sahasulagna2021 · 2 years
Interdependency is hard and yet to be learned. But when I say I did something, that's a lie. All the every part of the world - living or non living - was with me to make myself who I am. How can someone be even alone? It's his/her inability to recognize his own parts.
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sahasulagna2021 · 2 years
When I inserted a thought in my brain, my brain automatically used to attach a feeling or a tag (like/dislike) with it. And the feeling used to reign over the thought. Now, I am learning to take a thought THE WAY IT IS. -- one of my change in '21 I am proud of.
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity
- Samuel Johnso
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
Between the self who gave the last post and the self who is giving post now,
Feels like one millisecond has not spent yet
Feels like one thousand years have been past
How is that even possible I am I am?
How I ended up here, solely, by myself?
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
The dream: the new community, the new faces, the new perspectives
Touching that dream feels like weird. How I am reacting, how I am talking are slowly making my identity in the totally new people’s head. It's both kind of intimidating and exciting at the same time.
(Me1: Ohp I am not like that, I am not like that,!...
Me2: Who I am like really?)
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
Cal newport must have to help me to go through the College Puzzle, please!; Otherwise, I Don't Know what's gonna happen!
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
Is this only me?:
I hate to answer the questions : "ki korcho ajkal?"/ "ki korish saradin?"/"ki obostha?"
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
মানুষ এত অ্যাসাম্পশন করে কি মজা পায় বুঝি না, এটাতো সিম্পল - হোয়াট আই নো, আই নো; হোয়াট আই ডোন্ট নো, আই ডোন্ট নো 🤷‍♀️
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
Where did our second celebration went away😕😕 @nemesisalo
We could have written a lot of stories. Don't you think ? Happy 1 year anniversary of our blogs (we started at 31 may)
Of course we could. But every story does not need to be written. They roam around head and space :)
Happy anniversary fro.
The journey was great.
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
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june 2015
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
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i know that waking up in the morning can be such a chore ;; it’s always so tempting to sleep til noon and constantly press “snooze.” however, mornings are a nice and quiet bit of the day to enjoy!! here are a few tips to maximize your mornings.
there’s so much more time to be productive
if you finish up your work in the morning, you can relax in the evening
early mornings are really peaceful and calm
you can catch a glimpse of the sunrise
you feel happier and healthier
go to sleep earlier
getting adequate sleep will help you wake up early for the next day! i know, it seems like a better idea to stay up really late to finish that one last assignment. but!! i’d recommend that you sleep earlier and wake up earlier to finish it in the morning. you’ll feel less tired and stressed!
wake up earlier than you normally do
idk about you, but if i wake up after 8 or 9 am, i just feel so so sluggish and feel like i lost some precious hours of the morning. i personally like waking up around 6 to 6:30, but other people like waking up around 7.
open up your blinds / curtains
let all the natural light fill your room!! it makes your room brighter and i swear, almost everything looks prettier with natural light. also, natural light is fantastic for taking those studyspo pictures :-))))
drink a glass of water
your body hasn’t had any water for the past 8 or so hours that you’ve been asleep!! drinking a large glass of water after you wake up will fire up your metabolism, rehydrate your brain, help your body flush out toxins, and help you feel refreshed as well.
wash your face with cold water
idk about you but i literally feel half-asleep on my feet when i wake up and i just want to crawl back into my bed and never see the morning light again. washing my face with cold water really wakes me up and makes me feel super refreshed and ready to tackle the day! i also like to brush my teeth too bc morning breath is gross ;;
eat breakfast
eating a healthy breakfast gives you energy to use for the day, improves your memory and mood, improves concentration and productivity, and is good for your overall health bc it reduces risk of type 2 diabetes + obesity (reduces chances of excessive, unhealthy snacking).
lately, i’ve been eating a small bowl of oatmeal with honey, peanut butter, and a little bit of fruit on the side. it’s so so good omg :’) i also make myself a cup of tea to give me a little “kick” in the morning.
turn on some music
idk why but turning on some nice music in the morning instantly sets a nice sort of atmosphere? i like playing studio ghibli music bc it’s calming and happy!
plan out your day
figure out what you’re going to do with all of the time that you have now! i like jotting down my tasks in my bullet journal, but you can just write up a to-do list, use an app, a planner, or your own bullet journal.
get to work!
take advantage of the time you have now to get started on your assignments + projects + studying!
you can also check out my morning routine video to see how i usually spend my mornings!
hope this helped and good luck! if you’d like to request a post, go here and if you’d like to see more helpful posts, go here!! thanks :)
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
Only me💀
i think i visit my blog more than anyone else does
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
write down every deadline!
get someone’s number in every class, in case you have to miss a class or need a study buddy
don’t buy textbooks before you go to the first class – you might not even need them
same with notebooks, binders, folders, etc
live on campus for at least a year if you can – you’ll make more friends and get more involved that way
apply for a work study job  – your boss will be way more understanding about taking time off to study than if you work off campus 
put yourself out there, especially in the first couple of months. go to club interest meetings, hang out with people from class, introduce yourself to your hall mates
if you don’t like the free t shirt, don’t take it. you’ll never wear, no not even to sleep, and you’ll just end up stressed out about your lack of closet space
don’t go straight back to your dorm after class – study in the library, hang out in union. don’t coop yourself up in your room all day!!
start your work as soon as you get it
always carry a water bottle
don’t leave the dining hall empty handed! grab some fruit or cookies for a snack later
keep a travel mug in your backpack so you can get free coffee from the dining hall instead of starbucks
coordinate with your roommates on big stuff – fridge, coffee maker, etc
apply for fafsa the day it opens!! if they need any extra info you’ll wanna know asap 
lay out your clothes the night before, so you can sleep a little later
use the resources available to you!! go to the gym, the campus clinic, etc because you’re already paying for it!!
go to sporting events even if you don’t like sports, it’s a chance to really appreciate your school + get away from homework for a bit
start your work as soon as you get it!!!
take classes that interest you!! even if they’re outside your major
study hard but don’t forget to take a break!! spend time with your friends and make memories!!
always keep $20 in your car for emergency gas or food
you’ll probably switch majors. that’s okay.
if you decide you want to ~party~, take it easy. always go with people you trust, and don’t be afraid to leave early if you’re getting a bad vibe
don’t wear a lanyard. sure, they’re convenient, but at what cost?
speak up in class, but don’t be a know-it-all. if you’re speaking over all the other students or acting like you know more than the teacher your attendance grade is going to be the same as if you hadn’t talked at all
don’t sweat your gpa too much. it’s not like high school, and unless you have to have a certain gpa for a scholarship it doesn’t really matter what it is
keep your room clean. seriously it’ll make your relationship with your roommate much better and will keep your space from stressing you out
avoid all-nighters like the plague
enjoy it!!! 
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
Starting to revive 2021 blog. Will be active here from now on!
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
I can't define myself in a word. That does not mean I will try to push myself to fit into those existing vague words! You know what you mean, not what I mean!
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
How to win at college
Don’t do all your reading
Create a Sunday ritual
Drop classes every semester
Start long-term projects the day they are assigned
Make your bed
Apply to ten scholarships a year
Build study systems
Befriend a professor
Become a club president
Read a newspaper every day
Do one thing better than anyone else you know
Avoid daily to-do lists
Learn to give up
Never nap
Sign up for something your first week
Always be working on a “Grand Project”
Take art history and astronomy
Blow the curve once a term
Ask one question at every lecture
Jump into research as soon as possible
Pay your dues
Study in fifty-minute chunks
Schedule your free time
Dress nicely for class
Decorate your room
Start studying two weeks in advance
Write outside of class
Eat alone twice a day
Find an escape
Take hard courses early on
Don’t study in your room
Don’t study in groups
Join an honors program
Do schoolwork every day
Attend guest lectures
Exercise five days a week
Stay in touch
Tack on an extra major or minor
Meet often with your advisor
Don’t get a normal job
Use three days to write a paper
Don’t undersleep, don’t oversleep
Relax before exams
Make friends your #1 priority
Don’t binge drink
Ignore your classmates’ grades
Seek out phenomenal achievers
Learn to listen
Never pull an all-nighter
Laugh every day
Use high-quality notebooks
Keep a work-progress journal
Seek out fun
Inflate your ambition
Get involved in your major department
Care about your grades, ignore your GPA
Always go to class
Set arbitrary deadlines
Eat healthily
Volunteer quietly
Write as if going for a Pulitzer
Attend political rallies
Maximize your summers
Choose goals, explore routes
Don’t take breaks between classes
Don’t network
Publish Op-Eds
Use a filing cabinet
Find a secret study space
Study with the Quiz-and-Recall Method
Empty your inbox
Relax before sleep
Start fast, end slow
Spend a semester studying abroad
“Don’t have no regrets”
Pink: I must do them( without great exception, I am sure I will do them)
Blue: I will try to do them, but not extremely sure if I can
Black: Very uncertain I will do.
##One thing about this book is you can misinterpret what the author wants to tell by reading the headlines only. I would say to go through the book to understand. He does want you to be definitely hardcore, but not obsessed with any particular thing. The list is a balanced one obviously.
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sahasulagna2021 · 3 years
I love what bestselling author, Matthew Kelly says: “On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy.”
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