scotsjamaican · 2 years
Energy Companies and Fuel Bills
My energy company is taking the piss.  I do all my account online.  However, this month when rates are being increased, they have not given me access to my bill to 3rd September.  They took my DDR as normal which put my account in credit by over £300.  They then reduced it by what I guess is my charge for September. This still left a credit balance of over £200.
So, calculations are done. Why no bill?
 I do my own readings and have a spread sheet that calculates all my charges. It is accurate to the nearest penny each month and cumulatively.  My balance on 3 September matches the amount in my account.  Again, why have they not given me their documentation in support of the charges.  I think this is verging on the illegal to charge customers with no bill!!!
 On my account they also "give advice" on how much I should increase my DDR by to meet winter charges.  They say they use historical consumption from when they took over my account.
They do not show the actual calculations.
I find it very strange that their "advice" varies each month.  Using my historical spreadsheet data priced at the newly increased rates, I calculated how much I need to pay them to break even by beginning of March.  By my reckoning, worst case scenario is a further increase of £25 per month.  They keep telling me it's at least £55 per month of an increase.
Neither of these numbers takes the Government subsidy of £400 over 6 months into account.  This equates to £66 per month and is paid directly to the energy company.  As you see, if this is considered, the subsidy is greater than even their outrageous increasing DDR, but their advice is not to reduce DDR as it comes off the bill! 
 I bleat on about this because I am concerned about the effect their unchecked, unsupported “advice” may have.  I have the training, software, and mental capabilities to ensure my account is kept in order.  I worry about those who do not as these will inevitably be the most vulnerable in society. With their vastly overestimated projections of a citizen's fuel costs, I worry about the fear that will be instilled in our senior citizens and the effect this will have on them with heat or eat decisions over December and January.
OFGEM need to maintain greater oversight and control of these companies.  The Government needs to maintain greater oversight of OFGEM to ensure they fulfil their function which is to protect the consumer, not the Big Six producers.
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scotsjamaican · 4 years
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The feet that should have been in my earlier post entitled: A Retired Person distracted by Age, Health and Digital Requirements to maintain both!
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scotsjamaican · 4 years
A Retired Person distracted by Age, Health and Digital Requirements to maintain both!
As you all know, I like spinning a tale or two.  Here is my latest.
It all started yesterday morning when I received a text telling me to phone and make an appointment for my Flu jab.
Too busy yesterday, so, today, I grabbed my balls by the horn and got it done. (That may be a wee typo!)
However, it didn’t quite go to plan.
I called my local Health Centre and got an appointment for next Friday but, stupidly, didn’t write down the time.  Remember that as it is germane to subsequent events.
Whilst I was on the call, I asked if I could have an appointment with a GP as I have had an ongoing problem with athlete’s foot.  Every one of the “over the shelf” treatments has failed to eradicate it.  Still it returns and over the last ten weeks it spread from one outbreak between my wee toe and the next up onto the top of my foot.
Look away if the sight of a horrible foot might offend you.
The system now is that the GP calls back to discuss and decide what to do. This he did.  A really helpful Doc he was.  After hearing my tale of woe, he first asked if I had completed each treatment even after the disease had gone.  I informed him that it was never gone and every treatment was taken to conclusion before trying another.
He asked if I could photograph it and email it to him.  This I duly did using my Samsung Tablet.  A new trick learned!  On seeing the pic, he called me back and informed me that now was the time to take internal action.  Scared the *&*%^* out of me before he explained he meant pills to be taken internally.  Prescription would be waiting at Pharmacy.
Five minutes later, he called me back.  He had reviewed my medical records and noted that my “sugars” had been misbehaving over recent blood tests.
(This is my “prediabetic” condition also known as “Fat, lazy bastid syndrome”!)
Told me this can also “cause” or exacerbate athlete’s foot and he wanted me to get my bloods done soon.  I normally get them done annually but it was skipped this year for obvious reasons.
Doc had to raise the paperwork which I went to collect from Reception.  Normally just a walk-in service at my local surgery, this damned virus has killed that as well.  Given a Phone number to call and arrange an appointment at another clinic!
Whilst at reception, I thought, embarrassing or not, I should ask for the time of my Flu appointment the following Friday.  There was a nice young lady in a fetching blue uniform top standing by reception.  She heard my question and said, “Hey, you can get it done now then you don’t need the time.”
I informed her that my wife was with me and also due jab.  So, she nipped down the corridor to check and came back and said, Nurse can do you both right now.
I nipped out to fetch Janet and we both headed down to the Nurse.  On arrival, we completed the normal formalities and then Nurse asks if we would like to get the Pneumonia jab as well! Never heard of it but apparently every person over sixty five is entitled to one jab every five years.
So, two jabs for the price of one and a week early.  Winner!
These are the treasure we lose by not having face to face visits.  Duly stabbed and now home with two sore arms (I’m a man!  I wallow in my misery!)
And finally, tried the Phlebotomy phone number I was given.  Message was, this number is not being used, please go to blahblah website!  This I did (Easy) and will go and have copious amounts of blood drained from my body on Monday!  The need to use my desktop obviously put me in front of my keyboard.  After taking care of business, this almost always results in a bout digital diarrhoea!
Thus, this!
Sorry if you bruise your head by nodding off halfway through!  HA!
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scotsjamaican · 4 years
Literary Review of: Unkindness of Ravens
Alan Bain
published 2020
ISBN 9798611868140
ISBN 13: 9798611868140
Published by Clarty Noir
 In this his second publication, Mr Bain continues with his dedication to producing noirish paperbacks.
 Having waited some five years since his earlier book, “The Cold Handshake”, it was fascinating to see how the ability to word paint a graphic novel was maintained in this latest book.  I think it is fair to say he succeeded.
 However, this is no duplication of his earlier work.  This is a completely different genre that revels in dark fantasy.
 I’ll take the easy route to start my review by quoting the words of Mr Bain that appear on the back cover:
“Dynamo Tales: A fantasy-noir.
An alternate, dystopian world.
Where light and darkness are confused; where reality is an illusion, and that reality is a multifaceted thing.
Where dreams are seldom dreams, and all too often nightmares.”
 This tale is based in Dynamo City.  Some readers may be familiar with the name from a publication by Gareth S Young called “The Wolves of Dynamo”.  Whilst both stories are located in Dynamo City, and have similar origins, Mr Bain’s version of the city is in an alternate time, place, and Universe and carries a totally different story line.
 There is a real dark foreboding that envelops Mr Bain’s Dynamo City.
 The story takes place in an era around the 1930s with a clever mix of the reality of the times with the fantasy of the story.  There are no “heroes” as such.  There are many fascinating characters and it is for the reader to decide as to who is “good”, who is “evil” who is “sad”, who is “weak”, or who is really the driver behind all the differing levels of darkness.  Indeed, there are occasions when the reader needs to keep one’s wits to decide if a character is “real”!
For sure, no one is happy!
 The back stories surrounding “Raven”, “Black”, and the girl, “Anna”, not to mention the trio of “Foundlings” give many and varied aspects to the overall constant noirishness(sic) of the story line.
 Once again, Mr Bain’s use of language is excellent.  He captures both the time and sometimes unsavoury nature of the real era and melds it into the many different layers and back stories that make up the multifaceted story line of his novel.
 In the midst of the always evolving multi-layered storylines, there are a number of “mini” word pictures that struck me as being “apocryphal”. By that I mean, I felt they could quite easily be plucked from this fantasy and placed squarely in our real world of nightmarish pandemics and a political landscape of autocracy authoritarianism totalitarianism, tyranny, despotism, that is just as scary as anything in this novel.
 This is a story that needs to be considered as it is read.  It is not a book that you will read in just two days. It is a story worth the time to digest.
 For a second publication, I think Mr Bain has remained true to his writing style, to his dedication to the paperback noir genre. If I have the teeniest criticism it would be directed at the “editor” who missed just a few typos and one recurring grammatical error.  My OCD kicked in!
 I’ll finish by saying, again, that Mr Bain has found a writing style to suit his desire to produce noirish tales.  Now, this publication shows that he has the opportunity to produce further works relating to either type of story line.
  Alan S Young
aka ScotsJamaican
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
The Absence of Ethics
The Absolute Corruption of the “Honours” System and Brexit Negotiations
In the midst of all the furore surrounding Brexit, there are still certain actions that are breath-taking in their arrogance and insult to the citizens of the UK.
I will detail only one example of how corrupt the honours system truly is and, using exactly the same example, I will demonstrate how totally corrupt and deceitful the so called deal with the EU was.
The example I wish to use is that of the knighthood awarded to Olly Robbins.
Info on the man:
Oliver Robbins CB is a senior British civil servant who served as the Prime Minister's Europe Adviser and Chief Negotiator for Exiting the European Union from 2017 to 2019. He previously served as the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Exiting the European Union from July 2016 to September 2017, and as the Prime Minister's Advisor on Europe and Global Issues from June 2016 to July 2016.
An impressive and senior pedigree.
However, the important detail that needs to be highlighted is that, for all the advice and negotiations he undertook on behalf of Theresa May, the deal that she returned with was unacceptable to the UK Parliament.  The reasons for the rejection are mostly tied to the “Irish Back Stop” arrangements.
I do not believe that the Mrs May and Mr Robbins were naïve enough to think that the UK would accept this agreement in this format.  That would then make one consider that perhaps it was intentional.  Maybe Mrs May deceived even me with her Brexit is Brexit rhetoric.  Just maybe she retained her “remain” beliefs.
Why else would she award a knighthood to the man that supposedly cost her to lose her job as PM?
Why else would she reward such an ignominious failure?
That fairly highlights, to me, how corrupt the “Honours System” is!
As for the Negotiations for the departure deal that has caused such a fuss.
The corruption in this is highlighted by the announcement on the same day as the Knighthood was announced that “Sir” Oliver Robbins is to become a managing director in the European Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs.  He is likely to earn a package in the high six figures.
An important point that must not be dismissed is this:
He will join former European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who is the non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International.
I ask you, is there a stink in here? There are too many articles out there on the interwebby to link them all but maybe you should have a read at this on from the FT that highlights the “probability” of Robbins returning to the Civil service at some later date!  The WHAT?
Other quotable quotes:
“Patrick O’Flynn, a former Ukip MEP, said in a tweet: “Olly Robbins taking very highly paid position with Goldman Sachs — one of the banks that funded the Remain campaign, I believe.”
The Daily Telegraph reported that Acoba concluded that the move to Goldman Sachs was “unrelated to Mr Robbins’ time in office and it is unlikely it would be perceived as a reward”.
Yeah, Right!
 Ethics… now only known as that place next to Thuthics!
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
Welfare for the Rich??
How Corporate Welfare Hurts You
You often hear Trump and Republicans in Congress railing against so-called “welfare programs” – by which they mean programs that provide health care or safety nets to ordinary Americans. 
But you almost never hear them complaining about another form of welfare that lines the pockets of wealthy corporations. We must end corporate welfare. Now.
There are several ways corporations get rich on the taxpayer’s dime. The most obvious comes through subsidies or tax breaks for certain businesses or industries.
Consider the fossil fuel industry, one of the most profitable and privileged sectors of the economy. Every year, oil companies get to deduct millions of dollars from their tax bills for the cost of new wells, oil exploration, and other drilling and mining expenses.
It’s been estimated that repealing these special tax breaks would save taxpayers $39 billion over 10 years.
Other examples of corporate welfare include billions in government subsidies for agricultural conglomerates, pharmaceutical makers, tech giants and defense contractors. 
Other industries don’t get these benefits. Meanwhile, most families don’t even benefit from tax credits and deductions for childcare.
State and local governments are also handing out corporate welfare, often with no strings attached. In 2013, for example, the state of Washington approved a record $8.7 billion handout to Boeing in order “to maintain and grow its workforce within the state.“ What did Boeing do? In the following years, it laid off more than 12,000 workers in the state.
State and local tax breaks for corporations are estimated to cost local schools almost $2 billion a year in lost tax revenue. 
It’s argued they create jobs, yet nationwide, not a single new job is created. At most, the jobs are merely moved from state to state.
How do corporations get this corporate welfare? Follow the money. They spend hundreds of millions on lobbying and campaign contributions.
An even more insidious example of corporate welfare occurs when corporations don’t pay their workers a living wage. As a result, those workers often have to rely on programs like Medicaid, public housing, food stamps and other safety nets.
Which means you and I and other taxpayers end up subsidizing these low wages so those corporations can enjoy even higher profits for their executives and wealthy investors.
For example, every year, Americans spend an estimated $153 billion in taxes and on programs to subsidize McDonald’s and Walmart’s low-wage workers.
Here’s the bottom-line: When corporations get special handouts from the government, it costs the rest of us. We have to pay more in taxes to make up for these hidden tax breaks, subsidies, and loopholes. In turn, there’s less money for good schools and roads, Medicare and national defense, and everything else we need.
So the next time you hear conservatives railing against welfare handouts for the poor, remind them that we should really be cutting corporate welfare – unnecessary and unwarranted aid for dependent corporations.
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
UK's seizure of an Iranian Oil Tanker
I am a 100% supporter of the UK standing up for itself. However, that does not make me blind or stupid. I put this forward for discussion because I fear that Mr Hunt and the UK government are complicit in sucking the moron's ass at a cost to the UK.  The moron withdrew from the Iran deal, we did not. So, how come the UK is at the sharp end of the shenanigans? My comments below:
OK, I have a worry about the UK's seizure of an Iranian Oil Tanker and the consequent reactions from Iran.
Who in the UK authorised this?
Apparently leaving the EU after a democratic vote requires "the will of parliament" to make it happen but a military action against another country does not!
I know that Iran has stated that they will breach the enrichment of uranium part of the existing agreement.  However, they have not yet done so.  If and when they do, the enrichment they talk about is still way below that required for military purposes.
The threat of this breach is a direct reaction to the Moron withdrawing unilaterally from the agreement.  The EU and the UK have not withdrawn form the agreement and are actively engaged in negotiations with Iran to maintain it!
My concerns are as follows:
Firstly, I wonder what violation of EU sanctions has prompted this action by the UK?
"Commandos dramatically detained the tanker over suspicions it was carrying oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions on Thursday.
Gibraltar's Supreme Court today granted a 14-day extension for the local authorities to legally detain the super tanker."
Equally I can quote the following:
"Since January 2014, some of these sanctions have been suspended. This was done as part of the implementation of the interim agreement known as the Joint Plan of Action, agreed by Iran and the E3/EU+3 in November 2013. After the agreement on the JCPOA, this suspension was further extended by the Council until 28 January 2016, to allow for the necessary time to make arrangements and preparations for the implementation of the JCPOA.
On 16 January 2016 (Implementation Day of the agreement), the Council lifted all nuclear-related economic and financial EU sanctions against Iran.
Secondly, I would ask, if this attack was undertaken under the auspices of the EU, why has no other government in the EU been involved?  The only comment I can find is that Spain are questioning the legality of the seizure.
Thirdly, why has UK media coverage been hyped up about the Iranian retaliation but not questioned the actions of the UK government.
I would also point readers to the following document issued by the Council of the European Union entitled:
Iran: EU suspends certain sanctions as Joint Plan of Action enters into force Dated:  Brussels, 20 January 2014
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
No Coincidence
In life, it is no coincidence The way you live will have a consequence
As a child, you are invincible As a youth, all things are circumventable
When given words of warning, all you do is scoff All worries for the future are blatantly cast off
The ticking clock, time marching on The years of youth fade and are gone
As an adult certain truths become so clear As you feel the pain and shed a tear As you face the loss of one so dear And realise the future’s near
As a mature adult, you begin to feel the strain When little niggles turn to pain
The first understanding Of the process of aging Creep into your soul And dig a black hole
Then you go and seek advice And pray that it will turn out nice And the words you hear Bring only fear
For your fate is sealed Too late to be healed Now face the strife Of a limited life
In life, it is no coincidence The way you live will have a consequence
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
Brexit in Parliament 22nd May 2019
I've just been watching BBC Parliament Live Channel.
I am a wee bit confused by all the ongoing debates about May's offering in respect of Brexit.
Whether you are a leaver or a remainer, this reveals the lunacy of all the current parliamentarians!
I listened to all sides saying what was wrong with it.  I listened to the many times that May said it was this deal or DOOM!
What has confused me over the last number of weeks since the first submission was booted out is this:
The original deal breaker was the backstop agreement.  The terms of this were deemed to be unacceptable, by all sides.
EU has not changed them.
This means that ANY and ALL versions of any paper being put forward by May, MUST, by common logic, still contain those backstop terms.
Can you figure out where I'm going with this?
If the deal breaker has not changed, what the hell have all the British politicians been "negotiating" for the last number of weeks.
They have been negotiating with each other over forms of words that remain meaningless unless the EU change something in the backstop.
The EU have stated quite clearly that they will not change this.
Add to this the many timescales invoked so far.  These all refer to passing through Parliament.
Everyone involved has studiously avoided mentioning that, after being passed by Parliament, we still need to go back, cap in hand, and ASK the EU if they will accept our new proposal.
I doubt whether they will accept.  However, even if they do, this "agreement" will still contain the previously unacceptable backstop arrangements!
Is it Catch 22 or Groundhog Day?
This could have been solved very easily by diplomacy.  Real diplomacy!  Somebody needs to spell out to the EU the reality of the situation.  The reality is that their intractability over the backstop will inevitably lead to a "No Deal" departure.  Simples!
However, of course they wish this to loom large on the horizon in a clearly stated drive towards forcing a revocation of Article 50.
 P.S. What has the "special" advisor Olly Robbins been up to recently. You know Robbins; he is the civil servant serving as the Prime Minister's Europe Adviser and Chief Negotiator for Exiting the European Union.
He has just made a "quiet" visit to the EU, on his own, No political oversight of his actions!
He has been the one "constant" during these negotiations.  He has seen off Davies, Raab et al, and completely failed to renegotiate any part of the back stop agreement.
Funny how nothing of the failure to negotiate or actually Leave the EU has stuck to Mr Robbins whose title is, let me repeat it, CHIEF NEGOTIATOR FOR EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION!
Funny that!
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
Just Do It!
The House Now Has A Constitutional Duty to Impeach Trump
Donald Trump is causing a constitutional crisis with his blanket refusal to respond to any subpoenas.
So what happens now? An impeachment inquiry in the House won’t send him packing before election day 2020 because Senate Republicans won’t convict him of impeachment.
So the practical political question is whether a House impeachment inquiry helps send him packing after election day. That seems unlikely.
Probably no more than a relative handful of Americans are still unsure of how they’ll vote on Nov. 3, 2020. An impeachment is unlikely to reveal so many more revolting details about Trump that these swing voters would be swayed to vote against him, and their votes wouldn’t make much of a difference anyway.
Besides, the inquiry probably wouldn’t reveal much that’s not already known, because House subpoenas will get tangled up in the courts for the remainder of Trump’s term (even though courts give more deference to subpoenas in an impeachment inquiry).
Worse yet is the chance that an impeachment inquiry plays into Trump’s hands by convincing some wavering voters that Democrats and the “deep state” are out to get Trump, thereby giving him more votes than he’d otherwise get.
Does this mean House Democrats should avoid taking the political risk of impeaching Trump? Not at all.
Another question needs to be considered — not just the practical political effect on the 2020 election, but something more important over the long run.
It is whether an action designed to enforce our Constitution is important for its own sake — even if it goes nowhere, even if it’s unpopular with many voters, even if it’s politically risky.
Every child in America is supposed to learn about the Constitution’s basic principles of separation of powers, and checks and balances.
But these days, every child and every adult in America is learning from Donald Trump that these principles are bunk.
By issuing a blanket refusal to respond to any congressional subpoena, Trump is saying Congress has no constitutional authority to oversee the executive branch. He’s telling America that Congress is a subordinate branch of government rather than a co-equal branch. Forget separation of powers.
By spending money on his “wall” that Congress explicitly refused to authorize, Trump is saying that Congress no longer has any constitutional authority over spending. Goodbye, checks and balances.
By unilaterally shuttering the government in order to get his way, Trump has said he has the constitutional right not to execute the laws whenever it suits him. Farewell, Congress.
By directing the attorney general, the Justice Department, the FBI and the Secretary of the Treasury to act in his own personal interest rather than in the interests of the American people, Trump is saying that a president can run the government on his own. Adios, Constitution.
By unilaterally threatening to cut off trade with the second-largest economy in the world, Trump is saying he has sole authority to endanger the entire American economy. (Make no mistake: If he goes through with his threat, the U.S. economy will go into a tailspin.)
By doing whatever he could to stop an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including firing the head of the FBI, Trump has told America it’s OK for a president to obstruct justice. Goodbye, law.
The core purpose of the U.S. Constitution is to prevent tyranny. That’s why the framers of the Constitution distributed power among the president, Congress and the judiciary. That’s why each of the three branches was designed to limit the powers of the other two.
In other words, the framers anticipated the possibility of a Donald Trump.
The framers also put in mechanisms to enforce the Constitution against a president who tries to usurp the powers of the other branches of government. Article I, Section 2 gives the House of Representatives the “sole power of impeachment.” Article I, Section 3 gives the Senate the “sole power to try all impeachments.”
Trump surely appears to be usurping the powers of the other branches. Under these circumstances, the Constitution mandates that the House undertake an impeachment inquiry and present evidence to the Senate.
This may not be the practical political thing to do. But it is the right thing to do.
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
An Epistle from an Angry EX-Prison Officer
The dismissal of a Prison Officer by his Governor, even after a Police investigation cleared said Officer of any wrong doing, has resulted in many other Officers breaking the Law by going on strike.
The following was written by an ex P.O to vent his feelings on the subject.
I completely agree and understand his anger and frustration.
In their drive to privatise these services, the Government is putting Governors on performance related bonuses that is resulting in unsafe manning levels and unsafe practices that would NOT BE tolerated in any other occupation.  H&S would crucify them.
Anyhoos here are his heartfelt words.
80% of those in Prison suffer from mental health we now believe. Is that the prisoners or the staff, I wonder if anyone cared to ask?
The War
The weak, unable, feeble, scared Are holding court, they must be heard Smashing, raging, violent cries A puppets hand with the devil’s eyes They mask their sins behind the suit To take your job the pirates loot
Bells ring on, the netting springs, A call for staff, the 5s bell rings Another down, the sick board full Priority 1, the wings too dull?
The greasy pole is lubed and prepped Another one slides up on deck Fists are clenched, enraged and pumped I want my shower, I’ve just been dumped
Deal with it, we have no staff Whatever it takes to save my back Your scared, in fear, must fight alone You did your job, you must be sacked
The guards, the warders, turn key, screws A lazy hack and breaking news No pay rise, safety, pensions broke Retirement plans gone up in smoke
Praise you not but rule from a desk Not a word from their mouth is true The encircling sharks that search for wrongs The ‘old man’ and his crew
The toxic mix of power and greed While up the ranks they fly No time to stand and hold the line With the likes of you or I
Tired, broken phone goes off You daren’t get out of bed Palpitations, sweat and pain The day ahead you dread
The tea room spirit all but gone Get those landings clean Pick up the dirt and don’t go sick Our sleepy hollow dreams
And still they cross the thin grey line One day to the next Saving lives and keeping safe The public they protect
The threat no longer lives within But travel home at night A new age breed to crush and drive The rank and file fight
Courage is now corruption Bravery now insane If you can’t keep safe behind the walls Only one group you can blame
Toil balance through the roof Battling on the stairs No voice left in the boardroom Snakes fill up the chairs
Perhaps it’s harsh, I’ve met some good Most we’ve served aside The good times all but gone tonight And too our service pride
Now like a wounded animal And backed against the wall No option left but bite and scrap It’s time they made the call
United front and nothing less A message heard and read Minister you picked a war tonight It’s time you made your bed
Copyright Ali Stewart 2019
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
MSN taking money for "sponsored" Ads that are fake.
MSN taking money for "sponsored" Ads that are fake. They are still doing it! This one involves Richard Branson and Bill Gates and a scam of sorts surrounding a thing called Bitcoin Revolution.  Please note that this is NOT the same thing as Blockchain technology!
1. False ad published on MSN Newsfeed on Wednesday 17 January 2019.  i.e. today. https://e-today-insider.com/landers/richard-branson/branson-gates-bitcoinrevolution-offer.php?hit=507551133995681269&offer=Bitcoin%20Revolution&step1=https%3A%2F%2F9b92ec29420a155d7875-e71e5a9fc2315c59418b0c51f5042840.ssl.cf4.rackcdn.com%2Fbitcoinrevolutionsignup-uk.png&step2=https%3A%2F%2F9b92ec29420a155d7875-e71e5a9fc2315c59418b0c51f5042840.ssl.cf4.rackcdn.com%2Fstep2.png&step3=https%3A%2F%2F9b92ec29420a155d7875-e71e5a9fc2315c59418b0c51f5042840.ssl.cf4.rackcdn.com%2Fstep3.png&safepage=https%3A%2F%2Fgoodwilltechnews.com%2Fviewcontent.html
2. Branson's comments about scam adverts using his name 19 January 2017.  i.e. two years ago. https://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/fake-ad-scams-mentioning-richard-branson
3. Genuine Branson comment about investing in Blockchain technology https://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/investing-blockchain Why is this still being allowed to happen?
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scotsjamaican · 5 years
Statistical Bollocks
I become irritated by the constant attempts of failed statisticians to overcome or defeat the democratic numerical vote of the citizens.  The “simple facts” shown in the attached below are bollocks.
This is commentary on that.
Bollocks statistics can be made to tell any tale.
The FACT of the matter relates to those who voted.  Those who did not vote or are not listed as voters or are too young to vote cannot be taken into the argument.  You know the old saying, those who do not vote deserve the government, or in this case, the result they deserve!
Let me give you two examples of why the SNP do not have a mandate to ignore the result of the EU referendum:
If you take the results of the 2016 election you find that SNP took only 44.1% of the vote but got 59 seats. The combined totals of Tory, Labour and Lib Dems took 49.8% of the vote but they only got a combined 14 seats!
And to use another part of the above methodology:
The total population of Scotland in 2016 was 5.4m.
The number of voters was 4.1m.
SNP took 44.1% of the vote.
This equates to 1.8m.
This means, by the logic used in the attachment, that 3.6m did NOT vote for the SNP!
Ya see, statistics are fairly useless when putting forward any discussion points.  The only valid facts are how many voted and who, or what, they voted for!
So your challenge to the referendum result is equally applicable to all arguments, all parties of all persuasions and any invalid attempt to obfuscate the FACTS!
This in no way goes against the democratic right of all citizens to fight their corner.  I totally support that.  However, I will not be lectured to by failed statisticians!
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scotsjamaican · 6 years
EU Non-diplomats MAY have just blown it
I think that any right minded person, whether a “leaver” or “remainer” must judge the EU’s actions and words of yesterday to be less than professionally diplomatic. Personally, I would describe them as childish.  Posting a picture on Instagram showing Tusk offering the PM a piece of cake but sub texting “ No cherries”.  Very “trumpesque”! No negotiation can be brought forward when one side unilaterally rejects  an offer but makes no comment on why or makes a counter offer.
Making the PM speak at a very late hour after all the fat cats have been wined and dined, with the emphasis on wined, is insulting and completely unprofessional and completely unnecessary!
So the PM returned to the UK this morning and made a statement.  I think she got her message across very clearly and I hope that the hungover EU unelected elites get the message and BELIEVE it!  In particular, they MUST pay heed to the second last paragraph!
There is a video but for this post I have copied the complete transcript of the speech. See below:
Theresa May's speech in full.
Yesterday, I was in Salzburg for talks with European leaders. I have always said that these negotiations would be tough - and they were always bound to be toughest in the final straight. While both sides want a deal, we have to face up to the fact that - despite the progress we have made - there are two big issues where we remain a long way apart.
The first is our economic relationship after we have left. Here, the EU is still only offering us two options. The first option would involve the UK staying in the European Economic Area and a customs union with the EU. In plain English, this would mean we'd still have to abide by all the EU rules, uncontrolled immigration from the EU would continue and we couldn't do the trade deals we want with other countries.
That would make a mockery of the referendum we had two years ago.
The second option would be a basic free trade agreement for Great Britain that would introduce checks at the Great Britain/EU border. But even worse, Northern Ireland would effectively remain in the Customs Union and parts of the Single Market, permanently separated economically from the rest of the UK by a border down the Irish Sea.
Parliament has already - unanimously - rejected this idea.
Creating any form of customs border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK would not respect that Northern Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom, in line with the principle of consent, as set out clearly in the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.
It is something I will never agree to - indeed, in my judgement it is something no British Prime Minister would ever agree to. If the EU believe I will, they are making a fundamental mistake.
Anything which fails to respect the referendum or which effectively divides our country in two would be a bad deal and I have always said no deal is better than a bad deal. But I have also been clear that the best outcome is for the UK to leave with a deal. That is why, following months of intensive work and detailed discussions, we proposed a third option for our future economic relationship, based on the frictionless trade in goods. That is the best way to protect jobs here and in the EU and to avoid a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, while respecting the referendum result and the integrity of the United Kingdom.
Yesterday Donald Tusk said our proposals would undermine the single market. He didn't explain how in any detail or make any counter-proposal. So we are at an impasse.
The second issue is connected to the first. We both agree that the Withdrawal Agreement needs to include a backstop to ensure that if there's a delay in implementing our new relationship, there still won't be a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.
But the EU is proposing to achieve this by effectively keeping Northern Ireland in the Customs Union. As I have already said, that is unacceptable. We will never agree to it. It would mean breaking up our country.
We will set out our alternative that preserves the integrity of the UK. And it will be in line with the commitments we made back in December - including the commitment that no new regulatory barriers should be created between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK unless the Northern Ireland Executive and Assembly agree.
As I told EU leaders, neither side should demand the unacceptable of the other.
We cannot accept anything that threatens the integrity of our union, just as they cannot accept anything that threatens the integrity of theirs. We cannot accept anything that does not respect the result of the referendum, just as they cannot accept anything that is not in the interest of their citizens.
Throughout this process, I have treated the EU with nothing but respect. The UK expects the same. A good relationship at the end of this process depends on it.
At this late stage in the negotiations, it is not acceptable to simply reject the other side's proposals without a detailed explanation and counter proposals.
So we now need to hear from the EU what the real issues are and what their alternative is so that we can discuss them. Until we do, we cannot make progress.
In the meantime, we must and will continue the work of preparing ourselves for no deal.
In particular, I want to clarify our approach to two issues. First, there are over 3 million EU citizens living in the UK who will be understandably worried about what the outcome of yesterday's summit means for their future. I want to be clear with you that even in the event of no deal your rights will be protected. You are our friends, our neighbours, our colleagues. We want you to stay. Second, I want to reassure the people of Northern Ireland that in the event of no deal we will do everything in our power to prevent a return to a hard border.
Let me also say this. The referendum was the largest democratic exercise this country has ever undergone. To deny its legitimacy or frustrate its result threatens public trust in our democracy. That is why for over two years I have worked day and night to deliver a deal that sees the UK leave the EU. I have worked to bring people with me even when that has not always seemed possible.
No one wants a good deal more than me.
But the EU should be clear: I will not overturn the result of the referendum. Nor will I break up my country.
We need serious engagement on resolving the two big problems in the negotiations. We stand ready."
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scotsjamaican · 6 years
No Coincidence
In life, it is no coincidence The way you live will have a consequence
As a child, you are invincible As a youth, all things are circumventable
When given words of warning, all you do is scoff All worries for the future are blatantly cast off
The ticking clock, time marching on The years of youth fade and are gone
As an adult certain truths become so clear As you feel the pain and shed a tear As you face the loss of one so dear And realise the future's near
As a mature adult, you begin to feel the strain When little niggles turn to pain
The first understanding Of the process of aging Creep into your soul And dig a black hole
Then you go and seek advice And pray that it will turn out nice And the words you hear Bring only fear
For your fate is sealed Too late to be healed Now face the strife Of a limited life
In life, it is no coincidence The way you live will have a consequence
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