samandrielsgirl · 2 years
Supernatural Masterlist
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Dean Winchester
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Sam Winchester
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Chuck Shurley
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Adam Milligan
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Kevin Tran
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Henry Winchester
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Jack Kline
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samandrielsgirl · 2 years
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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Sam’s Best Friend: Prologue, Chapter 1, Pilot,
One Shots:
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samandrielsgirl · 2 years
Chapter 1 (Sam’s Best Friend)
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Rosie awoke on the morning of October 31, 2005 to a loud banging on the door of the motel room. Now being that Rosie was the only light sleeper in the room she was the first to wake up. Her red hair was a mess as she rose from the bed she was sharing with her five-year-old godson and nephew, David Emmett “Ace” Collins-Murphy. She grumbled under her breath as she pulled on the matching peach-colored satin bathrobe that went with the peach-colored satin pajamas she was wearing. She walked to the door, barefoot, and opened to find Dean Winchester there. “It’s 6:00 am, Winchester. What do you want”? Rosie asked. “It's nice to see you too, Marie”. Rosie eyed the eldest Winchester brother out of suspicion. Dean NEVER, EVER, called her Marie unless he wanted something, and he wanted it bad. “It’s nice to see you too, Dean”. Rosie said softly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “So, what do you need”? Rosie asked, arms crossed over her chest. “Get dressed, Princess, I’ll buy you breakfast and we can talk it over”. Dean stated. Rosie nodded and walked back inside, closing the door behind her. She quickly threw on an oversize lavender, and pink plaid shirt, and some pale blue mom jeans. Running the brush through her hair like her life depended on it and pulling her long ginger locks into a low ponytail. She flossed and brushed her teeth quickly before writing a quick note on a pad of yellow legal paper telling her sister, brother-in-law, and nephew where she was going and who she’d be with.
Rosie dashed out the door, but tripped over her own feet and fell into the firm chest of Dean Winchester. “Whoa”! Dean said, chuckling as he steadied her. “You okay there, Ro”? He asked, Rosie felt her cheeks grow hot and she nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay”. She said meekly and Dean simply smirked, grabbing her by the arm and leading her to where his ‘baby’ was parked. Rosie felt nostalgia rush through her as she got into the passenger seat of the 1967 Chevy Impala. She had only ever sat in the back seat with Sam. But it still felt the same, the memories came rushing back, memories of giggling with Sam over a stupid joke, or fighting with Dean about how ABBA was totally better than Metallica. Those memories brought tears to her eyes, which she quickly wiped away as Dean got into the driver’s seat.
Dean drove them to a diner a few blocks away from the motel she had been staying at for the past week. Not a word was exchanged between the two as he drove, and they remained silent as they walked into the diner, and sat down at an empty booth. “Hello you too, I’m Ella, and I’ll be your waitress today, what can I getcha two”? The waitress asked. She was obviously a sacramento native, from the way she looked, to her hairstyle and makeup. “Two number 3′s”. Dean said. Rosie was shocked he remembered what she liked, blueberry pancakes with a side of bacon was always her go too, and the fact that he remembered that was touching. “Anything to drink”? Ella asked. “Coffee for me and orange juice for her”. Dean stated. The waitress nodded, jotting down the order on her notepad before slipping it back into her apron pocket. She flashed a flirtatious smile towards Rosie, who blushed once again, and watched as the waitress walked away. “She’s into you”! Dean whisper-shouted in frustration. Rosie blushed harder and looked down at her lap.
“So what is going on, Dean”? Rosie asked as their was placed in front of them. Dean waited for Ella to leave before he started to speak. “Dad went on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days”. Dean stated. “So, maybe he just got caught up in another case, you know how John is”. Rosie said cutting into her pancakes. “You don’t understand, Rosie, he’s never been gone this long”. Dean said, frustration in his words. “Sorry, Dean”. Rosie said looking down at her food. Dean felt guilty. “It's okay, Rosie”. Dean said softly. “Does Sammy know”? Rosie asked after a few seconds. “Actually, that’s why I’m here”. Dean stated. “What do you mean”? Rosie asked in confusion, cocking her head to the side. “I need Sammy to come with me, willingly. But he won’t do that without you”. Dean explained. “I don’t know, Dean. I have responsibilities too, ya know”? Rosie said, though it came out sounding like a question. “Like what”? Dean asked. “Ace, it’s my job to take of him”. Rosie said looking down in guilt. Dean put a hand over hers. “Your not his mother, Princess, you can leave, ya know”. Dean said and Rosie looked up meeting his eyes. “Your right. But how can you be sure, that Sam will come with you if I’m there”? Rosie asked. “Your his best friend, Rosie, hell your like a sister to him, he won’t do anything without you”. Dean stated. This boosted Rosie’s confidence and she smiled. “Fine, I’ll go with you. On one condition”. Rosie stated. “And that is”? Dean asked. “You can’t kick me to the curb once we get Sam. I want to help find John”. Rosie said. “You got a deal, Princess”. Dean said and they shook hands.
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samandrielsgirl · 2 years
Sam Best Friend (Prologue)
Rosemarie Elizabeth Collins (born: March 1, 1983), better known by the nickname Rosie is the daughter of Ruthann Collins (nee Connors) and David Emmett Collins, two hunters. She is the younger sister of 26-year-old Izabella “Izzy” Collins.She is the sister-in-law of Daniel Lee Murphy (26), and the Aunt & Godmother of 5-year-old David Emmett Collins-Murphy. She was born and raised in Simi Valley, California until she was six-months-old and her father was murdered by a pack of werewolves.
Her mother (Ruthann) who hadn’t hunted since Izabella was born dedicated the rest of her life to hunting the supernatural, and trained her daughters to hunt the supernatural.
Rosie was 9 when she, her mother, and her sister first met the Winchesters. Rosie quickly bonded with Sam who was only a few months younger than her, over their love of books.
Rosie started going on hunts with the Winchesters when she was 12, her mother trusted John to keep her daughter safe, and he did. And while John always treated her like the daughter he never had, Sam like the sister he always wanted, Dean treated her like the little sister he never wanted, like she was a nuisance. But for some reason he got a kick out of making her mad (when she was a kid), and flustered (as a teenager).
Rosie had no memories of her father, and if it weren’t for pictures she would have no idea what he even looked like. Her father figures ended up being John Winchester and Bobby Singer. John taught her how to hunt better than her mom ever could, and Bobby played board games with her, and taught her how to play soccer and baseball and just be a kid, and enjoy it at that.
Rosie has stayed in the hunting business, sort-of, she did research for her sister and brother-in-law in the motel room and watched her nephew whom was called Ace more than David Emmett. However, she remained close with Sam, visiting him at Stanford whenever she could, under the alias of his sister. Sam would tell her everything, stuff he didn’t tell Jess, like how much he was stressing underneath the pressure of hiding the huge family secret from her, and how he was shopping for engagement rings for her. He’d even shown her a picture of a ring he was considering for Jess. It was a simple gold band with a pearl surrounded by a halo of small diamonds. It was perfect for Jess in Rosie’s opinion, even though she had only met Jess a few times, she new that Jess was different from most girls, evidence of this was that Jess thought that roses were lame. Where as Rosie loved roses, especially pink ones.
Anyway, Sam and Rosie are still best friends, and as thick as thieves.
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