samuelcalhoun · 9 years
Ya'll are a rip off of Home of The Panthers JS.
We’re big enough to admit the football/rally girl aspect of it was inspired by HOTP however overall it’s just a high school rp, and hotp wasn’t the first high school rp to exist, so. Home of the Panthers was based on a show, this is a fictional town in Indiana. A high school rp with a football team is literally concept that’s been done in most rps. They didn’t have a plot, however we do. So if I could ask you so kindly to exit our inbox, this is the nicer message of the bunch. 
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
RT @holierthanu: A^2 for Prom King and Queen. @rhodestoave @theotherblake
RT @holierthanu: Operation, shove posters in everyone's locker is a go.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
You sure about that? —-  I mean Winnie did put it in here, it might have a spell on it which will end in something like “BAM, you’re dead” but hey if you really need it who am I to say no?
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A dead frog? Can I have it?
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
Eyebrows, I think you mean Lyra? Fair point, but frankly she’s the one that’s come closest to actually killing me. She almost pushed me out of the window of her room last week, she claimed it was an accident but between you and me she totally has it out for me. —- Wait. You sound like an expert on all things Empress of Magic, what have you been doing my friend? Are suddenly into satanic occurrences? 
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I bet my money on the girl with the strong eyebrows game. Winnie is more bloody. That frog would have to be cut open if it was her and would probably be accompanied by a voodoo doll - pretty sure that’s her brand. Can you tell I’m experienced on the matter? And before you give me that look, no, I did nothing to push her buttons… on purpose.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
And here I was thinking that I should wrap it up and give it to you on your next birthday. Totally kidding, well maybe ask me tomorrow. —- It would be funnier if this wasn’t like the tenth dead animal I’ve been left with. Laura placed dead fishes all over my bed, she threw a rat down my pants, so on so forth. It gets repetitive if you ask me. However as long as it’s not an actual person I think I’m good. She’ll cry and then come after me with a knife, then feel bad and bake me something. We don’t need that emotional rollercoaster in our lives Iz, we just don’t.
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Gross, Sam! I don’t — I don’t know who put it in there, but could you please keep it away from me? I don’t even like dissecting the things. It is kind of funny that someone put it in there, though, now that I think about it. Okay, definitely not telling Bella, I don’t want to see her cry.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
To be completely fair there’s about five girls in this school who love dead things. So my money is on any of them, I just yelled Winnie because I remember stepping on one of her voodoo dolls and that might have angered her. —- It’s like Voldemort and his Horcruxes you know? She feels when someone hurts them, they are a part of her soul. 
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That’s disgusting. But I think you’re right in assuming its the girl who likes dead things…or maybe that’s what someone want’s you to think. 
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
That’s one way to spin it, thanks red. Honestly though? It was just another one of those let’s try and mess with Sam because Laura let’s us pranks. —- You’d think I’d be used to it by now, and yet here I am still surprised. 
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The bio professor did mention that one of the frog dissection specimens went missing. They’d have to go through a lot of effort to sneak into the back closets and get into the barrel of preserved frogs to get it though. You should feel honored that they went to all that effort for you.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
Not Izzy, no we have another elf like person walking these halls but she’s tan, with lighter hair and blue eyes. Bella, most of us call her Bella and she’s my girlfriend’s cousin. She loves animals to bits and this would just turn into another one of her animals are friends not jokes protests. As for Winnie, she’s our resident witch she likes me most of the time I think.. maybe I stepped one of her voodoo dolls and she’s getting her revenge or something. Who really knows with that girl.
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I have no idea who these people are, but that’s gross. Don’t worry though, my lips are sealed. I won’t tell anyone, never mind this Isabella girl. Oh wait, Isabella is Izzy, right? One of the few people I’ve met, but yeah, like I said I’ll be sure to keep my mouth shut. Wouldn’t want to make anyone cry.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
SHH! WINNIE NO NO NO, SHUT UP. DO YOU KNOW WHAT’S IT LIKE TO SEE BELLA CRY? AND AFTER SHE’S DONE CRYING SHE’LL GET ANGRY AT ME. SHUT UP! —- Because you always have something to do with it? Wasn’t Hathaway running around with like a desiccated squirrel with like a knife through it’s head claiming you gave it to her or something? This is practice for pinning a murder on me isn’t it?
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—- Why does everyone always think a dead animal means I’ve had something to do with it? I don’t go around killing innocent creatures, Samuel. Humans? Yes, sure – I’ll give you that. I go around killing humans but animals? Nope, no. I’m not a total monster. —- That being said.. the frog was alive when I put it in their last night. – DID YOU HEAR THAT BELLA, IT WAS ALIVE. SAM KILLED IT. – It must have smelled your gym socks and gone to froggy hell.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
All right, who put the dead frog in my locker? —— Was this Winnie? Leave it to her friends to think that dead things are a suitable way to make friends. Either that or they just wanted my locker to smell like a dead frog. Nobody tell Isabella, she’ll cry.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
You know what I haven’t done in a long time? Plotting. So let’s do it ^^ I’m going to go around messaging people or IDK like this or something or message me. 
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
So basically what you’re telling me is that you don’t have parents, you’ve got two controlling assholes. Harsh, I mean my dad was in the military and even then I can’t remember him being hard to please. Strict sure, but overbearing? Never. Yeah, witch girl her name’s Winnie she’s quite fun you know when she isn’t trying to get me arrested for murder or something. We call her a witch because she is one she’s like Satan’s heir or something I’m sure it’s creepier than what I just said but if you see her around town.. be very nice or she’ll turn you into a frog.
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I think that rather or not you’re unfit or not some parent’s are just super hard to please. For whatever reason. I’ve never brought anyone home to actually meet my parents but they disapprove over everything that I do. Including the people I hang out with… Witch girl?  Who’s that and why do you call her that? Sounds like my kind of town.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
text - sam
Jas: You've said that so many times I've lost count, Sam.
Jas: I've already secured my place in hell and you'll be joining me there.
Sam: Shut up, don't make me regret being your friend even when you scare me to death.
Sam: Probably... want to burn down a church with me? You know we haven't gone out bonding in a long time and what better way to catch up if not by offending God?
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
Considering that I need to help mom make rent? Yes, it was insanely clever last thing I need is to have my brother and sister sleeping in a box. [ He had never been shy about his family’s money troubles mostly because it made it seem like something much worse than it was.  He had been offered help of course, but being too proud and his father’s son Sam felt like it was his responsibility to get his family by now that he wasn’t around anymore. ] All of them? Have you tried applying for community college? I mean I know it’s not the greatest thing int he world but you could transfer out a year or two into it. Try again? There’s always more auditions right? [ He genuinely felt terrible if anything it was because the Felicity he knew had always been a dreamer and she often talked about reaching the stars and despite their end or their current troubles he wanted that for her. ] I hadn’t realized that being truthful meant you were a dick, but hey thanks for the heads up I’ll keep it in mind. [ And there it was the attitude, which he really didn’t mean to have perhaps it was just a way to keep his walls up or something of the sort. He really didn’t know after all this was the first time in a long time that the two had carried out a conversation if that’s what they could call whatever was happening now. ]
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So you thought skipping school was the smart idea? Clever S. [She said with a roll of her eyes. Felicity knew that she needed to stop it, that she needed to act like a young adult rather than a five year old throwing a temper tantrum but he couldn’t help but push her buttons for some reason and Felicity wished that she was able to make it stop. She wished that he wouldn’t be able to have any control over her.] Yeah, well, that was the plan. I screwed up my Julliard audition and the other colleges - they rejected me. [she shrugged her shoulders. It had been too long since the two of them had spoken and this certainly wasn’t what they should be talking about but apparently neither of them were interested in catching up] Apparently. [Felicity said with a nod and a sigh,] Stop being a dick.
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
I’m always mocking you L, and besides it’s not like you won’t end up doing both. You’ll get tired of kissing me or say something like “This is too disgusting for my taste” and go right back to physically abusing me. It’s how we work, I’ve come to terms with it. [ He too tried his best to keep an annoyed expression, even went as far as pursing his lips together. However it came to an end as soon as he saw her smile and he then let a chuckle fall from his lips, before a wide grin took over. ] Negative twelve? Hey I’ve gone up a few points since we were in New York, this is progress I think I might just be able to be saved after all. [ He liked this, their version of normal wasn’t like anyone else’s and probably seemed completely insane to those who didn’t know them but it worked. This worked for them, despite their constant insults and yelling matches there was a mutual respect of each other, of who they were and how could he not? Falling for his best friend had taken a number of years, and completely taken him by surprise however he now felt like the luckiest person alive, because if all else failed in his life he knew that he’d still have her. ] Well if we are going to say that admitting things is a consequence of drugs then I suppose I could say.. that you’re important to me too. Remember that you drugged me and I drugged you we are talking crazy. [ A laugh fell from his lips as he shook his head, his arms around her waist as he held her close to him, not wanting to let go. ] Well.. you’d have to make it worth my while, so try and convince me. [ He added softly as he fell into the kiss, his arms resting around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. ]
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Are you mocking me? You’re pushing your luck here. Cross the line and I’ll go from kissing you to kicking you. [Although she tried her best to look somewhat annoyed with his actions, a smile broke through and ruined the facade. She did, at least, manage to halfheartedly roll her eyes at him.] A two is music to my ears because it’s way more than negative twelve. —Which is your score if you were wondering. [Each minute they spent together, Laura came to love the way Sam loved her. Or might love her. Or maybe one day love her. Or… she didn’t want to jump to conclusions. The point was that he respected her in ways that only he knew. She wasn’t one for compliments. The brunette had the confidence and capability to compliment herself if need be. Her best friend, now boyfriend, was seemingly well aware of this. She had always feared that falling for someone would rob her of her independence. But here she was, in the arms of a boy she was falling for, and nothing about her changed.] You are important. To me. I mean… possibly. There’s a chance. And I’m only saying that because today has been really good and you drugged me. Yeah, you definitely drugged me. [The smile on her lips was so full of fondness that she was sure anyone else could have spotted how she felt about him from miles away. But all that really mattered was what Sam knew. Her hands softly rested against his face, pulling herself closer for another kiss.] Would it be so wrong of me to beg you not to go to work for the rest of the work? Can we tell everyone that you’re still on vacation?
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
Doesn’t everyone? Besides I think even your lunatic friend with the eyebrows will agree with me. The Doctor is real, he’s out there and one day I might be whisked away and I’ll start traveling through time with him. So yes, everything that’s happened on the show is real. The way it tells history? Completely and totally factual.
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Hitler’s dog didn’t die. Hitler died. Well, he killed himself, to be more specific. And it took Japan about four months and two atomic bombings to officially surrender after Germany and Italy did. …Are you telling me that you get all of your historical knowledge from a television program about a time travelling alien in a Police Box?
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samuelcalhoun · 9 years
I like you. I think I’m going to keep you, Saint Cara, that’s going to be your new name maybe I’ll get the church to build a statue of you or something like that. —— A prank where no one gets hurt, maybe we could hide Bella’s spatula or her apron but then again she might burst into tears if she can’t bake anyone cookies so that might be a problem. — The normal kind? You know attempt to kill the one you love, like... basic romance 101.
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Yeah pretty much; that was the only intentional thing! I’ve said mean things but usually I apologize after. You gonna help me toughen up and be mean?! A prank would be fun! I would love that, honestly; as long as no one was hurt… Stabbed by forks? What kind of sexual games do y’all play?
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