He worked in Medanta Cancer Institute after which he joined as consultant, Head & Neck Surgery & Oncology in Dept. of ENT in 2015. He started a new clinic of head & neck surgery & oncology in the Dept of ENT. He has done advanced prestigious fellowship started by International Federation of Head & Neck Oncologic Society (IFHNOS), USA, in Head & Neck Oncology & Surgery. Now he is doing all Major & Minor surgeries (Benign & Cancers) related to Head & Neck Region with great successful results.
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Despite its acidic taste, Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar actually promotes alkalinity in the body. Cancer cannot live in an alkaline body and one of the primary ways this battles cancer and other diseases is by bringing the body into an alkaline state which makes it an inhospitable environment for cancer.
Cider Vinegar is quite strong, and when taken straight can be harsh on the esophagus, so you’ll want to dilute it). And, of course, Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar is a classic salad dressing ingredient, which you can definitely get a little creative with! While olive oil, the most commonly used oil for salad dressing, is not permitted on the therapy, you can mix your ACV with flax oil and lemon or orange juice, and perhaps even whirr it all together in a blender with a clove of garlic and a bit of onion. I even like to just drizzle it on my salad plain! 
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Dr. Sangeet Agarwal has started his medical career in 1997 when he got selected for High Merit in the Medical Entrance for MBBS. he did his MBBS from SNMC, Agra which is the most prestigious & oldest medical college in India. After this, he did DLO from GR medical college, Gwalior in 2008. he joined ENT & Head & Neck surgery dept of AIIMS
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Since Apple Cider Vinegar is, first and foremost, a food product, I would be remiss if I didn’t first fill you in on its nutritional value and health benefits first. Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar lowers glucose levels, and may be helpful for diabetics. It has also been touted as a weight-loss aid, as it is said to help you feel fuller and eat less. The enzymes in Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar also promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut, and can help regulate candida issues ( Illness behind symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings and yeast infections.). How to take Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar orally: Mix 1 tablespoon with a cup of water or herbal tea. (Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar is quite strong, and when taken straight can be harsh on the esophagus, so you’ll want to dilute it). And, of course, Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar is a classic salad dressing ingredient, which you can definitely get a little creative with! While olive oil, the most commonly used oil for salad dressing, Since Apple Cider Vinegar is, first and foremost, a food product, I would be remiss if I didn’t first fill you in on its nutritional value and health benefits first. Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar lowers glucose levels, and may be helpful for diabetics. It has also been touted as a weight-loss aid, as it is said to help you feel fuller and eat less. The enzymes in Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar also promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut, and can help regulate candida issues ( Illness behind symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings and yeast infections.). How to take Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar orally: Mix 1 tablespoon with a cup of water or herbal tea. (Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar is quite strong, and when taken straight can be harsh on the esophagus, so you’ll want to dilute it). And, of course, Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar is a classic salad dressing ingredient, which you can definitely get a little creative with! While olive oil, the most commonly used oil for salad dressing,
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Dr. Sangeet Agarwal has started his medical career in 1997 , he did his MBBS from SNMC, Agra which is the most prestigious & oldest medical college in India. After this, he did DLO from GR medical college, Gwalior in 2008. he joined ENT & Head & Neck surgery dept of AIIMS,
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Since Apple Cider Vinegar is, first and foremost, a food product, I would be remiss if I didn’t first fill you in on its nutritional value and health benefits first. Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar lowers glucose levels, and may be helpful for diabetics. It has also been touted as a weight-loss aid, as it is said to help you feel fuller and eat less. The enzymes in Shivas Apple Cider Vinegar also promote the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut, and can help regulate candida issues ( Illness behind symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings and yeast infections.).
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He worked in Medanta Cancer Institute after which he joined as consultant, Head & Neck Surgery & Oncology in Dept. of ENT in 2015. He started a new clinic of head & neck surgery & oncology in the Dept of ENT. He has done advanced prestigious fellowship started by International Federation of Head & Neck Oncologic Society (IFHNOS), USA, in Head & Neck Oncology & Surgery. Now he is doing all Major & Minor surgeries (Benign & Cancers) related to Head & Neck Region with great successful results.
He has published several research papers in high impact factor, international journals including Laryngoscope. his areas of research are on Neck Metasis, A laryngeal voice, tongue cancers. Several presentations in International & National Conferences on Head & Neck surgeries. He is running a special clinic on head & neck oncology.
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In hair transplant procedures like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), follicles are harvested from the donor area, which is usually the rear and sides of the head which are not prone to hair loss, and transplanted onto the bald areas. However, the supply of hair follicles or grafts in these areas can be one of the limiting factors in certain situations.
Infact, in advanced stages of androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern hair loss, the number of follicles available for harvesting is limited. It is in such cases that the surgeon can use Body Hair Transplantation or BHT, which means harvesting hair follicles from beard, chest, upper back or arms and transplanting them onto the scalp.
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Apart from androgenic alopecia which is a common cause of baldness there are other medical causes like autoimmune disorders, endocrine or hormonal disorders, trauma or scar, traction alopecia, nutritional deficiencies, chemotherapy, radiotherapy to mention a few.
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Dr Sangeet Agarwal  Head & Neck Surgeon  & Oncologist.  Now he is doing all Major & Minor surgeries (Benign & Cancers) related to Head & Neck Region with great successful results.  He joined ENT & Head & Neck surgery dept of AIIMS, New Delhi where he worked on Head & Neck Surgery for 2 years & in 2010 he joined Sir Ganga Ram Hospital as DNB (Diplomate of National Board India) in ENT & Head-neck surgery for 2 years. He was more interested towards the Head & Neck Oncology so he joined advanced fellowship in head & neck surgery for 1 year.
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really we facing hair fall problem in age of  twenties, this is serious matter of our life if we ignore hair fall and baldness problem than we sure stuck in very  big problem. Here Modern hair transplant procedures are not just for old or middle aged men. These procedures are almost pain free and minimally invasive.
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Fire safety is the set of practices intended to reduce the destruction caused by fire. may be in place to dictate training and awareness of occupants and users of the building to avoid obvious mistakes.
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What Are Test Tube Babies? In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common and most effective type of assisted reproductive technology to help women become pregnat. here we provides expert doctors in very affordable price for test tube baby in firststepivf.For more info. please visit
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Look at the major benefits associated with fire safety training in both the residential and commercial sector. How will this ensure the saving of lives, assets, and more? Get to know about top fire safety products from Energy and Fire under the single roof. More info: http://energyandfire.com/fire-extinguisher-Automatic-Fire-Extinguishers.php
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