sarah-phina · 4 days
Why are there like 5 daily chores where if you skip them for 2 days your life becomes a time based psychological thriller after
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sarah-phina · 4 days
the gofundmes for helping people get out of Palestine fill me with rage because AT BEST what we're doing is helping people be displaced in the safest way available to them that is the most profitable to a) corrupt Egyptian officials and b) gofundme itself. I'm so fucking furious that this is what it's come to. the world has failed to stop the Zionist genocide machine so profoundly that donating to gofundmes that will ultimately line the pockets of corrupt officials and technocrats is the most effective way to save the lives of Palestinians. Palestinians are right to never forgive. Inshallah Palestine will be free and Israel's genocidal state will perish in this lifetime. Donate to Gaza Funds. Whatever you can spare.
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sarah-phina · 4 days
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Forugh Farrokhzad, from a letter to Ebrahim Golestan featured in “Sin: Selected Poems of Forugh Farrokhzad,” tr. by Sholeh Wolpé.
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sarah-phina · 4 days
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Flower petals cause blood-like stains on the grave of opera singer Jane Margyl in Batignolles cemetery in Paris.
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sarah-phina · 4 days
🔴I recently lost my older brother Muhammad in a previous war that the world knows nothing about
I don't want to lose anyone, I want to get my family out sooner
Please help
Urgent Appeal: Help Yusuf and his Family Evacuate Gaza!🆘🆘🆘🚨🚨
Youssef birth was marked by deep feelings of compassion and sadness. He realized that something was very painful on the first day of his life, so he took the responsibility of taking the mother out on foot, who was very pregnant, to give birth to him in battle in the shadow of war.
In addition, Youssef suffers from a lack of nutrition and healthy eating, which increases his fatigue and negatively affects his color and growth. Such circumstances pose challenges that the child faces in living a normal and dignified life
🔴🔴Any donation could save the life of Youssef and his family.
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sarah-phina · 4 days
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Thrasher : Skate and Destroy [PSX]
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sarah-phina · 5 days
i dont know if u would call this cognitive dissonance or what and frankly i don't care, but scrolling through social media, including tumblr, and seeing a video of miserable parents mourning their small children and searching for their heads now nothing more than the sand, being preceded by some writer i follow posting fucking anime boy thirst is insane.
it's literally fucking crazy and it makes me feel so immensely guilty and grateful at the same time. thank god, for i will never have to be in their shoes; but i have done nothing to deserve my comfort, and i will never deserve the life i have lived anymore than they deserve theirs.
and in moments like this, online especially, where i feel the dichotomy is so significantly exacerbated between people who care so much it consumes them and people who still argue ignorance despite their obvious indulgence in an impunity i refuse to believe they aren't aware of, despite willfully choosing to look away; i want to remind you that you don't deserve anything, either.
i can't even fathom the "i don't know enough" excuse or entertain the idea of "both sides have people suffering" anymore. your ignorance and neutrality does not absolve you of responsibility, it actually makes you look like a fucking stupid wanker without any critical thinking skills. james baldwin, amazing man, wrote in the fire next time that it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent because it is the innocence which constitutes the crime.
except you're not innocent. you're complicit.
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sarah-phina · 5 days
at least the colour green exists
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sarah-phina · 5 days
Nothing gives the same kind of random ego boost like managing to finally clean up your home and making it nice. Like ooh look at me, I'm living like people do, I made myself iced tea and I am eating my snack from a real plate. I got floors and shit.
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sarah-phina · 5 days
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art parallels jeremy lipking, federico zandomeneghi, serge marshennikov, allan douglas davidson, svetlana tartakovska
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sarah-phina · 5 days
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Bothersome beast, comforting friend
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sarah-phina · 5 days
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sarah-phina · 5 days
there have been 774664 studies on basic income and the results of every single one have been “wow! we gave people money and literally everything improved! crime rates are down! the actual sky is bluer! my (the researcher’s) wife decided not to leave me after all!” but these have all been short studies, just a couple years. i think what’s really missing from the field is a proper long form study, with a broader, bolder demographic, to really get us those numbers we need. a truly diverse study pool like, say, everyone. forever
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sarah-phina · 5 days
The Voice of God
by Mary Karr
Ninety percent of what’s wrong with you could be cured with a hot bath, says God from the bowels of the subway. but we want magic, to win the lottery we never bought a ticket for. (Tenderly, the monks chant, embrace the suffering.) The voice of God does not pander, offers no five-year plan, no long-term solution, nary an edict. It is small & fond & local. Don’t look for your initials in the geese honking overhead or to see thru the glass even darkly. It says the most obvious crap— put down that gun, you need a sandwich.
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sarah-phina · 5 days
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sarah-phina · 1 month
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sarah-phina · 1 month
Another thing is that when this aggression started, we were so worried about winter and how displaced people in tents will survive it. Earlier this week the temperature in Gaza hit 38 degrees (100 Fahrenheit) and we are now wondering how will displaced people survive the heat in those tents.
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