sagittariae-blog · 8 years
There are all these moments you think you won’t survive. And then you survive.
David Levithan (via deeplifequotes)
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
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“I did know Rue. She wasn’t just my ally, she was my friend. I see her in the flowers that grow in the meadow by my house. I hear her in a Mockingjay song. I see her in my sister Prim.”
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    She’d never really developed that soft spot some seemed to have for animals, she supposes she’d never been given the opportunity. They were food, they were survival, that’s simply how it was. Prim on the other hand had always been more delicate, bonding with that scraggily cat who always hissed at Katniss. She’d wanted her sister to remain that way, keep that innocence. During her short time here she’d seen some unusual sights, creatures not even the Capitol could conjure up in their labs. But she was still adjusting, trying to discern threat from harmless civilian, what was food and what was too dangerous to mess with. And presently a goat like creature in clothing seemed like dinner to her.
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    “...” She doesn’t say anything as she has the poor thing at arrow point, but there’s hesitation. She locked eyes with this creature and saw humanity, something animals didn’t possess, she thinks that’s why killing them was easier. After a few tense moments she lowers her bow, whatever it was it wasn’t a mere beast that only had instincts. “Sorry, thought you were a goat” she eventually says, “it’s a waste to kill goats any way,” a poor attempt at an apology but her words rang with truth; goats produced other valuable products aside from meat.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
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ooc; This isn’t the best time to post an ad but I’ll reblog later when more people are around. Like this post for a starter of varying length! No cap for now.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    The pond in sector six was an ideal hunting ground, if only for the fish swimming about in the small ponds dotted around the place. She couldn’t really call it hunting when it was so easy, it was literally like shooting fish in a barrel. After skewering a fish with an arrow, holding it up to inspect it having shot it directly in the eye she notices someone watching her. He doesn’t look all that pleased, maybe he was hungry?
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    “What?” She asks whilst eyeing him carefully, ripping the fish from the arrow head. “Do...you want one?” Asking a little hesitantly as these were her supplies, but she wasn’t beyond helping others if they really needed it. However, something about his expression said he wasn’t hungry, he looked more upset than anything else.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
“I’ll take the left, you take the right– No arguing.”
Reluctant Allies -- Sentence Starters. || Accepting!
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    She eyes him with a clearly defiant look in her eyes, generally not one to do as she was told unless she absolutely had to. She saw the left as her better match as opposed to the right that he wanted her to take, although she didn’t see what difference it made to him, whichever way he went his brightly coloured armour would draw unneeded attention. “Sorry I’m not good at taking orders,” not even under the strict rules of District 13, she often disregarded her appointed schedule. One to usually go with her gut first and ask questions later she makes steps to approach from the left, completely throwing his suggestion out the window. Teamwork had never been her strong point, but experience told her, her instincts were to be trusted and they were telling her it was best to trust her own judgement than his.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    Atop the tallest building she could get access to she gazes skyward, peering along the long, wooden arrow that was locked in place. With the string pressed against her lip, taking in a deep breath before releasing the arrow into the sky. It pierced the air and soared as if it would never fall to the earth again, but as she suspected it isn’t allowed to descend. It gets so high before the arrow hits something invisible and combusts into flames; reduced to ashes, a forcefield of some kind that locked them all in.
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    Her gaze is brought downwards to eye the city below, all these people pawns in some grand scheme that no one had an inkling to. “So it’s true, this place really is a prison” she says aloud, discerning footsteps approaching her. Turning on her heels she eyes the young woman carefully, why she was up here too she couldn’t say. “Here for the view?” She asks rhetorically more than anything, unsure how else to make conversation or if she should even try. They were all in the same situation, but she knew better than most that similar circumstances didn’t equate trust.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    There’s a ghost of a smile on her lips at his returning comment, she supposes they weren’t all that used to being hunted. After all food was provided within the apartments they were assigned, why go through the trouble of gathering your own food? But she took comfort in it, it was a slice of normality before everything changed. Approaching the beast she killed, shifting her eyes between it and the man who casually put a cigarette in his mouth. “Thanks,” taking the compliment whilst she pulls out the arrow imbedded in the wolf, sliding it back into her sheath. “Can’t say I was, didn’t even see you until after,” she admits; perhaps feeling a little guilty. “You blend in pretty well,” a nod to his outfit that was clearly made for camouflage.
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    “You know those things will kill you,” directed at the cigarette, the hint of a smirk pulling at her lips. It wasn’t her business to tell people what to do and not do. “If wolves don’t first,” she adds, a shadow of her old sarcastic self making a brief appearance in good humour whilst she looks over her kill. She’s unsure if she wants to risk cooking it, while wolf like it definitely had monstrous features not unlike muttations. Kneeling down she rolls it over, it was heavier than she’d imagined, unsure if she could even drag it back. “I would say I wasted my time, doubt I can carry this thing back,” a sigh expels before she glances back at her new acquaintance. “But it wasn’t entirely,” as she had unknowingly helped him.
     Some wolves.
They were wolf-like, but the man could barely compare them outside of appearances– wolves weren’t normally this big or aggressive. If they didn’t at least look similar to the animals he knew, he’d consider them more as monsters than anything else. Before he knows it, he’s cornered and attacked– but he’s at least able to dodge a scratch by dropping down.
Before he can pull out his weapon, however, something pierces the air– and soon pierces one of their brains– and the beasts scatter like wildfire. A low grumble undulates from Snake’s throat as he begins to stand and turns, facing the girl who had showed up. … She didn’t seem all that interested in him by the sound of her voice, however.
“All bark and no bite, huh?” he quipped back after a moment, looking the archer up and down. “Almost, but I’m fine. … Nice aim with that thing.”
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“I take it you weren’t trying to save my hide, were you?”
     Already, Snake was lighting up a cigarette.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
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ya lit meme: [5/5] protaganists → katniss everdeen; the hunger games by suzanne collins
my name is katniss everdeen. why am i not dead? i should be dead.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    Despite her mind being jumbled and still not being able to grasp her situation well; instincts were something that never left. The want to survive, to do what was necessary to stay alive; that didn’t go away easily. Sometimes it was easy to think she could do nothing and just die, knowing how much easier that would be for everyone. Yet still her limbs moved, carried her forward to find food and avoid danger...for the most part.
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    She pulls an arrow taunt and lets it fly, the tip piercing a wolf directly between the eyes. She’d heard wolves came out at dusk in this sector and wolf meat sounded better than chewing on squirrels, despite the evident dangers it presented. The yelp it emits causes the rest of it’s friends to flee, dissipating into the shadows and it’s only when they leave does she realise she did more than find herself a meal. A man she hadn’t seen previously gets to his feet, she assumes he’d been in a confrontation with the beasts and she’d unknowingly helped him. She doesn’t point her weapon at him but she makes sure she has an arrow locked in her bow just in case. “Guess they had better things to do,” she quips although her expression remains humourless. “Did they get you?” Eyeing him closely to see if he had any visible wounds, her voice not so much concerned but merely discerning his situation and how she should react.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    For a moment an image flashes over the one before her; a choking heat, the air crackles with the threat of thunder and between the lush greenery is Finnick Odair with his hands raised. Remember who the real enemy is echoes through her mind, then the image distorts and twists until reality seeps back in and she’s left stumbling. The arrow droops from it’s locked position as the tension in the string lessens, unable to hold it still. ‘My name is Katniss Everdeen, I lived in District 12, I survived the Hunger Games...’ she repeats in her head like clockwork in an attempt to gain control of the situation and herself.
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    “...” She remains silent as the quip passes over her, eyes almost wild in their confusion and shock. Normally she’d take such banter in her stride but she was hardly in a state to make sarcastic jokes. Did someone harm you? She registers that much. Someone always wanted to ever since Prim’s name had been drawn at the reaping, being here didn’t change that in her mind. “No...no one’s harmed me,” she eventually says in a not so convincing tone but her grip on her bow tightens once more as if doing so would tighten her grasp on her predicament. “Who are you? Do you work for them?” Them being the individuals cloaked in white, the ones who’d greeted her here and looked upon her like a piece in their game. He’s right, she doesn’t believe him, she has no reason to trust his words. Criminals could be applied to anyone; the Capitol saw the rebels as criminals and the rebels saw the Capitol as criminals. It was all a matter of perspective and what you believed in, so his words did little to sway her in his favour.
—✕ █ ▌He’s forgotten, truth be told. Hushed footsteps through the underbrush, bows drawn, a rebellious man and his Night Elves ready to stick an arrow through the first Orlesian chevalier to cross their paths. The forest is never not his home, but age has long since eased him into a quiet and pensive figure, with him greeting every day with a sort of calming lull. Hypervigilance can still become him, but such things are not easily coupled with a false sense of security.
A hand grips the hilt of his weapon, steel edging against the scabbard of his blade. A noise sudden and brief and near, catching his attention a little too late, as he whirls around to catch the sight of an arrow pointed in his direction. There’s no hesitation as he raises hands slowly, palms outward, leaving his weapon to hang uselessly by his side. With a bow that size, there’s a chance of him being able to best her regardless of skill and range, yet, he’s willing to listen and take pause, hardly breathing as blue hues match grey. It isn’t a crime to look after oneself when you are accustomed to only pain, but whether she is like him or not remains to be seen.
❝Unless you’re one of my students skivvying off, I don’t intend to take you anywhere.❞ Though what he’s heard from her is brief, he doubts she takes sarcastic quips and humour particularly well, so he continues speaking seamlessly. ❝Did someone harm you? It’s part of my job description to take down criminals, though I… don’t expect you to believe me.❞
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
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ooc; I might not be getting to much today as it’s my birthday so forgive me for being a little slow with starters and replies but I will gradually get to them!
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
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    “If you stare at it any closer your eyes will fall out,” she eventually comments whilst the young man inspects the large dome like structure. It didn’t take a genius to know this thing was important, as it was planted directly in the centre of the entire city and all; it must have some significance. That’s why she’s here to check it out herself, although she has no idea what she planned to do. Blow it up? That didn’t seem like a fathomable plan, if it were possible somebody would have done it by now. But she can guess it’s relevant to getting out of here. “So...what’s your verdict?” She adds as she’d seen him looking at it for quite some time, but it didn’t seem like he’d come to any conclusions.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    Lips press firmly together when he guesses she wanted information about the city she found herself trapped in. But his words were a little telling so she wasn’t totally wasting her time.
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    “Not knowing much is better than knowing nothing,” which is where she stood presently; at camp oblivious. She’d been too bewildered to pay any attention to the voice that chatted on when she woke in the white room. Now she thinks it probably would have been to her benefit, but it had all happened so fast and suddenly that she’d not even been given time to think straight. “If it’s a secret you might want to try less showy clothes,” a friendly suggestion if concealment was something he wanted. Even if his costume covered his face, his entire outfit drew unnecessary attention. ‘Look at me giving fashion advice, Effie would be happy,’ a stray thought that quickly disappears. “Any way I’m not here to blow your cover, I just want answers about this place.”
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     “Yeah, I’ve probably got to work on that.” This situation reminded perfectly why he missed the Spider-Sense – it warned him of stuff like this, and hanging around, literally, was a bit embarrassing, considering he’s in costume. Well, it’s way better that he’s in costume since she doesn’t know he’s Miles Morales, but she knows he’s an idiot in spandex stuck on a trap. Still, he had to get out of this thing and go back to the city – he had to go to fight crime and help. “Alright, cool. But if it’s about the city, I don’t really know much stuff. And if it’s about who I am, I can’t help you there. It’s kind of a secret and everything.”
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    Haggling for items in exchange for things she’d hunted and gathered wasn’t a new concept, but she was bringing out all the stops to make some sense of her situation. That meant finding a routine, reminding herself of who she was, where she came from and what she’d done. It was repetitive and mind numbing but it’s the only thing that kept her mind intact enough to cope with her predicament. So whilst she stands at the market stall attempting to sell some dead squirrels she repeats over and over in her head; I’m Katniss Everdeen, I lived in District 12, I survived the Hunger Games...
    This constant cycle is momentarily disrupted when a new customer approaches wanting to buy the cakes Katniss was trying to exchange for mangy squirrels. She doesn’t really have words for the person the voice belonged to, only muttations comes to mind to explain what the spider like girl was.
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    “Didn’t think spiders liked peppermint,” she remarks without really thinking it through. The cakes present were peppermint flavoured and an old wives tale said the mint leaf warded off the eight legged insects.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
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    “For someone wearing skin tight clothes you make a lot of noise,” eyeing her ‘prey’ dangling upside down in a trap she’d set, his foot tangled up in some makeshift rope she’d made from vines. She’d been hoping for something a little more meaty and a little less human, not wanting to waste all her arrows so quickly when traps and snares could be set using the materials around her. She had decided to take comfort within the forest rather than relying on the apartment gifted to her. She’d learned not to trust things that were just handed to her, there was always a catch. It was strange to be doing something so normal, as if she were back home making rounds beyond the fence, like everything that followed that day sat atop the hill with Gale was nothing but a nightmare. But it wasn’t, it was very real and she couldn’t be here. “While you’re hanging around—” no pun intended there “you can answer some things for me,” a demand more than a friendly inquiry as she’d never been good at friendly.
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sagittariae-blog · 8 years
    A misty breath exhales whilst a hand is placed upon the the bark of a tree. Instinct told her to run, run as far away from that sterile white room as she could, walk until her feet could carry her no more. So she had moved on and on until some sense of familiarity was felt within these woods past the district that was supposed to be her home. What a joke, she might have laughed if it wasn’t all so real. It was like starting all over again, figuring out who to trust, who wanted her dead and who would likely stick a knife in her back. Might as well start with the footsteps that crunched across the woodland floor like an elephant charging through a china shop.
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    The makeshift bow she’d been allowed to keep is drawn with no hesitation, act first and ask questions later right? But as the string pressed up against her lip; tired eyes meet with the mans, her intentions now clear to him with nothing but a simple look partially hidden by shrubbery. She withholds her arrow, keeping it locked in place as her grey eyes bear into his as if to discern if he meant her harm or not. “I’m not going back,” she finally says firmly yet yielding some uncertainty in her tone. Was he here to take her back to that room? To the place she was meant to stay? She wasn’t to know, nor was he to know what she meant, but it was clear she wasn’t steady like the trees that surrounded them.
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