scanlanscube · 7 years
vax’s first interaction post-resurrection being with pike and them referring to each other by their special nicknames “pickle?” and “stringbean?” i’m
and the subsequent reassurance and praise from scanlan telling him how proud he is of vax’s choice to return to help his family i JUST!!!!
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scanlanscube · 7 years
oh god
the last scene of the campaign if they succeed, or at least one of the last, is most likely going to be vax returning to his queen for the last time peacefully while surrounded by his family
im ready but also not
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scanlanscube · 7 years
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scanlanscube · 7 years
No matter what happens later, this was a brave choice. And I’m not sure I would have done the same… It’s harder coming back; it’s easier to walk away.
Scanlan Shorthalt, to Vax, breaking my heart (via professorsparkletrash)
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scanlanscube · 7 years
i love how vox machina’s petty feud with a single potion seller has escalated into a war with the entire vasselheim guard forces
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scanlanscube · 7 years
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After 102 I kept thinking about what Vax said earlier and I had to draw this T_T
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scanlanscube · 7 years
I can’t have you away from me right now.
Vex, cupping Percy’s face (via percyvex)
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scanlanscube · 7 years
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This reminds me why it takes me so long to digitally colour anything, takes frickin’ forever and I forget to blink. x__x
I started this almost a month ago, wow, in support of Marisha Ray and I’m glad it’s finally done so I can share it!  Watching and listening to Critical Role got me through the last few months of my Masters project and I’m almost caught up again in a second watch through of it.  Hopefully when I do more of these they’ll get wrapped up a bit quicker but I’m pretty damn happy with how it’s come out!
PS: If you like this, y’might like the chance to win a drawing by donating to a good cause!
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scanlanscube · 7 years
the raven queen kind of did us a solid i guess??
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scanlanscube · 7 years
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With obsidian crown adorned with the threads of her past Champions, long dead, but never to fade into obscurity.
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scanlanscube · 7 years
Raven Queen: Do you accept?
Vax: You have such loneliness in your eyes.
Raven Queen: Perhaps you will keep me company, when you come back to me. Do. You. Accept?
Vax: I do.
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scanlanscube · 7 years
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Pike is my very fav. I can’t believe it took me this long to post some Critical Role art! School has been brutal lately. 
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scanlanscube · 7 years
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I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶a̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶q̶u̶e̶e̶n̶
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scanlanscube · 7 years
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I love Keyleth so much, she’s my favorite…
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scanlanscube · 7 years
Critical role’s on tomorrow. it’s been almost a week. AND I’M STILL SHOOK.
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scanlanscube · 7 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Episode 102
Pre-show picture: Travis photoshopped into an Eagles uniform
Matt’s birthday is on Thursday! Brian gives him a thoroughly mangled cake.
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No TM next Tuesday, because it’s the 4th of July.
Matt: “Look, I have half the internet wanting to fight me after that episode.”
Matt had three or four more battlemaps prepped that will never see the light of day, including two that were in the tower that they knocked down; there were a lot more challenges that the party completely overcame by bringing the top of the tower down to them.
“Your imaginary boyfriend was killed by your real-life fiancé.”
Keyleth knows it’ll take some time to prep for Vecna, so right now she is entirely focused on Vax.
Matt: “The book we’re releasing after the campaign guide is The Man-Ass of Tal’Dorei.” Travis: “There’s a fold-out calendar.”
Travis thought the Earthquake spells were just gonna weaken the structure of the tower, and then they’d still have to climb it… “What caused the TPK? Our own hubris.”
Travis’s GTFO-alarm went off at the very first turn of the first round when five members of the party were paralyzed. Marisha knew that Keyleth’s wisdom was high enough to shake it off, but she quickly realized that everyone else would need to roll a natural 20.
VM would’ve had a chance to stop Vecna’s ritual. Once Delilah saw them and knew the threat, she escalated the timeline. On the other hand, if they’d taken too much time, they would’ve come back through the orb to the Shadowfell and just found a giant crater with no clues as to where to go. Matt emphasizes that things will happen regardless of where they are in this arc, whereas the Conclave arc had the baddies settling more on their laurels and VM had a little more leeway to plot and scheme.
Matt points out that almost no DMs ever get to run an epic-level game, especially since 5e is still relatively new. Travis: “We’re gonna peter out and start gradually leaving the game.” Matt: “I will run you over, Travis.”
Marisha talks about how Keyleth has started going into very competent crisis-mode in the moment, but she’s very freaked out at the prospect that Foresight may have given Vax a vision of his own death (which is essentially what that failed first Disintegrate amounted to), and after putting him through that, she doesn’t think Keyleth will use it again.
Travis: “There’s a whole line of vacuum-cleaners called Vax.” Brian: “That’s fucked up.”
Vecna’s a keeper of secrets and knowledge; he knows everything about VM. He immediately targeted those who had range and mobility.
Keyleth had mixed feelings in the past about True Resurrection, just because of the moral implications of wielding that sort of power, but now things have changed. (Matt mentions that Pike may have leveled and might have access to it as well.)
Brian points out that you can have those standards and principles, but everything goes out the window when it hits close to home.
Keyleth is also concerned about how the Raven Queen’s influence is going to come into play; Vax could be standing right in front of her, and she’d still feel like it was borrowed time.
True Resurrection bypasses Matt’s resurrection ritual completely. It does require 25,000 gold in diamonds, however…
Grog is feeling better about Scanlan being back after seeing him in action again.
If everyone had died and Pike was the last one standing, she was gonna ask the knight to send her to Grog so they could at least go out in a blaze of glory together.
MS-DOS Machina in the Dark:
Marisha wins the roll for hosting!
After a rough episode, Marisha paces around the living room for half an hour. Travis and Ashley are advocates for avoiding the internet and going straight to bed.
Ashley thinks Matt does the best Pike impression.
Marisha’s “Sleeves are Bullshit” shirt was a gift from Laura.
Matt: “Whenever I see a mansplaining comment on the internet, it just goes through a Papyrus filter in my mind. ‘Well, actually…’”
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scanlanscube · 7 years
percy’s names for his weapons and devices are So Good
the list - his cursed pepperbox with a literal demonic list on the barrel
bad news - heavy long range gun with high damage
the retort - pistol taken from his arch nemesis
animus - second pepperbox, taken from ripley which inflicts psychic damage
diplomacy - shock gauntlet with built in silencer
manners - the activation word for the bondage ball bangles trap
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