weren’t as close as before. I spent most nights in the spare room, usually because of an argument before bed. The boys didn’t want to get involved understandably, but when the arguing would continue when we went on holidays and trips, I could sense their annoyance.
I was on my 5th or 6th drink in the club when I spotted him flirting at the bar. Usually that was my cue to kick off, resulting in us going home prematurely. I focused my eyes on something else, deciding to myself that I needed to have a good time and ignore him. I got up from the large booth that the boys had booked, and made my way onto the dance floor.
The sweaty bodies surrounding me made the atmosphere exciting, the music piercing through my ears made my heart beat harder. I felt hands on my hips, and I whipped my body around to see who was intruding my personal space. Harry?
“You’re not usually on the dance floor” He chuckles, pulling me closer to let me hear him easier.
“I just need to forget about some stuff, you know? Have a good time!” I yell, moving my body in sync to the music playing. He nods his head in agreeance, pulling some ridiculous shapes. I could feel the vodka starting to affect my body, as the sound of music became slightly muted. I hadn’t realised I was basically grinding on Harry, until I felt his member pressing into the small of my back. Suddenly, he grabs my hand, dragging me through the crowd of sweaty dancers and out into the smoking area.
“Harry where are we goi-“ I start, but I’m interrupted with his lips pressing against my own. It felt wrong at first, but then something changed and I found myself kissing him back. My back is pressed gently against the cold, brick wall as our lips continue to move together.
We remained like that for five or so minutes, before his hand started moving lower and lower down my torso. It had been weeks since Simon and I had been intimate, meaning a movement as little and subtle at this caused a moan to escape my mouth. The adrenaline was egging me to do more, the idea of getting caught causing my drunk mind to become more excited by the second.
“I don’t care how drunk I am, I can’t do this outside” He tells me between kisses, I nod my head. “Where can we go though?” He adds. I lived with Simon, so that was a no go. Harry lived with the two Cal’s, so, also a no go.
“I-I don’t know” I stutter, the vodka was fuzzing my usually quite intelligent brain.
“I’ll just book us in somewhere for the night” He smiles into the kiss.
“Let’s go then” I smirk at him.
“Get a taxi to the Hilton, I’ll meet you there” He tells me, I nod, double checking my clutch for cash. I give him one last peck on the lips before heading over to hop into the waiting taxis. After the short journey, I was left waiting for less than five minutes before Harry’s taxi pulled up. He grabbed my hand and I followed him through the lobby while he asked for a room.
“That’s going to be around £200 due to the late notice, sir” The receptionist tells him. He can’t shove his card in the machine quick enough, the lady soon gave us a room key each.
We had to hold it together in the elevator, due to the fact that we were joined by a family of five. Once again Harry grabbed my hand when the doors opened, and was almost sprinting towards suite 305. “Harry, you didn’t have to get a suite” I sighed at the drunkenly romantic gesture, a small smile sat on my lips.
“What can I say, money can’t buy you happiness, but it can certainly go towards great sex” He laughed, but stopped once he realised how bad it sounded. “I wasn’t calling you a hooker i-“
“I know what you meant” I giggled, joining our lips together again. Less than ten minutes later, all of our clothing was scattered around the floor, his bare body hovering over mine in the king size bed.
I woke up, head not as sore as I expected it to be. I was completely naked, the thick duvet being the only thing separating my bare body from the chilled air of the hotel room. Okay, so last night wasn’t a dream. I look over, and Harry’s still sleeping. I wonder if he remembers? Or if he thought it was a dream too? His hair was slightly greasy, probably because of all the sweat from the club and.. other activities. The blinds were wide open, and I could see the rushing traffic below us from the bed.
A loud siren emerging from around the corner was enough to stir Harry awake. He rubbed his eyes, looking around the room, eyes landing on me.
“Oh dear” He sighs, throwing himself back onto the bed. I mimic his reaction. “I’m not even going to pretend I don’t remember every single detail because I do” He admits, turning his head to face me.
“This is bad” I tell him, to which he nods in response. I pick up my phone from the bedside table, 3 missed calls. That wasn’t too bad actually, I expected worse. There was also a text from Simon.
“Where are you? I couldn’t find you so I had to leave on my own” It read.
“Ten missed calls? Are you having a laugh?” Harry states, staring at his phone.
“From who?” I ask.
“Simon, Cal, and Josh” He replies, my eyes widen.
“Do you think he knows?” I panic, sitting up straight. “I only have three missed calls, what if after the third they realised you weren’t answering either, and put two and two together?!” Just as I finished my sentence, Harry’s phone starts ringing again, and it’s Simon. He looks at me, clearly unsure on whether to answer it or not. I nod, and he picks it up.
“You alright mate? I’m just in the toilet so I’m putting speaker on” Harry tells him. I cover my mouth, trying not to let of any sign that I’m here.
“That’s fine, I was just wondering if you had seen Y/N? She didn’t come home last night and I’m a little concerned” Simon quizzes. Does he know?
“Sorry, not seen her. Try calling her again, you might manage to wake her up” Harry tells him. Just as he finishes his sentence, my ringtone starts blaring out, a phone-call from Josh incoming.
“Did Harry bang?” Simon laughs, not making the connection.
“She’s not answering mate, I’ll try once more” Josh says in the back-round, my ringtone stopping and coming on again in sync with his call.
“Wait a minute” Simon says. “Shh” He shushes Josh. “Harry why do you have Y/N’s phone?” Harry panics, not knowing what to say.
“I uh, i-“ He tries.
“No fucking way” Simon yells. “You’re with Y/N?”
“Maybe she’s in the flat, I’d need to go check” Harry rushes.
“You’re not in the flat you’re at the Hilton. I heard you get into your cab last nig-” Simon starts. That’s it, caught. “You’re fucking dead, Lewis”
“No, its not what you think she’s not here” Harry tries to explain. “She said she didn’t want to go home to you, so I got her a room. She left her bag with me by accident when she rushed into her room” His excuse is good, let’s hope it’s enough.
“Facetime me. Right now, don’t hang up, don’t move, just facetime me. Since you have nothing to hide, right?” Simon asks, I hurry into the bathroom quietly, as Harry accepts the Facetime request.
“See, not here” Harry says, in the most confident voice he can manage at this point.
“So am I meant to pretend that’s not Y/N’s dress in a crumpled heap next to your fucking boxers?” Simon rages. Fuck. “Just you wait ‘till I get my hands on you, you fucking little cunt”
ooooooh shit
Hope you enjoyed! Part two?
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
Not Alone
A pair of wide, frightened blue eyes peered over a haphazard stack of history textbooks. The library they scrutinized was pitch-black, except for the occasional flash of lightning from the storm raging outside its towering windows. Maybe another eleven-year-old would have been cowering away from a phantom or a storybook monster, but this one wasn’t. Adam was hiding from his own father.
The room seemed to be empty. Satisfied, the boy shrank back into his little alcove. He was still small enough to be completely obscured by the thick tomes forming a barrier between him and the rest of the library. Thunder shook the shelves as rain pounded against the walls; he shivered. When his father had flown into a rage that afternoon, Adam’s only thought had been to flee. Now, hours later, night had fallen, and the fire in the ornate hearth was nothing more than ashes. He was almost tempted to risk returning to the West Wing (how luxurious a warm bed seemed!), but the thought of meeting his father along the way kept him rooted firmly in place.
His father’s anger was getting worse. He would fly off the handle at the slightest things, screaming at his son and calling him useless, too soft, too empty-headed, and so much more. Once - just once, so far - he’d grabbed Adam’s arm so hard it went numb.
“Don’t you ever walk away from me, boy!” he’d shouted, so forcefully that spit had flown through the air.
How had everything gone so wrong? Only a few months ago his maman had still been alive and well. He missed her so much. It was painful to even look at her rose gardens, let alone remember the lullabies she’d used to sing him. Sometimes, though, when he was especially tired or scared, he imagined he could still hear her voice.
A shy giggle rang out over the ruckus of the storm. Adam’s thoughts came to a screeching halt, his heart pounding in terror. Who would be in the library at this hour?
“We’d better not get caught,” the disembodied voice of a woman whispered, followed by another soft giggle.
“We won’t, mon amour,” replied a man’s voice cheerily. The wind was howling like a wild animal, but it didn’t quite drown out the sound of their footsteps as they approached Adam’s hiding spot. He pressed back against the wall as far as he could - and knocked over a volume on medieval serfs in the process.
The voices, which had been whispering to one another, silenced at once. Adam hardly dared to breathe. He squeezed his eyes shut, unable to block out a flickering glow that grew brighter with every second.
Suddenly, he heard a loud gasp. “Oh, mon prince, what are you doing back here?” Two pairs of gentle hands lifted him out from behind the books, guiding him away from his shelter. Adam cracked open his eyelids, chancing a glance at the voices’ owners. He nearly collapsed in relief when he realized who it was.
Lumiere picked up his candle from one of the shelves, illuminating the uncharacteristic solemnity lining his face. Beside him, Plumette took off her thick, woolen shawl and wrapped it around Adam’s thin shoulders; he hadn’t realized he was trembling. “Th-thank you,” he mumbled, clutching at the warm fabric.
It was odd to see them like this. Neither one had a wig on (Lumiere’s messy brown hair was almost shocking), and they looked so much more casual than they did during the day. The strangest part, however, was how serious they’d become once they’d discovered him.
Plumette brushed a lock of Adam’s golden hair out of his face. “Are you hiding from your father?” she asked in a hushed whisper. He nodded mutely. Plumette’s gaze flickered to Lumiere, and some sort of unspoken understanding seemed to pass between them. He wondered for a moment what it would be like to be as close to someone as Lumiere and Plumette were to each other.
“Come with us,” Lumiere said. Plumette draped her arm loosely around Adam, leading him after Lumiere. Adam’s feet were numb, and so was his mind. He barely noticed as they left the library, or as they slipped down the hallways as silently as ghosts. A small part of him kept a lookout for his father; every shadow seemed to have the man’s elaborate hairstyle or tall frame or cruel laugh. He didn’t notice Lumiere and Plumette exchange a meaningful look with each other after Adam glanced anxiously over his shoulder for the umpteenth time.
As the three of them descended a narrow stone staircase, a wave of warmth and the smell of freshly baked bread enveloped Adam. The kitchen was empty, but a fire was smoldering in the oven and candlelight washed the room in a comforting aura.
Adam sat hesitantly at the wooden table while Lumiere and Plumette busied themselves with something he couldn’t see. He hadn’t been here since before his mother’s death. Oh, how he’d missed the friendships he had with the staff - sometimes it felt like they were more his family than his biological one.
“Be our guest,” Lumiere joked a few minutes later, setting a steaming mug of hot chocolate in front of Adam. He wrapped his icy fingers around it gratefully; Plumette and Lumiere sat down across from him, each with their own mugs.
“It’s not right, what he does,” Plumette said abruptly. Her slim fingers curled into a fist on the tabletop; Lumiere placed his hand on hers.
“Rien n'est éternel,” he pointed out. “Soon this will all be a memory. Until it is, though, we’ll always be here for you, mon petit ami.”
Slowly, Adam smiled at them, something he hadn’t done since before his mother’s death. True, it was a little weary, and a tiny bit rusty, but it was a smile that held hope. He wasn’t alone. For now, that was enough.
Adam stifled a yawn. The storm outside had lulled to a steady, comforting rain, and the hot chocolate was making him drowsier by the second. Despite his half-asleep state, a sudden thought occured to the boy: “What were you doing in the library?”
Plumette and Lumiere blushed.
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
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203 notes · View notes
sdmnshitt · 6 years
Change Your Mind (Pt. 2)
Pairing: Reader X Simon
Warning(s): Several mentions of sexual activity - also some swearing!
Requested(?): Yes!! I was so happy to see you all loved the first part :)
Additional Notes: This was written almost a year and half after the first part, so the writing style does change a little bit, so apologies for that! Also if theirs any spelling mistakes i also apologise, my microsoft word spell checker isn’t worker atm lol
Word Count: 2.2k
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… … … . 
I woke up well into the afternoon, direct beams of sunlight coming from the open window struck my eyes and made the headache I was harbouring ten times worse. I must’ve lay in bed for at least an hour before finally peeling myself from the warmth of the blankets covering me, I almost stumbled out of my bedroom door.
Simon’s door was wide open, so as I was walking to go downstairs I went slightly slower, peeking to see if he was inside. Nope, not in there.
I continued the long trek to the kitchen, slamming open the fridge and chugging almost a bottle of apple juice. “Quite the hangover then?” A voice asked from behind, causing me to jump a little.
“Fuck me man, I almost shat myself, don’t do that” I moan, turning around to see Josh sat at the island. “But yes, hangover from hell” I reply. “How’s Simon?”
“Not seen him today, wasn’t in his room when I woke up. That was at around 10ish, not been home since” He informs me. I give him a confused look.
“That’s odd. I suppose he probably has to go speak to his family about last night” I offer a suggestion, to which he shrugs in response. “I feel awful”
“Why do you feel bad?” JJ interupts, waltzing into the room looking just as hungover as I was.
“She likes him” Vik chimes in, also entering.
“What?! How do you know that?! Who else knows that?” I panic, suddenly wakening up a little.
“Everyone knows, it’s so obvious. Well, except for Simon clearly” Josh chuckles.
“Oh my god what if he does know? He’s going to think all the chasing I did after him last night was because I wanted him for myself, not because I cared!” I put my head in my hands, leaning my elbows on the kitchen island.
“He doesn’t know, there’s no way. No offence, but he was too obsessed with Vanessa to take notice of all the things we took notice of” Vik says, cheering me up a little bit. “That’s why Ethan let you go with him on your own yesterday”
“I just want the best for him you know? If that’s not me I’ll get over it someday” I say, quite sadly.
“Y/N, you’ve liked him since the Sidemen became a thing. You’d be over him by now if that was the case” Josh giggled.
“That’s because I was holding on hopefully. I think it’s time to give up and get over it” I look down at the apple juice, fiddling with the lid.
“Get over what?” A new voice enters the conversation, causing everyone’s head to lift up. It was Simon.
“Nothing, just another one of Y/N’s internet crushes” Josh saves my life, chiming in quickly.
“Where even were you bro?” JJ asks, turning his chair around to face the blonde.
“Why’s that anyone’s fucking business?” Simon yells back, storming off up the stairs, no doubt to his room. We all look around, everyone sharing the same shocked and confused look.
“I’m going to my room, if I make it there alive” I joke, taking my juice and following him up the stairs. Similar to earlier, I slow down slightly as I walk past his door, this time deciding not to peak in. I get to my room and just lay on my bed. I had to move on, I couldn’t grasp on to the idea of a relationship with Simon forever.
As I closed the blinds on my window, I looked outside to see Talia’s (Just for some context, in this story, Talia is Simon’s ex, who left before he got with his ex-fiance) car pulling into the driveway. I debate for a few seconds on whether to go ask the boys why she was here, but decide against it.
It made me so incredibly jealous that he still felt the need to confide in her. We all knew what they were doing in the bedroom whenever he had a problem. It hurt. I was his best friend, I could be a shoulder to cry on, but he clearly didn’t see it like that, and that was what pained me.
I sat on my bed, crying, for what felt like hours. In reality it had only been around thirty minutes, however, I had come to the conclusion that it wasn’t worth it anymore.
I had to leave. There was no chance in hell I could move on whilst living in a house with him, watching him fuck his way through life. This was the new beginning I needed, and chapter one, was moving out.
After keeping it quiet for weeks, packing silently whilst nobody paid attention, today was my moving day. Josh knew I was leaving, but as far as I was aware, nobody else did.
I had been taking boxes to my car for the past half an hour, cramming as much in as possible.
It wasn’t until I saw my room empty that the idea really hit home. I’m leaving, and although the boys weren’t all that aware, I wasn’t coming back.
“What’re you doing?” A voice chirped from behind me.
“Moving” I said, a sigh followed after. I shut my room door for the last time and turned to face him. “I’m leaving” I smile lightly at the tall, blonde figure.
“Wha- why?” He asks, stopping me from walking past. His touch still sent shivers down my spine
“Do you want me to lie to you?” I ask, plucking up the courage to tell him the truth.
“What are you talking about? Of course not, tell me the truth” He furrows his eyebrows, confusion spralled across his face.
“I need to be away from you” I tell him, looking at the floor in a desperate attempt to avoid eye contact. “You’re bad for me”
“What the fuck’s that meant to mean? How on earth could I be ‘bad’ for you?” He asks, raising his voice, flailing his arm around.
“If I stay in this house any longer, watching you fuck every girl in London, I’m never going to move on with my life. I need to leave, I need to get out of here and I need to get over you. And this is how I plan on doing that. I’ve loved you since I met you, and either you’ve been oblivious, or you’ve chosen to ignore it. Either way, i’ve given up. And after seeing you the past few weeks, I’m glad i have” I tell him, almost shouting in his face. He looks at me, half angry, half confused.
I grab the box I had to take to the car, and continued my decsent down the stairs. All the boys stood outside their respective rooms, watching me with sad eyes, clearly hearing the whole confrontation from before.
Shutting the boot to my car, I looked back at the house and watched as Simon appeared in the doorway of the front door. I made eye contact for a few seconds before opening the door of my car and getting sat down.
I stare at the wheel for a couple of seconds, not really sure if I want to drive away just yet. I knew if I allowed myself to think for too long I’d get back out the car and ‘leave it until tomorrow’ or something, so I started up the engine and put it into first gear. It was then I realised that Simon was now halfway down the driveway, no shoes on, wearing only shorts and a shirt.
I could just drive. I would never have to see him again if that’s what I wanted. I could get over him so soon, I can set myself free.
I went against everything I told myself.
I opened the car door, climbing back out and pacing quickly over to his figure. I grabbed his face with my two hands and dipped his head, levelling it with my own. I waste no seconds, connecting our lips in a hard, forceful kiss. I remain for a few seconds before pulling back, I had to go now, or I would never go.
I let him go, turning around to go back to the car, registering that he made no movement, he didn’t kiss me back, he didn’t want me.
I opened my car door, just to have it slammed back into it’s previous position. As I turned to see what he wanted, he spun my body around to face his own, reattaching his lips to mine.
I was practically pinned against the car, I could feel people staring and I knew fine well the boys would be watching from somewhere. Simon pulls away breifly, before bending down slightly and picking my legs up as I wrapped them around his slim build. I assumed he was just picking me up so that he didn’t have to lean down so far, but my heart started racing as he headed back toward the front door. “Where are we going?”
“My room” He says quickly, continuing to pepper my neck in soft kisses.
“The boys will see us go up like this” I tell him, turning to see if any of them were on the ground floor.
“Let them see” He mumbles, kicking the door shut behind him with his foot. He carefully moves up the stairs, and as we’re about to reach his room door, all of the boys are gathered around Josh’s door, staring. “Nothing to see here” Simon shouts, not taking even a second to stop.
“That’s my sister” Josh mumbles, stomping his feet slightly, mouth pouted.
“Fuck off” Simon tells them, this time turning his head to face them. “We’re busy” He smirks, pushing open his bedroom door and slamming it behind him. I knew once this was over I would get ridiculed from everyone. He turns so that I’m pressed against the shut door, letting me onto my own feet. “You want this, yeah?” He asks, I nod in return.
He tugs my jacket from my shoulders, allowing it to cascade down my back and into a crumpled heap on the floor. Butterflies were sending my stomach into knots, I’ve only been intimate one other time, this was (hopefully) going to be the second.
Simon flops over to lay beside me, disposing of the condom he had used. He gazed at me, analysing the panting of my breath and the small beads of sweat falling from my forehead. “It pains me to think about how many boys it took you to get that good”
When I would normally take offence, justifiably if you ask me, I giggled lightly.
“Your my second, ever” I glance at him, catching the slightly shocked look on his face. “It’s not exactly hard when your on the bottom, you just lay there” I laugh.
“There was something about it I don’t know” He sighs, pulling his phone from his jean pocket, which were situated on the floor in amoungst the other scattered clothing. “Fucking hell it’s 7pm” I look at him, unsure of what the big issue was. He notices my face, giggling a little to himself. “When I came out to your car it was 5. We were just at it for two hours straight”
“Oh jesus christ” I sigh, hands over my face.
“It’s a shame you couldn’t cover your mouth when we were doing it. We maybe could’ve gotten away with saying we didn’t do anything” I shake my head in his direction, knowing that he loved it secretly. “Maybe big brother Joshy will hurt me” He jokes, poking my side.
“I’m hungry” I complain. “And I need to call my mum and tell her I’m not coming”
“We could get pizza delivered if you like? We can eat it up here so we don’t get ridiculed by the horny fuckers outside” He suggests, earning a happy nod and grin from me. “I’m sure I heard JJ standing there for a solid five minutes” He chuckled.
“How can you hear someone standing?” I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.
“He kept leaning against the door, cleary on accident. None of the other boys would do it, only explanation.” He explains his little conspiracy, finally grabbing some boxers and sliding them over his long legs. “You need clothes” He sighs.
“I can just wear what I wore when we came in, it’s fine” I tell him, until I pick up my panties. Ripped. “Seriously?!” I raise my voice, he only winks and chuckles before focusing on getting himself ready.
We walk downstairs, finding everyone in the livingroom. I could feel the judgement, but I tried to make a beeline for the kitchen and they were having none of it.
“How was it then?” One asks.
“I fucking hate you, while I’m in the house? Really?” Josh groans.
“You were really loud” Another comments.
“Alright everyone shut up, it was great. We will be taking no further questions, thank you” Simon announces, mocking the way TV stars deal with paps. He pulls out his phone and orders us a dominos, quickly putting it back in his pocket. He gazes down at me before beginning his sentence.
“Can we try and…You know, be something then? Maybe?” I’m slightly taken a back by his sudden change in heart about relationships. “I was going to run back to her, Y/N. You’re the one who did it”
“Did what?” I cock my eyebrow at him.
“Changed my mind”
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
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Cals new video got them all looking hella good
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
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he went from sexy af to adorable af in like 2 seconds and i can’t decide which side of him i love more
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
Imagine/Blurb Masterpost
Sex Would Include
Prank Wars
Broken Best Friend
Tastes Like Christmas {Part 2}
{ Part 1 on @inter-somniac​ }
Sex Would Include
Calling You Beautiful
Scared To Talk
Play Fighting Turned R Rated
Bad Boy In A Fight
Always There
Why Don’t We Change That?
Awkward Simon Has A Crush On You
Pleasurable Torture
Snow Angels
Jealous Talking To Someone Else
Calming You
Cuddling Would Include
Snowstorm (Texts)
Sex Would Be Like
“I Love You” For The First Time
Sex Would Include
Doing Your Makeup
Birthday Playlist
Waking Up
Mind Spinning {Part 1}
{ Part 2 on @inter-somniac }
Not So Shy New Boyfriend
Mistletoe Kiss
Sex Would Be Like
Dealing With Your Insecurities
Simon, Josh and Vik: Living With The Guys
All: Drunk
Simon and Lachlan: Borderline Possessive
     Sidemen Of The Sidemen
Singing In The Shower
Dating Includes
Sex Would Include
Joe Weller
Sex Would Be Like
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
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JJ and herb is akahdgshshs precious
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
Travelling w/ Simon
153 notes · View notes
sdmnshitt · 6 years
an idiot we stan
167 notes · View notes
sdmnshitt · 6 years
will forever be one of my favourite videos
97 notes · View notes
sdmnshitt · 6 years
Traveling with simon ✨🌊
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sdmnshitt · 6 years
Simon X Reader Fandom: Sidemen
My eyes adjusted to the fading light as the deep blues danced across the ceiling. The bright hues of orange and red and yellow dampened as the navies engulfed them. The cold, white silk sheets seemed to swallow me. The smooth and pale skin of the boy lay in front of me. He was already asleep, though the night was still young.
Keep reading
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