saludosamiibos · 9 years
Current WIPs include:
All seven Koopalings (albeit squeezed into two Clown Copters rather than using seven Bowser Jr. amiibos)
That horrid tall thin Mario from Super Mario Maker
Stay tuned!
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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In memory of those resigned to Mii Costume Hell, here’s an amiibo of King K. Rool! This started out as a Bowser modification (and scans as Bowser in relevant games), but by the time all was said and done, only his hands and feet carried over, and the rest was sculpted from scratch. Well, at least I didn’t just slap K. Rool’s head on another character and call it a day, unlike someone. Not gonna name names.
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Worktable WIP shots ahoy~ Wolf is a commission, King K. Rool is a personal project. Should have Wolf done tomorrow with any luck, and K. Rool is just a matter of painting. It’s funny, I started with Bowser as a base, but sculpted nearly everything from scratch in the end.
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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As you can probably guess if you’re familiar with my personal blog, I’m a huge fan of the Donkey Kong Country series. So a little while ago, I decided to make a little tribute to these wonderful games in the form of an amiibo of DK and Diddy riding in a mine cart! Inside the cart, the Kongs are surrounded by bananas, coins (of the banana, Nintendo, and Rareware varieties), and even a certain crystal coconut. But more importantly, this is my first experiment with electronic components! Using a wire antenna inside the amiibo base, the lamp on the front and the red light on the back both light up when the figure is scanned by the Wii U gamepad.
It took a while, but I’m pretty satisfied with the results!
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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This was something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, and I’m really pleased with how it turned out. Lanky was 95% sculpted from scratch (the head originally used a Jakks Diddy Kong figure as a base, but there was so much sculpting over it that you can barely see any of the original piece). And yup, no balance issues or anything - he has a thick wire skeleton so he can handstand when he needs to OR stretch his arms out (just for you).
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Another commission complete (the first of several I’ll be uploading over the next few days) - Link in his engineer’s garb from Spirit Tracks, complete with the Lokomo Sword, Spirit Pipes, and... Shield.
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
hello! first I have to say that your works are incredible!! Keep it up with the great work! And I was wondering, what kind of clay do you use for customize your amiibo? It makes a really nice and smooth effect, and all the clay I used was kind of terrible for this... It's a particular brand? Thank you, sorry for the bother!
Thank you, and it’s never a bother! With regards to the clay, I use an epoxy called Fixit Sculpt for details, and Apoxie Sculpt for large bits/forming the general shape. They’re very similar - the only difference is that Fixit is better at holding very small details while Apoxie is cheaper. Both of them use the “mix two parts together, you have 2-4 hours to work, then it hardens” approach, and once it does harden, it’s rock-solid.
As for the smoothness, it’s a two-part process - when the epoxy is curing, you can dip a finger in water and run it over to smooth it out a bit, and once it’s cured, you can use a fine sandpaper to smooth down rough spots as needed. It might just be my inner perfectionist speaking, but I always worry that I never smooth them enough. The finger-and-water trick works better on some clays than others (some get all weird and crumbly), but sanding should work for most. Hope that helped!
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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The monarch of Sarasaland, complete! This was another commission. The good thing about Daisy is that if you ever forget her name, she’ll never hesitate to remind you.
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Speaking of Mega Man, my largest commission undertaking is finally complete - a set of all seven of Mega Man’s alts in SSB4! Well, almost complete. Still gotta touch up a couple of details on the Slash Claw one. The vanilla Rock is from my own collection. Feel free to hit up my blog if you have questions, or would like to talk about setting up a custom amiibo commission of your own!
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Another mega-commission knocked out of the park! It’s Mega Man based on his appearance in Captain N: The Game Master, the most gloriously awful video game cartoon ever made (AKA that cartoon in which Simon Belmont dressed.like Launchpad McQuack, and Mega Man inexplicably had the voice of a chain-smoking Danny DeVito). Figuring out how much of the original design and how much of the cartoon design to keep was a bit of a challenge, but I think it turned out nice overall.
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Do not fear, world, for this is a new amiibo. And its name is... Sonichu!
...No joke, I only bought a Sonic amiibo so I could make this. I regret nothing. If you’re interested in commissioning a custom amiibo of your own, hit up my blog for more information! Now go! Sonichu! Go out and zap to the extreme!
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Another custom amiibo, this time a personal project - it’s Link and Ezlo as they appeared in The Minish Cap! I always thought TMC was criminally underrated as far as Zelda games go.
If you’re interested in commissioning a custom of your own, feel free to hit up my blog for more information!
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Another custom commission completed (actually completed a few days ago,* but I forgot to upload the pictures until now) - this time, it’s one of Sonic’s unlockable costumes from Sonic Adventure 2! This PSO-based costume was admittedly fairly tricky to translate to amiibo form, but here it is!
(*Hell, the buckles on the shoes were touched up after these pictures were taken!)
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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WIP shots of several commissions (cat included for scale).
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
Just as a heads-up to those interested, I currently have a lot of commissions on my plate, so I won't be taking any new ones until the 15th or so. Everyone who's spoken with me about commissions before today is unaffected. If you're interested in starting a new commission and don't mind waiting a bit longer, you can feel free to contact me before the 15th, but know that I won't be able to start work on any new commissions until around that date. Thank you all for your interest!
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
That better be a Sonichu Amibo i see!
Behold, the True and Honest jewel of my collection, the one-of-a-kind Electric Hedgehog Pokemon Amiibo, made of only the Finest Acrylic Paint and CRAYOLA FUCKIN' MODEL MAGIC
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saludosamiibos · 9 years
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Being home sick has its perks as far as amiibo custom work goes. Got a mix of commissions and pet projects underway here.
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