saccharot · 1 month
I could start fires with what I feel for you.
David Ramirez (Fires)
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saccharot · 2 months
be the bigger person? WRONG! murder spree! 🔪🔪🔪🩸🩸🩸🔪🔪☠️☠️☠️☠️🫀🫀🫀🔪🔪☠️☠️🩸☠️🩸🫀🫀🫀🔪🩸🔪🩸☠️🔪🔪🩸☠️🩸🩸☠️🔪🔪🔪🫀🫀
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saccharot · 7 months
@𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐭 sent: yang-yang always here to kiss the most handsome husband in the world ! ♡
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        « papa! »
        the joyful cries of children echoed in the quietness of the night before he could even reach the brightly-lit wooden platform of the porch. from a distance away, a little boy about the age of six and his older sister, who looked no older than nine, both ran toward him at the speed of light. they were the children wen kexing had brought home to xue yang from the market; the two monkeys that they'd adopted as theirs – xiao huan and haoran.         hooked around his legs and waist, haoran was already affectionately nuzzling the robes around his belt, as if his face couldn't be buried deep enough into him to get his affection. clinging onto his right arm, however, his sister xiao huan had very different intentions: instead of his affection, it was his time that she requested. and she spared no time reminding him the promise he had made of teaching her a brand new martial art technique before going out earlier that day.
        wen kexing had a particular fondness for children. these two seemed to know it all too well, since they now dared to make cute little eyes at him, as compared to the first time they had met. if not for the fact that xue yang had interjected to ask them to give him space, he would've probably entertained these two without complaining. for that exact reason, wen kexing took a minute to look at xue yang, a fond smile etching his lips in thanks.
        this was when he realised: that he had yet to kiss his wife.
        whether or not this was his way to remind him that he had forgotten something, wen kexing had no intention to leave him hanging. as soon as the two siblings let go of him, his arm came to wrap itself around xue yang's waist, his lips tenderly pressing against his forehead, followed by the temples, until their lips came into contact for a much, much longer time.
        and only after pulling away did wen kexing whisper. “a'yang, i'm home.”
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saccharot · 10 months
meet cute: it's raining and I see your battered bleeding body lying in the mud and I kick it slightly to see if you're dead
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saccharot · 10 months
ah! but happy cat day to zaizai and jiaozi too!! / still modern a'xing
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        one fur ball tucked under each arm, he's currently trying to keep the younger cat from slipping away as he gets comfortable on the edge of the bed. “ hear me out, ” he starts, eyes fixed on his partner's, “ wouldn't this be a great opportunity to get another one? ”
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saccharot · 10 months
happy cat day baby (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) ♡ / modern a'xing!
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        broad smiles follow the momentarily puzzled look in his eyes, & he plays along ── they've been together for far too long for xue yang not to guess the implications behind the other's harmless words. “ ...well. while you're at it, you might as well tell me what about me exactly reminds you of one. ”
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saccharot · 10 months
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Ghostly family of 2. Acrylic on 11”x14” cradled wood panel.
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saccharot · 11 months
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        “ hm?… how is that going to be any different from talking to him myself? ” if jin guangyao ever has to face some nerve-wracking obligation to request permission from his father, xue yang is much more intolerant of refusal, leaving no room for options other than what will be favorable to him. as blood drips idly from the tip of his middle finger onto the talisman held in place below with his other hand, his focus wavers when the bag comes within his line of sight & he lifts his eyes enough to look for a semblance of sincerity on jin guangyao’s features. he’s the furthest thing from a workaholic, so whatever earned him that bag of candy had better happen again. “ not that it really matters ─── i just thought i could do it to save you the trouble. are you off today? can i come with you? ”
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"...Even if you ARE busy, you ought to make time to eat something other than candy." Exasperatedly hands him a new bag of sweets regardless - but softened from the usual way he is exasperated with this particular troublemaker. Not that he ever takes his OWN advice either - but sometimes he's worried about how the other is constantly surrounded by death and demonic talismans and darkness. Once in a while, he reasons - a growing child should see some sun, have a little exercise not to do with stabbing, eat some vegetables, and go to bed BEFORE the witching hour. "...Seeing as you've been on your BEST BEHAVIOR, you can have a day off, too. I'LL talk to Father about that."
@saccharot liked for a starter !
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saccharot · 11 months
𝐗𝐔𝐄 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 / 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐒 𝐗𝐈𝐀𝐎 𝐗𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐍. ( please do not reblog / repost. )
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something i feel i haven’t talked about is xue yang’s disguise as xiao xingchen & how having to do that for several years for a credible act ( on the rare occasion he did come in contact with fellow cultivators ) has not only helped put things into perspective in regard to the whole yi city ordeal, but also took him on a rollercoaster of emotions toward… just about everything he’s ever experienced, tbh.
the first thing he feels is amusement, expectedly ── a whole lot of it. there’s something fun in playing the good guy after you’ve been the bad guy your entire life, it’s a major change of scenery & pace which actually helps keep his need for entertainment fed. for the first time he has to tread carefully beyond the occasional, carefully crafted lie(s) in order for his pretense to work. knowing it’s going to be exciting & challenging at the same time, he’s spurred by the fact he has no choice but to put his best act forward. xue yang willingly puts himself at risk of showing his true colors by taking on a persona so different to his own.
being treated well by other people under this disguise, however… while a New experience, it’s also nice despite his views on kindness & his claims that he doesn’t need any of it. even if he doesn’t lower his guard, he’s at least able to take a breath, eat inside the tavern of an inn if he feels like it, or take the main road to places without the nagging feeling that someone’s going to apprehend him on sight. xue yang could only dream of these things, but xue yang disguised as xiao xingchen gets to enjoy them & have a moment of respite even if he knows none of it is real. he doesn’t care.
sure he feels the occasional bout of anger & frustration with the world he lives in ; you know, the general, ever-burning hatred for cultivation circles & how he has to resort to this sort of thing for a drop of decency? understandable if you take into account all he’s done, ngl, but i feel like the whole matter has more to do with this being the closest to basic respect that he can actually get rather than debating on whether he deserves it. & while pretending to be xiao xingchen allows for a great deal of understanding of how good men are seen in society, it gives him a taste of what could have been all the same. if only someone had a kind word for a child instead of unspeakable cruelty, that is.
…& despite the lengths he goes to for this front to be as believable as possible, his real nature still comes out in the form of spite & hostility toward ( the now-dead ) xxc. he wonders if he’s disgusting now, now that he’s acting like the very man that called him disgusting, knowing it’s not xue yang that people believe him to be, not with an all-white attire & a blindfold, but xiao xingchen. & i think this is why he takes a few… liberties here & there, skjfksj, in a depraved attempt at smearing whatever good reputation xxc left behind. because no matter what heinous acts he later commits, he makes sure all of them trace back to xxc one way or another : * using shuanghua to kill, of all swords? check. * gouging chang ping’s eyes out, alluding to xxc’s own blindness? check. * song lan, quite literally the biggest connection to xxc, turned into a fierce corpse & dragged around for shock factor? check.
he goes through so many emotions while disguised but always returns to his vengeful & wicked self in the end. it’s really… a lot, lmfao.
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saccharot · 11 months
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my son turned 3 today 🥳
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saccharot · 11 months
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I can't get rid of the habit of drawing them two by two now
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saccharot · 11 months
you made a fool of death... pt. 2.
dialogue prompts from you made a fool of death with your beauty by akwaeke emezi.
i didn't mean to trade war stories. i'm sorry.
i'm sorry for the hurt that lives in your heart.
i wish i could tell you it gets easier.
did you ever love again?
there's no such thing as an inappropriate question.
you don't mind being watched?
you always seem so alone.
i've never hidden who i am from you.
i'd like to think that we're becoming friends.
there are so many different types of love. different types of ways to stay committed.
this is the most bisexual conversation i've had in a long time.
you're being secretive, even for you.
we're friends first, right?
i didn't realize you were sappy like that.
of course you're on time when food's involved.
you look like a troublemaker.
it would be ridiculous to be jealous of a ghost.
there are moments that break timelines.
i have to lock up. for real, this time.
you look like you're about to assassinate someone.
something inside me just never stopped screaming.
when did hell freeze over? did i miss the memo?
you think i'd let someone else cook a dinner in my house?
i want to be someone i can recognize.
grief can feel like a lifetime of venom, spikes piercing through us.
what i really want to do is curl up in bed and cry.
no, i'm not awake. i'm sleep-talking.
i don't think i've ever seen you actually drunk.
you're lucky to have me, voice of reason and perspective.
if i keep moving, i won't have time to think.
there are some things that need to stay and die in last night.
you can put me down now.
when you held me, i thought i was going to break.
can't we just skip the talking part?
was it just a kiss for you?
i only ask one thing: don't lie to me.
i will hold anything you tell me with care. just please let it be the truth.
i don't know how to say what i want. it's like i've got all these voices yelling at me about how mad and fucked up it all is.
i'm terrified i'll say something and you'll look at me like i'm out of my mind.
i like being alone next to you. like our alones might walk side by side.
you are so generous with your heart.
you were like light. i couldn't help but turn my face to you, if i wanted to keep living.
i've spent a significant amount of time trying to change my feelings into something else, but i can't.
i am so tired of denying myself.
it's ridiculous how much i love watching you smile.
i can feel you staring, you know.
you okay? where did you go?
tell me what you're feeling. i'll take whatever it is, over you pushing me away.
i don't want to go back there. it feels like a place that could eat me alive if i did, even just by talking about it.
you have me for as long as you want, however much or as little as you want. i'm not going anywhere.
i have a hard time processing platonic affection.
you're messing with me. you've gotta be messing with me.
you know you can always just come home, right?
i guess 'messy and alive' is a good way to put it.
would you like to go on a walk? i have something to show you.
i've never done anything to hurt you, have i?
don't even say my name. keep it out of your mouth.
i want you to be okay, more than anything. tell me what you need.
i'm here. why are you trying to make me go away?
what will you do when you get tired of me?
i can still feel the shape of the hole left in my heart.
you're always so angry when you're in pain.
i'm here to take whatever spikes you throw at me, always. forever.
i appreciate your concern, but let me take care of myself. okay?
do what you gotta do to be happy.
this shit you want to know, it doesn't belong to you. it's not your business.
i love how you lean into grief and somehow use it to become even more alive.
i'm happy just to be with you, however you'll have me.
thank you for coming into my home.
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saccharot · 1 year
        if you want to get to know a man, pay attention to those who associate with him [ ... ] it was a saying xue yang didn’t think would come to be useful one day & which he first heard while cheating his way through the ranks of guest disciples on the grounds on lanling, leaving behind lies & trails of blood as a glaring stain in the clan’s history for the years to come. jin guangyao was right ; he needn’t take more than a look at the ghost subordinates to figure out what kind of person wen kexing is. cold-blooded, wicked & unforgiving, none of which make the scorpion feel a speck of agitation even as needles leave their brutal mark into his skin.
        he smiled through it all. from the force or clank of shackles to the master’s deceiving expression & the occasional brush of bloodied fingers across the freshly tattooed area to wipe the ink off, xue yang made of it a source of strange delight he’d hint to by the way his lip periodically curled into a smirk.
        did wen kexing need to supervise the process? it’s likely he didn’t but good thing, xue yang thinks, that he did. not only would his servants ironically be spared from the newborn ghost’s killing intent for another day, it’s given him an opportunity to keep feeding the unpredictably playful exchange. “ your hands aren’t good at branding?… then i can’t help but believe you snuck in here just to watch me get manhandled. are you getting a kick out of it? ” he ventures in a cloyingly docile tone, sitting up on the mattress with sluggish movements & the layers of his upper robes around his waist, letting out a ragged exhale ─── as if he’s slept for hours.
        but only when he catches a glimpse of his disheveled look in the mirror does he begin to consider drawing even more attention to it. he tosses the stray strands of his ponytail over his shoulder, steps over to the mirror, then turns halfway around & inspects the tattoo before he makes sure to lift his eyes just a little higher & peer at the master without having to face him. “ ...i don’t hate it. ” nothing particularly noteworthy, but he’s got scars that look a lot less attractive. xue yang rubs his wrists & soon pulls his robes back up around himself.
        “ does this make me an official ghost, or do you have another surprise for me? ”
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saccharot · 1 year
Understand how dangerous / I am.
Alice Notley, from Certain Magical Acts; “Blinding, the White Horse in Front of Me”
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saccharot · 1 year
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saccharot · 1 year
@saccharot sent: [ full screenshot. ]
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        If there was one thing that Wen Kexing could recognise among a thousand others, it was the sweet taste of osmanthus wine. Even as their lips gradually parted following their lengthy, sugary kiss, the taste still lingered on his tongue like honey, tickling the edge of his lips as if craving for another mouthful of that refined mixture. It was a sensation he couldn't help but chase with a brush of his thumb over the corner of his mouth, his eyes naturally following the shadow of the man who'd left him to guess what his present could possibly be.
        At first, Wen Kexing was indeed suspicious. They did not have enough money to buy such an expensive jar in the first place, and they had both picked up the shameless habit of stealing or getting themselves invited to gatherings they weren't welcome to in order to escape starvation for the longest time; but they had been in each other's company this entire time, so there was no chance for Xue Yang to have gotten hold of such a thing without him noticing it.
        The idea of him resorting to stealing quickly disappeared just as Xue Yang seemed to have anticipated his train of thought without him even voicing it. As he watched him lying on the grass with his arms behind his nape, Wen Kexing quietly stared at the folds of his robes from his lapels down to the hems; there was nothing unusual, not even an uneven shape to be seen to give him a hint. So this time, he speculated that his lover's present was none other than a good lay in a semi-public spot with his favourite fragrance as an incentive.
        He was visibly delighted at the mere thought of it. Licking his lips and rubbing his jaw as he mentally surveyed which area of Xue Yang's body he could dig in first, he realised that his wife-to-be appeared to know him well indeed. There was no better gift than having sex when he least expected it. But then, his eyebrows creased all of a sudden. There was clearly something wrong with this present. If Xue Yang had wanted to offer him his body, why would he mention stealing?
        After a long minute of contemplation, Wen Kexing couldn't help but ask, just to make sure that he wasn't getting it wrong. “Are you... offering me your body as a birthday present?” ︳︳︳︳ birthday prompt / status: closed.
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saccharot · 1 year
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@𝐛𝐚𝐢𝐣𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧​ 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 :       “ come back here you little weasel. ” (from Ye Baiyi u.u)
* ˙ ˖ ✶ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭,  no longer accepting.
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        it would seem that xue yang’s idea of enjoying a meal with the immortal involved none of ye baiyi’s approval & an overly enthusiastic disposition for food that wasn’t on his own plate. thinking he could cheat a few pieces off ye baiyi’s share while he wasn’t looking was a foolish expectation, but it gave him a greater incentive to keep his curiosity piqued & somehow bear through the attempts at trivial chatter. if he hadn’t gotten up to even a drop of mischief, the mood would still be as bland as the immortal’s temperament. & it’s because of this that xue yang decided to put up with the unavoidable smacks over the back of his hand every time it came too close to what should’ve been ye baiyi’s rightful dishes.
        what he didn’t anticipate was actually being successful after several failed endeavors & an especially prickly sensation under that leather glove.
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        “ …it’s just a piece, you damned killjoy ! ” he retorts brazenly, darting away from his seat as soon as he sees the white figure lean forward to presumably catch him for once. it was only a matter of time before ye baiyi’s patience ran thin, but xue yang is as spirited as ever, helplessly wearing that confident, wicked simper once he’s stuffed the stolen dumpling whole into his mouth while certain the other was watching. “ haven’t you eaten enough of these your whole life? what’s wrong with sharing a few? ”
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