sambrarr-blog · 7 years
Blog 1
How does Truth and Reconciliation in Canada relate to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal
Truth and reconciliation in Canada and the UN’s Sustainable Development goals are related to on another because they both involve seeing the truth and healing. Truth and reconciliation is meant to show Canadians the truth of residential school, a cultural genocide, where the aboriginal culture valued the land they lived on with the utmost respect. The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN reflect aboriginal culture in the sense that they both focus on conservation of the land, peace, and cooperation between everyone in the community. We need mutual respect with the earth to sustain survival, just as how mutual respect is needed between aboriginal families and non-aboriginal families is need for forgiveness and to build a new and better relationship, the only way for the earth to respect the human population is if we respect the earth in return.
How did the information presented in the talks above affect how think about nature?
The talks have made me realize how complex nature really is. I was unaware roots of trees could communicate like that. I just goes to show how much we take things like trees for granted. The vultures from the second video have shown that every life is equally important in an ecosystem for it to work.
What aspects of nature and biodiversity do you feel are most important to protect? How can you take action to protect this aspect?
I think all aspects of nature and biodiversity are equally important to protect, because without one little thing an entire ecosystem can be affected. Right now reducing carbon emissions, and conserving fresh water are things to be conscious of as global warming is something that Is affecting the earth and all life living on it. There are so many little things you can do to conserve water like turn the tap off when you brush your teeth, or take shorter showers. The same goes for reducing carbon emission, walk or bus somewhere instead of taking an entire vehicle for one person. The government also plays a huge role in protecting the environment, not everyone will voluntarily do small things to conserve energy or water, but if laws are put in place it can help. Voices must be heard for the government to also take action and promote things like renewable energy and water conservation for our ecosystem to survive.
Describe where and when you spent your time in nature. What did you experience in your time in nature? What did you see, hear, smell, feel? What effect did this time in nature have on you?
I went for a walk in the Assinaboine forest one evening. As someone who loves to go hiking this walk was no different than any other walk in nature I have went on. My favorite thing in the world is the feeling of peacefulness in nature. Seeing and realizing how animals and the earth work together to create the perfect system of living. For example you can hear birds in their nests that have been constructed in trees, and trees need the sun and water to grow. The smell of trees and the fresh air is a constant reminder that trees should not be taken for granted and deforestation is a huge issue, considering trees and plants provide us with the oxygen we breathe.
What promotes human connection to nature?
How humans rely on nature in physical ways like burning fossil fuels and for drinking water is how humans connect to nature.
What promotes disconnection from nature?
Disconnection is promoted with the use of technology like televisions and cell phones, as they are a distraction by preventing humans to spend time outside and realize that we are having a more and more negative impact on the earth as time goes on.
Is there a danger to a growing disconnect from nature?
Yes there is danger to a growing disconnect from nature, if people continue to disconnect from nature and not realize it, people will deplete all resources needed for life, like fresh water, until they have been so over used that the earth cannot support all life living on it.
 .Where do your environmental ethics lie?
  My environmental ethics lie under biocentric. I think all life needs to be interconnected in order to provide a sustainable earth. All life, living or dead, has ethical standing because people and the environment rely on each other.
  Can parks meet its dual mandate of access and protection?
To an extent, yes I believe parks can meet the need of accessibility and protection. There needs to be a balance between everything, regulations must be put in place so people do not disturb the nature and animals like only having certain areas that can be accessed by humans with strict no litter laws. Access to parks is a great way for humans to see how beautiful nature is and can educate people to be more aware of how important nature is. But we must keep in mind that although humans may want to see animals in nature, doesn’t mean the animals want to see humans. The more humans allowed in a park, the more difficult it becomes to protect.
 How can this be achieved in Wapusk
The remote location of Wapusk would be something great to experience, but this land has been untouched for so long and its protection should be a top priority. I think there should be very limited access to visitors accompanied by guides that are very well educated about the park. Unlike other national parks Wapusk should be kept remote and not have trails or roads leading to it. Although public is allowed, more visitors may upset the balance of nature. Ariel viewings of the park are a great idea, as long as we keep within our limits and have a restricted flying time so animals are not startled.
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