scr33ch1ng · 3 days
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Idk maybe that's why
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scr33ch1ng · 3 days
We've apparently invented an artificial stone that, when cut, functions as a kind of Super Asbestos.
So, you know, watch out for that.
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scr33ch1ng · 3 days
If people were too mean to you when you were growing up, a newborn animal will materialize inside your brain and it’s so so scared and shivering and it will stay there for years. Decades, even. And whenever you say something kind of weird but true to your heart the animal will tell you “Noo! You can’t say that! If you say that, everyone will hate you!”. The animal means well. It’s so so small and everything is so scary for them and it’s just trying to protect you. But listen to me. Listen to me. Whenever this happens, you can’t do what the animal says. You can’t. If you do, you’ll become as scared as the animal. You have to keep saying weird shit. You have to keep doing things the animal wouldn’t approve of. If you do enough things that scare the animal, maybe one day it’ll go to sleep.
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scr33ch1ng · 6 days
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if i had a nickel for every time an anthropomorphic wolf made a comic about the system term "host"...
we previously thought we were hostless because we all fronted fairly equally. we realized this was just because we, personally, were in a toxic environment/mindset that had us under constant distress. when we tried to work through this more, we found that one of us, me, does front majority of the time, now that things are better.
our old host comic is still very important to us, regardless of whether or not we are a "hostless" system. it still resonated with many and brought some attention to a lesser-known experience in systems. for that reason, we are still very glad we shared it.
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scr33ch1ng · 1 month
realizing youre Real is .weird,,
like you can exist for Years??? never noticing??? never thinking about Yourself. assuming you are the host, or assuming you are another alter.
it is WEIRD to sit there with your morning coffee, having a conversation, and just suddenly the stars align . and you realize how different you are from "you" . you realize you werent "you", you were actually YOU the whole time.
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scr33ch1ng · 1 month
The oppression Olympics + respectability politics
As a traumagenic system, why do other traumagenic systems dislike endogenic systems? So many post about systems I see are tagged "endos dni" and "fuck endos", why are we so aggressive to them? Aren't they just stuck with a similar condition to ours but from a difference source? Can someone explain to me why we're being so mean??
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
host as a kid: Oh man, it's really easy for me to slip into character and become a whole different person! I even get lost in the character and truly believe I'm them. I even lose track of how long I've been pretending to be a character. This must mean I'm a gonna be a great actor when I grow up :)
host as an adult: why can't i remember my childhood
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
I hate the fear I get when I think I've angered someone, especially after a mistake I've made. I think I'm going to be punished. I don't know why I'm like this. I don't remember anything happening to the body like this. Is it xenomemories?
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
there are kids inside my skull modeling my brain like play doh and I think one of them ate a part of it and threw up everywhere
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
Being a little is very hard? How come no one talks about it,?
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
some alters hold trauma/memories that they didn’t exist to experience / didn’t front during.
some alters have amnesia for moments they were there for.
like that’s really common. you have a dissociative disorder. you aren’t faking if you remember something you didn’t front for and you aren’t faking if you forgot something that you yourself literally did. our brains are trying to protect us. sometimes it does a good job with the amnesia thing and often times it doesn’t. there’s no real way to make amnesia convenient. like a lot of systems only get amnesia from switches, but a lot of us forget the day prior even if no switch occurred.
and although this post is about amnesiac systems, you’re valid if you don’t have amnesia either, or not very much. everyone is different. every system is different.
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
I am a masochist because I was taught pain is an act of affection. If you threaten me, if you want to hurt me, that means you love me
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
did/osdd creature!!
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1- two heads!!!
2- three heads even!!!
3- why not give him multiple eyes on his brain 🤯
[if someone's done this lmk, i would love to see that holy shit]
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
When I say I am not a real person I mean it many ways:
I am not real in that I am only a figment of your imagination, you cannot know me just as you cannot see in the dark
I am a collection of thoughts and memories that belong to no particular "person". If you look for me, I am not there.
I believe myself that I am not real. I am suspended in disbelief , I am not natural, therefore my existence should not be
And most of all, I cannot see myself in personhood. I do not dream like you. I do not sleep like you . I do not have thoughts or feelings like you; I am not treated the same as you. i am not loved as you, I am not accepted as you.
I am only what is absent; I am only what is not real
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
The world is evil. evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil. No kindness in any of it. .
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
give love to people with traumatic brain injury, acquired brain injury, stroke, neurological condition, worsening mental health, trauma, PTSD and all other brain based conditions that make you feel conflicted about your identity. About whether or not you’re the ‘same person’ you were before your injury or illness. People constant evolve and change but can be more difficult when changes more sudden, pronounced, and noticed by others. I hope you are doing well and are able to find some peace, support and love.
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scr33ch1ng · 2 months
I feel like crying but honestly this week has been torture so I'm not surprised
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