saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
“I am no such thing.” Leah shook her head, at Sahar as laugher passed over her lips. “I have nothin’ against havin’ a little fun but I just don’t think you are ready to see me learn how to Hula. That might be more fun for you than me,” she teased, “That you certainly are,” she agreed happily with Sahar’s words. “Confidence or not, it’s a good thing you’ll be willin’ to wait until I’m a little drunk to teach me, because that’s what I need to get myself started. “You know it doesn’t take more than four, so it really shouldn’t be that hard now that you’ve got a plan in hand. “Kids are too creative nowadays, I don’t know how they can do it.” 
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"Liar,” she retorted firmly before she was soon leaning her head back dramatically, hands running down her cheeks to match before she fixed herself and looked at her friend once more. “Y’know, I had the same thought when I first discovered hula when I was off at college but then the kumu of the halau I joined said that anyone is able to learn it as long as they’ve got an open mind. Are you tellin’ me, Leah Delvey, that you’re narrow-minded?” Listening closely, she tapped her finger against her cheek, “Oh, you don’t even have to tell me ‘cause I already have it all mapped out in my head. I might even go a step further and just carry ‘round the stereotypical grass skirt and coconut bra in my car just for when it happens.” And Sahar would which was the tip of the iceberg. “Right?! I honestly dunno where they’re gettin’ it from but I can’t even go against it ‘cause it’s funny to watch. The most creative thing I did when I was in high school was make a whole diorama about ocean life which almost broke before I even did my presentation.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
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“I didn’t say I used plastic,” she stated plainly, trying not to let the other know that she was clearly offended by the accusation. Dixie was known for her active participation with any environmental protest she could find in southern Alabama. “I just prefer the glass ones over the metal. That way when I’m cleaning them I can see if I miss anything. Metal straws, I can’t.” 
With her face scrunched, Sahar couldn’t quite form an argument against her logic against metals straws in favor of glass ones but glass going into her mouth was something that she was just weary of in general. “M’so sorry,” she finally said, face relaxing, “I must’a misunderstood. I definitely think glass ones are more than okay but I guess my personal bias just can’t be wrapped around the idea of puttin’ glass anywhere close to my mouth. I got this nasty habit of biting straws so if I bit a glass one, I’d be scared of chipping a tooth.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
“You sure ‘bout that?” Gideon asked, lifting a brow as he looked down at the hen he was holding onto. She turned her head to look at him with those dead, beady chicken eyes and he looked away. “I mean, she can go home but it might not be in the car with me,” Gideon joked with a shrug. “Sometimes she’s gotta do chores, too.”
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Keeping a close eye on the chicken, Sahar blinked as soon found her mouth slightly open before closing it as her lips jutted out in thought, “Well.. maybe she doesn’t but I’ve seen chickens with personalities before! Maybe she’s just... lost her way?” Why was she justifying a chicken? Of all things. “What chores would ya exactly be giving a chicken? Makin’ you eggs?”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
She laughed at the statement-more closed off than the pentagon-and nodded when she heard the colors. “Cranberry and beige…” she hummed. “We do have flowers that are cranberry, but I don’t know about beige flowers…” Catherine went over to the flowers and looked for a while before picking up a cranberry peony. “There’s this,’ she said before picking up a cabernet red oriental  one as well. “I also have this one too-though I don’t believe we have any beige ones, I’m sorry.”
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"S’okay if ya wanna just say she’s borin’ ‘cause I’ve been telling her that every day of my life since I could talk. One more person ain’t gonna matter much,” she commented with a little laugh. Watching Catherine closely, she watched the way the woman so easily picked out some flowers which made the woman let out an innocent ooo noise in excitement. “I’m really likin’ the second one,” she said, pointing at the cabernet red oriental as she tried to think, “It’s simple but also not simple at the same time. --I didn’t expect ya to have any beige ones, if I’m honest. D’you know of any that might go well with that one? I’ll take any and all suggestions.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
During her high school years, Amelia kept her head rather low until senior year when she’d initially became a cheerleader and started hanging out with Delilah more. With that being said, she’d never really had any issues with Sahar, especially given the fact that she was a bright student who had one of the highest GPA’s at the time of graduation. Her reaction about the shoes was definitely not one she would’ve had in high school, which was likely why Sahar had been a little taken back by the comment. It had been known that the Hunters made a pretty comfortable living with their custard shop and the settlement from Olive’s divorce from Richard, but Amelia still needed to turn this situation on its head somehow, right? “So what you’re saying is that.. poor people shouldn’t have nice things? Yikes… that’s kinda rude given you’re a public school teacher..” She quickly knelt down to pick up her phone, checking for scratches with a bit of a sigh.
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Blinking slowly, the smile on Sahar’s lips didn’t even budge as she listened to the younger girls words considering she was far too use to people younger than her feeling the need to twist words and swing metaphorical fists as defense mechanisms. She worked with teenagers for goodness sake. If you didn’t develop thick skin, they’re literally eat you alive. As much as she was easygoing, she also knew how to stand her ground. “Hmmm don’t ‘member sayin’ any of that but it’s kinda like how some people assume that others get their sense of self worth from expensive items instead of doin’ personal introspection.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
“Guess I’m bold,” he shrugs. “I named no names. If you think you’re squawking, that’s all you.” He watches her maneuver around her basket, standing in place himself. “You wouldn’t be the first to say it. Feel free. No need to hold back on your opinions of me. I can take it.” 
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“S’A good thing I think I have a lovely voice ‘cause that would’a killed my self esteem a grand total of 1%.” Light brown eyes scanned the aisle to see if she needed anything else as she spoke once more, “Now why on earth would I go and do that when it would just be an insult to poor walruses? You’re definitely more of a leech because you’re highkey annoyin’ and sometimes talkin’ t’you can feel like you’re bein’ drained dry. Or, yanno, the infamous monsters that is the cicadas; make a lot of noise but they don’t do a single thing.” Sahars’ words were said with a smile but whether they were truthful or not, she wasn’t entirely sure.
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
“Yeah, but you look good in like everythin’ so you could totally pull it off, even if you don’t think it’s your style which like… so unfair.” Stella grinned. “Oh my god, thank you, though! I do think it matches me, huh? We gotta find you the cutest dress though.”
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"Well, now you’re just tryin’ to butter me up! I’m sure there’s bound t’be somethin’ ‘round here that would prove ya wrong and make everythin’ totally fair again.” She remarked despite the laugh that escaped her. “Matches perfectly! I tried lookin’ but nothin’ really... speaks t’me, yanno? But I’m gonna be leavin’ it in your hands ‘cause knowin’ myself, I’ll be leavin’ with empty hands from how picky I can be.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
“Aw, you’re too sweet! Now Edie might not forgive you right away, but she’ll get over it before long. You might get some pouting.” Her little hen is nothing if not dramatic. “And I swear, she just ate before we left the farm! She just thinks everything’s for her, that’s all.”
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As her bottom lip jutted out in a soft pout, she looked down at the little hen as she let out a sigh, “I can’t live with myself knowin’ this information! This is exactly why my rabbits have me wrapped ‘round their finger like a loser.” Breaking off a small piece of the granola bar, she knelt down and placed it in front of the hen before standing back up, “There ain’t no doubt in my mind that that’s true but girl knows her angles so she’s smarter than most humans, I feel.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
Nicholas was dumped by few women in his life. Sahar was one of those women and he would never forget it. At the time, he had been a bit heartbroken she had beaten him to it. It was the first time he was left by someone instead of leaving them. Though, it’s not like she was wrong to break up with him. A part of him had always been slightly aware that they didn’t go together, not in the same way they might have thought in the beginning. Nicholas took the coffee with raised brows, “I don’t know if I know anythin’ about me bein’ dramatic, ya know?” He was the furthest from dramatic - which was a total lie he was telling himself. “Healthier or not, it really was that disgusting.” Nicholas told her with a shake of his head before taking a sip of the coffee, “but this?” he lifted it with his words, “perfection.”
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Humming softly, Sahar could only raise her brow at Nick as she listened to him closely, eyes soon narrowing in the process, “That sounds exactly like somethin’ someone who’s dramatic would say. Just admit it! You’re a dramatic man and it’s somethin’ ya gotta live with forever and ever. Acceptance is the first step to recovery.” Rolling her eyes, Sahar moved her cup of iced coffee in a circle to mix the sugar at the bottom. “You’re only sayin’ that ‘cause you weren’t use to it! S’like when people put flavored creamer into their coffee for the first time; it’s gonna be a lil’ weird but then you just might never stop usin’ it. You just suck and wouldn’t give it a chance.” She commented, tongue sticking out at him teasingly. “And you call yourself a doctor.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
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“I think it just makes it a short and important list,” she chuckled. A full pout formed on her lips before sighing dramatically, all in a joke, “I suppose I would be an asshole if I said no but can I be a close second?” 
All she could really do was give Natzeli an incredulous look but soon enough, a gentle smile was on Sahar’s lips. “You would definitely be an asshole if ya said no and you’d have to deal with a very angry twenty four year old who’s main goal in life is to have all my attention. But you can one hundred and ten percent be a close second! Every other lesbian in town? I dunno ‘em. Non-existent. My ears suddenly don’t work and I’m also blind now.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
Florence chuckled and pocketed her twenty before taking another sip of her drink. “It’s probably smart not to gamble. I lost a lot of money in my early twenties because I have a bad habit of not backing down from a bet.” She shrugged and pulled the rack from the holder, getting the balls situated. “It is all part of the fun. I’ve been playing pool since I was little and I’m still not the best, but I do try.” She snorted as she positioned herself to break, watching all the balls scatter, wincing as none sank. “I had to listen to Old Lady Perkins tell me in detail about her sexual shenanigans with Mr Perkins and I don’t think I’ll ever recover.”
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"I feel like that’s just more of a right of passage for most people if anythin’. But that kinda says a lot ‘bout who ya are as a person in a way ‘cause it shows that you’re persistent.” Nodding her head slowly, Sahar would be making sure to keep that in mind considering she was mainly there to have a good time anyways. At least, she was until she heard Florence’s final words which made her pull a face of discomfort. “Ya alhi!” (Oh my god) She exclaimed in arabic as she moved herself to a position where she felt was suited for where the balls had spread to. “I’ve heard that it’s healthy for older people t’have sex an’ all but... after a certain age I kinda just figured all that would just stop workin’. I don’t even know if I’m okay knowin’ that ain’t true now.”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
“Oh my god, how do I look? Is it too short? Too shiny? I mean… like I know it is… but. Gotta have some flair for a night out! How do you think I look?”
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"It’s definitely not somethin’ I would personally go ‘bout wearin’ but that might just be ‘cause it’s a bit too shiny. But I don’t think it looks bad on you! Seems kinda fittin’ to your personality so I say wear it. How else are ya gonna show off ‘em legs?”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
“I’m not sayin’ this town is dry, but.” And Rayleigh stopped, because she thought she sounded like her mother. “I am sayin’ my mom’s finally run outta people to set me up with. That must be a good thing.” 
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"That depends,” Sahar started as she twirled a strand of hair around her pointer finger in thought, “D’you want it to be a good thing? ‘Cause I know lots of people in this town love thinkin’ ‘bout settlin’ down and startin’ families so when the options are gettin’ this depressingly low... it kinda seems impossible.” 
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
It’s not uncommon to see Willow being tailed by a rotund little hen named Edie, but her feathered friend still likes to surprise her. This time Edie takes off in a waddling sprint, very intent on checking out what the nearest person has in their hands.
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She makes her little chicken noises from their heels, while Willow laughs. “Please, you don’t have to give into her demands! She’s less threatening than she appears.”
A wide smile formed on her lips the moment she heard the gentle noises, looking down and seeing the chicken at her feet as she was unwrapping a granola bar she’d had tucked inside of her purse, “Aren’t you a lil’ ray of sunshine!” She cooed, squatting down to look at the chicken before lifting her head to look at Willow, “Goodness, I wish I could give ‘er some but unfortunately I’ve not eaten anythin’ all day and if I don’t eat this I’ll surely die of hunger. D’you think she’ll forgive me?”
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saharkhcury ¡ 4 years
Status: Open Location: Main St
“Yeah and then she was totally like bitchin’ about me like moving back home. Like yeah, I fucking hate it here, but like.. my mom totally frickin’ needs me right now.” Amelia rolled her eyes with a deep sigh, phone to her ear and not noticing the person that she was walking toward when she bumped into them on accident, dropping her phone and letting out a loud screech. “Oh my frickin’ God! I swear of my Valentino’s are scraped!” her voice high pitched per usual before she looked up at the person she bumped into. “I’m like sorry… I’m having a rough week I guess.” there was her signature phony smile as she tried to seem like she was completely okay with the situation.
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With her eyes trained on her phone as she caught up with a rather lengthy group text she had with her two sisters, Sahar brushed back her lengthy curly brown hair without really putting her peripheral to use. Said mishap soon resulted in her colliding with someone as she fumbled to keep her phone in her hands, thankfully it didn’t drop to the ground as she soon clutched it in her hands. Looking at the person, it took her a moment to recognize the girl but Sahar remembered just about all of her former students even if it took a second. Maybe it was her reaction that through her off and yet, it was still Amelia Hunter. “I don’t think ya should be wearin’ Valentino’s if you’re that worried ‘bout havin’ them get ruined,” she told her, tucking her phone into her purse, “No apology needed considerin’ both of us are at fault in a sense. ‘Sides, you seemed like you were quite wrapped up in sayin’ how much ya hate it here so it’s perfectly okay.”
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